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Tournament Rounds

M15 Antalya 12 [Q], 2023, M15

Gulin, Svyatoslav[1] [RUS]  
    Gulin, Svyatoslav[1]
Sari, Fatih (WC) [TUR] 63 61 
Valle, Federico [ITA]  
    Valle, Federico
Cherepin, Artem [RUS] 75 62 
Mirgone, Federico [ARG]  
    Mirgone, Federico
Balj, Alexandar [SRB] 75 64 
Schlossmann, Frederic [GER]  
    Andrejic, Marko[12]
Andrejic, Marko[12] [AUT] 76(4) 62 
Klok, Denis[2] [RUS]  
    Klok, Denis[2]
Mruzek, Stepan [CZE] 62 61 
Kobierski, Jan [AUT]  
    Plunger, Manuel
Plunger, Manuel [ITA] 61 61 
Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso [ITA]  
    Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso
Fumagalli, Filiberto [ITA] 64 64 
Den Heijer, Guy [NED]  
    Visker, Niels[14]
Visker, Niels[14] [NED] 61 46 103 
Kumasaka, Takuya[3] [JPN]  
    Kumasaka, Takuya[3]
Johnson, Ryan [USA] 62 62 
Bienkiewicz, Juliusz [POL]  
    Bienkiewicz, Juliusz
Obeid, Lucas [BRA] 62 63 
Shirdel, Siavash [IRI]  
    Muller, Rik
Muller, Rik [NED] 61 61 
Ender, Paul (WC) [AUT]  
    Del Pino, Mateo[13]
Del Pino, Mateo[13] [ARG] 63 62 
Jecan, Alexandru[14] [ROU]  
    Jecan, Alexandru[14]
Cano, Francesco [ITA] 75 62 
Bakker, Sam [NED]  
    Bakker, Sam
Wien, Gabriel (WC) [AUT] 61 26 108 
Spencer, Paul [USA]  
    Panagoulopoulos, Gosse (WC)
Panagoulopoulos, Gosse (WC) [NED] 64 63 
Hopp, Michel [GER]  
    Hopp, Michel
Khoeblal, Elgin[11] [NED] 64 61 
Donders, Dax[5] [NED]  
    Donders, Dax[5]
Rudiukov, Ilya [RUS] 62 61 
Tedesco, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Wunder, Markus
Wunder, Markus [GER] 57 63 106 
Mischker, Felix [GBR]  
    Mischker, Felix
Konov, Samuil [BUL] 36 63 106 
Carnevalle, Lucio [ARG]  
    Hess, Sean[16]
Hess, Sean[16] [ARG] 75 62 
Vankan, Marlon[6] [GER]  
    Vankan, Marlon[6]
Ouzilou, Hugo [SUI] 64 60 
Li, Zekai (WC) [CHN]  
    Li, Zekai (WC)
Stolarik, Samuel (WC) [SVK] 63 62 
Bredschneijder, Ole [NED]  
    Larwig, Noel
Larwig, Noel [GER] 62 62 
Kahoun, Jacob [GER]  
    Kawahashi, Yuta[10]
Kawahashi, Yuta[10] [JPN] 63 61 
Gimenez, Igor[7] [BRA]  
    Gimenez, Igor[7]
Donmezer, Enes [TUR] 61 60 
Manukyan, Vardan [RUS]  
    Manukyan, Vardan
Johnson, Austin [USA] 62 62 
Huber, Dario [SUI]  
    Huber, Dario
Schinteie, Gheorghe Claudiu [ROU] 63 76(7) 
Najam, Shayan [USA]  
    Antonescu, Vasile[9]
Antonescu, Vasile[9] [ROU] 60 60 
Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose[8] [ITA]  
    Hartig, Ruben
Hartig, Ruben [GER] 26 64 103 
Jin, Yuquan (WC) [CHN]  
    Jin, Yuquan (WC)
Khanna, Shivam [IND] 61 62 
Schonenberg, Tom [GER]  
    Schonenberg, Tom
Sibille, Imran [MAR] 61 Ret'd 
Hesselmann, Luca [GER]  
    Sperle, John[15]
Sperle, John[15] [GER] 60 62 
Gulin, Svyatoslav[1] [RUS]  
    Gulin, Svyatoslav[1]
Valle, Federico [ITA] 60 60 
Mirgone, Federico [ARG]  
    Andrejic, Marko[12]
Andrejic, Marko[12] [AUT] 60 61 
Klok, Denis[2] [RUS]  
    Klok, Denis[2]
Plunger, Manuel [ITA] 63 64 
Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso [ITA]  
    Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso
Visker, Niels[14] [NED] 64 26 106 
Kumasaka, Takuya[3] [JPN]  
    Kumasaka, Takuya[3]
Bienkiewicz, Juliusz [POL] 61 61 
Muller, Rik [NED]  
    Del Pino, Mateo[13]
Del Pino, Mateo[13] [ARG] 36 75 108 
Jecan, Alexandru[14] [ROU]  
    Jecan, Alexandru[14]
Bakker, Sam [NED] 64 60 
Panagoulopoulos, Gosse (WC) [NED]  
    Hopp, Michel
Hopp, Michel [GER] 62 61 
Donders, Dax[5] [NED]  
    Donders, Dax[5]
Wunder, Markus [GER] 64 60 
Mischker, Felix [GBR]  
    Hess, Sean[16]
Hess, Sean[16] [ARG] 61 57 119 
Vankan, Marlon[6] [GER]  
    Li, Zekai (WC)
Li, Zekai (WC) [CHN] 61 62 
Larwig, Noel [GER]  
    Larwig, Noel
Kawahashi, Yuta[10] [JPN] 63 60 
Gimenez, Igor[7] [BRA]  
    Gimenez, Igor[7]
Manukyan, Vardan [RUS] 60 63 
Huber, Dario [SUI]  
    Huber, Dario
Antonescu, Vasile[9] [ROU] 64 57 103 
Hartig, Ruben [GER]  
    Jin, Yuquan (WC)
Jin, Yuquan (WC) [CHN] 63 62 
Schonenberg, Tom [GER]  
    Sperle, John[15]
Sperle, John[15] [GER] 63 46 103 
Gulin, Svyatoslav[1] [RUS]  
    Gulin, Svyatoslav[1]
Andrejic, Marko[12] [AUT] 62 75 
Klok, Denis[2] [RUS]  
    Klok, Denis[2]
Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso [ITA] 62 62 
Kumasaka, Takuya[3] [JPN]  
    Kumasaka, Takuya[3]
Del Pino, Mateo[13] [ARG] 76(1) 46 107 
Jecan, Alexandru[14] [ROU]  
    Hopp, Michel
Hopp, Michel [GER] 76(2) 76(5) 
Donders, Dax[5] [NED]  
    Donders, Dax[5]
Hess, Sean[16] [ARG] 75 61 
Li, Zekai (WC) [CHN]  
    Larwig, Noel
Larwig, Noel [GER] w/o 
Gimenez, Igor[7] [BRA]  
    Gimenez, Igor[7]
Huber, Dario [SUI] 62 63 
Jin, Yuquan (WC) [CHN]  
    Sperle, John[15]
Sperle, John[15] [GER] w/o 
Gulin, Svyatoslav[1] [RUS]  
Klok, Denis[2] [RUS]   
Kumasaka, Takuya[3] [JPN]  
Hopp, Michel [GER]   
Donders, Dax[5] [NED]  
Larwig, Noel [GER]   
Gimenez, Igor[7] [BRA]  
Sperle, John[15] [GER]   
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