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J300 Villena \ Trofeo Juan Carlos Ferrero [Q], 2023, J300 Boys

Jodar, Rafael[1] [ESP]  
    Jodar, Rafael[1]
Szymczak, Oskar [POL] 64 26 108 
Harron, Eaden-Zack [USA]  
    David Grigore Boldu, Alin
David Grigore Boldu, Alin [ESP] 61 61 
Fita Juan, Sergi [ESP]  
    Fita Juan, Sergi
Edmond Fullone, Hector [GBR] 60 61 
Rating, Nico [ESP]  
    Rating, Nico
Ricci, Mattia[11] [ITA] 46 63 102 
Garcia Paez, Luis[2] [ESP]  
    Garcia Paez, Luis[2]
Alfano, Tancredi [ITA] 63 62 
Cozar, Martin [ESP]  
    Espanca Ramos Maia, Miguel
Espanca Ramos Maia, Miguel [POR] 60 61 
Petroski Rocha, Pedro [BRA]  
    Machado, Miguel Angel
Machado, Miguel Angel [ESP] 63 26 101 
Munoz Botia, David [ESP]  
    Balshaw, Felix[9]
Balshaw, Felix[9] [FRA] 16 61 107 
Nawaf, Rashed[3] [QAT]  
    Nawaf, Rashed[3]
Tomas Garcia, Hugo [ESP] 62 63 
Felguera Mira, Ignacio (WC) [ESP]  
    Felguera Mira, Ignacio (WC)
Scagliarini, Pedro [BRA] 64 61 
Baumgartner, Oscar [SUI]  
    Baumgartner, Oscar
Ledesma, Santiago [MEX] 36 75 102 
He, Jun Ji [CHN]  
    Juan Mano, Alejandro[7]
Juan Mano, Alejandro[7] [ESP] 61 60 
Kokot, Bruno[4] [POL]  
    Kokot, Bruno[4]
Costa Lopez, Ivan (WC) [ESP] 61 61 
Prat Turro, Pere [ESP]  
    Prat Turro, Pere
Avila Blanco, Luis Antonio [MEX] 61 61 
Martin Melo, Ausias [ESP]  
    Martin Melo, Ausias
Ciocca, Giovanni [ITA] 63 60 
Albertini, Natan [BRA]  
    Bosch Munoz, Pau[8]
Bosch Munoz, Pau[8] [ESP] 60 60 
Hernandez Cortes, Bryan[5] [ESP]  
    Markovits, Milan
Markovits, Milan [HUN] 61 62 
Chen, Ye [CHN]  
    Chen, Ye
Lopez Cherubino, Noah [ESP] 76(4) 60 
Mico Fenollar, Vicent [ESP]  
    Mico Fenollar, Vicent
Guichard, Tommy [USA] 64 61 
Vidaller Ranciaro, Lucas [BRA]  
    Lemire, Clement[10]
Lemire, Clement[10] [FRA] 60 61 
Kim, Juan[6] [KOR]  
    Arce Fernandez, Mario
Arce Fernandez, Mario [ESP] 64 75 
Pamies Petit, Roger [ESP]  
    Pamies Petit, Roger
Otte, Jasper [GER] 61 36 1210 
Diaz Adrover, Pedro Antonio [ESP]  
    Diaz Adrover, Pedro Antonio
Cotter, Gonzalo [GBR] 63 61 
Sterniczuk, Oliwier [POL]  
    Hernandez Frias, Jose Alessandro[12]
Hernandez Frias, Jose Alessandro[12] [ESP] 62 75 
Jodar, Rafael[1] [ESP]  
    Jodar, Rafael[1]
David Grigore Boldu, Alin [ESP] 62 63 
Fita Juan, Sergi [ESP]  
    Fita Juan, Sergi
Rating, Nico [ESP] 60 62 
Garcia Paez, Luis[2] [ESP]  
    Garcia Paez, Luis[2]
Espanca Ramos Maia, Miguel [POR] 60 61 
Machado, Miguel Angel [ESP]  
    Balshaw, Felix[9]
Balshaw, Felix[9] [FRA] 61 75 
Nawaf, Rashed[3] [QAT]  
    Nawaf, Rashed[3]
Felguera Mira, Ignacio (WC) [ESP] 62 62 
Baumgartner, Oscar [SUI]  
    Juan Mano, Alejandro[7]
Juan Mano, Alejandro[7] [ESP] 60 62 
Kokot, Bruno[4] [POL]  
    Kokot, Bruno[4]
Prat Turro, Pere [ESP] 63 63 
Martin Melo, Ausias [ESP]  
    Martin Melo, Ausias
Bosch Munoz, Pau[8] [ESP] 63 46 119 
Markovits, Milan [HUN]  
    Markovits, Milan
Chen, Ye [CHN] 62 62 
Mico Fenollar, Vicent [ESP]  
    Lemire, Clement[10]
Lemire, Clement[10] [FRA] 62 61 
Arce Fernandez, Mario [ESP]  
    Arce Fernandez, Mario
Pamies Petit, Roger [ESP] 62 63 
Diaz Adrover, Pedro Antonio [ESP]  
    Hernandez Frias, Jose Alessandro[12]
Hernandez Frias, Jose Alessandro[12] [ESP] 61 61 
Jodar, Rafael[1] [ESP]  
    Jodar, Rafael[1]
Fita Juan, Sergi [ESP] 75 63 
Garcia Paez, Luis[2] [ESP]  
    Balshaw, Felix[9]
Balshaw, Felix[9] [FRA] 16 64 107 
Nawaf, Rashed[3] [QAT]  
    Juan Mano, Alejandro[7]
Juan Mano, Alejandro[7] [ESP] 63 64 
Kokot, Bruno[4] [POL]  
    Martin Melo, Ausias
Martin Melo, Ausias [ESP] 75 62 
Markovits, Milan [HUN]  
    Markovits, Milan
Lemire, Clement[10] [FRA] 75 63 
Arce Fernandez, Mario [ESP]  
    Hernandez Frias, Jose Alessandro[12]
Hernandez Frias, Jose Alessandro[12] [ESP] 62 62 
Jodar, Rafael[1] [ESP]  
Balshaw, Felix[9] [FRA]   
Juan Mano, Alejandro[7] [ESP]  
Martin Melo, Ausias [ESP]   
Markovits, Milan [HUN]  
Hernandez Frias, Jose Alessandro[12] [ESP]   
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