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Tournament Rounds

Prince Cup, 2006, Boys 14

Gaio, Federico[1] [ITA]  
    Gaio, Federico[1]
Yuldashev, Aziz [UZB] 61 62 
Cohen, Joseph (Q) [GBR]  
    Cohen, Joseph (Q)
Jha, Panav [CAN] 64 63 
Collarini, Andrea[13] [ARG]  
    Collarini, Andrea[13]
Meshorer, Omri [ISR] 61 60 
Ferraez, Diego (WC) [MEX]  
    Bogomolov, Boris
Bogomolov, Boris [USA] 61 64 
Duckworth, James[5] [AUS]  
    Duckworth, James[5]
Martinez, Diego (WC) [PAR] 61 61 
Rakitt, Nathan [USA]  
    Rakitt, Nathan
Chavez, Cristian [COL] 64 57 106 
Coria, Federico[12] [ARG]  
    Coria, Federico[12]
Burke, Brandon [JAM] 76(3) 63 
Polnet, Mitchell J. [USA]  
    Mitchell, Benjamin (Q)
Mitchell, Benjamin (Q) [AUS] 60 60 
Godry, Levente[4] [HUN]  
    Godry, Levente[4]
Gizatulin, Shukhrat [UZB] 60 61 
Salcedo, Luis [COL]  
    Salcedo, Luis
Darakdjian, Maximiliano (LL) [ARG] 57 63 106 
Katz, Zachary[9] [USA]  
    Prando, Kevin
Prando, Kevin [ARG] 60 63 
Meza, Roberto [CHI]  
    Barry, Sam (Q)
Barry, Sam (Q) [IRL] 61 61 
Souto, David[8] [VEN]  
    Souto, David[8]
Argentini, Gianluca [USA] 61 61 
Mugevicius, Lukas [LTU]  
    Bukatin, Vyacheslav (LL)
Bukatin, Vyacheslav (LL) [RUS] 61 61 
Petrone, Alexander[16] [USA]  
    Perez Pelaez, Daniel
Perez Pelaez, Daniel [CHI] 63 62 
Skripnik, Daniel [ISR]  
    Sablic, Ivan Luka (Q)
Sablic, Ivan Luka (Q) [CRO] 60 62 
Portis, Agustin [ARG]  
    Portis, Agustin
Civarolo, Matteo (Q) [ITA] 64 26 105 
Carter, Justin [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[10]
Novikov, Dennis[10] [USA] 67(1) 60 108 
Colella, Alessandro (Q) [ITA]  
    Colella, Alessandro (Q)
Taylor, Johnathan [BAH] 62 61 
Perez, Juan [USA]  
    Perez, Juan
Khursan, Yan[7] [BLR] 75 61 
Hecht, Eran (LL) [ISR]  
    Hecht, Eran (LL)
Karandikar, Neil [USA] 64 62 
Torres Acosta, Oliver Augusto [MEX]  
    Krainik, Pavel[14]
Krainik, Pavel[14] [CAN] 62 63 
Chaplin, Jarryd (Q) [AUS]  
    Chaplin, Jarryd (Q)
Mendonca Fontana, Lucas [BRA] 60 60 
Branzberg, Simeon [ISR]  
    Yatsyk, Yahor[3]
Yatsyk, Yahor[3] [BLR] 76(3) 63 
Ochotta, Andrew [CAN]  
    Hidalgo, Diego
Hidalgo, Diego [ECU] 64 62 
Kripak, Daniel [ISR]  
    Sabacinski, Kenneth[11]
Sabacinski, Kenneth[11] [USA] 46 60 102 
Uriguen, Ian [GUA]  
    Uriguen, Ian
Salapic, Ilija (Q) [CRO] 62 62 
Gredechens, Max [CHI]  
    Zhurbin, Alexander[6]
Zhurbin, Alexander[6] [RUS] 61 46 106 
Hoek, Josue (LL) [ARU]  
    Nikiforov, Alexey
Nikiforov, Alexey [RUS] 61 46 106 
Lvovsky, Lance[15] [USA]  
    Nazal, Alvaro[15]
Nazal, Alvaro[15] [CHI] 60 60 
Padilla, Santiago [USA]  
    Padilla, Santiago
Madeiros, Kim [BRA] 61 62 
Kauer Lopez, Gabriel [CHI]  
    Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2]
Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2] [POR] 60 61 
Gaio, Federico[1] [ITA]  
    Gaio, Federico[1]
Cohen, Joseph (Q) [GBR] 63 62 
Collarini, Andrea[13] [ARG]  
    Bogomolov, Boris
Bogomolov, Boris [USA] 31 Ret'd 
Duckworth, James[5] [AUS]  
    Duckworth, James[5]
Rakitt, Nathan [USA] 61 61 
Coria, Federico[12] [ARG]  
    Mitchell, Benjamin (Q)
Mitchell, Benjamin (Q) [AUS] 36 76(5) 103 
Godry, Levente[4] [HUN]  
    Godry, Levente[4]
Salcedo, Luis [COL] 60 61 
Prando, Kevin [ARG]  
    Barry, Sam (Q)
Barry, Sam (Q) [IRL] 63 36 105 
Souto, David[8] [VEN]  
    Souto, David[8]
Bukatin, Vyacheslav (LL) [RUS] 60 60 
Perez Pelaez, Daniel [CHI]  
    Sablic, Ivan Luka (Q)
Sablic, Ivan Luka (Q) [CRO] 62 64 
Portis, Agustin [ARG]  
    Portis, Agustin
Novikov, Dennis[10] [USA] 75 64 
Colella, Alessandro (Q) [ITA]  
    Colella, Alessandro (Q)
Perez, Juan [USA] 61 61 
Hecht, Eran (LL) [ISR]  
    Krainik, Pavel[14]
Krainik, Pavel[14] [CAN] 75 61 
Chaplin, Jarryd (Q) [AUS]  
    Chaplin, Jarryd (Q)
Yatsyk, Yahor[3] [BLR] 63 75 
Hidalgo, Diego [ECU]  
    Hidalgo, Diego
Sabacinski, Kenneth[11] [USA] 62 63 
Uriguen, Ian [GUA]  
    Zhurbin, Alexander[6]
Zhurbin, Alexander[6] [RUS] 64 46 105 
Nikiforov, Alexey [RUS]  
    Nazal, Alvaro[15]
Nazal, Alvaro[15] [CHI] 61 61 
Padilla, Santiago [USA]  
    Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2]
Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2] [POR] 61 60 
Gaio, Federico[1] [ITA]  
    Gaio, Federico[1]
Bogomolov, Boris [USA] 26 60 101 
Duckworth, James[5] [AUS]  
    Duckworth, James[5]
Mitchell, Benjamin (Q) [AUS] 61 63 
Godry, Levente[4] [HUN]  
    Godry, Levente[4]
Barry, Sam (Q) [IRL] 62 36 108 
Souto, David[8] [VEN]  
    Souto, David[8]
Sablic, Ivan Luka (Q) [CRO] 63 61 
Portis, Agustin [ARG]  
    Colella, Alessandro (Q)
Colella, Alessandro (Q) [ITA] 63 75 
Krainik, Pavel[14] [CAN]  
    Chaplin, Jarryd (Q)
Chaplin, Jarryd (Q) [AUS] 75 63 
Hidalgo, Diego [ECU]  
    Hidalgo, Diego
Zhurbin, Alexander[6] [RUS] 64 64 
Nazal, Alvaro[15] [CHI]  
    Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2]
Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2] [POR] 61 60 
Gaio, Federico[1] [ITA]  
    Duckworth, James[5]
Duckworth, James[5] [AUS] 62 76 
Godry, Levente[4] [HUN]  
    Souto, David[8]
Souto, David[8] [VEN] 63 61 
Colella, Alessandro (Q) [ITA]  
    Colella, Alessandro (Q)
Chaplin, Jarryd (Q) [AUS] 62 63 
Hidalgo, Diego [ECU]  
    Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2]
Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2] [POR] 62 63 
Duckworth, James[5] [AUS]  
    Souto, David[8]
Souto, David[8] [VEN] 75 63 
Colella, Alessandro (Q) [ITA]  
    Colella, Alessandro (Q)
Fernandes Martins, Joao Pedro[2] [POR] 46 75 105 
Souto, David[8] [VEN]  
    Colella, Alessandro (Q)
Colella, Alessandro (Q) [ITA] 75 61 
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