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Tournament Rounds

M25 Sintra 11 [Q], 2023, M25

Hilderbrand, Trey[1] [USA]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey[1]
Pugliese, Joao [POR]  
    Barroetavena, Manuel
Barroetavena, Manuel [ARG] 61 76(11) 
Foley, Patrick [GBR]  
    Foley, Patrick
Vicente, Pedro [POR] 60 60 
Simonsson, Fred [SWE]  
    Simonsson, Fred
Quayle, David[10] [GBR] 62 61 
Freire Da Silva, Adan[2] [FRA]  
    Freire Da Silva, Adan[2]
Hjorth, Philip [DEN]  
    Hjorth, Philip
Rojas, Carles [ESP] 61 61 
Hibon De Campos Dias De Carvalho, Rodrigo [POR]  
    Cruz, Guilherme
Cruz, Guilherme [POR] 67(1) 12 Ret'd 
Antonio, Joao [POR]  
    Antonio, Joao
Ferrarolli, Davide[15] [ITA] 63 61 
Cekirge, Kuzey[3] [TUR]  
    Cekirge, Kuzey[3]
Silva, Daniel [POR]  
    Silva, Daniel
Gabriel Caballero, Elian Mario [ARG] 57 63 103 
Marin, Nikolai [GBR]  
    Davila Godoy, Sergio
Davila Godoy, Sergio [ESP] 30 Ret'd 
Vilas, Sebastiao [POR]  
    Vilas, Sebastiao
Cooper, Stefan[14] [GBR] 36 61 119 
Lerby, Christian[4] [NED]  
    Lerby, Christian[4]
Terzopoulos, Konstantinos [GRE] 60 60 
Edgardo Sosa, Fermin [ARG]  
    Edgardo Sosa, Fermin
Barradas, Goncalo [POR] 60 62 
Mackinlay, James [GBR]  
    Mackinlay, James
Reid, Josh [AUS] 61 63 
Telles, Leonardo [BRA]  
    Telles, Leonardo
Cervantes Tomas, Ian Lucca[12] [MEX] 61 64 
Ribecai, Michele [ITA]  
    Ribecai, Michele
Katticaren, Aditya [IND] 61 60 
Sosedkin, Fedor [RUS]  
    Sosedkin, Fedor
Simao, Miguel [POR] 61 62 
Batista, Daniel [POR]  
    Batista, Daniel
Bork, Henrique [BRA] 60 60 
Viciana Marti, Emilio [ESP]  
    Villacorta-Alonso, Ricardo[11]
Villacorta-Alonso, Ricardo[11] [ESP] 62 61 
Moore, Ewan[6] [GBR]  
    Moore, Ewan[6]
Busoms Puig, Joan [ESP] 46 76(2) 105 
Joseph, Nicolas [FRA]  
    Joseph, Nicolas
Guimaraes, Francisco [POR] 62 63 
George, Rupert [GBR]  
    George, Rupert
Sepulveda Navarrete, Gustavo Armando [CHI] 61 60 
Reis Da Costa, Vicente Francisco [BRA]  
    Oliveira, Francisco[13]
Oliveira, Francisco[13] [POR] 60 60 
Falcao, Goncalo[7] [POR]  
    Falcao, Goncalo[7]
Tenil, Tomas [POR] 63 62 
Almeida, Tomas [POR]  
    Almeida, Tomas
Boschmans, Tiago [POR] 64 36 108 
Herman, Roberto [MEX]  
    Herman, Roberto
Kothari, Aditya [IND] 63 63 
Rodrigues Barbosa Lima, Tiago [BRA]  
    Tarrio Ponte, Ander[16]
Tarrio Ponte, Ander[16] [ESP] 61 62 
Walters, Marcus[8] [GBR]  
    Walters, Marcus[8]
Augunas, Julius [LTU] 61 63 
Deleu, Rodrigo [POR]  
    Talan Lopatic, Luka
Talan Lopatic, Luka [SLO] 62 63 
Simoes, Martim [POR]  
    Simoes, Martim
Valdoleiros, Guilherme [POR] 62 63 
Casso, Alfredo [USA]  
    Casso, Alfredo
Batista, Ricardo[9] [POR] 63 36 106 
Hilderbrand, Trey[1] [USA]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey[1]
Barroetavena, Manuel [ARG] 61 75 
Foley, Patrick [GBR]  
    Simonsson, Fred
Simonsson, Fred [SWE] 36 64 106 
Freire Da Silva, Adan[2] [FRA]  
    Hjorth, Philip
Hjorth, Philip [DEN] 26 76(6) 107 
Cruz, Guilherme [POR]  
    Antonio, Joao
Antonio, Joao [POR] 60 30 Ret'd 
Cekirge, Kuzey[3] [TUR]  
    Cekirge, Kuzey[3]
Silva, Daniel [POR] 60 60 
Davila Godoy, Sergio [ESP]  
    Davila Godoy, Sergio
Vilas, Sebastiao [POR] 61 61 
Lerby, Christian[4] [NED]  
    Lerby, Christian[4]
Edgardo Sosa, Fermin [ARG] w/o 
Mackinlay, James [GBR]  
    Telles, Leonardo
Telles, Leonardo [BRA] 61 60 
Ribecai, Michele [ITA]  
    Ribecai, Michele
Sosedkin, Fedor [RUS] 60 62 
Batista, Daniel [POR]  
    Batista, Daniel
Villacorta-Alonso, Ricardo[11] [ESP] 63 75 
Moore, Ewan[6] [GBR]  
    Moore, Ewan[6]
Joseph, Nicolas [FRA] 64 62 
George, Rupert [GBR]  
    Oliveira, Francisco[13]
Oliveira, Francisco[13] [POR] 67(6) 62 108 
Falcao, Goncalo[7] [POR]  
    Falcao, Goncalo[7]
Almeida, Tomas [POR] 64 61 
Herman, Roberto [MEX]  
    Tarrio Ponte, Ander[16]
Tarrio Ponte, Ander[16] [ESP] 60 62 
Walters, Marcus[8] [GBR]  
    Walters, Marcus[8]
Talan Lopatic, Luka [SLO] 62 61 
Simoes, Martim [POR]  
    Simoes, Martim
Casso, Alfredo [USA] 36 62 102 
Hilderbrand, Trey[1] [USA]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey[1]
Simonsson, Fred [SWE] 64 60 
Hjorth, Philip [DEN]  
    Antonio, Joao
Antonio, Joao [POR] 57 63 107 
Cekirge, Kuzey[3] [TUR]  
    Cekirge, Kuzey[3]
Davila Godoy, Sergio [ESP] 62 61 
Lerby, Christian[4] [NED]  
    Lerby, Christian[4]
Telles, Leonardo [BRA] 46 75 107 
Ribecai, Michele [ITA]  
    Ribecai, Michele
Batista, Daniel [POR] 46 75 102 
Moore, Ewan[6] [GBR]  
    Moore, Ewan[6]
Oliveira, Francisco[13] [POR] 26 64 106 
Falcao, Goncalo[7] [POR]  
    Falcao, Goncalo[7]
Tarrio Ponte, Ander[16] [ESP] 61 63 
Walters, Marcus[8] [GBR]  
    Walters, Marcus[8]
Simoes, Martim [POR] 36 62 108 
Hilderbrand, Trey[1] [USA]  
Antonio, Joao [POR]   
Cekirge, Kuzey[3] [TUR]  
Lerby, Christian[4] [NED]   
Ribecai, Michele [ITA]  
Moore, Ewan[6] [GBR]   
Falcao, Goncalo[7] [POR]  
Walters, Marcus[8] [GBR]   
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