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J60 Santo Domingo \ Copa Mangulina, 2023, J60 Boys

Ubri, Yubel[1] [USA]  
    Ubri, Yubel[1]
Ranciaro, Mateus [BRA]  
    Ranciaro, Mateus
Mella Cabrera, Elio Alexander (Q) [DOM] 63 60 
Cankaya, Bora [TUR]  
    Guijarro Martin, Rodrigo
Guijarro Martin, Rodrigo [ESP] 57 60 31 Ret'd 
Schleich, Erik (LL) [DOM]  
    Whittington, Zachary[15]
Whittington, Zachary[15] [USA] 60 60 
Bruno, Vieira Alves Malacarne[9] [BRA]  
    Bruno, Vieira Alves Malacarne[9]
Everk, Ethan [USA] 62 76(3) 
Zeifman, Matthew [USA]  
    Zeifman, Matthew
Henriquez, Luis [DOM] 62 60 
Huang, Zheng Nan [CHN]  
    Huang, Zheng Nan
Albarran, Santiago [MEX] 61 62 
Rainyn, Tommy [USA]  
    Cruz, Jossting[5]
Cruz, Jossting[5] [DOM] 62 76(3) 
Segovia Perez, Jose David[4] [VEN]  
    Segovia Perez, Jose David[4]
Troncoso, Julio Enrique [DOM] 63 61 
Ramires, Pedro [BRA]  
    Cozad, Ryan
Cozad, Ryan [USA] 61 64 
Chen, Xingyu [CHN]  
    Chen, Xingyu
Perez Veloz, George (Q) [DOM] 60 60 
Hernandez Bayona, Luca [MEX]  
    Gamble, Jon[13]
Gamble, Jon[13] [USA] 62 64 
Miller, Ian[11] [USA]  
    Miller, Ian[11]
Barreto, Arthur Machado [BRA] 63 63 
Bigonesse, Philippe-Elliott Spencer [CAN]  
    Bigonesse, Philippe-Elliott Spencer
Nadal, Carlos (WC) [DOM] 60 60 
Carneiro, Nicholas [BRA]  
    Carneiro, Nicholas
Rosario, Giancarlo [DOM] 64 63 
Garcia, Andres (Q) [USA]  
    Kimpel, Victor[8]
Kimpel, Victor[8] [GER] 60 60 
Puello, Alberto[6] [DOM]  
    Puello, Alberto[6]
Silvestre, Carlos [VEN] 64 62 
Filiz, Samim (Q) [TUR]  
    Filiz, Samim (Q)
Perez, Sebastien (WC) [USA] 60 60 
Barinas Espino, Ian (Q) [DOM]  
    Mamede, Felipe
Mamede, Felipe [BRA] 60 60 
Beltran, Juan [COL]  
    Galvez, Mateo[12]
Galvez, Mateo[12] [USA] 61 75 
De Castro Rocha, Victor Alvares[16] [BRA]  
    De Castro Rocha, Victor Alvares[16]
Roy, Alexi [CAN] 61 63 
Perez, Alvaro [DOM]  
    Goode, Gavin
Goode, Gavin [USA] 61 61 
Vinas Torres-Magana, Eduardo [MEX]  
    Vinas Torres-Magana, Eduardo
Hoshino, Noa (Q) [JPN] 76(5) 62 
Garcia, Jose Daniel (WC) [DOM]  
    Henceroth, Cole[3]
Henceroth, Cole[3] [USA] 60 60 
Albieri, Gustavo[7] [BRA]  
    Taube, Mason
Taube, Mason [USA] 75 75 
Bravo Gutierrez, Francisco Tomas [CHI]  
    Bravo Gutierrez, Francisco Tomas
Acra, Khalil (WC) [DOM] 60 60 
Zhang, Gaobo [CHN]  
    Zhang, Gaobo
De Leon Aquino, Jim Alexander [DOM] 61 60 
Willman, Finn [NZL]  
    Karki, Ronit[10]
Karki, Ronit[10] [USA] 62 61 
Correa, Stefan[14] [USA]  
    Correa, Stefan[14]
Saciragic, Andrei (Q) [CAN] 60 60 
Fernandez Vinas, Gabriel Alejandro (Q) [DOM]  
    Yu, Aaron
Yu, Aaron [HKG] 61 60 
Crismar, Albert [USA]  
    Queiroz, Henrique
Queiroz, Henrique [BRA] 61 75 
Gomez, Eduardo (LL) [DOM]  
    Listo, Juan Andres[2]
Listo, Juan Andres[2] [VEN] 60 60 
Ubri, Yubel[1] [USA]  
    Ubri, Yubel[1]
Ranciaro, Mateus [BRA] 61 61 
Guijarro Martin, Rodrigo [ESP]  
    Guijarro Martin, Rodrigo
Whittington, Zachary[15] [USA] 64 61 
Bruno, Vieira Alves Malacarne[9] [BRA]  
    Zeifman, Matthew
Zeifman, Matthew [USA] 61 64 
Huang, Zheng Nan [CHN]  
    Cruz, Jossting[5]
Cruz, Jossting[5] [DOM] 36 63 64 
Segovia Perez, Jose David[4] [VEN]  
    Segovia Perez, Jose David[4]
Cozad, Ryan [USA] 46 64 30 Ret'd 
Chen, Xingyu [CHN]  
    Chen, Xingyu
Gamble, Jon[13] [USA] 64 36 64 
Miller, Ian[11] [USA]  
    Miller, Ian[11]
Bigonesse, Philippe-Elliott Spencer [CAN] 62 76(3) 
Carneiro, Nicholas [BRA]  
    Kimpel, Victor[8]
Kimpel, Victor[8] [GER] 61 63 
Puello, Alberto[6] [DOM]  
    Puello, Alberto[6]
Filiz, Samim (Q) [TUR] 62 36 75 
Mamede, Felipe [BRA]  
    Mamede, Felipe
Galvez, Mateo[12] [USA] 64 64 
De Castro Rocha, Victor Alvares[16] [BRA]  
    Goode, Gavin
Goode, Gavin [USA] 60 75 
Vinas Torres-Magana, Eduardo [MEX]  
    Henceroth, Cole[3]
Henceroth, Cole[3] [USA] 62 60 
Taube, Mason [USA]  
    Taube, Mason
Bravo Gutierrez, Francisco Tomas [CHI] 63 63 
Zhang, Gaobo [CHN]  
    Karki, Ronit[10]
Karki, Ronit[10] [USA] 61 60 
Correa, Stefan[14] [USA]  
    Yu, Aaron
Yu, Aaron [HKG] 75 40 Ret'd 
Queiroz, Henrique [BRA]  
    Listo, Juan Andres[2]
Listo, Juan Andres[2] [VEN] 64 36 64 
Ubri, Yubel[1] [USA]  
    Ubri, Yubel[1]
Guijarro Martin, Rodrigo [ESP] 60 62 
Zeifman, Matthew [USA]  
    Zeifman, Matthew
Cruz, Jossting[5] [DOM] 63 63 
Segovia Perez, Jose David[4] [VEN]  
    Segovia Perez, Jose David[4]
Chen, Xingyu [CHN] 64 62 
Miller, Ian[11] [USA]  
    Miller, Ian[11]
Kimpel, Victor[8] [GER] 67(4) 61 62 
Puello, Alberto[6] [DOM]  
    Puello, Alberto[6]
Mamede, Felipe [BRA] 63 61 
Goode, Gavin [USA]  
    Goode, Gavin
Henceroth, Cole[3] [USA] 57 76(5) Ret'd 
Taube, Mason [USA]  
    Karki, Ronit[10]
Karki, Ronit[10] [USA] 61 64 
Yu, Aaron [HKG]  
    Listo, Juan Andres[2]
Listo, Juan Andres[2] [VEN] 64 63 
Ubri, Yubel[1] [USA]  
    Zeifman, Matthew
Zeifman, Matthew [USA] 64 75 
Segovia Perez, Jose David[4] [VEN]  
    Segovia Perez, Jose David[4]
Miller, Ian[11] [USA] 61 62 
Puello, Alberto[6] [DOM]  
    Puello, Alberto[6]
Goode, Gavin [USA] 63 53 Ret'd 
Karki, Ronit[10] [USA]  
    Karki, Ronit[10]
Listo, Juan Andres[2] [VEN] 62 61 
Zeifman, Matthew [USA]  
    Zeifman, Matthew
Segovia Perez, Jose David[4] [VEN] 64 62 
Puello, Alberto[6] [DOM]  
    Karki, Ronit[10]
Karki, Ronit[10] [USA] 61 61 
Zeifman, Matthew [USA]  
    Karki, Ronit[10]
Karki, Ronit[10] [USA] 62 61 
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