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Tournament Rounds

J300 Bradenton \ Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Championships [Q], 2023, J300 Boys

IMG/Bollettieri Sports Academy

Segado Esteve, Rafael[1] [ESP]  
    Menon, Hayden Khoo
Menon, Hayden Khoo [MAS] 64 63 
Kokot, Bruno [POL]  
    Kokot, Bruno
Olar, Jacob [USA] 76(4) 67(2) 1715 
Puello, Alberto [DOM]  
    Cordova, Francesco
Cordova, Francesco [USA] 63 62 
Ramirez, Tadeo David [ARG]  
    Ramirez, Tadeo David
Kamendje, Stephane Pierre-Jo[9] [CAN] 64 64 
Nwokedi, Kaosie (ALT) [USA]  
    Nwokedi, Kaosie (ALT)
Portilla Morales, Juan Carlos [USA] 61 63 
Arseneault, Nicolas [CAN]  
    Arseneault, Nicolas
Willwerth, Benjamin [USA] 61 76(3) 
Trouve, Nathan [FRA]  
    Trouve, Nathan
Valentin, Eduardo [BRA] 63 63 
Behrmann, Thilo [AUT]  
    Dussault, Maximus[11]
Dussault, Maximus[11] [USA] 64 62 
Govila, Aditya[3] [IND]  
    Govila, Aditya[3]
Chow, Brennon [USA] 76(5) 63 
Noor, Humza [USA]  
    Ferreira, Rafael
Ferreira, Rafael [BRA] 67(2) 61 104 
Yilmaz, Kerem [TUR]  
    Yilmaz, Kerem
Gaskell, Lachlan [USA] 64 62 
Sumann, Elias [AUT]  
    Vasami, Jacopo[12]
Vasami, Jacopo[12] [ITA] 64 76(3) 
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[4] [THA]  
    Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[4]
Crivei, Eric [CAN] 63 60 
Mayew, Ian [USA]  
    Mayew, Ian
Froemel, Karel [CZE] 64 62 
Boeckli, Robin [SUI]  
    Baggio Danesi, Ettore Romeo
Baggio Danesi, Ettore Romeo [BRA] 36 61 106 
Povey, Tanner [USA]  
    Arcila, Alejandro[13]
Arcila, Alejandro[13] [COL] 46 75 32 Ret'd 
Heredia, Samuel[5] [COL]  
    Heredia, Samuel[5]
Arredondo, Nicolas (WC) [MEX] 61 63 
Pinter, Piet Luis [AUT]  
    Pinter, Piet Luis
Johnson, Sebastian (WC) [USA] 60 61 
Farag Cao, Adam [CAN]  
    Farag Cao, Adam
Murugesan, Shrikeshav [USA] 26 64 106 
Deniz, Ibrahim Furkan (WC) [TUR]  
    Remondy Pagotto, Victor Hugo[10]
Remondy Pagotto, Victor Hugo[10] [BRA] 60 60 
Trifi, Alaa[6] [TUN]  
    Segovia Perez, Jose David
Segovia Perez, Jose David [VEN] 46 64 106 
Sparks, Benjamin (WC) [USA]  
    Sparks, Benjamin (WC)
Asenov, David [CAN] 63 62 
Ducruet, Adrien [FRA]  
    Ducruet, Adrien
Sretavan, Andrew (WC) [USA] 63 63 
Phillips, Daniel [BER]  
    Botran Neutze, Rafael[14]
Botran Neutze, Rafael[14] [GUA] 62 30 Ret'd 
You, Junghee[7] [CAN]  
    You, Junghee[7]
Pinto, Pedro [BRA] 63 63 
Thorat, Abhishek [USA]  
    Thorat, Abhishek
Vorwerk, Guy [RSA] 64 64 
Zhang, Ziyan (WC) [CHN]  
    Karki, Ronit
Karki, Ronit [USA] 63 64 
Cibrian, David (WC) [USA]  
    Petkovic, Mika[16]
Petkovic, Mika[16] [GER] 61 60 
Honda, Naoya[8] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[8]
Murariu, Jose [USA] 62 61 
Blokhin, Nathan [USA]  
    Blokhin, Nathan
Miguel, Luis Guto [BRA] 76(3) 63 
Anderson, Mikel (WC) [USA]  
    Anderson, Mikel (WC)
Shalmi, Cornelius Alexander [DEN] 62 61 
Yassine, Danny [CAN]  
    Stirbu, Calin Teodor[15]
Stirbu, Calin Teodor[15] [ROU] 76(2) 63 
Menon, Hayden Khoo [MAS]  
    Kokot, Bruno
Kokot, Bruno [POL] 61 61 
Cordova, Francesco [USA]  
    Cordova, Francesco
Ramirez, Tadeo David [ARG] 57 63 108 
Nwokedi, Kaosie (ALT) [USA]  
    Arseneault, Nicolas
Arseneault, Nicolas [CAN] 62 63 
Trouve, Nathan [FRA]  
    Trouve, Nathan
Dussault, Maximus[11] [USA] 46 62 104 
Govila, Aditya[3] [IND]  
    Govila, Aditya[3]
Ferreira, Rafael [BRA] 63 61 
Yilmaz, Kerem [TUR]  
    Vasami, Jacopo[12]
Vasami, Jacopo[12] [ITA] 36 75 1210 
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[4] [THA]  
    Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[4]
Mayew, Ian [USA] 16 75 119 
Baggio Danesi, Ettore Romeo [BRA]  
    Arcila, Alejandro[13]
Arcila, Alejandro[13] [COL] 46 61 108 
Heredia, Samuel[5] [COL]  
    Heredia, Samuel[5]
Pinter, Piet Luis [AUT] 61 67(5) 104 
Farag Cao, Adam [CAN]  
    Farag Cao, Adam
Remondy Pagotto, Victor Hugo[10] [BRA] 64 76(4) 
Segovia Perez, Jose David [VEN]  
    Sparks, Benjamin (WC)
Sparks, Benjamin (WC) [USA] 64 61 
Ducruet, Adrien [FRA]  
    Botran Neutze, Rafael[14]
Botran Neutze, Rafael[14] [GUA] 60 62 
You, Junghee[7] [CAN]  
    Thorat, Abhishek
Thorat, Abhishek [USA] 62 62 
Karki, Ronit [USA]  
    Petkovic, Mika[16]
Petkovic, Mika[16] [GER] 76(5) 64 
Honda, Naoya[8] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[8]
Blokhin, Nathan [USA] 63 60 
Anderson, Mikel (WC) [USA]  
    Stirbu, Calin Teodor[15]
Stirbu, Calin Teodor[15] [ROU] 62 64 
Kokot, Bruno [POL]  
    Kokot, Bruno
Cordova, Francesco [USA] 64 62 
Arseneault, Nicolas [CAN]  
    Arseneault, Nicolas
Trouve, Nathan [FRA] 67(2) 61 119 
Govila, Aditya[3] [IND]  
    Vasami, Jacopo[12]
Vasami, Jacopo[12] [ITA] 62 57 106 
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[4] [THA]  
    Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[4]
Arcila, Alejandro[13] [COL] 26 61 106 
Heredia, Samuel[5] [COL]  
    Farag Cao, Adam
Farag Cao, Adam [CAN] 75 64 
Sparks, Benjamin (WC) [USA]  
    Botran Neutze, Rafael[14]
Botran Neutze, Rafael[14] [GUA] 53 Ret'd 
Thorat, Abhishek [USA]  
    Petkovic, Mika[16]
Petkovic, Mika[16] [GER] 06 64 104 
Honda, Naoya[8] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[8]
Stirbu, Calin Teodor[15] [ROU] 64 61 
Kokot, Bruno [POL]  
Arseneault, Nicolas [CAN]   
Vasami, Jacopo[12] [ITA]  
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[4] [THA]   
Farag Cao, Adam [CAN]  
Botran Neutze, Rafael[14] [GUA]   
Petkovic, Mika[16] [GER]  
Honda, Naoya[8] [JPN]   
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