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Tournament Rounds

J500 Plantation \ Orange Bowl Int'l Tennis Championships [Q], 2023, J500 Boys

Orange Bowl International Tennis Championship

Schoenhaus, Max[1] [GER]  
    Padilla Cote, Santiago
Padilla Cote, Santiago [MEX] 26 76(1) 106 
Mayew, Ian [USA]  
    Mayew, Ian
Pinter, Piet Luis [AUT] 64 63 
Henceroth, Cole [USA]  
    Henceroth, Cole
Kokot, Bruno [POL] 75 64 
Segovia Perez, Jose David [VEN]  
    Dussault, Maximus[15]
Dussault, Maximus[15] [USA] 64 62 
Planella Hernandez, Sergio[2] [ESP]  
    Planella Hernandez, Sergio[2]
Acioly, Lucca [BRA] 64 62 
Belday, Rohan [USA]  
    Botran Neutze, Rafael
Botran Neutze, Rafael [GUA] 62 63 
Povey, Tanner [USA]  
    Ymer, Rafael
Ymer, Rafael [SWE] 67(8) 22 Ret'd 
Stoller, Henry (WC) [USA]  
    Heredia, Samuel[11]
Heredia, Samuel[11] [COL] 62 62 
Guercio, Lucca[3] [ARG]  
    Guercio, Lucca[3]
Arcila, Alejandro [COL] 63 64 
Sparks, Benjamin (WC) [USA]  
    Sparks, Benjamin (WC)
Kong, Weiyi [CHN] 64 64 
Cressoni, Kaua Lopes [BRA]  
    Jaen, Dylan
Jaen, Dylan [USA] 62 76(2) 
Anderson, Mikel (WC) [USA]  
    Anderson, Mikel (WC)
Munk Mesa, Bernardo[9] [ESP] 46 64 106 
Segado Esteve, Rafael[4] [ESP]  
    Segado Esteve, Rafael[4]
Price, Salvador [COL] 64 63 
Cordova, Francesco [USA]  
    Cordova, Francesco
Ismoilov, Asror [UZB] 62 41 Ret'd 
Willwerth, Benjamin [USA]  
    Trouve, Nathan
Trouve, Nathan [FRA] 63 36 103 
C Pignaton, Lucca [BRA]  
    Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel[16]
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel[16] [USA] 60 67(5) 106 
Govila, Aditya[5] [IND]  
    Govila, Aditya[5]
Froemel, Karel [CZE] 64 75 
Noor, Humza [USA]  
    Sumann, Elias
Sumann, Elias [AUT] 64 20 Ret'd 
Johnson, Sebastian (WC) [USA]  
    Valentin, Eduardo
Valentin, Eduardo [BRA] 75 62 
Patel, Malhar (WC) [USA]  
    You, Junghee[14]
You, Junghee[14] [CAN] 61 61 
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[6] [THA]  
    Baggio Danesi, Ettore Romeo
Baggio Danesi, Ettore Romeo [BRA] 46 61 107 
Chow, Brennon [USA]  
    Zhang, Boxiong
Zhang, Boxiong [CHN] 61 62 
Marin, Tomas [COL]  
    Marin, Tomas
Sharp, Bullion [USA] 75 62 
Kirmayr, Max (ALT) [BRA]  
    Ekpenyong, David[12]
Ekpenyong, David[12] [NGR] 63 62 
Honda, Naoya[7] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[7]
Oyebog Jr, Joseph [USA] 62 63 
Blokhin, Nathan [USA]  
    Vasami, Jacopo
Vasami, Jacopo [ITA] 64 64 
Asenov, David [CAN]  
    Asenov, David
Abzhan, Aldiyar (WC) [USA] 26 63 119 
Gaskell, Lachlan [USA]  
    Gaskell, Lachlan
Remondy Pagotto, Victor Hugo[10] [BRA] 62 63 
Schinnerer, Kase[8] [USA]  
    Petkovic, Mika
Petkovic, Mika [GER] 75 61 
Matikainen, Emil [FIN]  
    Shalmi, Cornelius Alexander
Shalmi, Cornelius Alexander [DEN] 63 61 
Ubri, Yubel [USA]  
    Ubri, Yubel
Ramirez, Tadeo David [ARG] 62 62 
Uppu, Pavan (WC) [USA]  
    Kamendje, Stephane Pierre-Jo[13]
Kamendje, Stephane Pierre-Jo[13] [CAN] 63 62 
Padilla Cote, Santiago [MEX]  
    Padilla Cote, Santiago
Mayew, Ian [USA] 64 64 
Henceroth, Cole [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus[15]
Dussault, Maximus[15] [USA] 61 64 
Planella Hernandez, Sergio[2] [ESP]  
    Botran Neutze, Rafael
Botran Neutze, Rafael [GUA] 62 62 
Ymer, Rafael [SWE]  
    Ymer, Rafael
Heredia, Samuel[11] [COL] 26 62 104 
Guercio, Lucca[3] [ARG]  
    Sparks, Benjamin (WC)
Sparks, Benjamin (WC) [USA] 62 46 1412 
Jaen, Dylan [USA]  
    Anderson, Mikel (WC)
Anderson, Mikel (WC) [USA] 46 63 1513 
Segado Esteve, Rafael[4] [ESP]  
    Segado Esteve, Rafael[4]
Cordova, Francesco [USA] 76(3) 76(4) 
Trouve, Nathan [FRA]  
    Trouve, Nathan
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel[16] [USA] 64 63 
Govila, Aditya[5] [IND]  
    Govila, Aditya[5]
Sumann, Elias [AUT] 62 61 
Valentin, Eduardo [BRA]  
    You, Junghee[14]
You, Junghee[14] [CAN] 26 63 108 
Baggio Danesi, Ettore Romeo [BRA]  
    Zhang, Boxiong
Zhang, Boxiong [CHN] 63 76(6) 
Marin, Tomas [COL]  
    Ekpenyong, David[12]
Ekpenyong, David[12] [NGR] 64 76(3) 
Honda, Naoya[7] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[7]
Vasami, Jacopo [ITA] 63 76(4) 
Asenov, David [CAN]  
    Gaskell, Lachlan
Gaskell, Lachlan [USA] 63 63 
Petkovic, Mika [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika
Shalmi, Cornelius Alexander [DEN] 76(0) 67(4) 106 
Ubri, Yubel [USA]  
    Ubri, Yubel
Kamendje, Stephane Pierre-Jo[13] [CAN] 62 64 
Padilla Cote, Santiago [MEX]  
    Dussault, Maximus[15]
Dussault, Maximus[15] [USA] 62 46 105 
Botran Neutze, Rafael [GUA]  
    Botran Neutze, Rafael
Ymer, Rafael [SWE] 63 63 
Sparks, Benjamin (WC) [USA]  
    Anderson, Mikel (WC)
Anderson, Mikel (WC) [USA] 63 64 
Segado Esteve, Rafael[4] [ESP]  
    Segado Esteve, Rafael[4]
Trouve, Nathan [FRA] 61 16 104 
Govila, Aditya[5] [IND]  
    Govila, Aditya[5]
You, Junghee[14] [CAN] 60 57 102 
Zhang, Boxiong [CHN]  
    Zhang, Boxiong
Ekpenyong, David[12] [NGR] 62 61 
Honda, Naoya[7] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[7]
Gaskell, Lachlan [USA] 63 61 
Petkovic, Mika [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika
Ubri, Yubel [USA] 63 63 
Dussault, Maximus[15] [USA]  
Botran Neutze, Rafael [GUA]   
Anderson, Mikel (WC) [USA]  
Segado Esteve, Rafael[4] [ESP]   
Govila, Aditya[5] [IND]  
Zhang, Boxiong [CHN]   
Honda, Naoya[7] [JPN]  
Petkovic, Mika [GER]   
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