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Tournament Rounds

Totai Junior Open, 2024, Boys 14

Club de Tenis Santa Cruz

Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1] [BOL]  
    Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1]
Zottos, Leonidas (LL) [ARG] 61 61 
Velasco Gil, Franco [BOL]  
    Velasco Gil, Franco
Arauz Beerel, Gustavo Agustin (LL) [BOL] 62 64 
Donoso Velarde, Nicolas (Q) [BOL]  
    Foianini, Bruno
Foianini, Bruno [BOL] 64 62 
Benitez, Rafael [BOL]  
    Benitez, Rafael
Barrenechea, Rodrigo[7] [BOL] 60 60 
Aranha Ashcar, Luca[4] [BRA]  
    Aranha Ashcar, Luca[4]
Aguilera Caceres, Gabriel [BOL] 62 61 
Lichtenstein, Juan Pablo [BOL]  
    Torrez San Miguel, Mathias Luis
Torrez San Miguel, Mathias Luis [BOL] 60 60 
Glogau, Samuel [BOL]  
    Glogau, Samuel
Prado Angelo, Luciano (LL) [BOL] 61 62 
Escobar Villarreal, Sebastian [BOL]  
    Escobar Villarreal, Sebastian
Valdez, Santiago[5] [BOL] 62 62 
Zardan Canido, Jhannio Nicolas[6] [BOL]  
    Zardan Canido, Jhannio Nicolas[6]
Buhezo, Matias [BOL] 60 60 
Company Venturini, Bruno [BOL]  
    Sciencia, Lucas
Sciencia, Lucas [BRA] 60 60 
Salinas Pozzo, Daiki Julian [BOL]  
    Salinas Pozzo, Daiki Julian
Suela Sanchez, Adrian (Q) [ESP] 62 64 
Nogueira, Marcos (Q) [BRA]  
    Rivero, Agustin[3]
Rivero, Agustin[3] [BOL] 61 60 
Daroca, Gabriel[8] [BOL]  
    Daroca, Gabriel[8]
Marquez, Andre [BOL] 61 63 
Dias Sanches Nastrini, Pedro [BRA]  
    Marcos, Farid
Marcos, Farid [BOL] 60 63 
Sanchez Cardona, Ignacio Matias (Q) [CHI]  
    Quispe Heredia, Jose David
Quispe Heredia, Jose David [BOL] 61 62 
Sandagorda, Mateo Sagredo [BOL]  
    Paz, Emmanuel[2]
Paz, Emmanuel[2] [BOL] 62 62 
Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1] [BOL]  
    Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1]
Velasco Gil, Franco [BOL] 62 62 
Foianini, Bruno [BOL]  
    Foianini, Bruno
Benitez, Rafael [BOL] 63 64 
Aranha Ashcar, Luca[4] [BRA]  
    Aranha Ashcar, Luca[4]
Torrez San Miguel, Mathias Luis [BOL] 63 62 
Glogau, Samuel [BOL]  
    Glogau, Samuel
Escobar Villarreal, Sebastian [BOL] 63 16 63 
Zardan Canido, Jhannio Nicolas[6] [BOL]  
    Zardan Canido, Jhannio Nicolas[6]
Sciencia, Lucas [BRA] 75 61 
Salinas Pozzo, Daiki Julian [BOL]  
    Rivero, Agustin[3]
Rivero, Agustin[3] [BOL] 62 61 
Daroca, Gabriel[8] [BOL]  
    Marcos, Farid
Marcos, Farid [BOL] 62 62 
Quispe Heredia, Jose David [BOL]  
    Paz, Emmanuel[2]
Paz, Emmanuel[2] [BOL] 63 62 
Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1] [BOL]  
    Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1]
Foianini, Bruno [BOL] 61 63 
Aranha Ashcar, Luca[4] [BRA]  
    Aranha Ashcar, Luca[4]
Glogau, Samuel [BOL] 60 61 
Zardan Canido, Jhannio Nicolas[6] [BOL]  
    Zardan Canido, Jhannio Nicolas[6]
Rivero, Agustin[3] [BOL] 75 16 75 
Marcos, Farid [BOL]  
    Paz, Emmanuel[2]
Paz, Emmanuel[2] [BOL] 46 62 64 
Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1] [BOL]  
    Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1]
Aranha Ashcar, Luca[4] [BRA] 61 62 
Zardan Canido, Jhannio Nicolas[6] [BOL]  
    Paz, Emmanuel[2]
Paz, Emmanuel[2] [BOL] 64 64 
Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1] [BOL]  
    Chang, Sebastian Enrique[1]
Paz, Emmanuel[2] [BOL] 63 46 64 
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