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Tournament Rounds

BNP Paribas Cup Stade Francais Paris, 2009, Boys 14

Py, Enzo[1] [FRA]  
    Py, Enzo[1]
Benabdellah, Abdelkader [MAR] 62 61 
Biro, Andre [HUN]  
    Veys, Xander
Veys, Xander [BEL] 76 62 
Andrienko, Fedor [RUS]  
    Fomba, Eric (Q)
Fomba, Eric (Q) [FRA] 62 63 
Obucina, Filip (Q) [CAN]  
    Obucina, Filip (Q)
Galleguillos, Jaime Ignacio[13] [CHI] 61 63 
Filho, Clement (LL) [FRA]  
    Halys, Quentin (Q)
Halys, Quentin (Q) [FRA] 60 60 
Kyratzis, Sergis [CYP]  
    Edmund, Kyle
Edmund, Kyle [GBR] 63 06 61 
Andrijic, Jay (Q) [AUS]  
    Andrijic, Jay (Q)
Jeong, In Kyo [KOR] 62 46 61 
Koaykul, Krittin [THA]  
    Donati, Matteo[5]
Donati, Matteo[5] [ITA] 62 62 
Bambridge, Luke[3] [GBR]  
    Bambridge, Luke[3]
Divkovic, Ivan [CRO] 62 64 
Saito, Takashi [JPN]  
    Saito, Takashi
Desyatnik, Anton [RUS] 62 61 
Favrot, Alexandre (WC) [FRA]  
    Favrot, Alexandre (WC)
Sydow, Franz [NED] 61 61 
Talens, Daniel [AUS]  
    Ismailov, Temur[16]
Ismailov, Temur[16] [UZB] 60 61 
Quinzi, Gianluigi[10] [ITA]  
    Osterling, Nicholas
Osterling, Nicholas [PER] 63 64 
Vasilenko, Alexander [RUS]  
    Vasilenko, Alexander
Hoang, Antoine [FRA] 64 62 
Kokkinakis, Thanasi [AUS]  
    Couacaud, Enzo
Couacaud, Enzo [FRA] 75 61 
Petrov, Vilian (WC) [BUL]  
    Stanek, Robin[6]
Stanek, Robin[6] [CZE] 63 62 
Smilansky, Igor[8] [ISR]  
    Smilansky, Igor[8]
Hamou, Maxime (WC) [FRA] 62 46 62 
Nunez, Guillermo [CHI]  
    Reboul, Fabien (WC)
Reboul, Fabien (WC) [FRA] 75 61 
Hansson, Gustav [SWE]  
    Hansson, Gustav
Geerts, Michael [BEL] 61 61 
Nishioka, Yoshihito [JPN]  
    Nishioka, Yoshihito
Montgomery, Wayne[12] [RSA] 26 61 64 
Mouline, Soufiane[15] [MAR]  
    Mouline, Soufiane[15]
Horoz, Alp (WC) [TUR] 61 63 
Harris, Billy [GBR]  
    Harris, Billy
Delaplane, Julien [FRA] 64 Ret'd 
Smalyanyy, Filipp [RUS]  
    Hemery, Calvin (Q)
Hemery, Calvin (Q) [FRA] 46 63 63 
Miocic, Franko [CRO]  
    Panta, Jorge[4]
Panta, Jorge[4] [PER] 62 Ret'd 
Pearce, Christopher[7] [GBR]  
    Catiau, Paul (Q)
Catiau, Paul (Q) [FRA] 63 62 
Radziukynas, Augustas [LTU]  
    Cohen, Eyal
Cohen, Eyal [ISR] 63 46 62 
Numajiri, Keisuke [JPN]  
    Numajiri, Keisuke
Kyrgios, Nick (Q) [AUS] 64 64 
Chamba Gomez, Jose [ECU]  
    Chamba Gomez, Jose
Yorsh, Maksim[9] [BLR] 62 62 
Paz, Juan Pablo[14] [ARG]  
    Oganesyan, Artem
Oganesyan, Artem [RUS] 62 64 62 
Suica, Marin [CRO]  
    Lakat, Florian
Lakat, Florian [FRA] 76 75 
Geens, Clement [BEL]  
    Chung, Hyeon
Chung, Hyeon [KOR] 62 60 
Ayrault-Roy, Thibault (Q) [FRA]  
    Napolitano, Stefano[2]
Napolitano, Stefano[2] [ITA] 76 60 
Py, Enzo[1] [FRA]  
    Py, Enzo[1]
Veys, Xander [BEL] 60 64 
Fomba, Eric (Q) [FRA]  
    Fomba, Eric (Q)
Obucina, Filip (Q) [CAN] 64 64 
Halys, Quentin (Q) [FRA]  
    Halys, Quentin (Q)
Edmund, Kyle [GBR] 36 64 63 
Andrijic, Jay (Q) [AUS]  
    Andrijic, Jay (Q)
Donati, Matteo[5] [ITA] 64 64 
Bambridge, Luke[3] [GBR]  
    Saito, Takashi
Saito, Takashi [JPN] 75 63 
Favrot, Alexandre (WC) [FRA]  
    Ismailov, Temur[16]
Ismailov, Temur[16] [UZB] 63 60 
Osterling, Nicholas [PER]  
    Vasilenko, Alexander
Vasilenko, Alexander [RUS] 64 63 
Couacaud, Enzo [FRA]  
    Stanek, Robin[6]
Stanek, Robin[6] [CZE] 61 61 
Smilansky, Igor[8] [ISR]  
    Smilansky, Igor[8]
Reboul, Fabien (WC) [FRA] 46 75 62 
Hansson, Gustav [SWE]  
    Nishioka, Yoshihito
Nishioka, Yoshihito [JPN] 62 60 
Mouline, Soufiane[15] [MAR]  
    Harris, Billy
Harris, Billy [GBR] 36 61 60 
Hemery, Calvin (Q) [FRA]  
    Hemery, Calvin (Q)
Panta, Jorge[4] [PER] 46 63 63 
Catiau, Paul (Q) [FRA]  
    Catiau, Paul (Q)
Cohen, Eyal [ISR] 63 62 
Numajiri, Keisuke [JPN]  
    Chamba Gomez, Jose
Chamba Gomez, Jose [ECU] 62 16 62 
Oganesyan, Artem [RUS]  
    Oganesyan, Artem
Lakat, Florian [FRA] 64 63 
Chung, Hyeon [KOR]  
    Napolitano, Stefano[2]
Napolitano, Stefano[2] [ITA] 63 26 75 
Py, Enzo[1] [FRA]  
    Py, Enzo[1]
Fomba, Eric (Q) [FRA] 62 64 
Halys, Quentin (Q) [FRA]  
    Andrijic, Jay (Q)
Andrijic, Jay (Q) [AUS] 64 16 63 
Saito, Takashi [JPN]  
    Saito, Takashi
Ismailov, Temur[16] [UZB] 62 61 
Vasilenko, Alexander [RUS]  
    Vasilenko, Alexander
Stanek, Robin[6] [CZE] 62 62 
Smilansky, Igor[8] [ISR]  
    Smilansky, Igor[8]
Nishioka, Yoshihito [JPN] 64 64 
Harris, Billy [GBR]  
    Harris, Billy
Hemery, Calvin (Q) [FRA] 63 60 
Catiau, Paul (Q) [FRA]  
    Chamba Gomez, Jose
Chamba Gomez, Jose [ECU] 62 63 
Oganesyan, Artem [RUS]  
    Oganesyan, Artem
Napolitano, Stefano[2] [ITA] 36 63 64 
Py, Enzo[1] [FRA]  
    Py, Enzo[1]
Andrijic, Jay (Q) [AUS] 64 62 
Saito, Takashi [JPN]  
    Saito, Takashi
Vasilenko, Alexander [RUS] 62 64 
Smilansky, Igor[8] [ISR]  
    Smilansky, Igor[8]
Harris, Billy [GBR] 61 64 
Chamba Gomez, Jose [ECU]  
    Oganesyan, Artem
Oganesyan, Artem [RUS] 63 62 
Py, Enzo[1] [FRA]  
    Py, Enzo[1]
Saito, Takashi [JPN] 62 62 
Smilansky, Igor[8] [ISR]  
    Smilansky, Igor[8]
Oganesyan, Artem [RUS] 61 64 
Py, Enzo[1] [FRA]  
    Py, Enzo[1]
Smilansky, Igor[8] [ISR] 36 62 63 
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