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Tournament Rounds

J200 Santo Domingo \ Copa Merengue, 2025, J200 Boys

Dussault, Maximus[1] [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus[1]
Couturier, Lenny [FRA]  
    Bielen, Sebastian
Bielen, Sebastian [USA] 67(5) 63 76(11) 
Filiz, Samim [TUR]  
    Filiz, Samim
Hamrouni, Zechariah [GBR] 36 75 76(1) 
    Cohen, Zachary[15]
Cohen, Zachary[15] [USA]   
Bolivar Idarraga, Juan Miguel[9] [COL]  
    Bolivar Idarraga, Juan Miguel[9]
Konduri, Tanishk (Q) [USA]  
    Konduri, Tanishk (Q)
Cheng, Siu Chi [HKG] 62 46 63 
Rusher, Agassi [USA]  
    Rusher, Agassi
Zhang, Boxiong [CHN] 63 64 
    Spurling, Nischal[7]
Spurling, Nischal[7] [USA]   
Kincses, Kolos[4] [HUN]  
    Kincses, Kolos[4]
Krupkin, Mark [USA]  
    Krupkin, Mark
Lapalme, Miko [CAN] 61 61 
Vega, Paul (WC) [DOM]  
    Alcala, Diego
Alcala, Diego [MEX] 61 26 76(5) 
    Antonius, Michael[13]
Antonius, Michael[13] [USA]   
Ivanisevic, Emanuel[10] [CRO]  
    Ivanisevic, Emanuel[10]
Grosman, Sean (Q) [USA]  
    Grosman, Sean (Q)
Robledo Hoyos, Pablo [COL] 46 61 63 
Huang, Zheng Nan (Q) [CHN]  
    Reddy, Vihaan
Reddy, Vihaan [USA] 64 61 
    Caldwell, Simon[5]
Caldwell, Simon[5] [USA]   
Ishibashi, Kohshi[6] [JPN]  
    Ishibashi, Kohshi[6]
Taube, Mason [USA]  
    Taube, Mason
Gurenko, Volodoymyr [CAN] 63 76(5) 
Da Costa, Rafalentino Ali [INA]  
    Da Costa, Rafalentino Ali
Guerrero Hernandez, Isaac (WC) [DOM] 63 63 
    Lee, Jordan[11]
Lee, Jordan[11] [USA]   
Reyes Tirado, Oswaldo Alejandro[16] [MEX]  
    Reyes Tirado, Oswaldo Alejandro[16]
Vargas, Pedro (WC) [USA]  
    Pignaton, Victor (WC)
Pignaton, Victor (WC) [BRA] 62 62 
Mccollum, Ford [USA]  
    Mccollum, Ford
Chen, Xingyu (Q) [CHN] 67(7) 61 63 
    Ubri, Yubel[3]
Ubri, Yubel[3] [USA]   
Ryden, Victor[8] [SWE]  
    Ryden, Victor[8]
Phillips, Sklar (Q) [USA]  
    Phillips, Sklar (Q)
Sanchez Rojas, Cristian Felipe [COL] 63 62 
Schinnerer, Erik (Q) [USA]  
    Schinnerer, Erik (Q)
Cho, Se Hyuk [KOR] 76(8) 63 
    Goode, Gavin[12]
Goode, Gavin[12] [USA]   
Johnson, Andrew[14] [USA]  
    Johnson, Andrew[14]
Roussel, Felix [CAN]  
    Roussel, Felix
Perez, Alvaro (WC) [DOM] 64 63 
Barreira Bonzom, Victor [FRA]  
    Gaines Jr, Jerrid
Gaines Jr, Jerrid [USA] 64 46 62 
    Gaskell, Lachlan[2]
Gaskell, Lachlan[2] [USA]   
Dussault, Maximus[1] [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus[1]
Bielen, Sebastian [USA] 60 63 
Filiz, Samim [TUR]  
    Filiz, Samim
Cohen, Zachary[15] [USA] 46 60 63 
Bolivar Idarraga, Juan Miguel[9] [COL]  
    Bolivar Idarraga, Juan Miguel[9]
Konduri, Tanishk (Q) [USA] 64 63 
Rusher, Agassi [USA]  
    Rusher, Agassi
Spurling, Nischal[7] [USA] 76(3) 67(5) 64 
Kincses, Kolos[4] [HUN]  
    Krupkin, Mark
Krupkin, Mark [USA] 76(4) 63 
Alcala, Diego [MEX]  
    Antonius, Michael[13]
Antonius, Michael[13] [USA] 60 61 
Ivanisevic, Emanuel[10] [CRO]  
    Ivanisevic, Emanuel[10]
Grosman, Sean (Q) [USA] w/o 
Reddy, Vihaan [USA]  
    Reddy, Vihaan
Caldwell, Simon[5] [USA] 76(4) 75 
Ishibashi, Kohshi[6] [JPN]  
    Taube, Mason
Taube, Mason [USA] 75 60 
Da Costa, Rafalentino Ali [INA]  
    Lee, Jordan[11]
Lee, Jordan[11] [USA] 64 64 
Reyes Tirado, Oswaldo Alejandro[16] [MEX]  
    Reyes Tirado, Oswaldo Alejandro[16]
Pignaton, Victor (WC) [BRA] 26 60 63 
Mccollum, Ford [USA]  
    Ubri, Yubel[3]
Ubri, Yubel[3] [USA] 75 62 
Ryden, Victor[8] [SWE]  
    Phillips, Sklar (Q)
Phillips, Sklar (Q) [USA] 75 64 
Schinnerer, Erik (Q) [USA]  
    Goode, Gavin[12]
Goode, Gavin[12] [USA] 64 63 
Johnson, Andrew[14] [USA]  
    Johnson, Andrew[14]
Roussel, Felix [CAN] 63 64 
Gaines Jr, Jerrid [USA]  
    Gaskell, Lachlan[2]
Gaskell, Lachlan[2] [USA] 64 75 
Dussault, Maximus[1] [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus[1]
Filiz, Samim [TUR] 61 64 
Bolivar Idarraga, Juan Miguel[9] [COL]  
    Rusher, Agassi
Rusher, Agassi [USA] 63 64 
Krupkin, Mark [USA]  
    Krupkin, Mark
Antonius, Michael[13] [USA] 36 64 76(5) 
Ivanisevic, Emanuel[10] [CRO]  
    Reddy, Vihaan
Reddy, Vihaan [USA] 61 64 
Taube, Mason [USA]  
    Lee, Jordan[11]
Lee, Jordan[11] [USA] 64 62 
Reyes Tirado, Oswaldo Alejandro[16] [MEX]  
    Reyes Tirado, Oswaldo Alejandro[16]
Ubri, Yubel[3] [USA] 36 75 63 
Phillips, Sklar (Q) [USA]  
    Goode, Gavin[12]
Goode, Gavin[12] [USA] 61 63 
Johnson, Andrew[14] [USA]  
    Johnson, Andrew[14]
Gaskell, Lachlan[2] [USA] 63 61 
Dussault, Maximus[1] [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus[1]
Rusher, Agassi [USA] 62 60 
Krupkin, Mark [USA]  
    Reddy, Vihaan
Reddy, Vihaan [USA] 76(5) 63 
Lee, Jordan[11] [USA]  
    Lee, Jordan[11]
Reyes Tirado, Oswaldo Alejandro[16] [MEX] 62 62 
Goode, Gavin[12] [USA]  
    Goode, Gavin[12]
Johnson, Andrew[14] [USA] 76(6) 60 
Dussault, Maximus[1] [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus[1]
Reddy, Vihaan [USA] 75 64 
Lee, Jordan[11] [USA]  
    Goode, Gavin[12]
Goode, Gavin[12] [USA] 62 64 
Dussault, Maximus[1] [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus[1]
Goode, Gavin[12] [USA] 75 63 
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