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Tournament Rounds

Copa Gerdau [Q], 2009, J500 Boys

Associacao Leopoldina Juvenil Rua marques de Herval

Aparicio, Francisco[1] [ARG]  
    Aparicio, Francisco[1]
Dumont, Pedro [BRA]  
    Almeida, Rodrigo
Almeida, Rodrigo [BRA] 62 63 
Primerano, Vincenzo [BRA]  
    Destefani, Guilherme
Destefani, Guilherme [BRA] 63 60 
Miller, Eduardo [BRA]  
    Bin, Lucas Scalon[14]
Bin, Lucas Scalon[14] [BRA] 76(3) 61 
Pinones-Haltenhoff, Nicolas[2] [CHI]  
    Pinones-Haltenhoff, Nicolas[2]
Tsukamoto, Henrique [BRA]  
    Tsukamoto, Henrique
Petzold Garcia Rosa, Felipe [BRA] 64 62 
Pigossi, Lucas [BRA]  
    Pigossi, Lucas
Oliveira, Murilo [BRA] 63 63 
Raad, Cassiano [BRA]  
    Meza, Francisco[13]
Meza, Francisco[13] [CHI] 61 60 
Salaba, Libor [CZE]  
    Salaba, Libor
Wenzel, Felipe [BRA]  
    Hopker, Ricardo
Hopker, Ricardo [BRA] 64 62 
Barrozo Ribeiro, Rogerio (WC) [BRA]  
    Blumenberg, Alex
Blumenberg, Alex [BRA] 64 16 63 
    Facchini Takemoto, Thomas Jun[9]
Facchini Takemoto, Thomas Jun[9] [BRA]   
Apud, Alejo[4] [ARG]  
    Apud, Alejo[4]
Paez, Rafael (WC) [BRA]  
    Paez, Rafael (WC)
Goncalves, Valentin [BRA] 60 60 
Bugiga, Rafael [BRA]  
    Antun, Mauricio
Antun, Mauricio [BRA] 64 62 
Laranja, Augusto [BRA]  
    Laranja, Augusto
Bravo Pavez, Gonzalo[11] [CHI] 62 75 
Price, Christopher[5] [CHI]  
    Price, Christopher[5]
Escobar, Idio [BRA]  
    Escobar, Idio
Brasil, Kenny [BRA] 62 46 60 
Carvalho, Igor [BRA]  
    Carvalho, Igor
Giudici, Rodrigo [BRA] 61 67 62 
Armiato Cirilo Alves, Victor [BRA]  
    Ribeiro Frattini, Felipe[16]
Ribeiro Frattini, Felipe[16] [BRA] 64 62 
Bernardi, Pedro[6] [BRA]  
    Bernardi, Pedro[6]
Do Val, Carlos Antonio [BRA]  
    Do Val, Carlos Antonio
Ferreira, Vinicius [BRA] 61 64 
Toccafondo, Pedro [BRA]  
    Toccafondo, Pedro
Kerpen, Marcos Levi Kerpen Souza [BRA] 63 61 
Guimaraes, Victor Hugo [BRA]  
    Guimaraes, Victor Hugo
Nunes Dos Santos, Renato[15] [BRA] 62 64 
Makiguchi, Ryusei[7] [JPN]  
    Makiguchi, Ryusei[7]
Tasca Junior, Joao Roberto [BRA]  
    Tasca Junior, Joao Roberto
Sauerbrounn, Fernando [BRA] 61 60 
Neves Vieira, Pedro Augusto [BRA]  
    Sarhan Bucalem, Richard
Sarhan Bucalem, Richard [BRA] 60 62 
Martinez, Victor [BRA]  
    Meirelles, Augusto[10]
Meirelles, Augusto[10] [BRA] 63 63 
Florez, Valentin[8] [ARG]  
    Florez, Valentin[8]
Nolasco, Pedro [BRA]  
    Zoller, Thiago Vinicius Spanhol
Zoller, Thiago Vinicius Spanhol [BRA] 61 61 
Joesting, Guilherme [BRA]  
    Joesting, Guilherme
Botelho, Vinicius [BRA] 76(4) 61 
Ribeiro Gutta, Gustavo Lima [BRA]  
    Lesser, Crescente[12]
Lesser, Crescente[12] [CHI] 64 64 
Aparicio, Francisco[1] [ARG]  
    Almeida, Rodrigo
Almeida, Rodrigo [BRA] 64 64 
Destefani, Guilherme [BRA]  
    Destefani, Guilherme
Bin, Lucas Scalon[14] [BRA] 64 64 
Pinones-Haltenhoff, Nicolas[2] [CHI]  
    Pinones-Haltenhoff, Nicolas[2]
Tsukamoto, Henrique [BRA] 62 61 
Pigossi, Lucas [BRA]  
    Meza, Francisco[13]
Meza, Francisco[13] [CHI] 61 60 
Salaba, Libor [CZE]  
    Salaba, Libor
Hopker, Ricardo [BRA] 62 61 
Blumenberg, Alex [BRA]  
    Blumenberg, Alex
Facchini Takemoto, Thomas Jun[9] [BRA] 62 64 
Apud, Alejo[4] [ARG]  
    Apud, Alejo[4]
Paez, Rafael (WC) [BRA] 64 62 
Antun, Mauricio [BRA]  
    Laranja, Augusto
Laranja, Augusto [BRA] 57 63 60 
Price, Christopher[5] [CHI]  
    Escobar, Idio
Escobar, Idio [BRA] 64 62 
Carvalho, Igor [BRA]  
    Ribeiro Frattini, Felipe[16]
Ribeiro Frattini, Felipe[16] [BRA] 63 63 
Bernardi, Pedro[6] [BRA]  
    Bernardi, Pedro[6]
Do Val, Carlos Antonio [BRA] 63 46 63 
Toccafondo, Pedro [BRA]  
    Guimaraes, Victor Hugo
Guimaraes, Victor Hugo [BRA] 76(5) 75 
Makiguchi, Ryusei[7] [JPN]  
    Makiguchi, Ryusei[7]
Tasca Junior, Joao Roberto [BRA] 61 60 
Sarhan Bucalem, Richard [BRA]  
    Meirelles, Augusto[10]
Meirelles, Augusto[10] [BRA] 57 64 61 
Florez, Valentin[8] [ARG]  
    Florez, Valentin[8]
Zoller, Thiago Vinicius Spanhol [BRA] 76(4) 64 
Joesting, Guilherme [BRA]  
    Joesting, Guilherme
Lesser, Crescente[12] [CHI] 60 20 Ret'd 
Almeida, Rodrigo [BRA]  
    Destefani, Guilherme
Destefani, Guilherme [BRA] 75 62 
Pinones-Haltenhoff, Nicolas[2] [CHI]  
    Pinones-Haltenhoff, Nicolas[2]
Meza, Francisco[13] [CHI] 62 62 
Salaba, Libor [CZE]  
    Salaba, Libor
Blumenberg, Alex [BRA] 63 63 
Apud, Alejo[4] [ARG]  
    Laranja, Augusto
Laranja, Augusto [BRA] 26 64 76(8) 
Escobar, Idio [BRA]  
    Escobar, Idio
Ribeiro Frattini, Felipe[16] [BRA] 64 61 
Bernardi, Pedro[6] [BRA]  
    Bernardi, Pedro[6]
Guimaraes, Victor Hugo [BRA] 64 16 63 
Makiguchi, Ryusei[7] [JPN]  
    Meirelles, Augusto[10]
Meirelles, Augusto[10] [BRA] 64 76(6) 
Florez, Valentin[8] [ARG]  
    Florez, Valentin[8]
Joesting, Guilherme [BRA] 62 60 
Destefani, Guilherme [BRA]  
Pinones-Haltenhoff, Nicolas[2] [CHI]   
Salaba, Libor [CZE]  
Laranja, Augusto [BRA]   
Escobar, Idio [BRA]  
Bernardi, Pedro[6] [BRA]   
Meirelles, Augusto[10] [BRA]  
Florez, Valentin[8] [ARG]   
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