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Tournament Rounds

Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Championships [Q], 2009, J300 Boys

IMG / Bollettieri Sports Academy

Moreno, Alfredo[1] [MEX]  
    Moreno, Alfredo[1]
Brasseaux, Garret [USA] 76(3) 64 
Gomez, Liam [TTO]  
    Dias, Francisco
Dias, Francisco [POR] 75 61 
Cole, Richard [BAR]  
    Giron, Marcos (WC)
Giron, Marcos (WC) [USA] 61 63 
Bettles, Andrew [GBR]  
    Semenzato, Bruno[13]
Semenzato, Bruno[13] [BRA] 36 64 62 
Grinter, Jaden[2] [NZL]  
    Grinter, Jaden[2]
Carey, Rodney [BAH] 63 75 
Uriguen, Ian [GUA]  
    Igoshin, Alexander
Igoshin, Alexander [RUS] 36 63 62 
Bernstein, Shaun [USA]  
    Bernstein, Shaun
Plattes, Christian [GER] 76(4) 46 75 
Sofaer, David [HKG]  
    Sofaer, David
Gabb, Richard[9] [GBR] 75 62 
Olin, Robin[3] [SWE]  
    Olin, Robin[3]
Santiago, Mico [USA] 64 16 76(4) 
Voscek, Michal [SVK]  
    Voscek, Michal
Kamono, Kyohhei [JPN] 63 76(3) 
Gheorghe, Lucian [ROU]  
    Burton, Lewis
Burton, Lewis [GBR] 63 62 
Stoliarov, Denis [RUS]  
    Smola, Maciej[15]
Smola, Maciej[15] [POL] 63 63 
Mena, Facundo[4] [ARG]  
    Jones, Nick
Jones, Nick [GBR] 64 62 
Bschorer, Maximilian (WC) [GER]  
    Noordermeer, Kevin
Noordermeer, Kevin [NED] 60 60 
Saba, Frederick (WC) [USA]  
    Saba, Frederick (WC)
Lopez, Sebastian [COL] 62 63 
Sirota, Daniil [RUS]  
    Farquharson, Tom[11]
Farquharson, Tom[11] [GBR] 63 62 
Volkov, Anton[5] [RUS]  
    Volkov, Anton[5]
Chavez, Cristian [COL] 60 62 
Hewitt, Ashley [GBR]  
    Hewitt, Ashley
Asis, Gonzalo (WC) [ESP] 60 63 
Zhu, Michael [USA]  
    Bourgue, Mathias
Bourgue, Mathias [FRA] 64 64 
Pasha, Nathan [USA]  
    Pasha, Nathan
Flores, Gabriel[14] [PUR] 76(5) 64 
Simpson, Christopher[6] [GBR]  
    Simpson, Christopher[6]
Vasiljevic, Branislav [SRB] 63 62 
Smith, Austin (WC) [USA]  
    Apud, Alejo
Apud, Alejo [ARG] 64 63 
Robles, Alex [USA]  
    Robles, Alex
Gomez, Alejandro [COL] 36 63 62 
Marasin, Alexandru Catalin [ROU]  
    Marasin, Alexandru Catalin
Averfalk, Kalle[16] [SWE] 61 60 
Acosta, Diego[7] [ECU]  
    Acosta, Diego[7]
Taborga, Carlos [BOL] 61 63 
Kamiljanov, Bobur [UZB]  
    Broady, Liam
Broady, Liam [GBR] 60 63 
Wilton, Alexander [GBR]  
    Nino, Felipe
Nino, Felipe [COL] 62 76(5) 
Ghilea, Vasile-Alexandru [ROU]  
    Ghilea, Vasile-Alexandru
Egger, Emmett A.[10] [USA] 64 75 
Hilelis, Yoannis[8] [FRA]  
    Verryth, Mark
Verryth, Mark [AUS] 61 61 
Gomez, Juan Sebastian [COL]  
    Gomez, Juan Sebastian
Hirokawa, Yuta [JPN] 63 60 
Majauskas, Benas [LTU]  
    Fomine, Nikita
Fomine, Nikita [RUS] 36 63 62 
Lippens, Michael [USA]  
    Morgan, George[12]
Morgan, George[12] [GBR] 76(3) 64 
Moreno, Alfredo[1] [MEX]  
    Moreno, Alfredo[1]
Dias, Francisco [POR] 64 67(8) 62 
Giron, Marcos (WC) [USA]  
    Semenzato, Bruno[13]
Semenzato, Bruno[13] [BRA] 62 67(4) 64 
Grinter, Jaden[2] [NZL]  
    Grinter, Jaden[2]
Igoshin, Alexander [RUS] 61 62 
Bernstein, Shaun [USA]  
    Sofaer, David
Sofaer, David [HKG] 63 67(0) 63 
Olin, Robin[3] [SWE]  
    Voscek, Michal
Voscek, Michal [SVK] 46 61 61 
Burton, Lewis [GBR]  
    Smola, Maciej[15]
Smola, Maciej[15] [POL] 46 75 63 
Jones, Nick [GBR]  
    Jones, Nick
Noordermeer, Kevin [NED] 60 63 
Saba, Frederick (WC) [USA]  
    Saba, Frederick (WC)
Farquharson, Tom[11] [GBR] 67(5) 62 76(6) 
Volkov, Anton[5] [RUS]  
    Hewitt, Ashley
Hewitt, Ashley [GBR] 61 Ret'd 
Bourgue, Mathias [FRA]  
    Pasha, Nathan
Pasha, Nathan [USA] 61 61 
Simpson, Christopher[6] [GBR]  
    Apud, Alejo
Apud, Alejo [ARG] 64 63 
Robles, Alex [USA]  
    Robles, Alex
Marasin, Alexandru Catalin [ROU] 62 46 64 
Acosta, Diego[7] [ECU]  
    Broady, Liam
Broady, Liam [GBR] 46 60 63 
Nino, Felipe [COL]  
    Ghilea, Vasile-Alexandru
Ghilea, Vasile-Alexandru [ROU] 64 63 
Verryth, Mark [AUS]  
    Verryth, Mark
Gomez, Juan Sebastian [COL] 62 75 
Fomine, Nikita [RUS]  
    Morgan, George[12]
Morgan, George[12] [GBR] 61 62 
Moreno, Alfredo[1] [MEX]  
    Moreno, Alfredo[1]
Semenzato, Bruno[13] [BRA] 63 62 
Grinter, Jaden[2] [NZL]  
    Sofaer, David
Sofaer, David [HKG] 46 75 62 
Voscek, Michal [SVK]  
    Smola, Maciej[15]
Smola, Maciej[15] [POL] 62 63 
Jones, Nick [GBR]  
    Saba, Frederick (WC)
Saba, Frederick (WC) [USA] 63 61 
Hewitt, Ashley [GBR]  
    Hewitt, Ashley
Pasha, Nathan [USA] 64 64 
Apud, Alejo [ARG]  
    Apud, Alejo
Robles, Alex [USA] 64 64 
Broady, Liam [GBR]  
    Ghilea, Vasile-Alexandru
Ghilea, Vasile-Alexandru [ROU] 63 63 
Verryth, Mark [AUS]  
    Verryth, Mark
Morgan, George[12] [GBR] 75 62 
Moreno, Alfredo[1] [MEX]  
Sofaer, David [HKG]   
Smola, Maciej[15] [POL]  
Saba, Frederick (WC) [USA]   
Hewitt, Ashley [GBR]  
Apud, Alejo [ARG]   
Ghilea, Vasile-Alexandru [ROU]  
Verryth, Mark [AUS]   
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