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Tournament Rounds

USTA National Open, 2007, Boys 12

Columbus Regional Tennis Association

Goldin, Grayson M.[1] [USA]  
    Goldin, Grayson M.[1]
Ullal, Nihar [USA] 61 60 
Kirkland, Bailey [USA]  
    Kirkland, Bailey
Zheng, Daniel [USA] 75 61 
Bhardwaj, Pranav[11] [USA]  
    Bhardwaj, Pranav[11]
Bauer, Peter [USA] 63 61 
Slade, Sam [USA]  
    Benton, Wood
Benton, Wood [USA] 57 76 101 
Thompson, Connor[6] [USA]  
    Thompson, Connor[6]
Holvoet, Evan [USA] 61 61 
Trussell, Maxwell [USA]  
    Samardzic, Nikola
Samardzic, Nikola [USA] 61 60 
Jayaram, Simon[16] [USA]  
    Jayaram, Simon[16]
Pate, Devon Tyler [USA] 64 46 106 
Sacher, Alex [USA]  
    Lett, Brent
Lett, Brent [USA] w/o 
Newman, Baker[3] [BAH]  
    Newman, Baker[3]
Schneider, Bradley [USA] 60 61 
Raghuraman, Arjun [USA]  
    Kay, Michael
Kay, Michael [USA] 61 61 
Livi, Elio[9] [USA]  
    Livi, Elio[9]
Verma, Akshay [USA] 36 61 103 
Hamilton, Grey [USA]  
    Hamilton, Grey
Zeldin, Steven [USA] 75 46 105 
Crisovan, David[7] [USA]  
    Crisovan, David[7]
Rose, Michael Aaron [USA] 60 60 
Heinz, Austin [USA]  
    Heinz, Austin
Haffey, John [USA] 64 75 
Sola Morla, Hector[13] [USA]  
    Sola Morla, Hector[13]
Wilburn, Merritt [USA] 60 60 
Boron, Nicolas [USA]  
    Saari, Kristoff
Saari, Kristoff [USA] 63 62 
Fendt, Ryan [USA]  
    Le, Kevin
Le, Kevin [USA] 61 64 
Smith, Peyton [USA]  
    Bhat, Sunay[12]
Bhat, Sunay[12] [USA] 60 63 
Kardivar, Nikita [USA]  
    Kardivar, Nikita
Kansol, Harrison [USA] 64 63 
Ku, Jonathan [USA]  
    Bouchillon, Collier[8]
Bouchillon, Collier[8] [USA] 75 63 
Scott, Jacob [AUS]  
    Scott, Jacob
Du Toi, Josh [USA] w/o 
Bouchillon, Jake [USA]  
    Bouchillon, Jake
Gurevich, Victor[14] [USA] 64 61 
Lin, Carter [USA]  
    Lin, Carter
Kennedy, Zachary [USA] 64 61 
Saleh, Sergio [USA]  
    Gracia, Jose[4]
Gracia, Jose[4] [USA] 60 60 
Edwards, Sam [USA]  
    Wang, Ziqi
Wang, Ziqi [USA] 63 26 108 
Goldin, Grant [USA]  
    Jones, Jess
Jones, Jess [USA] 60 61 
Burke, Connor [USA]  
    Burke, Connor
Wanland, Deric [USA] w/o 
Elliget, Adam [USA]  
    Albo, Jake[5]
Albo, Jake[5] [USA] 60 61 
Garay, Christian [PUR]  
    Garay, Christian
Kirby, John [USA] 76(4) 06 105 
Kennedy, Sam [USA]  
    Solomon, Grant[10]
Solomon, Grant[10] [USA] 61 61 
Harrell, Jordan [USA]  
    Harrell, Jordan
Byrd, Justin [USA] 60 61 
Spratt, Thomas [USA]  
    Samardzic, Ognjen[2]
Samardzic, Ognjen[2] [USA] 62 60 
Goldin, Grayson M.[1] [USA]  
    Goldin, Grayson M.[1]
Kirkland, Bailey [USA] 63 61 
Bhardwaj, Pranav[11] [USA]  
    Benton, Wood
Benton, Wood [USA] 36 63 108 
Thompson, Connor[6] [USA]  
    Thompson, Connor[6]
Samardzic, Nikola [USA] 60 60 
Jayaram, Simon[16] [USA]  
    Lett, Brent
Lett, Brent [USA] 64 60 
Newman, Baker[3] [BAH]  
    Newman, Baker[3]
Kay, Michael [USA] 62 62 
Livi, Elio[9] [USA]  
    Livi, Elio[9]
Hamilton, Grey [USA] 62 61 
Crisovan, David[7] [USA]  
    Crisovan, David[7]
Heinz, Austin [USA] 63 61 
Sola Morla, Hector[13] [USA]  
    Sola Morla, Hector[13]
Saari, Kristoff [USA] 64 61 
Le, Kevin [USA]  
    Le, Kevin
Bhat, Sunay[12] [USA] 76(2) 63 
Kardivar, Nikita [USA]  
    Bouchillon, Collier[8]
Bouchillon, Collier[8] [USA] 63 62 
Scott, Jacob [AUS]  
    Bouchillon, Jake
Bouchillon, Jake [USA] 62 60 
Lin, Carter [USA]  
    Lin, Carter
Gracia, Jose[4] [USA] 64 26 106 
Wang, Ziqi [USA]  
    Jones, Jess
Jones, Jess [USA] 64 64 
Burke, Connor [USA]  
    Albo, Jake[5]
Albo, Jake[5] [USA] 61 62 
Garay, Christian [PUR]  
    Solomon, Grant[10]
Solomon, Grant[10] [USA] 67 64 1311 
Harrell, Jordan [USA]  
    Samardzic, Ognjen[2]
Samardzic, Ognjen[2] [USA] 62 63 
Goldin, Grayson M.[1] [USA]  
    Goldin, Grayson M.[1]
Benton, Wood [USA] 60 61 
Thompson, Connor[6] [USA]  
    Thompson, Connor[6]
Lett, Brent [USA] 76 62 
Newman, Baker[3] [BAH]  
    Newman, Baker[3]
Livi, Elio[9] [USA] 63 64 
Crisovan, David[7] [USA]  
    Crisovan, David[7]
Sola Morla, Hector[13] [USA] 62 60 
Le, Kevin [USA]  
    Bouchillon, Collier[8]
Bouchillon, Collier[8] [USA] 62 60 
Bouchillon, Jake [USA]  
    Bouchillon, Jake
Lin, Carter [USA] 36 62 104 
Jones, Jess [USA]  
    Jones, Jess
Albo, Jake[5] [USA] 61 60 
Solomon, Grant[10] [USA]  
    Samardzic, Ognjen[2]
Samardzic, Ognjen[2] [USA] 62 63 
Goldin, Grayson M.[1] [USA]  
    Thompson, Connor[6]
Thompson, Connor[6] [USA] 60 75 
Newman, Baker[3] [BAH]  
    Newman, Baker[3]
Crisovan, David[7] [USA] 61 61 
Bouchillon, Collier[8] [USA]  
    Bouchillon, Collier[8]
Bouchillon, Jake [USA] 75 64 
Jones, Jess [USA]  
    Samardzic, Ognjen[2]
Samardzic, Ognjen[2] [USA] 61 62 
Thompson, Connor[6] [USA]  
    Newman, Baker[3]
Newman, Baker[3] [BAH] 26 62 104 
Bouchillon, Collier[8] [USA]  
    Samardzic, Ognjen[2]
Samardzic, Ognjen[2] [USA] 75 61 
Newman, Baker[3] [BAH]  
    Samardzic, Ognjen[2]
Samardzic, Ognjen[2] [USA] 64 36 103 
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