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Tournament Rounds

ITF East Africa Circuit 2 - Uganda, 2009, J60 Boys

Lugogo Tennis Club

El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1] [EGY]  
    El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1]
Sibanda, Lefa Ashley [BOT]  
    Muiruri, Harun Mburu
Muiruri, Harun Mburu [KEN] 46 61 62 
Hutt, Sam [GBR]  
    Hutt, Sam
Van Ooteghem, Gaetan [BEL] 62 62 
Tapfuma, Tendai [ZIM]  
    Ebersey, Brandon[13]
Ebersey, Brandon[13] [RSA] 75 64 
Ndayishimiye, Hassan[10] [BDI]  
    Ndayishimiye, Hassan[10]
Onyancha, Derrick Atunga [KEN] 61 61 
Visser, Marthinus Christoffel [RSA]  
    Visser, Marthinus Christoffel
Lindenberg Stentoft, Hans [DEN] 67(4) 63 64 
Oringa, David (WC) [UGA]  
    Alipoe-Tchotchodji, Kokou Bernard
Alipoe-Tchotchodji, Kokou Bernard [TOG] 60 60 
Bizimana, Mele (WC) [RWA]  
    Bizimana, Mele (WC)
Iftikhar, Samir[7] [PAK] 16 63 62 
Thakkar, Rakshay[4] [IND]  
    Thakkar, Rakshay[4]
Bakunzi, Derick (WC) [UGA]  
    Erickson, August
Erickson, August [SWE] 60 61 
Abdullatif, Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed [EGY]  
    Abdullatif, Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed
Rudasingwa, Clistian [RWA] 75 64 
Gorny, Adrian [RSA]  
    Bogaerts, Romain[14]
Bogaerts, Romain[14] [BEL] 63 36 62 
Albert, Mina[9] [EGY]  
    Albert, Mina[9]
Hjorth, Joakim [DEN] 62 63 
Pillai, Mark Daniel [MRI]  
    Ochieng, Dennis
Ochieng, Dennis [KEN] 61 46 75 
Mallya, Brian (WC) [TAN]  
    Whiteley, Lewis
Whiteley, Lewis [GBR] 61 62 
Ayella, Simon Peter [UGA]  
    Kuhn, Warren[6]
Kuhn, Warren[6] [RSA] 61 60 
Van Vuuren, Marlu Jansen[5] [RSA]  
    Van Vuuren, Marlu Jansen[5]
Nkoueleue, Celestin [CMR]  
    Nkoueleue, Celestin
Cornish, Jonathan [GBR] 46 64 64 
Semanda, Richard (WC) [UGA]  
    Hamissi, Gatete
Hamissi, Gatete [RWA] 76(5) 16 63 
Ibsen, Christian Elleman [DEN]  
    Alaa, Seif[12]
Alaa, Seif[12] [EGY] 76(4) 46 75 
Hossam, Karim[15] [EGY]  
    Hossam, Karim[15]
Botshoma, Lame [BOT] 62 63 
Kagoma, Amadi [BDI]  
    Kagoma, Amadi
Hallestrand, Niles [SWE] 36 63 63 
Comerford, Dylan [RSA]  
    Comerford, Dylan
Maina, Kenneth Mwangi [KEN] 61 60 
    Lock, Benjamin[3]
Lock, Benjamin[3] [ZIM]   
Piret, Valentin[8] [BEL]  
    Piret, Valentin[8]
Shabani, Yasini [TAN] 63 63 
Goransson, Andre [SWE]  
    Goransson, Andre
Walugembe, Francis Bradley [UGA] 60 60 
Billington, Steven [GBR]  
    Billington, Steven
Ngurusu, Desire (WC) [RWA] 61 60 
Hatem, Mostafa [EGY]  
    Roos, Dion Paul[11]
Roos, Dion Paul[11] [RSA] 61 63 
Kibet, Gilbert[16] [KEN]  
    Kibet, Gilbert[16]
Nadaf, Hamidreza [IRI] 76(5) 46 63 
Schonck, Friso [NED]  
    Khuram, Faizan
Khuram, Faizan [PAK] 62 62 
Reynecke, Barend Hermanus [RSA]  
    Reynecke, Barend Hermanus
Ndayisenga, Idrissa [BDI] 64 63 
    Auf, Mohamed[2]
Auf, Mohamed[2] [EGY]   
El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1] [EGY]  
    El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1]
Muiruri, Harun Mburu [KEN] w/o 
Hutt, Sam [GBR]  
    Hutt, Sam
Ebersey, Brandon[13] [RSA] 46 62 63 
Ndayishimiye, Hassan[10] [BDI]  
    Ndayishimiye, Hassan[10]
Visser, Marthinus Christoffel [RSA] 64 61 
Alipoe-Tchotchodji, Kokou Bernard [TOG]  
    Alipoe-Tchotchodji, Kokou Bernard
Bizimana, Mele (WC) [RWA] 60 61 
Thakkar, Rakshay[4] [IND]  
    Thakkar, Rakshay[4]
Erickson, August [SWE] 46 60 61 
Abdullatif, Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed [EGY]  
    Bogaerts, Romain[14]
Bogaerts, Romain[14] [BEL] 62 62 
Albert, Mina[9] [EGY]  
    Albert, Mina[9]
Ochieng, Dennis [KEN] 60 61 
Whiteley, Lewis [GBR]  
    Kuhn, Warren[6]
Kuhn, Warren[6] [RSA] 46 75 64 
Van Vuuren, Marlu Jansen[5] [RSA]  
    Nkoueleue, Celestin
Nkoueleue, Celestin [CMR] 46 62 64 
Hamissi, Gatete [RWA]  
    Alaa, Seif[12]
Alaa, Seif[12] [EGY] 60 62 
Hossam, Karim[15] [EGY]  
    Hossam, Karim[15]
Kagoma, Amadi [BDI] 63 62 
Comerford, Dylan [RSA]  
    Lock, Benjamin[3]
Lock, Benjamin[3] [ZIM] 61 64 
Piret, Valentin[8] [BEL]  
    Piret, Valentin[8]
Goransson, Andre [SWE] 64 63 
Billington, Steven [GBR]  
    Roos, Dion Paul[11]
Roos, Dion Paul[11] [RSA] 64 46 64 
Kibet, Gilbert[16] [KEN]  
    Khuram, Faizan
Khuram, Faizan [PAK] 67(3) 76(3) 64 
Reynecke, Barend Hermanus [RSA]  
    Auf, Mohamed[2]
Auf, Mohamed[2] [EGY] 64 63 
El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1] [EGY]  
    El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1]
Hutt, Sam [GBR] 61 62 
Ndayishimiye, Hassan[10] [BDI]  
    Alipoe-Tchotchodji, Kokou Bernard
Alipoe-Tchotchodji, Kokou Bernard [TOG] 63 64 
Thakkar, Rakshay[4] [IND]  
    Bogaerts, Romain[14]
Bogaerts, Romain[14] [BEL] 63 62 
Albert, Mina[9] [EGY]  
    Kuhn, Warren[6]
Kuhn, Warren[6] [RSA] 64 60 
Nkoueleue, Celestin [CMR]  
    Nkoueleue, Celestin
Alaa, Seif[12] [EGY] 62 64 
Hossam, Karim[15] [EGY]  
    Hossam, Karim[15]
Lock, Benjamin[3] [ZIM] 76(3) 63 
Piret, Valentin[8] [BEL]  
    Piret, Valentin[8]
Roos, Dion Paul[11] [RSA] 63 62 
Khuram, Faizan [PAK]  
    Auf, Mohamed[2]
Auf, Mohamed[2] [EGY] 64 75 
El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1] [EGY]  
    El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1]
Alipoe-Tchotchodji, Kokou Bernard [TOG] 60 67(7) 63 
Bogaerts, Romain[14] [BEL]  
    Kuhn, Warren[6]
Kuhn, Warren[6] [RSA] 67(8) 63 63 
Nkoueleue, Celestin [CMR]  
    Nkoueleue, Celestin
Hossam, Karim[15] [EGY] 75 46 61 
Piret, Valentin[8] [BEL]  
    Auf, Mohamed[2]
Auf, Mohamed[2] [EGY] 46 63 63 
El Sherbini, Seif Eldin[1] [EGY]  
    Kuhn, Warren[6]
Kuhn, Warren[6] [RSA] 46 62 62 
Nkoueleue, Celestin [CMR]  
    Nkoueleue, Celestin
Auf, Mohamed[2] [EGY] 64 57 76(6) 
Kuhn, Warren[6] [RSA]  
    Kuhn, Warren[6]
Nkoueleue, Celestin [CMR] 36 60 62 
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