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Tournament Rounds

Asuncion Bowl [Q], 2010, J300 Boys

Centro Nacional de Tenis

Galvao, Vitor[1] [BRA]  
    Tsivadze, George
Tsivadze, George [GEO] 64 62 
Lipovsek Puches, Tomas (WC) [ARG]  
    Lipovsek Puches, Tomas (WC)
Sborowitz, Matias [CHI] 06 76(3) 64 
Gennaro, Dante [ITA]  
    Gennaro, Dante
Littieri, Mario [BRA] 63 75 
Harrington, Hunter [USA]  
    Harrington, Hunter
Aita, Rafael[7] [PER] 46 61 64 
Nino, Felipe[2] [COL]  
    Tarantino, Franco
Tarantino, Franco [ARG] 60 64 
Valenzuela, Andres (WC) [PAR]  
    Zyngier-Silva, Henrique
Zyngier-Silva, Henrique [BRA] w/o 
Zambon, Francisco [BRA]  
    Zambon, Francisco
Di Scala, Luciano [ARG] 64 61 
Sorgi, Joao Pedro [BRA]  
    Sorgi, Joao Pedro
Sirota, Daniil[8] [RUS] 60 61 
Petrone, Alexander[3] [USA]  
    Monges, Sergio
Monges, Sergio [PER] 64 63 
Paniagua, Jose Maria [ARG]  
    Paniagua, Jose Maria
Destefani, Guilherme [BRA] 61 60 
Arellano, Oscar [ARG]  
    Sant'anna, Bruno
Sant'anna, Bruno [BRA] 61 60 
Ojeda, German [ARG]  
    Conejero, Ivan[12]
Conejero, Ivan[12] [CHI] 60 61 
Londero, Juan Ignacio[4] [ARG]  
    Londero, Juan Ignacio[4]
Navarro, Simon [CHI] 36 61 64 
Mcdonald, Mackenzie [USA]  
    Pereira, Gabriel Vicentini
Pereira, Gabriel Vicentini [BRA] 64 57 62 
Formento, Daniel (WC) [PAR]  
    Antun, Mauricio
Antun, Mauricio [BRA] 61 62 
Chemes, Luciano [ARG]  
    Kuzmanov, Dimitar[10]
Kuzmanov, Dimitar[10] [BUL] 61 61 
Bitencourt Pinheiro, Thiago Augusto[5] [BRA]  
    Bitencourt Pinheiro, Thiago Augusto[5]
Munoz Poletti, Dario (WC) [ARG] 61 61 
Verdugo, Pedro [CHI]  
    Verdugo, Pedro
Fiesta, Juan [ARG] 76(5) 62 
Gutierrez, Oscar Jose [BRA]  
    Gutierrez, Oscar Jose
Garcia, Benjamin [ARG] 60 62 
Halebian, Alexios [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios
Ceballos, Juan Carlos[11] [VEN] 76(2) 75 
Sell, Karue[6] [BRA]  
    Perez Mota, Mauricio
Perez Mota, Mauricio [ARG] 36 63 75 
Roca, Ruddy (WC) [PAR]  
    Roca, Ruddy (WC)
Denade Biroche, Bruno [BRA] 63 63 
Apud, Alejo [ARG]  
    Apud, Alejo
Ribas, Rafael [BRA] 46 75 61 
Fleming, David [CHI]  
    Tashi, Vullnet[9]
Tashi, Vullnet[9] [KOS] 67(3) 64 60 
Tsivadze, George [GEO]  
    Lipovsek Puches, Tomas (WC)
Lipovsek Puches, Tomas (WC) [ARG] 63 67(12) 64 
Gennaro, Dante [ITA]  
    Harrington, Hunter
Harrington, Hunter [USA] 67(4) 76(7) 43 Ret'd 
Tarantino, Franco [ARG]  
    Tarantino, Franco
Zyngier-Silva, Henrique [BRA] 62 60 
Zambon, Francisco [BRA]  
    Sorgi, Joao Pedro
Sorgi, Joao Pedro [BRA] 36 63 61 
Monges, Sergio [PER]  
    Paniagua, Jose Maria
Paniagua, Jose Maria [ARG] 63 36 63 
Sant'anna, Bruno [BRA]  
    Conejero, Ivan[12]
Conejero, Ivan[12] [CHI] 64 46 61 
Londero, Juan Ignacio[4] [ARG]  
    Pereira, Gabriel Vicentini
Pereira, Gabriel Vicentini [BRA] 64 64 
Antun, Mauricio [BRA]  
    Kuzmanov, Dimitar[10]
Kuzmanov, Dimitar[10] [BUL] 76(4) 61 
Bitencourt Pinheiro, Thiago Augusto[5] [BRA]  
    Verdugo, Pedro
Verdugo, Pedro [CHI] 64 62 
Gutierrez, Oscar Jose [BRA]  
    Halebian, Alexios
Halebian, Alexios [USA] 64 62 
Perez Mota, Mauricio [ARG]  
    Perez Mota, Mauricio
Roca, Ruddy (WC) [PAR] 62 63 
Apud, Alejo [ARG]  
    Tashi, Vullnet[9]
Tashi, Vullnet[9] [KOS] 26 62 62 
Lipovsek Puches, Tomas (WC) [ARG]  
    Harrington, Hunter
Harrington, Hunter [USA] 64 63 
Tarantino, Franco [ARG]  
    Tarantino, Franco
Sorgi, Joao Pedro [BRA] 26 64 61 
Paniagua, Jose Maria [ARG]  
    Conejero, Ivan[12]
Conejero, Ivan[12] [CHI] 76(3) Ret'd 
Pereira, Gabriel Vicentini [BRA]  
    Kuzmanov, Dimitar[10]
Kuzmanov, Dimitar[10] [BUL] 61 46 76(12) 
Verdugo, Pedro [CHI]  
    Halebian, Alexios
Halebian, Alexios [USA] 64 36 61 
Perez Mota, Mauricio [ARG]  
    Tashi, Vullnet[9]
Tashi, Vullnet[9] [KOS] 75 61 
Harrington, Hunter [USA]  
Tarantino, Franco [ARG]   
Conejero, Ivan[12] [CHI]  
Kuzmanov, Dimitar[10] [BUL]   
Halebian, Alexios [USA]  
Tashi, Vullnet[9] [KOS]   
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