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Tournament Rounds

Australian Open [Q], 2010, JR Grand Slam Girls

Melbourne Park

Jodoin, Marianne[1] [CAN]  
    Jodoin, Marianne[1]
Harris, Samantha [AUS]  
    Raina, Ankita
Raina, Ankita [IND] 16 76(4) 60 
Vo, Sandy [AUS]  
    Palha, Natasha
Palha, Natasha [IND] 63 64 
    Tere-Apisah, Abigail[9]
Tere-Apisah, Abigail[9] [PNG]   
Ianchuk, Olga[2] [UKR]  
    Ianchuk, Olga[2]
Ayukawa, Mana [JPN]  
    Ayukawa, Mana
Carswell, Georgina [AUS] 61 62 
Teltumbde, Rashmi [IND]  
    Teltumbde, Rashmi
Massih, Bernadette [AUS] 57 75 64 
Nancarrow, Alexandra [AUS]  
    Nancarrow, Alexandra
Tian, Ran[15] [CHN] 36 64 76(3) 
Liu, Min[3] [CHN]  
    Liu, Min[3]
Hardy, Brooke [AUS]  
    Hardy, Brooke
Huang, Hui-I [TPE] 61 36 62 
Ianchuk, Elizaveta [UKR]  
    Ianchuk, Elizaveta
Baric, Nives [AUS] 63 63 
Bhambri, Prerna [IND]  
    Bhambri, Prerna
Blajkevitch, Khristina[14] [CAN] 61 76(3) 
Sankaew, Napatsakorn[4] [THA]  
    Sankaew, Napatsakorn[4]
Knuplez, Katja [SLO]  
    Letcher, Sophie
Letcher, Sophie [AUS] 60 60 
Rabinovich, Laura [AUS]  
    Ito, Yuki
Ito, Yuki [JPN] 62 60 
Te Tai, Chelsea [NZL]  
    Te Tai, Chelsea
Shroff, Kyra[11] [IND] 61 75 
Kato, Miyu[5] [JPN]  
    Kato, Miyu[5]
Vriens, Mia [AUS]  
    Nathalia, Athena
Nathalia, Athena [INA] w/o 
Balu, Sharmada [IND]  
    Balu, Sharmada
Hancock, Ashleigh [AUS] 67(4) 76(4) 62 
Tan, Li-Yun [SGP]  
    Tan, Li-Yun
Yang, Zhaoxuan[12] [CHN] 64 62 
Hozumi, Eri[6] [JPN]  
    Hozumi, Eri[6]
Agrawal, Aishwarya [IND]  
    Agrawal, Aishwarya
Hadzic, Azra [AUS] 36 76(4) 62 
Gospodinova, Ksenia [RUS]  
    Gospodinova, Ksenia
Shrivastava, Ashvarya [IND] 63 26 62 
Capannolo, Michaela [AUS]  
    Douglas-Miron, Elianne[13]
Douglas-Miron, Elianne[13] [CAN] 62 63 
Jerman, Ursa[7] [SLO]  
    Jerman, Ursa[7]
Saigo, Yukina [JPN]  
    Sheahan, Harriet
Sheahan, Harriet [AUS] 62 62 
Stojic, Stefani [AUS]  
    Stojic, Stefani
Fanning, Emily [NZL] w/o 
O'sullivan, Gussie [AUS]  
    Sunkara, Rishika[10]
Sunkara, Rishika[10] [IND] 63 62 
Abanda, Elisabeth[8] [CAN]  
    Abanda, Elisabeth[8]
Pliskova, Kristyna [CZE]  
    Pliskova, Kristyna
Nguyen, Jennifer [AUS] 62 62 
Tada, Nao [JPN]  
    Tada, Nao
Thombare, Prarthana [IND] 60 57 64 
Vesse, Kristina [AUS]  
    Zhu, Lin[16]
Zhu, Lin[16] [CHN] 62 62 
Jodoin, Marianne[1] [CAN]  
    Jodoin, Marianne[1]
Raina, Ankita [IND] 63 61 
Palha, Natasha [IND]  
    Tere-Apisah, Abigail[9]
Tere-Apisah, Abigail[9] [PNG] 63 64 
Ianchuk, Olga[2] [UKR]  
    Ianchuk, Olga[2]
Ayukawa, Mana [JPN] 64 64 
Teltumbde, Rashmi [IND]  
    Nancarrow, Alexandra
Nancarrow, Alexandra [AUS] 75 63 
Liu, Min[3] [CHN]  
    Liu, Min[3]
Hardy, Brooke [AUS] 60 26 63 
Ianchuk, Elizaveta [UKR]  
    Ianchuk, Elizaveta
Bhambri, Prerna [IND] 76(4) 64 
Sankaew, Napatsakorn[4] [THA]  
    Letcher, Sophie
Letcher, Sophie [AUS] 64 75 
Ito, Yuki [JPN]  
    Ito, Yuki
Te Tai, Chelsea [NZL] 62 63 
Kato, Miyu[5] [JPN]  
    Kato, Miyu[5]
Nathalia, Athena [INA] 61 63 
Balu, Sharmada [IND]  
    Tan, Li-Yun
Tan, Li-Yun [SGP] 64 64 
Hozumi, Eri[6] [JPN]  
    Hozumi, Eri[6]
Agrawal, Aishwarya [IND] 46 62 62 
Gospodinova, Ksenia [RUS]  
    Gospodinova, Ksenia
Douglas-Miron, Elianne[13] [CAN] 36 62 62 
Jerman, Ursa[7] [SLO]  
    Jerman, Ursa[7]
Sheahan, Harriet [AUS] 63 63 
Stojic, Stefani [AUS]  
    Sunkara, Rishika[10]
Sunkara, Rishika[10] [IND] 61 62 
Abanda, Elisabeth[8] [CAN]  
    Pliskova, Kristyna
Pliskova, Kristyna [CZE] 61 64 
Tada, Nao [JPN]  
    Zhu, Lin[16]
Zhu, Lin[16] [CHN] 60 62 
Jodoin, Marianne[1] [CAN]  
    Jodoin, Marianne[1]
Tere-Apisah, Abigail[9] [PNG] 64 62 
Ianchuk, Olga[2] [UKR]  
    Nancarrow, Alexandra
Nancarrow, Alexandra [AUS] 62 76(6) 
Liu, Min[3] [CHN]  
    Liu, Min[3]
Ianchuk, Elizaveta [UKR] 62 63 
Letcher, Sophie [AUS]  
    Letcher, Sophie
Ito, Yuki [JPN] 76(5) 75 
Kato, Miyu[5] [JPN]  
    Kato, Miyu[5]
Tan, Li-Yun [SGP] 64 63 
Hozumi, Eri[6] [JPN]  
    Hozumi, Eri[6]
Gospodinova, Ksenia [RUS] 62 46 60 
Jerman, Ursa[7] [SLO]  
    Sunkara, Rishika[10]
Sunkara, Rishika[10] [IND] 46 63 64 
Pliskova, Kristyna [CZE]  
    Pliskova, Kristyna
Zhu, Lin[16] [CHN] 63 63 
Jodoin, Marianne[1] [CAN]  
Nancarrow, Alexandra [AUS]   
Liu, Min[3] [CHN]  
Letcher, Sophie [AUS]   
Kato, Miyu[5] [JPN]  
Hozumi, Eri[6] [JPN]   
Sunkara, Rishika[10] [IND]  
Pliskova, Kristyna [CZE]   
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