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Tournament Rounds

Copa Gerdau, 2010, Boys 14

Associacao Leopoldina Juvenil Rua marques de Herval

Garin, Cristian[1] [CHI]  
    Garin, Cristian[1]
Mathias, Henrique (LL) [BRA] 61 60 
Clezar, Henrique (LL) [BRA]  
    Schneider, Carlos
Schneider, Carlos [BRA] 60 60 
Rohde, Matheus (Q) [BRA]  
    Tadeu Filho, Antonio
Tadeu Filho, Antonio [BRA] 60 62 
Souza, Thiago Da Cunha [BRA]  
    Souza, Thiago Da Cunha
Cavallieri, Joao Sergio[15] [BRA] 67(5) 63 61 
Aguayo, Juan[9] [PAR]  
    Aguayo, Juan[9]
Francisco B. Junior, Renato (WC) [BRA] 60 61 
Matos, Rafael [BRA]  
    Matos, Rafael
Farah, Joat [ECU] 62 62 
Schneider, Joao (Q) [BRA]  
    Vianna Guimares, Marcos (Q)
Vianna Guimares, Marcos (Q) [BRA] 64 62 
Niel, Caio [BRA]  
    Alvo, Facundo[5]
Alvo, Facundo[5] [ARG] 61 61 
Coutinho, Rafael Antonio[3] [VEN]  
    Coutinho, Rafael Antonio[3]
Hadlich, Vinicius (Q) [BRA] 61 60 
Nery, Gabriel (WC) [BRA]  
    Bancalari, Gonzalo
Bancalari, Gonzalo [URU] 57 62 63 
Bernardo, Lucas [BRA]  
    Bernardo, Lucas
Martins Vaz, Lucas (WC) [BRA] 60 60 
Norbiato, Lucas (WC) [BRA]  
    Pane, Lautaro[14]
Pane, Lautaro[14] [ARG] 61 64 
Zago, Guilherme[10] [BRA]  
    Zago, Guilherme[10]
Coelho, Thiago (Q) [BRA] 63 60 
Monjardim, Danilo (Q) [BRA]  
    Monjardim, Danilo (Q)
Silva, Pietro (WC) [BRA] 75 62 
Hadlich, Rodrigo Ristow (LL) [BRA]  
    Hadlich, Rodrigo Ristow (LL)
Severo, Lucas (LL) [BRA] 61 61 
Pizarro, Rodrigo (Q) [ARG]  
    Iamachkine, Petr[7]
Iamachkine, Petr[7] [PER] 61 63 
Ugarte, Romai[8] [CHI]  
    Ugarte, Romai[8]
Cunha, Guilherme (WC) [BRA] 60 60 
Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho [BRA]  
    Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho
Kalichman, Alain [URU] 61 61 
Lima, Vitor [BRA]  
    Lima, Vitor
Neto, Evaldo (LL) [BRA] 75 64 
Petersen Rosa, Leonardo (WC) [BRA]  
    Bazzarella, Roberto S.[11]
Bazzarella, Roberto S.[11] [BRA] 60 60 
Zukas, Matias[13] [ARG]  
    Zukas, Matias[13]
Kunrath, Alexandre [BRA] 60 60 
Torreano, Agustin [ARG]  
    Torreano, Agustin
Moraes, Bernardo (Q) [BRA] 61 63 
Ostermayer, Joao [BRA]  
    Saldana, Tiago
Saldana, Tiago [ARG] 63 62 
Camargo Pinto, Luiz Henrique [BRA]  
    Fanego, Ruben[4]
Fanego, Ruben[4] [PAR] 60 63 
Velasco, Alan[6] [ECU]  
    Velasco, Alan[6]
Carvalho Prado Lopes, Thiago [BRA] 64 63 
Faria, Luiz Fernando [BRA]  
    Pimentel, Wilder
Pimentel, Wilder [PER] 62 60 
Scaff Haddad, Antonin [BRA]  
    Scaff Haddad, Antonin
Bendazoli, Gabriel De Andrade [BRA] 26 62 76(4) 
Sidney, Gabriel (WC) [BRA]  
    Santibanez, Sebastian[12]
Santibanez, Sebastian[12] [CHI] 57 63 61 
Arconada, Jordi B.[16] [USA]  
    Arconada, Jordi B.[16]
Tebet Filho, Marcelo [BRA] 62 63 
Chaves Araujo, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Goncalves, Christofer Daniel
Goncalves, Christofer Daniel [VEN] 61 60 
Ficovich, Juan Pablo [ARG]  
    Bocaletto, Lucas
Bocaletto, Lucas [BRA] 61 64 
Hinsching, Joao [BRA]  
    Cerqueira, Silas[2]
Cerqueira, Silas[2] [USA] 60 60 
Garin, Cristian[1] [CHI]  
    Garin, Cristian[1]
Schneider, Carlos [BRA] 62 61 
Tadeu Filho, Antonio [BRA]  
    Souza, Thiago Da Cunha
Souza, Thiago Da Cunha [BRA] 60 57 61 
Aguayo, Juan[9] [PAR]  
    Matos, Rafael
Matos, Rafael [BRA] 62 61 
Vianna Guimares, Marcos (Q) [BRA]  
    Alvo, Facundo[5]
Alvo, Facundo[5] [ARG] 63 62 
Coutinho, Rafael Antonio[3] [VEN]  
    Coutinho, Rafael Antonio[3]
Bancalari, Gonzalo [URU] 10 Ret'd 
Bernardo, Lucas [BRA]  
    Pane, Lautaro[14]
Pane, Lautaro[14] [ARG] 60 63 
Zago, Guilherme[10] [BRA]  
    Zago, Guilherme[10]
Monjardim, Danilo (Q) [BRA] 60 60 
Hadlich, Rodrigo Ristow (LL) [BRA]  
    Iamachkine, Petr[7]
Iamachkine, Petr[7] [PER] 61 63 
Ugarte, Romai[8] [CHI]  
    Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho
Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho [BRA] 67(6) 60 75 
Lima, Vitor [BRA]  
    Bazzarella, Roberto S.[11]
Bazzarella, Roberto S.[11] [BRA] 62 61 
Zukas, Matias[13] [ARG]  
    Zukas, Matias[13]
Torreano, Agustin [ARG] 64 26 63 
Saldana, Tiago [ARG]  
    Fanego, Ruben[4]
Fanego, Ruben[4] [PAR] 62 60 
Velasco, Alan[6] [ECU]  
    Pimentel, Wilder
Pimentel, Wilder [PER] 60 36 64 
Scaff Haddad, Antonin [BRA]  
    Santibanez, Sebastian[12]
Santibanez, Sebastian[12] [CHI] 62 63 
Arconada, Jordi B.[16] [USA]  
    Arconada, Jordi B.[16]
Goncalves, Christofer Daniel [VEN] 61 62 
Bocaletto, Lucas [BRA]  
    Cerqueira, Silas[2]
Cerqueira, Silas[2] [USA] 62 61 
Garin, Cristian[1] [CHI]  
    Garin, Cristian[1]
Souza, Thiago Da Cunha [BRA] w/o 
Matos, Rafael [BRA]  
    Alvo, Facundo[5]
Alvo, Facundo[5] [ARG] 63 76(7) 
Coutinho, Rafael Antonio[3] [VEN]  
    Coutinho, Rafael Antonio[3]
Pane, Lautaro[14] [ARG] 62 62 
Zago, Guilherme[10] [BRA]  
    Iamachkine, Petr[7]
Iamachkine, Petr[7] [PER] 63 67(2) 62 
Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho [BRA]  
    Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho
Bazzarella, Roberto S.[11] [BRA] 75 06 75 
Zukas, Matias[13] [ARG]  
    Zukas, Matias[13]
Fanego, Ruben[4] [PAR] 76(7) 64 
Pimentel, Wilder [PER]  
    Santibanez, Sebastian[12]
Santibanez, Sebastian[12] [CHI] 75 62 
Arconada, Jordi B.[16] [USA]  
    Cerqueira, Silas[2]
Cerqueira, Silas[2] [USA] 60 60 
Garin, Cristian[1] [CHI]  
    Alvo, Facundo[5]
Alvo, Facundo[5] [ARG] 61 76(3) 
Coutinho, Rafael Antonio[3] [VEN]  
    Iamachkine, Petr[7]
Iamachkine, Petr[7] [PER] 64 62 
Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho [BRA]  
    Zukas, Matias[13]
Zukas, Matias[13] [ARG] 67(5) 64 76(3) 
Santibanez, Sebastian[12] [CHI]  
    Cerqueira, Silas[2]
Cerqueira, Silas[2] [USA] 62 61 
Alvo, Facundo[5] [ARG]  
    Alvo, Facundo[5]
Iamachkine, Petr[7] [PER] 61 76(3) 
Zukas, Matias[13] [ARG]  
    Cerqueira, Silas[2]
Cerqueira, Silas[2] [USA] 61 62 
Alvo, Facundo[5] [ARG]  
    Cerqueira, Silas[2]
Cerqueira, Silas[2] [USA] 63 60 
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