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Tournament Rounds

Gallipoli Youth Tennis Cup, 2010, J60 Girls

Melbourne Park

Sheahan, Harriet[1] [AUS]  
    Sheahan, Harriet[1]
Mccloskey, Genevieve (LL) [AUS] 60 60 
Forrer, Carolyn (Q) [AUS]  
    Pain, Anaeve
Pain, Anaeve [FRA] 60 60 
Jeregui, Alisa (Q) [AUS]  
    Gilbertson, Jaimee
Gilbertson, Jaimee [AUS] 61 62 
Nowicki, Oriana [AUS]  
    Nowicki, Oriana
Pisarev, Rachel[14] [AUS] 16 63 62 
Hibino, Nao[12] [JPN]  
    Hibino, Nao[12]
O'rourke, Grace [AUS] 62 63 
Fuller, Charlotte [AUS]  
    Fuller, Charlotte
Aranas, Teigan (WC) [AUS] 60 63 
Hunia, Kataraina [NZL]  
    Hunia, Kataraina
Svinos, Angelique (WC) [AUS] 63 75 
James, Elizabeth [AUS]  
    James, Elizabeth
Hardy, Brooke[8] [AUS] 26 61 63 
Nathalia, Athena[4] [INA]  
    Nathalia, Athena[4]
Brand, Morgan [AUS] 61 62 
Watson, Madeleine [AUS]  
    Watson, Madeleine
Mohd Yazip, Hyda Yazmin [MAS] 61 61 
Krutak, Monique (Q) [AUS]  
    Nicholas, Kay-Leigh
Nicholas, Kay-Leigh [RSA] 63 64 
Taylor, Brooke [AUS]  
    Suwanaposee, Pang[15]
Suwanaposee, Pang[15] [NZL] 06 75 63 
Webb, Emily[10] [AUS]  
    Collie, Nicole
Collie, Nicole [AUS] 64 16 76(2) 
Slaveski, Stephanie (Q) [AUS]  
    Tepper, Philippa (LL)
Tepper, Philippa (LL) [AUS] 52 Ret'd 
Sharma, Astra (WC) [AUS]  
    Sharma, Astra (WC)
Lowe, Chloe (Q) [AUS] 63 61 
Dikosauljevic, Katarina [AUS]  
    Casey, Maree[5]
Casey, Maree[5] [AUS] 62 63 
Parker, Kate[6] [NZL]  
    Parker, Kate[6]
Mehmet, Ozge (WC) [AUS] 60 60 
Barty, Ashleigh [AUS]  
    Barty, Ashleigh
Receveur, Hannah [AUS] 61 62 
Andrinopoulos, Annabelle (SE) [AUS]  
    Hoang, Lyann
Hoang, Lyann [AUS] 60 62 
Cartwright, Eden [AUS]  
    Hadzic, Azra[9]
Hadzic, Azra[9] [AUS] 60 62 
Boinay, Louise[16] [SUI]  
    Boinay, Louise[16]
Burns, Emily (Q) [AUS] 62 62 
Kafedjiyska, Ivana [AUS]  
    Kafedjiyska, Ivana
Beckett, Shannon (Q) [AUS] 62 61 
Putri, Kely Restiana [INA]  
    Putri, Kely Restiana
Rafailidis, Elizabeth (LL) [AUS] 61 62 
Capannolo, Michaela [AUS]  
    Rischbieth, Brooke[3]
Rischbieth, Brooke[3] [AUS] 76(4) 62 
Dunser, Kassandra[7] [AUS]  
    Dunser, Kassandra[7]
Stefanovic, Jelena (WC) [AUS] 62 60 
Dikosavljevic, Andrea [AUS]  
    Dikosavljevic, Andrea
Williams, Claudia [NZL] 60 64 
Bell, Jacqui (Q) [AUS]  
    Keir, Ashley (WC)
Keir, Ashley (WC) [AUS] 61 60 
Stojic, Stefani [AUS]  
    Stojic, Stefani
Beck, Brigitte[11] [AUS] 61 63 
Tamber, Jespreet[13] [AUS]  
    Tamber, Jespreet[13]
Lee, Jackie S. (LL) [AUS] 62 64 
Pokras, Anneli [EST]  
    Hudaly, Martina (LL)
Hudaly, Martina (LL) [AUS] 61 60 
Onishi, Nao [JPN]  
    Sneath, Amy
Sneath, Amy [AUS] 61 60 
Panoho, Ebony [AUS]  
    Panoho, Ebony
Destriana, Bella[2] [INA] 63 63 
Sheahan, Harriet[1] [AUS]  
    Sheahan, Harriet[1]
Pain, Anaeve [FRA] 63 61 
Gilbertson, Jaimee [AUS]  
    Gilbertson, Jaimee
Nowicki, Oriana [AUS] 63 20 Ret'd 
Hibino, Nao[12] [JPN]  
    Hibino, Nao[12]
Fuller, Charlotte [AUS] 64 75 
Hunia, Kataraina [NZL]  
    James, Elizabeth
James, Elizabeth [AUS] 62 62 
Nathalia, Athena[4] [INA]  
    Nathalia, Athena[4]
Watson, Madeleine [AUS] 62 60 
Nicholas, Kay-Leigh [RSA]  
    Nicholas, Kay-Leigh
Suwanaposee, Pang[15] [NZL] 61 60 
Collie, Nicole [AUS]  
    Collie, Nicole
Tepper, Philippa (LL) [AUS] 62 62 
Sharma, Astra (WC) [AUS]  
    Casey, Maree[5]
Casey, Maree[5] [AUS] 62 64 
Parker, Kate[6] [NZL]  
    Barty, Ashleigh
Barty, Ashleigh [AUS] 61 63 
Hoang, Lyann [AUS]  
    Hadzic, Azra[9]
Hadzic, Azra[9] [AUS] 62 61 
Boinay, Louise[16] [SUI]  
    Kafedjiyska, Ivana
Kafedjiyska, Ivana [AUS] 67(2) 62 62 
Putri, Kely Restiana [INA]  
    Rischbieth, Brooke[3]
Rischbieth, Brooke[3] [AUS] 61 61 
Dunser, Kassandra[7] [AUS]  
    Dunser, Kassandra[7]
Dikosavljevic, Andrea [AUS] 64 62 
Keir, Ashley (WC) [AUS]  
    Stojic, Stefani
Stojic, Stefani [AUS] 63 36 62 
Tamber, Jespreet[13] [AUS]  
    Hudaly, Martina (LL)
Hudaly, Martina (LL) [AUS] 36 61 63 
Sneath, Amy [AUS]  
    Panoho, Ebony
Panoho, Ebony [AUS] 75 46 75 
Sheahan, Harriet[1] [AUS]  
    Sheahan, Harriet[1]
Gilbertson, Jaimee [AUS] 62 61 
Hibino, Nao[12] [JPN]  
    Hibino, Nao[12]
James, Elizabeth [AUS] 63 62 
Nathalia, Athena[4] [INA]  
    Nathalia, Athena[4]
Nicholas, Kay-Leigh [RSA] 63 75 
Collie, Nicole [AUS]  
    Casey, Maree[5]
Casey, Maree[5] [AUS] 61 67(4) 62 
Barty, Ashleigh [AUS]  
    Barty, Ashleigh
Hadzic, Azra[9] [AUS] 63 63 
Kafedjiyska, Ivana [AUS]  
    Rischbieth, Brooke[3]
Rischbieth, Brooke[3] [AUS] 63 63 
Dunser, Kassandra[7] [AUS]  
    Stojic, Stefani
Stojic, Stefani [AUS] 61 63 
Hudaly, Martina (LL) [AUS]  
    Panoho, Ebony
Panoho, Ebony [AUS] 62 63 
Sheahan, Harriet[1] [AUS]  
    Hibino, Nao[12]
Hibino, Nao[12] [JPN] 61 64 
Nathalia, Athena[4] [INA]  
    Casey, Maree[5]
Casey, Maree[5] [AUS] 36 64 60 
Barty, Ashleigh [AUS]  
    Barty, Ashleigh
Rischbieth, Brooke[3] [AUS] 62 62 
Stojic, Stefani [AUS]  
    Panoho, Ebony
Panoho, Ebony [AUS] 64 46 61 
Hibino, Nao[12] [JPN]  
    Hibino, Nao[12]
Casey, Maree[5] [AUS] 75 60 
Barty, Ashleigh [AUS]  
    Barty, Ashleigh
Panoho, Ebony [AUS] 61 62 
Hibino, Nao[12] [JPN]  
    Hibino, Nao[12]
Barty, Ashleigh [AUS] 76(8) 60 
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