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Tournament Rounds

Malaysia ITF International Junior Championship, 2010, J60 Boys

Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh Tennis Courts Kompleks

Raman, Rishabdev[1] [IND]  
    Raman, Rishabdev[1]
Tsatkin, Aleksandr [UZB] 62 62 
Ginting, Joshua (Q) [INA]  
    Wilton, Jorge
Wilton, Jorge [GBR] 64 63 
Ginting, Mark Nathan (Q) [INA]  
    Ginting, Mark Nathan (Q)
Wan Abdul Aziz, Wan Abdul Muiz (WC) [MAS] 64 62 
Koaykul, Krittin [THA]  
    Koaykul, Krittin
Deen Heshaam, Ariez Elyaas[5] [MAS] 63 60 
Uneputty, Ega[3] [INA]  
    Khan, Mohamed Nazim
Khan, Mohamed Nazim [MAS] 76(5) 64 
Isaro, Pruchya [THA]  
    Isaro, Pruchya
Cho, Hyun Duk [HKG] 64 75 
Rumambi, Fredrico Leonardo (Q) [INA]  
    Rumambi, Fredrico Leonardo (Q)
Syed Naguib, Syed Mohd Agil (WC) [MAS] 61 63 
Hoyt, Evan [GBR]  
    Hoyt, Evan
Kamiljanov, Bobur[8] [UZB] 62 61 
Zhang, Zhuo[6] [CHN]  
    Zhang, Zhuo[6]
Throm-Jones, Christian [GBR] 61 75 
Jordan, Joshua (WC) [MAS]  
    Wijaya, Indra
Wijaya, Indra [INA] 60 61 
Ernepesov, Aleksandr [TKM]  
    Ernepesov, Aleksandr
Li, Ming Gang (Q) [HKG] 63 60 
Deshpande, Yash [IND]  
    Deshpande, Yash
Shofayziev, Nigmat[4] [UZB] 76(2) 63 
Haris, Aditya Ichsandi[7] [INA]  
    Haris, Aditya Ichsandi[7]
Khoo, Khoo Er Yang [MAS] 67(7) 60 63 
Wong, Colin Wei Ming (WC) [MAS]  
    Geigle, Tobias
Geigle, Tobias [GER] 61 62 
Cornish, Jonathan [GBR]  
    Cornish, Jonathan
Bendre, Anvit [IND] 63 63 
Lertchai, Kong Pop [THA]  
    Lertchai, Kong Pop
Naow, Amer[2] [SYR] 62 63 
Raman, Rishabdev[1] [IND]  
    Raman, Rishabdev[1]
Wilton, Jorge [GBR] 62 63 
Ginting, Mark Nathan (Q) [INA]  
    Koaykul, Krittin
Koaykul, Krittin [THA] 63 61 
Khan, Mohamed Nazim [MAS]  
    Isaro, Pruchya
Isaro, Pruchya [THA] 61 63 
Rumambi, Fredrico Leonardo (Q) [INA]  
    Hoyt, Evan
Hoyt, Evan [GBR] 60 62 
Zhang, Zhuo[6] [CHN]  
    Zhang, Zhuo[6]
Wijaya, Indra [INA] 64 64 
Ernepesov, Aleksandr [TKM]  
    Ernepesov, Aleksandr
Deshpande, Yash [IND] 75 63 
Haris, Aditya Ichsandi[7] [INA]  
    Geigle, Tobias
Geigle, Tobias [GER] 76(6) 46 62 
Cornish, Jonathan [GBR]  
    Cornish, Jonathan
Lertchai, Kong Pop [THA] 46 61 62 
Raman, Rishabdev[1] [IND]  
    Raman, Rishabdev[1]
Koaykul, Krittin [THA] 76(3) 61 
Isaro, Pruchya [THA]  
    Hoyt, Evan
Hoyt, Evan [GBR] 46 64 63 
Zhang, Zhuo[6] [CHN]  
    Zhang, Zhuo[6]
Ernepesov, Aleksandr [TKM] 60 62 
Geigle, Tobias [GER]  
    Cornish, Jonathan
Cornish, Jonathan [GBR] 62 60 
Raman, Rishabdev[1] [IND]  
    Hoyt, Evan
Hoyt, Evan [GBR] 26 76(1) 64 
Zhang, Zhuo[6] [CHN]  
    Cornish, Jonathan
Cornish, Jonathan [GBR] 63 64 
Hoyt, Evan [GBR]  
    Hoyt, Evan
Cornish, Jonathan [GBR] 62 57 61 
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