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Tournament Rounds

Regatas Bowl, 2011, Boys 14

Club Regatas de Lima

Rosas, Juan Jose[1] [PER]  
    Rosas, Juan Jose[1]
Concha Colchado, Nick Andree [PER] 61 60 
Echeverria, Mariano (WC) [PER]  
    Luz, Orlando
Luz, Orlando [BRA] 60 60 
Cattani, Paolo [ECU]  
    Ruiz Diaz, Alex Gustavo
Ruiz Diaz, Alex Gustavo [PAR] 63 63 
Roldan, Tomas [COL]  
    Gutierrez, Esteban[14]
Gutierrez, Esteban[14] [COL] 67(3) 75 63 
Espinoza Arroba, Jorge Mateo[11] [ECU]  
    Espinoza Arroba, Jorge Mateo[11]
Cori, Francesco (WC) [PER] 61 62 
Schattan, Igor (Q) [BRA]  
    Schattan, Igor (Q)
Kaplun, Dan [URU] 61 16 64 
Reyes, Agustin [CHI]  
    Reyes, Agustin
Yepez, Juan Jose (LL) [ECU] 62 61 
Meyer, Sebastian [BOL]  
    Sacco, Agustin[6]
Sacco, Agustin[6] [ARG] 61 60 
Sidney, Gabriel[3] [BRA]  
    Sidney, Gabriel[3]
Macias, Alfredo Daniel [ECU] 61 61 
Achondo, Gonzalo (Q) [CHI]  
    Achondo, Gonzalo (Q)
Barros, Marcelo (Q) [CHI] 75 76(6) 
Irarrazabal, Gerardo [CHI]  
    Irarrazabal, Gerardo
Canaviri, Esteban [BOL] 62 62 
Gomez Saldar, Felipe (Q) [COL]  
    Foglio, Luis[15]
Foglio, Luis[15] [VEN] 36 63 63 
Sepulveda, Carlos[9] [COL]  
    Sepulveda, Carlos[9]
Bacella, Nicolas [ARG] 63 36 75 
Monterroso, Lucas [URU]  
    Monterroso, Lucas
Borda, Santiago (WC) [PER] 61 64 
Moscoso, Diego [PER]  
    Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q)
Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q) [ARG] 60 61 
Fernando Muniz Tori, Diego [PER]  
    Fernando Muniz Tori, Diego
Vega, Frank[8] [PER] 62 64 
Hoyos, Daniel[5] [PER]  
    Barrios Vera, Tomas
Barrios Vera, Tomas [CHI] 63 63 
Straznicky, Alek (WC) [PER]  
    Quezada, Stalin
Quezada, Stalin [ECU] 63 60 
Antelo, Jose Miguel [BOL]  
    Escobar, Lucas
Escobar, Lucas [PAR] 62 62 
Cabrera, Guillermo (WC) [PER]  
    Luini, Lucas[12]
Luini, Lucas[12] [ARG] 62 63 
Moraes, Bernardo[13] [BRA]  
    Moraes, Bernardo[13]
Santos Costa, Paulo Guilherm [BRA] 46 64 63 
Yamada Bazan, Satoshi (WC) [PER]  
    Yamada Bazan, Satoshi (WC)
Busato, Roberto (LL) [PER] 76(4) 62 
Tirado Montano, Luis Felipe (LL) [BOL]  
    Ponce, Camilo
Ponce, Camilo [ECU] 62 60 
Marjovski, Sergio [URU]  
    Arias, Manuel[4]
Arias, Manuel[4] [COL] 76(4) 61 
Albuquerque, Luis[7] [PER]  
    Faria, Luiz Fernando
Faria, Luiz Fernando [BRA] 62 26 34 Ret'd 
Barrios, Geronimo [CHI]  
    Barrios, Geronimo
Tonon Filho, Flavio Augusto [BRA] 64 62 
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin (Q) [COL]  
    Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin (Q)
Goycoolea, Nicolas (WC) [CHI] 76(10) 63 
Mazzone, Augusto Nicola (Q) [ARG]  
    Kenji Kogachi, Lucas[10]
Kenji Kogachi, Lucas[10] [BRA] 64 61 
Bustamante Duenas, Simon Alfredo[16] [ECU]  
    Costa Corral Ponce, Andre
Costa Corral Ponce, Andre [BRA] 46 76(3) 63 
Vidal, Joaquin [PER]  
    Vidal, Joaquin
Colmenares, Daniel [COL] 26 61 61 
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel [BOL]  
    Asmar, Enrique (Q)
Asmar, Enrique (Q) [COL] 60 75 
Flores, Alejandro (WC) [PER]  
    Ficovich, Juan Pablo[2]
Ficovich, Juan Pablo[2] [ARG] 60 60 
Rosas, Juan Jose[1] [PER]  
    Luz, Orlando
Luz, Orlando [BRA] 57 64 62 
Ruiz Diaz, Alex Gustavo [PAR]  
    Ruiz Diaz, Alex Gustavo
Gutierrez, Esteban[14] [COL] 16 76(4) 61 
Espinoza Arroba, Jorge Mateo[11] [ECU]  
    Schattan, Igor (Q)
Schattan, Igor (Q) [BRA] 61 61 
Reyes, Agustin [CHI]  
    Sacco, Agustin[6]
Sacco, Agustin[6] [ARG] 62 76(7) 
Sidney, Gabriel[3] [BRA]  
    Sidney, Gabriel[3]
Achondo, Gonzalo (Q) [CHI] 61 36 63 
Irarrazabal, Gerardo [CHI]  
    Foglio, Luis[15]
Foglio, Luis[15] [VEN] 06 63 62 
Sepulveda, Carlos[9] [COL]  
    Sepulveda, Carlos[9]
Monterroso, Lucas [URU] 63 46 64 
Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q) [ARG]  
    Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q)
Fernando Muniz Tori, Diego [PER] 60 64 
Barrios Vera, Tomas [CHI]  
    Barrios Vera, Tomas
Quezada, Stalin [ECU] 63 46 62 
Escobar, Lucas [PAR]  
    Luini, Lucas[12]
Luini, Lucas[12] [ARG] 64 61 
Moraes, Bernardo[13] [BRA]  
    Moraes, Bernardo[13]
Yamada Bazan, Satoshi (WC) [PER] 61 62 
Ponce, Camilo [ECU]  
    Arias, Manuel[4]
Arias, Manuel[4] [COL] 62 63 
Faria, Luiz Fernando [BRA]  
    Barrios, Geronimo
Barrios, Geronimo [CHI] 60 76(5) 
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin (Q) [COL]  
    Kenji Kogachi, Lucas[10]
Kenji Kogachi, Lucas[10] [BRA] 75 36 63 
Costa Corral Ponce, Andre [BRA]  
    Costa Corral Ponce, Andre
Vidal, Joaquin [PER] 26 76(5) 75 
Asmar, Enrique (Q) [COL]  
    Asmar, Enrique (Q)
Ficovich, Juan Pablo[2] [ARG] 26 63 63 
Luz, Orlando [BRA]  
    Luz, Orlando
Ruiz Diaz, Alex Gustavo [PAR] 60 62 
Schattan, Igor (Q) [BRA]  
    Sacco, Agustin[6]
Sacco, Agustin[6] [ARG] 61 63 
Sidney, Gabriel[3] [BRA]  
    Sidney, Gabriel[3]
Foglio, Luis[15] [VEN] 64 62 
Sepulveda, Carlos[9] [COL]  
    Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q)
Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q) [ARG] 62 60 
Barrios Vera, Tomas [CHI]  
    Luini, Lucas[12]
Luini, Lucas[12] [ARG] 62 63 
Moraes, Bernardo[13] [BRA]  
    Arias, Manuel[4]
Arias, Manuel[4] [COL] 76(3) 63 
Barrios, Geronimo [CHI]  
    Kenji Kogachi, Lucas[10]
Kenji Kogachi, Lucas[10] [BRA] 63 64 
Costa Corral Ponce, Andre [BRA]  
    Asmar, Enrique (Q)
Asmar, Enrique (Q) [COL] 61 63 
Luz, Orlando [BRA]  
    Luz, Orlando
Sacco, Agustin[6] [ARG] 62 26 64 
Sidney, Gabriel[3] [BRA]  
    Sidney, Gabriel[3]
Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q) [ARG] 64 63 
Luini, Lucas[12] [ARG]  
    Arias, Manuel[4]
Arias, Manuel[4] [COL] 64 60 
Kenji Kogachi, Lucas[10] [BRA]  
    Asmar, Enrique (Q)
Asmar, Enrique (Q) [COL] 75 76(3) 
Luz, Orlando [BRA]  
    Luz, Orlando
Sidney, Gabriel[3] [BRA] 63 63 
Arias, Manuel[4] [COL]  
    Arias, Manuel[4]
Asmar, Enrique (Q) [COL] 61 64 
Luz, Orlando [BRA]  
    Luz, Orlando
Arias, Manuel[4] [COL] 61 64 
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