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Tournament Rounds

USTA National Winter Championships, 2010, Boys 18

USTA Central Arizona Tennis Association

Egger, Emmett A.[1] [USA]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[1]
Shibahara, Shuhei [USA] 76(7) 62 
Kenyon, Stuart [GBR]  
    Kenyon, Stuart
Putterman, Ross [USA] 36 63 76(7) 
Mccourt, Zach[17] [USA]  
    Mccourt, Zach[17]
Hernandez, Romar [USA] 63 67(11) 62 
Hudelson, Ryan [USA]  
    Gilman, Ben
Gilman, Ben [USA] 57 62 62 
Kovrigin, Anton A.[12] [USA]  
    Kovrigin, Anton A.[12]
Chou, Robin [USA] 63 36 61 
Daniel, Blake [USA]  
    Yee, Kristofer
Yee, Kristofer [USA] 75 62 
Haworth, Christopher G[17] [USA]  
    Haworth, Christopher G[17]
Matias, Ace [USA] 64 61 
Gomez, Aaron [USA]  
    Jaruvang, Jason
Jaruvang, Jason [USA] 62 64 
Martinez, Jose R.[5] [USA]  
    Korber, Shane
Korber, Shane [USA] 36 75 76(7) 
Wagner, Matthew [USA]  
    Bloom, Augie
Bloom, Augie [USA] 64 64 
Scott, Gregory[17] [USA]  
    Scott, Gregory[17]
Edwards, Colin T. [USA] 60 62 
Levine, Josh [USA]  
    Levine, Josh
Cotton, Aaron J. [USA] 62 62 
Korinek, Andrew[11] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[11]
Kipouras, Christopher M. [USA] 61 64 
Burnett, Tyler [USA]  
    Kopinski, Tim
Kopinski, Tim [USA] 61 62 
Patton, Garrett[17] [USA]  
    Patton, Garrett[17]
Amyot, Cameron D. [USA] 64 63 
Delaubenfels, Reid [USA]  
    Harrell, Wayne
Harrell, Wayne [USA] 26 76(7) 61 
Song, Evan[3] [USA]  
    Song, Evan[3]
Retta, Michael [USA] 60 62 
Chaffee, Aaron [USA]  
    Simon, Spencer L.
Simon, Spencer L. [USA] 63 61 
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[17]
Rakitt, Nathan [USA] 64 61 
Farren, Connor [USA]  
    Farren, Connor
Saiontz, Matthew [USA] 64 63 
Adams, Andrew[16] [USA]  
    Adams, Andrew[16]
Sunago, Fernando H. [USA] 62 64 
Okamoto, Chas [USA]  
    Taylor, Garrett D.
Taylor, Garrett D. [USA] 60 64 
Paige, Nolan[17] [USA]  
    Paige, Nolan[17]
Jones, Austin D. [USA] 61 57 75 
Yaraghi, Andrew [USA]  
    Yaraghi, Andrew
Howard, Alex [USA] 63 62 
Sidney, Alex[6] [USA]  
    Sidney, Alex[6]
Doehring, David [USA] 60 62 
Adams, Grant [USA]  
    Hagan, Matthew T.
Hagan, Matthew T. [USA] 60 26 63 
Steer, Henry[17] [USA]  
    Steer, Henry[17]
Todd, Samuel [USA] 63 61 
Heerboth, Wade [USA]  
    Heerboth, Wade
Rosensteel, Timothy [USA] 64 26 62 
Baylon, Rickey[14] [USA]  
    Baylon, Rickey[14]
Conlon, Brian M. [USA] 63 64 
Leonard, Raymond [USA]  
    Leonard, Raymond
Saxon, Tucker [USA] 75 60 
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Adams, Harrison [USA] 63 62 
Montoya, Nicolas [USA]  
    Hirschberg, Daniel
Hirschberg, Daniel [USA] 64 36 62 
Kumar, Mihir [USA]  
    Kumar, Mihir
Pearce, John [USA] 64 61 
Wood, Nick [USA]  
    Wood, Nick
Jayashankar, Nikhil[17] [USA] 57 61 60 
Asami, Reo [JPN]  
    Riechmann, Michael
Riechmann, Michael [USA] 63 62 
Donaldson, Kelly W. [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[13]
Delcore, Anthony[13] [USA] 62 61 
Bloom, Sam [USA]  
    Bloom, Sam
Saleh, Dante [USA] 76(5) 36 63 
Kiyabu, Robin M. [USA]  
    Kiyabu, Robin M.
Schnur, Max[17] [USA] 62 76(6) 
Carcione, Jonathan [USA]  
    Carcione, Jonathan
Hernandez, Caryl [USA] 76(1) 63 
Weissler, Sam [USA]  
    Pecor, Billy[7]
Pecor, Billy[7] [USA] 62 64 
Carter, Justin [USA]  
    Carter, Justin
Shamshiri, Taylor W. [USA] 57 64 63 
Reilly, Michael [USA]  
    Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17]
Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17] [USA] 60 63 
Behal, Jacob [USA]  
    Behal, Jacob
Salazar, Jorge [USA] 62 63 
Buffington, Colton J. [USA]  
    Lin, Winston[9]
Lin, Winston[9] [USA] 63 64 
Aguilar, Brendan [USA]  
    Aguilar, Brendan
Glickman, Jayson L. [USA] 76(0) 61 
Khachatryan, Andranik [USA]  
    Steinroeder, Alexander[17]
Steinroeder, Alexander[17] [USA] 36 60 61 
Elortegui, Michael [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.
Clark, Brett D. [USA] 46 63 63 
Packowitz, David [USA]  
    Tahir, Jason[4]
Tahir, Jason[4] [USA] 61 60 
Suk, Will [USA]  
    Topp, William M
Topp, William M [USA] 62 62 
Berman, Kyle [USA]  
    Wang, Johnny[17]
Wang, Johnny[17] [USA] 63 62 
Page Jr., Brian [USA]  
    Malozsak, Andrew
Malozsak, Andrew [USA] 62 62 
Caplan, Douglas [USA]  
    Cullimore, Keaton[10]
Cullimore, Keaton[10] [USA] 60 60 
Weiner, David [USA]  
    Weiner, David
Hawke, Jeffrey [USA] 64 64 
Sabacinski, Kenneth [USA]  
    Alves, Matthew[17]
Alves, Matthew[17] [USA] 76(4) 64 
Jesse, Alexander [USA]  
    Jesse, Alexander
Heaney-Secord, Christian [USA] 61 60 
Dell, Trevor [USA]  
    Crenshaw, Justin[8]
Crenshaw, Justin[8] [USA] 62 61 
Aleman, Alex [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon
Watson, Gordon [USA] 46 62 60 
Bohne, Scott [USA]  
    Luu, Jason H.[17]
Luu, Jason H.[17] [USA] 61 61 
Bragg, Noah [USA]  
    Tehrani, Cameron
Tehrani, Cameron [USA] 36 60 61 
Depaolo, Charles S. [USA]  
    Johnson, Eric[15]
Johnson, Eric[15] [USA] 60 62 
Bond, Beck R. [USA]  
    Bond, Beck R.
Quazzo, Benjamin H. [USA] 63 76(2) 
Razumovsky, Michael [USA]  
    Naumann, Nicholas[17]
Naumann, Nicholas[17] [USA] 62 64 
Halpern, Eric [USA]  
    O'shaughnessey, Becker
O'shaughnessey, Becker [USA] 60 63 
Carlisle, Andrew [USA]  
    Mccoy, Wyatt[2]
Mccoy, Wyatt[2] [USA] 60 62 
Egger, Emmett A.[1] [USA]  
    Kenyon, Stuart
Kenyon, Stuart [GBR] 76(5) 76(5) 
Mccourt, Zach[17] [USA]  
    Mccourt, Zach[17]
Gilman, Ben [USA] 63 64 
Kovrigin, Anton A.[12] [USA]  
    Kovrigin, Anton A.[12]
Yee, Kristofer [USA] 75 64 
Haworth, Christopher G[17] [USA]  
    Haworth, Christopher G[17]
Jaruvang, Jason [USA] 61 61 
Korber, Shane [USA]  
    Bloom, Augie
Bloom, Augie [USA] 63 64 
Scott, Gregory[17] [USA]  
    Scott, Gregory[17]
Levine, Josh [USA] 61 46 62 
Korinek, Andrew[11] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[11]
Kopinski, Tim [USA] 62 46 76(5) 
Patton, Garrett[17] [USA]  
    Patton, Garrett[17]
Harrell, Wayne [USA] 62 75 
Song, Evan[3] [USA]  
    Song, Evan[3]
Simon, Spencer L. [USA] 60 63 
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[17]
Farren, Connor [USA] 67(5) 61 75 
Adams, Andrew[16] [USA]  
    Adams, Andrew[16]
Taylor, Garrett D. [USA] 60 62 
Paige, Nolan[17] [USA]  
    Paige, Nolan[17]
Yaraghi, Andrew [USA] 63 36 60 
Sidney, Alex[6] [USA]  
    Sidney, Alex[6]
Hagan, Matthew T. [USA] 62 63 
Steer, Henry[17] [USA]  
    Steer, Henry[17]
Heerboth, Wade [USA] 61 60 
Baylon, Rickey[14] [USA]  
    Leonard, Raymond
Leonard, Raymond [USA] 26 63 64 
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Hirschberg, Daniel [USA] 75 63 
Kumar, Mihir [USA]  
    Wood, Nick
Wood, Nick [USA] 75 62 
Riechmann, Michael [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[13]
Delcore, Anthony[13] [USA] 63 61 
Bloom, Sam [USA]  
    Bloom, Sam
Kiyabu, Robin M. [USA] 75 76(4) 
Carcione, Jonathan [USA]  
    Carcione, Jonathan
Pecor, Billy[7] [USA] 63 75 
Carter, Justin [USA]  
    Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17]
Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17] [USA] 46 75 60 
Behal, Jacob [USA]  
    Lin, Winston[9]
Lin, Winston[9] [USA] 62 46 63 
Aguilar, Brendan [USA]  
    Steinroeder, Alexander[17]
Steinroeder, Alexander[17] [USA] 64 62 
Clark, Brett D. [USA]  
    Tahir, Jason[4]
Tahir, Jason[4] [USA] 61 62 
Topp, William M [USA]  
    Wang, Johnny[17]
Wang, Johnny[17] [USA] 61 76(2) 
Malozsak, Andrew [USA]  
    Cullimore, Keaton[10]
Cullimore, Keaton[10] [USA] 62 62 
Weiner, David [USA]  
    Alves, Matthew[17]
Alves, Matthew[17] [USA] 63 63 
Jesse, Alexander [USA]  
    Crenshaw, Justin[8]
Crenshaw, Justin[8] [USA] 63 76(1) 
Watson, Gordon [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon
Luu, Jason H.[17] [USA] 16 64 64 
Tehrani, Cameron [USA]  
    Johnson, Eric[15]
Johnson, Eric[15] [USA] 60 62 
Bond, Beck R. [USA]  
    Naumann, Nicholas[17]
Naumann, Nicholas[17] [USA] 64 63 
O'shaughnessey, Becker [USA]  
    Mccoy, Wyatt[2]
Mccoy, Wyatt[2] [USA] 26 64 62 
Kenyon, Stuart [GBR]  
    Mccourt, Zach[17]
Mccourt, Zach[17] [USA] 61 76(3) 
Kovrigin, Anton A.[12] [USA]  
    Haworth, Christopher G[17]
Haworth, Christopher G[17] [USA] 46 62 63 
Bloom, Augie [USA]  
    Scott, Gregory[17]
Scott, Gregory[17] [USA] 62 61 
Korinek, Andrew[11] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[11]
Patton, Garrett[17] [USA] 63 61 
Song, Evan[3] [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[17]
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA] 63 62 
Adams, Andrew[16] [USA]  
    Adams, Andrew[16]
Paige, Nolan[17] [USA] 64 64 
Sidney, Alex[6] [USA]  
    Sidney, Alex[6]
Steer, Henry[17] [USA] 76(8) 60 
Leonard, Raymond [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA] 61 64 
Wood, Nick [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[13]
Delcore, Anthony[13] [USA] 63 64 
Bloom, Sam [USA]  
    Carcione, Jonathan
Carcione, Jonathan [USA] 36 64 63 
Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17] [USA]  
    Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17]
Lin, Winston[9] [USA] 62 62 
Steinroeder, Alexander[17] [USA]  
    Tahir, Jason[4]
Tahir, Jason[4] [USA] 63 63 
Wang, Johnny[17] [USA]  
    Cullimore, Keaton[10]
Cullimore, Keaton[10] [USA] 62 63 
Alves, Matthew[17] [USA]  
    Alves, Matthew[17]
Crenshaw, Justin[8] [USA] 64 36 63 
Watson, Gordon [USA]  
    Johnson, Eric[15]
Johnson, Eric[15] [USA] 61 64 
Naumann, Nicholas[17] [USA]  
    Mccoy, Wyatt[2]
Mccoy, Wyatt[2] [USA] 64 60 
Mccourt, Zach[17] [USA]  
    Haworth, Christopher G[17]
Haworth, Christopher G[17] [USA] 67(5) 60 63 
Scott, Gregory[17] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[11]
Korinek, Andrew[11] [USA] 76(3) 60 
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Adams, Andrew[16]
Adams, Andrew[16] [USA] 67(5) 76(3) 75 
Sidney, Alex[6] [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA] 62 61 
Delcore, Anthony[13] [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[13]
Carcione, Jonathan [USA] 76(7) 64 
Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17] [USA]  
    Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17]
Tahir, Jason[4] [USA] 76(2) 61 
Cullimore, Keaton[10] [USA]  
    Alves, Matthew[17]
Alves, Matthew[17] [USA] 61 67(9) 61 
Johnson, Eric[15] [USA]  
    Johnson, Eric[15]
Mccoy, Wyatt[2] [USA] 36 63 62 
Haworth, Christopher G[17] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[11]
Korinek, Andrew[11] [USA] 26 64 63 
Adams, Andrew[16] [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA] 36 60 64 
Delcore, Anthony[13] [USA]  
    Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17]
Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17] [USA] 76(2) 62 
Alves, Matthew[17] [USA]  
    Johnson, Eric[15]
Johnson, Eric[15] [USA] 60 16 63 
Korinek, Andrew[11] [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA] 67(4) 64 76(5) 
Mcdonald, Mackenzie[17] [USA]  
    Johnson, Eric[15]
Johnson, Eric[15] [USA] 64 62 
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA]  
    Johnson, Eric[15]
Johnson, Eric[15] [USA] 06 64 61 
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