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Tournament Rounds

USTA National Championships, 2011, Boys 18

Kalamazoo College

Sock, Jack[1] [USA]  
    Sock, Jack[1]
Cox, Christopher [USA] 63 61 
Sabacinski, Kenneth [USA]  
    Ansari, Austin
Ansari, Austin [USA] 61 76(6) 
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Boyce, Charles [USA] 64 63 
Koch, Kyle [USA]  
    Koch, Kyle
Sidney, Alex [USA] 62 63 
Egger, Emmett A.[10] [USA]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[10]
O'shaughnessey, Becker [USA] 62 64 
Welte, Will [USA]  
    Naumann, Nicholas
Naumann, Nicholas [USA] 75 64 
Riggs, Danny[24] [USA]  
    Jesse, Alexander
Jesse, Alexander [USA] 62 46 75 
Revzin, Aaron [USA]  
    Aguilar, Brendan
Aguilar, Brendan [USA] 62 60 
Halebian, Alexios[8] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[8]
Siegel, Austin [USA] 64 75 
Simon, Spencer L. [USA]  
    Berman, Kyle
Berman, Kyle [USA] 75 64 
Adams, Harrison[26] [USA]  
    Adams, Harrison[26]
Luu, Jason H. [USA] 63 64 
Acaba, Luis [PUR]  
    Lin, Winston
Lin, Winston [USA] 64 50 Ret'd 
Newman, Spencer[14] [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer[14]
Dube, Joseph [USA] 62 60 
Minavi, Behzad Kevin [USA]  
    Minavi, Behzad Kevin
Frueh, Eric [USA] 62 63 
Chappell, Nick[30] [USA]  
    Chappell, Nick[30]
Ball, Andrew [USA] 26 76(0) 76(5) 
Damrongsri, Van [USA]  
    Damrongsri, Van
Mudge, Robbie [USA] 57 60 60 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Giron, Marcos[4]
Ho, Jonathan [USA] 63 60 
Kennedy, Harrison [USA]  
    Mays, Morgan
Mays, Morgan [USA] 64 62 
Stineman, Robert[19] [USA]  
    Stineman, Robert[19]
Lammons, Nathaniel [USA] 63 63 
Van Cott, Ian [USA]  
    Van Cott, Ian
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel [USA] 61 62 
Watson, Gordon[12] [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[12]
Richmond, John Harrison [USA] 75 16 63 
Riechmann, Michael [USA]  
    Riechmann, Michael
Brown, Jeffrey Todd [USA] 76(2) 67(2) 76(4) 
Reese, Hunter[21] [USA]  
    Reese, Hunter[21]
Steinroeder, Alexander [USA] 63 46 61 
Johns, Collin [USA]  
    Patton, Garrett
Patton, Garrett [USA] 76(5) 62 
Novikov, Dennis[5] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[5]
Brown, Jason [USA] 36 62 61 
Dorn, Joe [USA]  
    Dorn, Joe
Van Cott, Alexander [USA] 76(2) 64 
Polnet, Mitchell J.[28] [USA]  
    Yee, Kristofer
Yee, Kristofer [USA] 61 61 
Guignon, Ross [USA]  
    Hiltzik, Jared
Hiltzik, Jared [USA] 64 36 63 
Webb, Dane[16] [USA]  
    Webb, Dane[16]
Baughman, Deiton [USA] 64 46 64 
Montoya, Nicolas [USA]  
    Levine, Josh
Levine, Josh [USA] 46 62 64 
Johnson, Eric[32] [USA]  
    Daigle, Jordan Tucker
Daigle, Jordan Tucker [USA] 62 63 
Gordon, Garrett [USA]  
    Gordon, Garrett
Efferding, Jeremy [USA] 62 75 
Bloom, Sam [USA]  
    Kwok, William
Kwok, William [USA] 46 62 64 
Petrone, Alexander [USA]  
    Petrone, Alexander
Haworth, Christopher G[18] [USA] 60 61 
Chamerski, Michael [CAN]  
    Kumar, Mihir
Kumar, Mihir [USA] 62 60 
Chaffee, Aaron [USA]  
    Styslinger, Mac[9]
Styslinger, Mac[9] [USA] 76(7) 62 
Goertz, Hunter [USA]  
    Hirschberg, Daniel
Hirschberg, Daniel [USA] 60 62 
Mkrtchian, Dennis [USA]  
    Mkrtchian, Dennis
Adams, Andrew[22] [USA] 75 62 
Withrow, Jackson [USA]  
    Withrow, Jackson
Mahlangu, Nicholas [USA] 64 62 
Reiter, Jensen H. [USA]  
    Vinsant, Shane[6]
Vinsant, Shane[6] [USA] 60 63 
Sunago, Fernando H. [USA]  
    Kopinski, Tim
Kopinski, Tim [USA] 64 61 
Depaolo, Charles S. [USA]  
    Depaolo, Charles S.
Harrell, Wayne [USA] 63 63 
Behal, Jacob [USA]  
    Cotrone, Dominic
Cotrone, Dominic [USA] 64 62 
Karl, Sean [USA]  
    Mccourt, Zach[13]
Mccourt, Zach[13] [USA] 60 63 
Krumholz, Zachary L [USA]  
    Vancura, Bert
Vancura, Bert [USA] 61 63 
Boyd, James [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[29]
Ore, Junior A.[29] [USA] 64 26 62 
Diaz, Christopher [USA]  
    Diaz, Christopher
Hu, Nicholas S. [USA] 62 61 
Pennington, Beck [USA]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[3]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[3] [USA] 60 60 
Alves, Matthew [USA]  
    Alves, Matthew
Barnhart, Hudson [USA] 76(6) 61 
Pecht, Andrew [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[20]
Redlicki, Michael[20] [USA] 61 75 
Mcclain, Brendan Reed [USA]  
    Mcclain, Brendan Reed
Cullimore, Keaton [USA] 63 16 61 
Fickey, Brandon T. [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[11]
Clark, Brett D.[11] [USA] 63 57 41 Ret'd 
Paige, Nolan [USA]  
    Paige, Nolan
Leonard, Raymond [USA] 63 64 
Narayana, Ashok [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[23]
Callahan, Hunter[23] [USA] 62 62 
Murphy, Jackson M. [USA]  
    Yaraghi, Andrew
Yaraghi, Andrew [USA] 67(4) 76(7) 60 
Lawson, Alex [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell[7]
Krueger, Mitchell[7] [USA] 61 63 
Kay, Casey [USA]  
    Kay, Casey
Neuner, Will [USA] 64 63 
Hundal, Vikram S. [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[25]
Delcore, Anthony[25] [USA] 75 63 
Robbie, Richard B. [USA]  
    Saleh, Dante
Saleh, Dante [USA] 26 63 63 
Nguyen, Denis Nguyen M D [USA]  
    Smith, Austin[15]
Smith, Austin[15] [USA] 63 61 
Chan, Justin M. [USA]  
    Chan, Justin M.
Nath, Thomas W. [USA] 63 60 
Court, Jeremy [USA]  
    Austin, Gonzales[31]
Austin, Gonzales[31] [USA] 36 64 63 
Jaruvang, Jason [USA]  
    Jaruvang, Jason
Todd, Samuel [USA] 75 76(2) 
Strobel, Trey [USA]  
    Frank, Mitchell[2]
Frank, Mitchell[2] [USA] 60 60 
Sock, Jack[1] [USA]  
    Sock, Jack[1]
Ansari, Austin [USA] 61 61 
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17]
Koch, Kyle [USA] 46 64 63 
Egger, Emmett A.[10] [USA]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[10]
Naumann, Nicholas [USA] 76(4) 62 
Jesse, Alexander [USA]  
    Aguilar, Brendan
Aguilar, Brendan [USA] 61 61 
Halebian, Alexios[8] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[8]
Berman, Kyle [USA] 61 60 
Adams, Harrison[26] [USA]  
    Adams, Harrison[26]
Lin, Winston [USA] 64 75 
Newman, Spencer[14] [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer[14]
Minavi, Behzad Kevin [USA] 60 62 
Chappell, Nick[30] [USA]  
    Chappell, Nick[30]
Damrongsri, Van [USA] 64 62 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Giron, Marcos[4]
Mays, Morgan [USA] 63 64 
Stineman, Robert[19] [USA]  
    Stineman, Robert[19]
Van Cott, Ian [USA] 46 64 64 
Watson, Gordon[12] [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[12]
Riechmann, Michael [USA] 62 63 
Reese, Hunter[21] [USA]  
    Reese, Hunter[21]
Patton, Garrett [USA] 75 62 
Novikov, Dennis[5] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[5]
Dorn, Joe [USA] 63 63 
Yee, Kristofer [USA]  
    Yee, Kristofer
Hiltzik, Jared [USA] 64 46 76(4) 
Webb, Dane[16] [USA]  
    Webb, Dane[16]
Levine, Josh [USA] 63 63 
Daigle, Jordan Tucker [USA]  
    Gordon, Garrett
Gordon, Garrett [USA] 62 60 
Kwok, William [USA]  
    Kwok, William
Petrone, Alexander [USA] 64 36 75 
Kumar, Mihir [USA]  
    Styslinger, Mac[9]
Styslinger, Mac[9] [USA] 46 62 61 
Hirschberg, Daniel [USA]  
    Mkrtchian, Dennis
Mkrtchian, Dennis [USA] 46 63 62 
Withrow, Jackson [USA]  
    Withrow, Jackson
Vinsant, Shane[6] [USA] 46 63 62 
Kopinski, Tim [USA]  
    Depaolo, Charles S.
Depaolo, Charles S. [USA] 64 76(4) 
Cotrone, Dominic [USA]  
    Cotrone, Dominic
Mccourt, Zach[13] [USA] 76(2) 76(2) 
Vancura, Bert [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[29]
Ore, Junior A.[29] [USA] 63 61 
Diaz, Christopher [USA]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[3]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[3] [USA] 36 62 63 
Alves, Matthew [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[20]
Redlicki, Michael[20] [USA] 64 64 
Mcclain, Brendan Reed [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[11]
Clark, Brett D.[11] [USA] 63 61 
Paige, Nolan [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[23]
Callahan, Hunter[23] [USA] 63 64 
Yaraghi, Andrew [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell[7]
Krueger, Mitchell[7] [USA] 61 61 
Kay, Casey [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[25]
Delcore, Anthony[25] [USA] 64 64 
Saleh, Dante [USA]  
    Smith, Austin[15]
Smith, Austin[15] [USA] 76(2) 61 
Chan, Justin M. [USA]  
    Austin, Gonzales[31]
Austin, Gonzales[31] [USA] 63 62 
Jaruvang, Jason [USA]  
    Frank, Mitchell[2]
Frank, Mitchell[2] [USA] 61 61 
Sock, Jack[1] [USA]  
    Sock, Jack[1]
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[17] [USA] 61 61 
Egger, Emmett A.[10] [USA]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[10]
Aguilar, Brendan [USA] 62 62 
Halebian, Alexios[8] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[8]
Adams, Harrison[26] [USA] 64 36 63 
Newman, Spencer[14] [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer[14]
Chappell, Nick[30] [USA] 75 62 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Giron, Marcos[4]
Stineman, Robert[19] [USA] 63 64 
Watson, Gordon[12] [USA]  
    Reese, Hunter[21]
Reese, Hunter[21] [USA] 63 67(3) 76(5) 
Novikov, Dennis[5] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[5]
Yee, Kristofer [USA] 62 63 
Webb, Dane[16] [USA]  
    Webb, Dane[16]
Gordon, Garrett [USA] 63 64 
Kwok, William [USA]  
    Styslinger, Mac[9]
Styslinger, Mac[9] [USA] 63 63 
Mkrtchian, Dennis [USA]  
    Mkrtchian, Dennis
Withrow, Jackson [USA] 64 67(6) 75 
Depaolo, Charles S. [USA]  
    Depaolo, Charles S.
Cotrone, Dominic [USA] 26 63 76(3) 
Ore, Junior A.[29] [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[29]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[3] [USA] 62 64 
Redlicki, Michael[20] [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[11]
Clark, Brett D.[11] [USA] 63 36 63 
Callahan, Hunter[23] [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[23]
Krueger, Mitchell[7] [USA] 64 64 
Delcore, Anthony[25] [USA]  
    Smith, Austin[15]
Smith, Austin[15] [USA] 61 62 
Austin, Gonzales[31] [USA]  
    Frank, Mitchell[2]
Frank, Mitchell[2] [USA] 60 61 
Sock, Jack[1] [USA]  
    Sock, Jack[1]
Egger, Emmett A.[10] [USA] 61 61 
Halebian, Alexios[8] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[8]
Newman, Spencer[14] [USA] 76(2) 16 62 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Giron, Marcos[4]
Reese, Hunter[21] [USA] 63 62 
Novikov, Dennis[5] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[5]
Webb, Dane[16] [USA] 61 64 
Styslinger, Mac[9] [USA]  
    Styslinger, Mac[9]
Mkrtchian, Dennis [USA] 63 62 
Depaolo, Charles S. [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[29]
Ore, Junior A.[29] [USA] 61 63 
Clark, Brett D.[11] [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[23]
Callahan, Hunter[23] [USA] 46 64 75 
Smith, Austin[15] [USA]  
    Frank, Mitchell[2]
Frank, Mitchell[2] [USA] 36 61 61 
Sock, Jack[1] [USA]  
    Sock, Jack[1]
Halebian, Alexios[8] [USA] 61 61 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Giron, Marcos[4]
Novikov, Dennis[5] [USA] 60 76(5) 
Styslinger, Mac[9] [USA]  
    Styslinger, Mac[9]
Ore, Junior A.[29] [USA] 76(4) 64 
Callahan, Hunter[23] [USA]  
    Frank, Mitchell[2]
Frank, Mitchell[2] [USA] 46 63 62 
Sock, Jack[1] [USA]  
    Sock, Jack[1]
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA] 76(5) 63 
Styslinger, Mac[9] [USA]  
    Frank, Mitchell[2]
Frank, Mitchell[2] [USA] 63 60 
Sock, Jack[1] [USA]  
    Sock, Jack[1]
Frank, Mitchell[2] [USA] 63 60 
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