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Tournament Rounds

Air-Berlin Junior Open, 2011, J300 Boys

LTTC Rot-Weiss

Milojevic, Nikola[1] [SRB]  
    Donati, Matteo
Donati, Matteo [ITA] 76(1) 64 
Christ, Constantin [GER]  
    Christ, Constantin
Prokop, Tomas [CZE] 64 60 
Pollanen, Herkko [FIN]  
    Pollanen, Herkko
Faber, Mateo [CRO] 63 61 
Ram-Harel, Or [ISR]  
    Kaczynski, Kevin[13]
Kaczynski, Kevin[13] [GER] 63 76(3) 
Jaloviec, Marek[10] [CZE]  
    Jaloviec, Marek[10]
Gohlke, Delf (WC) [GER] 76(1) 62 
Kahlke, Jannis [GER]  
    Kahlke, Jannis
Papic, Nikolas [CHI] 61 64 
Baumann, Daniel (LL) [GER]  
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard
Esteve Lobato, Eduard [ESP] 67(3) 61 62 
Schipanski, Jack [AUS]  
    Schipanski, Jack
Silva, Frederico Ferreira[7] [POR] 75 46 64 
Shyla, Yaraslav[3] [BLR]  
    Shyla, Yaraslav[3]
Marterer, Maximilian (WC) [GER] 61 63 
Meyer, Alexander (Q) [GER]  
    Nunez, Guillermo
Nunez, Guillermo [CHI] 64 60 
Zednik, Jan (Q) [CZE]  
    Zednik, Jan (Q)
Wagner, Hannes [GER] 75 63 
Bonadio, Riccardo [ITA]  
    Bambridge, Luke[14]
Bambridge, Luke[14] [GBR] 76(5) 75 
Routa, Marek[12] [CZE]  
    Routa, Marek[12]
Markiewicz, James (LL) [GBR] 60 64 
Ahne, Markus (Q) [AUT]  
    Zubov, Igor (LL)
Zubov, Igor (LL) [RUS] 61 62 
Mensurado, Vasco [POR]  
    Skripnik, Daniel
Skripnik, Daniel [ISR] 64 64 
Forno, Gianluca (LL) [CHI]  
    Lenz, Julian[5]
Lenz, Julian[5] [GER] 61 63 
Novak, Dennis[8] [AUT]  
    Novak, Dennis[8]
Frawley, James [AUS] 57 62 63 
Gerlakh, Konstantin [RUS]  
    Gerlakh, Konstantin
Gerch, Lucas (Q) [GER] 61 26 64 
Pitra, Tomas [CZE]  
    Schubert, Pascal (WC)
Schubert, Pascal (WC) [GER] 61 61 
Galarza, Juan Ignacio [ARG]  
    Sporken, Moos[9]
Sporken, Moos[9] [NED] 76(4) 64 
Napolitano, Stefano[15] [ITA]  
    Napolitano, Stefano[15]
Kuehn, Nico (WC) [GER] 61 61 
Toledo Bague, Pol [ESP]  
    Toledo Bague, Pol
Ramos, Francisco (Q) [POR] 61 62 
Safranek, Vaclav [CZE]  
    Safranek, Vaclav
Smilansky, Igor [ISR] 62 64 
Encinas, Rodrigo [CHI]  
    Kern, Robin[4]
Kern, Robin[4] [GER] 60 60 
Pavlasek, Adam[6] [CZE]  
    Pavlasek, Adam[6]
Mannapov, Alexander (WC) [GER] 62 63 
Heikenfeld, Julian (LL) [GER]  
    Heikenfeld, Julian (LL)
Cornea, Victor Vlad [ROU] 60 63 
Sala, Fernando (Q) [ESP]  
    Sala, Fernando (Q)
Gehrmann, Philip (WC) [GER] 63 61 
Srkala, Tim [SUI]  
    Srkala, Tim
Kyrgios, Nick[11] [AUS] 64 36 64 
Romanowicz, Maciej[16] [POL]  
    Romanowicz, Maciej[16]
Novikov, Andrei (Q) [BLR] 61 61 
Masur, Daniel [GER]  
    Masur, Daniel
Dolezel, Filip [CZE] 06 62 63 
Obert, Adrian (WC) [GER]  
    Obert, Adrian (WC)
Rocha, Diogo (WC) [POR] 64 75 
Pancaldi, Luca [ITA]  
    Pancaldi, Luca
Sborowitz, Matias[2] [CHI] 63 64 
Donati, Matteo [ITA]  
    Christ, Constantin
Christ, Constantin [GER] 46 61 64 
Pollanen, Herkko [FIN]  
    Pollanen, Herkko
Kaczynski, Kevin[13] [GER] 60 64 
Jaloviec, Marek[10] [CZE]  
    Jaloviec, Marek[10]
Kahlke, Jannis [GER] 62 46 64 
Esteve Lobato, Eduard [ESP]  
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard
Schipanski, Jack [AUS] 75 63 
Shyla, Yaraslav[3] [BLR]  
    Shyla, Yaraslav[3]
Nunez, Guillermo [CHI] 75 63 
Zednik, Jan (Q) [CZE]  
    Bambridge, Luke[14]
Bambridge, Luke[14] [GBR] 76(5) 64 
Routa, Marek[12] [CZE]  
    Routa, Marek[12]
Zubov, Igor (LL) [RUS] 62 62 
Skripnik, Daniel [ISR]  
    Lenz, Julian[5]
Lenz, Julian[5] [GER] 26 76(1) 61 
Novak, Dennis[8] [AUT]  
    Gerlakh, Konstantin
Gerlakh, Konstantin [RUS] 62 60 
Schubert, Pascal (WC) [GER]  
    Sporken, Moos[9]
Sporken, Moos[9] [NED] 64 60 
Napolitano, Stefano[15] [ITA]  
    Napolitano, Stefano[15]
Toledo Bague, Pol [ESP] 26 62 60 
Safranek, Vaclav [CZE]  
    Kern, Robin[4]
Kern, Robin[4] [GER] 64 61 
Pavlasek, Adam[6] [CZE]  
    Pavlasek, Adam[6]
Heikenfeld, Julian (LL) [GER] 63 61 
Sala, Fernando (Q) [ESP]  
    Srkala, Tim
Srkala, Tim [SUI] 61 64 
Romanowicz, Maciej[16] [POL]  
    Masur, Daniel
Masur, Daniel [GER] 46 63 76(5) 
Obert, Adrian (WC) [GER]  
    Obert, Adrian (WC)
Pancaldi, Luca [ITA] 63 26 64 
Christ, Constantin [GER]  
    Christ, Constantin
Pollanen, Herkko [FIN] 46 63 62 
Jaloviec, Marek[10] [CZE]  
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard
Esteve Lobato, Eduard [ESP] 75 75 
Shyla, Yaraslav[3] [BLR]  
    Bambridge, Luke[14]
Bambridge, Luke[14] [GBR] 62 64 
Routa, Marek[12] [CZE]  
    Lenz, Julian[5]
Lenz, Julian[5] [GER] 63 60 
Gerlakh, Konstantin [RUS]  
    Gerlakh, Konstantin
Sporken, Moos[9] [NED] 63 61 
Napolitano, Stefano[15] [ITA]  
    Kern, Robin[4]
Kern, Robin[4] [GER] 62 63 
Pavlasek, Adam[6] [CZE]  
    Pavlasek, Adam[6]
Srkala, Tim [SUI] 62 60 
Masur, Daniel [GER]  
    Masur, Daniel
Obert, Adrian (WC) [GER] 63 60 
Christ, Constantin [GER]  
    Christ, Constantin
Esteve Lobato, Eduard [ESP] 61 36 64 
Bambridge, Luke[14] [GBR]  
    Lenz, Julian[5]
Lenz, Julian[5] [GER] 64 36 76(2) 
Gerlakh, Konstantin [RUS]  
    Kern, Robin[4]
Kern, Robin[4] [GER] 63 60 
Pavlasek, Adam[6] [CZE]  
    Pavlasek, Adam[6]
Masur, Daniel [GER] 64 67(0) 76(5) 
Christ, Constantin [GER]  
    Christ, Constantin
Lenz, Julian[5] [GER] 64 64 
Kern, Robin[4] [GER]  
    Kern, Robin[4]
Pavlasek, Adam[6] [CZE] 63 62 
Christ, Constantin [GER]  
    Kern, Robin[4]
Kern, Robin[4] [GER] 62 62 
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