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Tournament Rounds

National Clay Court Championships, 2011, Boys 18

Player s International Managemet

Halebian, Alexios[1] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[1]
Depaolo, Charles S. [USA] 63 63 
Krumholz, Zachary L [USA]  
    Krumholz, Zachary L
Niquet, Damon [USA] 63 63 
Lederman, Roy[17] [USA]  
    Lederman, Roy[17]
Page Jr., Brian [USA] 63 60 
Johnson, Hunter [USA]  
    Levine, Josh
Levine, Josh [USA] 76 62 
Karl, Sean[14] [USA]  
    Karl, Sean[14]
Tsai, Alexander [USA] 62 62 
Johns, Collin [USA]  
    Johns, Collin
Hoffman, Kyle [USA] 76 64 
Damrongsri, Van[17] [USA]  
    Damrongsri, Van[17]
Saiontz, Matthew [USA] 63 64 
Gilman, Ben [USA]  
    Gilman, Ben
Welte, Will [USA] 63 64 
Adams, Andrew[5] [USA]  
    Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son
Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son [USA] 76 06 63 
Wang, Kevin R. [USA]  
    Wang, Kevin R.
Ransom, Miles [USA] 75 63 
Richmond, John Harrison[17] [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[17]
Dunn, Matthew C. [USA] 60 61 
Riechmann, Michael [USA]  
    Van Cott, Ian
Van Cott, Ian [USA] 63 60 
Farren, Connor[9] [USA]  
    Farren, Connor[9]
Goertz, Hunter [USA] 63 64 
Beasley, Naveen D. [USA]  
    Beasley, Naveen D.
Quazzo, Benjamin C. [USA] 62 46 76 
Sidney, Alex[17] [USA]  
    Sidney, Alex[17]
Reinhart, Adam M. [USA] 75 63 
Bal, Arjun [USA]  
    Mudge, Robbie
Mudge, Robbie [USA] 60 62 
Mccourt, Zach[3] [USA]  
    Mccourt, Zach[3]
Bauer, Nolan [USA] 62 62 
Rubin, Eric [USA]  
    Rubin, Eric
Dubuque, Robert [USA] 64 62 
Lin, Winston[17] [USA]  
    Lin, Winston[17]
Cox, Christopher [USA] 64 67 63 
Sutter, Brandon [USA]  
    Neuner, Will
Neuner, Will [USA] 64 75 
Callahan, Hunter[15] [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[15]
Yaraghi, Andrew [USA] 60 26 62 
Gunning, Dylan [USA]  
    Gunning, Dylan
Arconada, Imanol [ARG] 75 26 75 
Strobel, Trey[17] [USA]  
    Strobel, Trey[17]
Reiter, Jensen H. [USA] 63 64 
Zitsch, Bradford P. [USA]  
    Tehrani, Cameron
Tehrani, Cameron [USA] 62 46 62 
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[17]
Ansari, Austin [USA] 61 63 
Vogt, Max J. [USA]  
    Mays, Morgan
Mays, Morgan [USA] 64 61 
Hu, Nicholas S.[17] [USA]  
    Offerdahl, Jeffrey W.
Offerdahl, Jeffrey W. [USA] 63 63 
Nath, Thomas W. [USA]  
    Nath, Thomas W.
Waddell, Matt R. [USA] 63 26 61 
Naumann, Nicholas[11] [USA]  
    Naumann, Nicholas[11]
Rakitt, Nathan [USA] 75 63 
Hirschberg, Daniel [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael
Rinaldi, Michael [USA] 60 62 
Hundal, Vikram S.[17] [USA]  
    Hundal, Vikram S.[17]
Bechtel, Evan A. [USA] 62 60 
Caputo, Thomas [USA]  
    Mahlangu, Nicholas
Mahlangu, Nicholas [USA] 60 63 
Papa, Spencer [USA]  
    Papa, Spencer
Shamshiri, Taylor W. [USA] 62 63 
Brown, Jeffrey Todd [USA]  
    Yee, Kristofer[17]
Yee, Kristofer[17] [USA] 60 63 
Mcclain, Brendan Reed [USA]  
    Mcclain, Brendan Reed
Dorn, Joe [USA] 60 60 
Mullane, John Patrick [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[16]
Watson, Gordon[16] [USA] 63 61 
Sunago, Fernando H. [USA]  
    Sunago, Fernando H.
Kratky, Tyler [USA] 16 61 64 
Narayana, Ashok [USA]  
    Steinroeder, Alexander[17]
Steinroeder, Alexander[17] [USA] 46 64 75 
Kenyon, Stuart [GBR]  
    Kenyon, Stuart
Brown, Jason [USA] 64 46 76 
Ghriskey, Charlie [USA]  
    Ghriskey, Charlie
Riggs, Danny[6] [USA] 75 62 
Kennedy, Harrison [USA]  
    Willenborg, Blaine
Willenborg, Blaine [USA] 36 63 20 Ret'd 
Ball, Andrew [USA]  
    Ball, Andrew
Steer, Henry[17] [USA] 62 63 
Hiltzik, Jared [USA]  
    Hiltzik, Jared
Lammons, Nathaniel [USA] 63 63 
Shane, Ryan [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[12]
Delcore, Anthony[12] [USA] 64 61 
Putterman, Ross [USA]  
    Berman, Kyle
Berman, Kyle [USA] 75 61 
Mccall, Daniel [USA]  
    Wood, Nick
Wood, Nick [USA] 64 62 
Montoya, Nicolas [USA]  
    Montoya, Nicolas
Nordahl, Erik [USA] 67 62 63 
Bacharach, Brett A. [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[4]
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[4] [USA] 63 63 
Knight, Mitchel R. [USA]  
    Yee, Elliott J.
Yee, Elliott J. [USA] 62 63 
Gonzalez, Gustavo [USA]  
    Gordon, Garrett[17]
Gordon, Garrett[17] [USA] 62 63 
Van Cott, Alexander [USA]  
    Van Cott, Alexander
Brown, Tanner [USA] 76 64 
Hotard, John A [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[10]
Clark, Brett D.[10] [USA] 63 61 
Kumar, Mihir [USA]  
    Barry, Matthew O.
Barry, Matthew O. [USA] 26 75 10 Ret'd 
Edwards, Colin T. [USA]  
    Edwards, Colin T.
Kay, Casey[17] [USA] 62 75 
Doehring, David [USA]  
    O'shaughnessey, Becker
O'shaughnessey, Becker [USA] 61 46 64 
Gomez, Aaron [USA]  
    Haworth, Christopher G[8]
Haworth, Christopher G[8] [USA] 76 64 
Goodwin, Andrew [USA]  
    Goodwin, Andrew
Cahn, Andrew [USA] 36 63 62 
Kaplan, Austin R. [USA]  
    Patton, Garrett[17]
Patton, Garrett[17] [USA] 61 36 62 
Daigle, Jordan Tucker [USA]  
    Daigle, Jordan Tucker
Vancura, Bert [USA] 64 16 76 
Newman, Spencer [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer
Paige, Nolan[13] [USA] 62 62 
Ho, Jonathan C. [USA]  
    Ho, Jonathan C.
Miller, Ryan [USA] 62 63 
Behal, Jacob [USA]  
    Petrone, Alexander[17]
Petrone, Alexander[17] [USA] 63 60 
Johnson, Kyle [RSA]  
    Efferding, Jeremy
Efferding, Jeremy [USA] 75 63 
Johnson, Yates [USA]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[2]
Egger, Emmett A.[2] [USA] 61 62 
Halebian, Alexios[1] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[1]
Krumholz, Zachary L [USA] 61 63 
Lederman, Roy[17] [USA]  
    Lederman, Roy[17]
Levine, Josh [USA] 63 62 
Karl, Sean[14] [USA]  
    Karl, Sean[14]
Johns, Collin [USA] 64 63 
Damrongsri, Van[17] [USA]  
    Damrongsri, Van[17]
Gilman, Ben [USA] 61 64 
Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son [USA]  
    Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son
Wang, Kevin R. [USA] 61 63 
Richmond, John Harrison[17] [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[17]
Van Cott, Ian [USA] 61 61 
Farren, Connor[9] [USA]  
    Farren, Connor[9]
Beasley, Naveen D. [USA] 76 63 
Sidney, Alex[17] [USA]  
    Sidney, Alex[17]
Mudge, Robbie [USA] 63 63 
Mccourt, Zach[3] [USA]  
    Mccourt, Zach[3]
Rubin, Eric [USA] 63 60 
Lin, Winston[17] [USA]  
    Neuner, Will
Neuner, Will [USA] 62 46 64 
Callahan, Hunter[15] [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[15]
Gunning, Dylan [USA] 64 62 
Strobel, Trey[17] [USA]  
    Strobel, Trey[17]
Tehrani, Cameron [USA] 61 61 
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[17]
Mays, Morgan [USA] 64 64 
Offerdahl, Jeffrey W. [USA]  
    Offerdahl, Jeffrey W.
Nath, Thomas W. [USA] 75 64 
Naumann, Nicholas[11] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael
Rinaldi, Michael [USA] 64 64 
Hundal, Vikram S.[17] [USA]  
    Hundal, Vikram S.[17]
Mahlangu, Nicholas [USA] 62 62 
Papa, Spencer [USA]  
    Papa, Spencer
Yee, Kristofer[17] [USA] 62 63 
Mcclain, Brendan Reed [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[16]
Watson, Gordon[16] [USA] 62 64 
Sunago, Fernando H. [USA]  
    Steinroeder, Alexander[17]
Steinroeder, Alexander[17] [USA] 62 76 
Kenyon, Stuart [GBR]  
    Kenyon, Stuart
Ghriskey, Charlie [USA] 76 46 11 Ret'd 
Willenborg, Blaine [USA]  
    Ball, Andrew
Ball, Andrew [USA] 61 64 
Hiltzik, Jared [USA]  
    Hiltzik, Jared
Delcore, Anthony[12] [USA] 61 61 
Berman, Kyle [USA]  
    Wood, Nick
Wood, Nick [USA] 64 62 
Montoya, Nicolas [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.[4]
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[4] [USA] 63 61 
Yee, Elliott J. [USA]  
    Gordon, Garrett[17]
Gordon, Garrett[17] [USA] 36 64 61 
Van Cott, Alexander [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[10]
Clark, Brett D.[10] [USA] 60 63 
Barry, Matthew O. [USA]  
    Barry, Matthew O.
Edwards, Colin T. [USA] 61 62 
O'shaughnessey, Becker [USA]  
    Haworth, Christopher G[8]
Haworth, Christopher G[8] [USA] 76 60 
Goodwin, Andrew [USA]  
    Patton, Garrett[17]
Patton, Garrett[17] [USA] 76 64 
Daigle, Jordan Tucker [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer
Newman, Spencer [USA] 62 61 
Ho, Jonathan C. [USA]  
    Ho, Jonathan C.
Petrone, Alexander[17] [USA] 64 75 
Efferding, Jeremy [USA]  
    Efferding, Jeremy
Egger, Emmett A.[2] [USA] 62 26 64 
Halebian, Alexios[1] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[1]
Lederman, Roy[17] [USA] 64 63 
Karl, Sean[14] [USA]  
    Karl, Sean[14]
Damrongsri, Van[17] [USA] 63 64 
Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son [USA]  
    Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son
Richmond, John Harrison[17] [USA] 61 62 
Farren, Connor[9] [USA]  
    Sidney, Alex[17]
Sidney, Alex[17] [USA] 75 63 
Mccourt, Zach[3] [USA]  
    Neuner, Will
Neuner, Will [USA] 36 76 75 
Callahan, Hunter[15] [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[15]
Strobel, Trey[17] [USA] 61 63 
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[17]
Offerdahl, Jeffrey W. [USA] 60 62 
Rinaldi, Michael [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael
Hundal, Vikram S.[17] [USA] 60 67 63 
Papa, Spencer [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[16]
Watson, Gordon[16] [USA] 46 64 61 
Steinroeder, Alexander[17] [USA]  
    Steinroeder, Alexander[17]
Kenyon, Stuart [GBR] 62 75 
Ball, Andrew [USA]  
    Hiltzik, Jared
Hiltzik, Jared [USA] 63 64 
Wood, Nick [USA]  
    Wood, Nick
Tsodikov, Anthony G.[4] [USA] 62 63 
Gordon, Garrett[17] [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[10]
Clark, Brett D.[10] [USA] 64 62 
Barry, Matthew O. [USA]  
    Haworth, Christopher G[8]
Haworth, Christopher G[8] [USA] 61 61 
Patton, Garrett[17] [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer
Newman, Spencer [USA] 62 76 
Ho, Jonathan C. [USA]  
    Efferding, Jeremy
Efferding, Jeremy [USA] 61 46 62 
Halebian, Alexios[1] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[1]
Karl, Sean[14] [USA] 76 67 63 
Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son [USA]  
    Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son
Sidney, Alex[17] [USA] 60 63 
Neuner, Will [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[15]
Callahan, Hunter[15] [USA] 75 63 
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Redlicki, Michael[17]
Rinaldi, Michael [USA] 64 61 
Watson, Gordon[16] [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[16]
Steinroeder, Alexander[17] [USA] 61 62 
Hiltzik, Jared [USA]  
    Wood, Nick
Wood, Nick [USA] 76 63 
Clark, Brett D.[10] [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[10]
Haworth, Christopher G[8] [USA] 75 62 
Newman, Spencer [USA]  
    Efferding, Jeremy
Efferding, Jeremy [USA] w/o 
Halebian, Alexios[1] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[1]
Kwiatkowski, Thai-Son [USA] 60 64 
Callahan, Hunter[15] [USA]  
    Callahan, Hunter[15]
Redlicki, Michael[17] [USA] 62 64 
Watson, Gordon[16] [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[16]
Wood, Nick [USA] 63 63 
Clark, Brett D.[10] [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[10]
Efferding, Jeremy [USA] 75 61 
Halebian, Alexios[1] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[1]
Callahan, Hunter[15] [USA] 63 61 
Watson, Gordon[16] [USA]  
    Clark, Brett D.[10]
Clark, Brett D.[10] [USA] 62 64 
Halebian, Alexios[1] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[1]
Clark, Brett D.[10] [USA] 76 64 
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