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Tournament Rounds

J4 Itajai \ Copa Santa Catarina, 2011, J30 Boys

Itamirim Clube Campo

Casares, Bernardo[1] [BRA]  
    Casares, Bernardo[1]
Araujo De Cerqueira, Silas [BRA]  
    Araujo De Cerqueira, Silas
Gauer, Joao (Q) [BRA] 61 75 
Merlo, Vinicius (WC) [BRA]  
    Sualehe, Danyal
Sualehe, Danyal [POR] 62 60 
Craveiro, Bernardo [BRA]  
    Matos, Rafael[16]
Matos, Rafael[16] [BRA] 61 63 
Gomes Leme, Joao Pedro[10] [BRA]  
    Oliveira, Allan Gomes
Oliveira, Allan Gomes [BRA] 62 62 
Tebet Filho, Marcelo (WC) [BRA]  
    Tebet Filho, Marcelo (WC)
Barrios, Mariano [ARG] 36 62 62 
Silva, Paulo (WC) [BRA]  
    Osterling, Nicholas
Osterling, Nicholas [PER] 61 61 
    Walendowsky, Joao[5]
Walendowsky, Joao[5] [BRA]   
Napolitano, Andre[3] [BRA]  
    Napolitano, Andre[3]
Gobernate, Asdrubal [BRA]  
    Boe, Douglas Todeschini
Boe, Douglas Todeschini [BRA] 75 61 
Silveira, Joao [BRA]  
    Gravena Soares, Stefano (WC)
Gravena Soares, Stefano (WC) [BRA] 60 60 
Cordoba, Jesus Omar [MEX]  
    Lima Wagner, Pedro[14]
Lima Wagner, Pedro[14] [BRA] 75 63 
Ceron, Daniel[11] [COL]  
    Ceron, Daniel[11]
Coutinho, Lucas Artur (Q) [BRA] 61 60 
Amorim Gonzaga, Victor (Q) [BRA]  
    Amorim Gonzaga, Victor (Q)
Rauch, Athila [BRA] 61 75 
Guimaraes, Pedro (Q) [BRA]  
    Basso, Murilo Rodrigues
Basso, Murilo Rodrigues [BRA] 76(4) 75 
Ono, Vinicius [BRA]  
    Friedrich, Gabriel[8]
Friedrich, Gabriel[8] [BRA] 60 60 
Frias, Felipe[7] [BRA]  
    Campigotto Jr, Joacir (WC)
Campigotto Jr, Joacir (WC) [BRA] 61 64 
Wendler Filho, Jefferson [BRA]  
    Wendler Filho, Jefferson
Cembranelli Tazinaffo, Luiz Felipe [BRA] 75 76 
Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho [BRA]  
    Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho
Alves Casa, Diogo [BRA] 61 76(6) 
Tabbia, Sebastian [ARG]  
    Haddad, Michel[12]
Haddad, Michel[12] [BRA] 64 63 
Affonso, Roberto[13] [BRA]  
    Neves Guerra, Luis Augusto
Neves Guerra, Luis Augusto [BRA] 63 63 
Kelleter, Higor [BRA]  
    Walendowsky, Samuel
Walendowsky, Samuel [BRA] 62 75 
Mielle D´ascenzio, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Mielle D´ascenzio, Gustavo
Tomiotto, Lucca [BRA] 60 61 
    Hadlich, Guilherme[4]
Hadlich, Guilherme[4] [BRA]   
Senattore, Rodrigo[6] [URU]  
    Senattore, Rodrigo[6]
Oliveira, Rodrigo [BRA] 62 64 
Cassimiro, Mauricio (Q) [BRA]  
    Cassimiro, Mauricio (Q)
Telles, Leonardo (WC) [BRA] 76(4) 60 
Locacin, Pedro Luis Siviero (Q) [BRA]  
    Vecchia, Emiliano Franco
Vecchia, Emiliano Franco [ARG] 61 63 
Borges Gomes, Luiz Augusto [BRA]  
    Bresot Silva, Mateus[9]
Bresot Silva, Mateus[9] [BRA] 60 60 
Simonetti, Ramon[15] [BRA]  
    Dodridge, Josef (LL)
Dodridge, Josef (LL) [GBR] 26 62 63 
T, Gabriel [BRA]  
    T, Gabriel
Lavoura, Eduardo (Q) [BRA] 76(4) 63 
Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles [BRA]  
    Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles
Albarici, Alexandre [BRA] 63 76(1) 
    Guimaraes, Pedro[2]
Guimaraes, Pedro[2] [BRA]   
Casares, Bernardo[1] [BRA]  
    Araujo De Cerqueira, Silas
Araujo De Cerqueira, Silas [BRA] 36 64 61 
Sualehe, Danyal [POR]  
    Matos, Rafael[16]
Matos, Rafael[16] [BRA] 75 62 
Oliveira, Allan Gomes [BRA]  
    Tebet Filho, Marcelo (WC)
Tebet Filho, Marcelo (WC) [BRA] 64 60 
Osterling, Nicholas [PER]  
    Walendowsky, Joao[5]
Walendowsky, Joao[5] [BRA] 64 63 
Napolitano, Andre[3] [BRA]  
    Boe, Douglas Todeschini
Boe, Douglas Todeschini [BRA] 26 63 76(5) 
Gravena Soares, Stefano (WC) [BRA]  
    Lima Wagner, Pedro[14]
Lima Wagner, Pedro[14] [BRA] 62 61 
Ceron, Daniel[11] [COL]  
    Ceron, Daniel[11]
Amorim Gonzaga, Victor (Q) [BRA] 62 64 
Basso, Murilo Rodrigues [BRA]  
    Friedrich, Gabriel[8]
Friedrich, Gabriel[8] [BRA] 61 61 
Campigotto Jr, Joacir (WC) [BRA]  
    Campigotto Jr, Joacir (WC)
Wendler Filho, Jefferson [BRA] 64 76(4) 
Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho [BRA]  
    Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho
Haddad, Michel[12] [BRA] 63 75 
Neves Guerra, Luis Augusto [BRA]  
    Neves Guerra, Luis Augusto
Walendowsky, Samuel [BRA] 61 61 
Mielle D´ascenzio, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Hadlich, Guilherme[4]
Hadlich, Guilherme[4] [BRA] 64 62 
Senattore, Rodrigo[6] [URU]  
    Cassimiro, Mauricio (Q)
Cassimiro, Mauricio (Q) [BRA] 63 61 
Vecchia, Emiliano Franco [ARG]  
    Bresot Silva, Mateus[9]
Bresot Silva, Mateus[9] [BRA] 64 64 
Dodridge, Josef (LL) [GBR]  
    Dodridge, Josef (LL)
T, Gabriel [BRA] 60 62 
Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles [BRA]  
    Guimaraes, Pedro[2]
Guimaraes, Pedro[2] [BRA] 61 61 
Araujo De Cerqueira, Silas [BRA]  
    Matos, Rafael[16]
Matos, Rafael[16] [BRA] 61 63 
Tebet Filho, Marcelo (WC) [BRA]  
    Walendowsky, Joao[5]
Walendowsky, Joao[5] [BRA] 60 63 
Boe, Douglas Todeschini [BRA]  
    Lima Wagner, Pedro[14]
Lima Wagner, Pedro[14] [BRA] 62 61 
Ceron, Daniel[11] [COL]  
    Friedrich, Gabriel[8]
Friedrich, Gabriel[8] [BRA] 61 75 
Campigotto Jr, Joacir (WC) [BRA]  
    Campigotto Jr, Joacir (WC)
Hocevar, Gabriel Vellinho [BRA] 63 63 
Neves Guerra, Luis Augusto [BRA]  
    Hadlich, Guilherme[4]
Hadlich, Guilherme[4] [BRA] 61 61 
Cassimiro, Mauricio (Q) [BRA]  
    Bresot Silva, Mateus[9]
Bresot Silva, Mateus[9] [BRA] 75 62 
Dodridge, Josef (LL) [GBR]  
    Guimaraes, Pedro[2]
Guimaraes, Pedro[2] [BRA] 76(4) 62 
Matos, Rafael[16] [BRA]  
    Matos, Rafael[16]
Walendowsky, Joao[5] [BRA] 63 64 
Lima Wagner, Pedro[14] [BRA]  
    Friedrich, Gabriel[8]
Friedrich, Gabriel[8] [BRA] 63 64 
Campigotto Jr, Joacir (WC) [BRA]  
    Hadlich, Guilherme[4]
Hadlich, Guilherme[4] [BRA] 76(1) 16 76(5) 
Bresot Silva, Mateus[9] [BRA]  
    Guimaraes, Pedro[2]
Guimaraes, Pedro[2] [BRA] 63 75 
Matos, Rafael[16] [BRA]  
    Friedrich, Gabriel[8]
Friedrich, Gabriel[8] [BRA] 64 61 
Hadlich, Guilherme[4] [BRA]  
    Guimaraes, Pedro[2]
Guimaraes, Pedro[2] [BRA] 64 62 
Friedrich, Gabriel[8] [BRA]  
    Guimaraes, Pedro[2]
Guimaraes, Pedro[2] [BRA] 75 75 
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