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Tournament Rounds

USA F1 Futures [Q], 2012, M25

Lindell, Christian[1] [SWE]  
    Moraru, Gabriel
Moraru, Gabriel [ROU] 63 61 
Valenti, John [USA]  
    Rocha, Juan (WC)
Rocha, Juan (WC) [ARG] 63 64 
Nishioka, Yoshihito [JPN]  
    Nishioka, Yoshihito
Swank, Sam [USA] 62 62 
Chin, Waylon [USA]  
    Crenshaw, Justin
Crenshaw, Justin [USA] 46 62 63 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis
Zenisek, Jeff (WC) [USA] 64 75 
Lin, Winston [USA]  
    Lin, Winston
Delcore, Anthony [USA] 63 46 61 
Shabaz, Michael [USA]  
    Mirzadeh, Vahid
Mirzadeh, Vahid [USA] 64 Ret'd 
Robles, Austin [USA]  
    Short, Matthew[12]
Short, Matthew[12] [GBR] 62 62 
Ehara, Hiroyasu[2] [JPN]  
    Ehara, Hiroyasu[2]
Davidson, Patrick [USA] 63 61 
Mavropoulos-Stoliarenko, Vlademyros [GRE]  
    Mavropoulos-Stoliarenko, Vlademyros
Cadogan, Joseph [TTO] 64 63 
Crisovan, David [USA]  
    Nevolo, Dennis (WC)
Nevolo, Dennis (WC) [USA] 63 62 
Lasprilla, Matthew [USA]  
    Lasprilla, Matthew
Carpio, Patrick [USA] 62 60 
Olson, Conrad [BEL]  
    Olson, Conrad
Oljaca, Mark [USA] 64 06 64 
Thein, Kurt [USA]  
    Thein, Kurt
Chala, Geronim [USA] 60 60 
Carnello, Elliot [SWE]  
    Lederman, Roy
Lederman, Roy [USA] 60 60 
Yates, Trey [USA]  
    Lewis, Haydn[13]
Lewis, Haydn[13] [BAR] 60 60 
Zivkovic, Denis[3] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[3]
Smith, Austin [USA] 76(1) 64 
Stahl, Daniel [USA]  
    Stahl, Daniel
Becerra, Mario [USA] 61 62 
Salman, Yeheskel [ISR]  
    Rosensteel, Christopher
Rosensteel, Christopher [USA] 60 60 
Uspensky, Dennis [USA]  
    Cattaneo, Daniele
Cattaneo, Daniele [ITA] 76(5) 64 
Teppert, Alexander [USA]  
    Gomez-diaz, Guillermo
Gomez-diaz, Guillermo [ESP] 61 64 
Trillini, Alex J [AUS]  
    Trillini, Alex J
Samardzic, Ognjen [USA] 63 64 
Puntus, Egor [BLR]  
    Puntus, Egor
Losno, Paulo [PER] 60 61 
Steer, Henry [USA]  
    Urrutia Fuentes, Laslo[15]
Urrutia Fuentes, Laslo[15] [CHI] 62 75 
Sykut, Maciek[4] [USA]  
    Shane, Ryan
Shane, Ryan [USA] 64 64 
Smith, Ryan [USA]  
    Smith, Ryan
Surchenko, Dmitry [RUS] 62 61 
Gurevich, Victor [USA]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Vinsant, Shane [USA] 60 60 
Craig, Kyle [USA]  
    Omodele-Lucien, Aba (WC)
Omodele-Lucien, Aba (WC) [USA] 61 64 
Falla Ramirez, Sebastian [COL]  
    Lunn, Justin
Lunn, Justin [BAH] 46 63 63 
Shebshayevich, Daniel [USA]  
    Shane, Justin S.
Shane, Justin S. [USA] 62 60 
Rosner, Joshua M. [USA]  
    Force, Charley
Force, Charley [USA] 61 60 
Albanese, William [USA]  
    Benneteau, Antoine[9]
Benneteau, Antoine[9] [FRA] 61 62 
Corrie, Damon A.[5] [AUS]  
    Corrie, Damon A.[5]
Rybakov, Alex [USA] 62 61 
Granoff, Brian [USA]  
    Granoff, Brian
Rhoads, Spencer [USA] 62 75 
Salaba, Libor [CZE]  
    Salaba, Libor
Pearlman, Jonathan [USA] 64 62 
Elliott, Erik [USA]  
    Elliott, Erik
Latychev, Alexandre [CAN] 60 60 
Schohn, Anthony [FRA]  
    Baradach, Artem
Baradach, Artem [BLR] 64 60 
Yu, Jia Xi [CHN]  
    Yu, Jia Xi
Chase, Sumner [USA] 57 64 61 
Kwon, Chris [USA]  
    Kwon, Chris
Page Jr., Brian [USA] 63 64 
Schneiderman, Haig [USA]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[11]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[11] [USA] 60 62 
Rola, Blaz[6] [SLO]  
    Rola, Blaz[6]
Beddow, Samuel [GBR] 61 60 
Chanakira, Tinotenda [ZIM]  
    Chanakira, Tinotenda
Kasyanov, Kirill [USA] 63 46 61 
Tikhomirov, Maksim (WC) [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios
Halebian, Alexios [USA] 63 75 
Knie, Calvin [AUT]  
    Knie, Calvin
Cromwell, Ryan [USA] 61 61 
Riggs, Danny (WC) [USA]  
    Riggs, Danny (WC)
Kritakara, Punnakrit [THA] 61 63 
Cromwell, Brett [USA]  
    Celestine, Terrell
Celestine, Terrell [USA] 61 60 
Li, Yuanfeng [CHN]  
    Li, Yuanfeng
Harrison, Malcolm (WC) [USA] 64 26 62 
Geiss, Kilian [GER]  
    Bangoura, Sekou[16]
Bangoura, Sekou[16] [USA] 60 61 
Lacroix, Alexandre[7] [FRA]  
    Lacroix, Alexandre[7]
Bal, Arjun [USA] 60 63 
Courtney, Drew [USA]  
    Courtney, Drew
Oueilhe, Edward Louies [USA] 61 64 
Krueger, Mitchell [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell
Skattum, Johan [NOR] 63 61 
Rolle, Marvin [BAH]  
    Gozun, Alexandru
Gozun, Alexandru [MDA] 36 64 63 
Saba, Frederick (WC) [USA]  
    Saba, Frederick (WC)
De Paula, Pedro [BRA] 60 60 
Nieto, Nicholas A. [USA]  
    Nieto, Nicholas A.
Brown, Deo-Ray [USA] 63 61 
Celestine, Terence [USA]  
    Polnet, Mitchell J.
Polnet, Mitchell J. [USA] 62 75 
Donaldson, Brandon [USA]  
    Buchanan, Chase[14]
Buchanan, Chase[14] [USA] 62 60 
Domijan, Alexander[8] [USA]  
    Domijan, Alexander[8]
Bolt, Alex [AUS] 63 75 
Marfinsky, Dmitri [RUS]  
    Marfinsky, Dmitri
George Jr, Viju [USA] 60 76(2) 
Andino Vallverdu, Alejandro [ESP]  
    Andino Vallverdu, Alejandro
Levy, Gavin [AUS] 75 64 
Coronado, Daniel [BRA]  
    Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni
Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni [ESP] 63 76(4) 
Dzulynsky, Andrew [USA]  
    Dzulynsky, Andrew
Karachun, Ilya [ESP] 63 64 
Bouras, Mehdi [ALG]  
    Bouras, Mehdi
Sabacinski, Kenneth (WC) [USA] 61 62 
Flores, Luis-Miguel [MEX]  
    Coronado, Paulo
Coronado, Paulo [BRA] 63 61 
Elliott, Edward [USA]  
    Jenkins, Jarmere[10]
Jenkins, Jarmere[10] [USA] 60 61 
Moraru, Gabriel [ROU]  
    Moraru, Gabriel
Rocha, Juan (WC) [ARG] 61 63 
Nishioka, Yoshihito [JPN]  
    Nishioka, Yoshihito
Crenshaw, Justin [USA] 64 63 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis
Lin, Winston [USA] 63 62 
Mirzadeh, Vahid [USA]  
    Short, Matthew[12]
Short, Matthew[12] [GBR] 64 64 
Ehara, Hiroyasu[2] [JPN]  
    Ehara, Hiroyasu[2]
Mavropoulos-Stoliarenko, Vlademyros [GRE] 61 61 
Nevolo, Dennis (WC) [USA]  
    Nevolo, Dennis (WC)
Lasprilla, Matthew [USA] 75 62 
Olson, Conrad [BEL]  
    Olson, Conrad
Thein, Kurt [USA] 63 76(6) 
Lederman, Roy [USA]  
    Lewis, Haydn[13]
Lewis, Haydn[13] [BAR] 63 62 
Zivkovic, Denis[3] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[3]
Stahl, Daniel [USA] 62 62 
Rosensteel, Christopher [USA]  
    Cattaneo, Daniele
Cattaneo, Daniele [ITA] 61 61 
Gomez-diaz, Guillermo [ESP]  
    Gomez-diaz, Guillermo
Trillini, Alex J [AUS] 60 62 
Puntus, Egor [BLR]  
    Urrutia Fuentes, Laslo[15]
Urrutia Fuentes, Laslo[15] [CHI] 63 63 
Shane, Ryan [USA]  
    Shane, Ryan
Smith, Ryan [USA] 64 63 
Vinsant, Shane [USA]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Omodele-Lucien, Aba (WC) [USA] 61 63 
Lunn, Justin [BAH]  
    Shane, Justin S.
Shane, Justin S. [USA] 62 60 
Force, Charley [USA]  
    Benneteau, Antoine[9]
Benneteau, Antoine[9] [FRA] 61 60 
Corrie, Damon A.[5] [AUS]  
    Corrie, Damon A.[5]
Granoff, Brian [USA] 60 60 
Salaba, Libor [CZE]  
    Salaba, Libor
Elliott, Erik [USA] 64 75 
Baradach, Artem [BLR]  
    Baradach, Artem
Yu, Jia Xi [CHN] 62 60 
Kwon, Chris [USA]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[11]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[11] [USA] 62 64 
Rola, Blaz[6] [SLO]  
    Rola, Blaz[6]
Chanakira, Tinotenda [ZIM] 62 61 
Halebian, Alexios [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios
Knie, Calvin [AUT] 61 60 
Riggs, Danny (WC) [USA]  
    Celestine, Terrell
Celestine, Terrell [USA] 61 64 
Li, Yuanfeng [CHN]  
    Bangoura, Sekou[16]
Bangoura, Sekou[16] [USA] 75 63 
Lacroix, Alexandre[7] [FRA]  
    Lacroix, Alexandre[7]
Courtney, Drew [USA] 62 57 64 
Krueger, Mitchell [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell
Gozun, Alexandru [MDA] 61 64 
Saba, Frederick (WC) [USA]  
    Saba, Frederick (WC)
Nieto, Nicholas A. [USA] 62 60 
Polnet, Mitchell J. [USA]  
    Buchanan, Chase[14]
Buchanan, Chase[14] [USA] 62 67(5) 62 
Domijan, Alexander[8] [USA]  
    Domijan, Alexander[8]
Marfinsky, Dmitri [RUS] 61 61 
Andino Vallverdu, Alejandro [ESP]  
    Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni
Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni [ESP] 60 63 
Dzulynsky, Andrew [USA]  
    Bouras, Mehdi
Bouras, Mehdi [ALG] 62 62 
Coronado, Paulo [BRA]  
    Jenkins, Jarmere[10]
Jenkins, Jarmere[10] [USA] 76(4) 62 
Moraru, Gabriel [ROU]  
    Moraru, Gabriel
Nishioka, Yoshihito [JPN] 62 61 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis
Short, Matthew[12] [GBR] 76(5) 64 
Ehara, Hiroyasu[2] [JPN]  
    Nevolo, Dennis (WC)
Nevolo, Dennis (WC) [USA] 64 64 
Olson, Conrad [BEL]  
    Lewis, Haydn[13]
Lewis, Haydn[13] [BAR] 76(2) 63 
Zivkovic, Denis[3] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[3]
Cattaneo, Daniele [ITA] 61 62 
Gomez-diaz, Guillermo [ESP]  
    Gomez-diaz, Guillermo
Urrutia Fuentes, Laslo[15] [CHI] 64 61 
Shane, Ryan [USA]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Vinsant, Shane [USA] 46 63 64 
Shane, Justin S. [USA]  
    Benneteau, Antoine[9]
Benneteau, Antoine[9] [FRA] 63 63 
Corrie, Damon A.[5] [AUS]  
    Corrie, Damon A.[5]
Salaba, Libor [CZE] 61 61 
Baradach, Artem [BLR]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[11]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[11] [USA] 64 63 
Rola, Blaz[6] [SLO]  
    Rola, Blaz[6]
Halebian, Alexios [USA] 36 63 75 
Celestine, Terrell [USA]  
    Bangoura, Sekou[16]
Bangoura, Sekou[16] [USA] 63 62 
Lacroix, Alexandre[7] [FRA]  
    Lacroix, Alexandre[7]
Krueger, Mitchell [USA] 75 62 
Saba, Frederick (WC) [USA]  
    Buchanan, Chase[14]
Buchanan, Chase[14] [USA] 62 61 
Domijan, Alexander[8] [USA]  
    Domijan, Alexander[8]
Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni [ESP] 63 67(5) 61 
Bouras, Mehdi [ALG]  
    Jenkins, Jarmere[10]
Jenkins, Jarmere[10] [USA] 64 62 
Moraru, Gabriel [ROU]  
    Moraru, Gabriel
Novikov, Dennis [USA] 63 46 63 
Nevolo, Dennis (WC) [USA]  
    Nevolo, Dennis (WC)
Lewis, Haydn[13] [BAR] 62 63 
Zivkovic, Denis[3] [USA]  
    Gomez-diaz, Guillermo
Gomez-diaz, Guillermo [ESP] 63 64 
Vinsant, Shane [USA]  
    Benneteau, Antoine[9]
Benneteau, Antoine[9] [FRA] 62 60 
Corrie, Damon A.[5] [AUS]  
    Corrie, Damon A.[5]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[11] [USA] 62 62 
Rola, Blaz[6] [SLO]  
    Rola, Blaz[6]
Bangoura, Sekou[16] [USA] 61 61 
Lacroix, Alexandre[7] [FRA]  
    Buchanan, Chase[14]
Buchanan, Chase[14] [USA] 64 61 
Domijan, Alexander[8] [USA]  
    Jenkins, Jarmere[10]
Jenkins, Jarmere[10] [USA] 36 76(4) 63 
Moraru, Gabriel [ROU]  
Nevolo, Dennis (WC) [USA]   
Gomez-diaz, Guillermo [ESP]  
Benneteau, Antoine[9] [FRA]   
Corrie, Damon A.[5] [AUS]  
Rola, Blaz[6] [SLO]   
Buchanan, Chase[14] [USA]  
Jenkins, Jarmere[10] [USA]   
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