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Tournament Rounds

Inka Bowl, 2012, J200 Boys

Club Internacional De Arequipa

Panta, Jorge[1] [PER]  
    Panta, Jorge[1]
Penaloza, Sebastian [CHI] 62 64 
Viu, Franco [ARG]  
    Yamasaki, Jumpei
Yamasaki, Jumpei [JPN] 63 62 
Ku Meza, Andre (WC) [PER]  
    Ku Meza, Andre (WC)
Albanese, William [USA] 62 36 64 
Siller, Rogelio [MEX]  
    Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15]
Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15] [BRA] 62 76(2) 
Villanueva, Gonzalo[12] [ARG]  
    Osterling, Nicholas (WC)
Osterling, Nicholas (WC) [PER] 62 64 
Carvajal Jurado, Juan Sebastian [ECU]  
    Carvajal Jurado, Juan Sebastian
Ikejiri, Denis (Q) [BRA] 60 62 
Hoyos, Victor (Q) [PER]  
    Hoyos, Victor (Q)
Amorim Gonzaga, Victor [BRA] 26 64 62 
Bruna, Esteban (WC) [CHI]  
    Di Feo, Hugo[7]
Di Feo, Hugo[7] [CAN] 76(3) 60 
Medinilla, Ricardo[4] [MEX]  
    Medinilla, Ricardo[4]
Iriarte, Tomas [ARG] 64 64 
Tellez, Pablo [COL]  
    Tellez, Pablo
Serrano, Bruno (LL) [PER] 64 60 
Blanco Stein De Oliveira, Victor [BRA]  
    Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias [CHI] 64 36 63 
Duffo, Roberto (LL) [PER]  
    Senattore, Rodrigo[16]
Senattore, Rodrigo[16] [URU] 61 60 
Hill, Tom[9] [GBR]  
    Cabezas, Andres
Cabezas, Andres [ECU] 46 63 76(5) 
Castillo Gamarra, Alejandro Daniel (WC) [PER]  
    Castillo Gamarra, Alejandro Daniel (WC)
Ilarslan Russo, Ariel (LL) [PAN] 64 60 
Amiri, Farzin Danny [USA]  
    Amiri, Farzin Danny
Segovia, Sixto (Q) [ARG] 63 63 
Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC) [PER]  
    Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC)
Walendowsky, Joao [BRA] 62 63 
Gomez, Lucas[8] [MEX]  
    Gomez, Lucas[8]
Gonzalez, Kevin[5] [CHI] 62 62 
Trapero, Martin [ECU]  
    Cornejo Pacheco, Fernando
Cornejo Pacheco, Fernando [PER] 36 60 62 
Luque, Cristian Nicolas [ARG]  
    Luque, Cristian Nicolas
Cabrera, Eduardo (Q) [COL] 63 60 
Inurritegui Tami, Diego (Q) [PER]  
    Frias, Felipe[11]
Frias, Felipe[11] [BRA] 60 60 
Livi, Robert[13] [USA]  
    Barrezueta, Galo
Barrezueta, Galo [ECU] 62 61 
Regente, Alejandro [PER]  
    Regente, Alejandro
Kurita, Kenta (LL) [JPN] 64 36 75 
Straznicky, Joseph (WC) [PER]  
    Albarici, Alexandre (Q)
Albarici, Alexandre (Q) [BRA] 62 62 
Cevallos, Santiago [MEX]  
    Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3]
Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3] [ARG] 67(7) 61 30 Ret'd 
Pilatuna, Luis[6] [MEX]  
    Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio [CHI] 63 60 
Hagar, Josh [USA]  
    Ulloa, Edmundo
Ulloa, Edmundo [PER] 61 63 
Cachin, Pedro [ARG]  
    Cachin, Pedro
Gobernate, Asdrubal (LL) [BRA] 61 64 
Urquidi, Leonardo [BOL]  
    Schnur, Brayden[10]
Schnur, Brayden[10] [CAN] 67(4) 75 63 
Bresot Silva, Mateus[14] [BRA]  
    Sanchez, Sebastian
Sanchez, Sebastian [COL] 64 64 
Descotte, Matias Franco [ARG]  
    Descotte, Matias Franco
Alvarez, Oscar (WC) [PER] 75 62 
Vives, Diego [CHI]  
    Vives, Diego
Chamba Gomez, Jose (WC) [ECU] 63 63 
Torre, Eduardo Agustin [ARG]  
    Santos, Daniel[2]
Santos, Daniel[2] [PER] 75 46 63 
Panta, Jorge[1] [PER]  
    Panta, Jorge[1]
Yamasaki, Jumpei [JPN] 76(3) 16 64 
Ku Meza, Andre (WC) [PER]  
    Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15]
Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15] [BRA] 60 61 
Osterling, Nicholas (WC) [PER]  
    Osterling, Nicholas (WC)
Carvajal Jurado, Juan Sebastian [ECU] 61 62 
Hoyos, Victor (Q) [PER]  
    Di Feo, Hugo[7]
Di Feo, Hugo[7] [CAN] 60 64 
Medinilla, Ricardo[4] [MEX]  
    Medinilla, Ricardo[4]
Tellez, Pablo [COL] 63 62 
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias [CHI]  
    Senattore, Rodrigo[16]
Senattore, Rodrigo[16] [URU] 62 76(2) 
Cabezas, Andres [ECU]  
    Castillo Gamarra, Alejandro Daniel (WC)
Castillo Gamarra, Alejandro Daniel (WC) [PER] 62 62 
Amiri, Farzin Danny [USA]  
    Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC)
Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC) [PER] 62 61 
Gomez, Lucas[8] [MEX]  
    Gomez, Lucas[8]
Cornejo Pacheco, Fernando [PER] 61 46 61 
Luque, Cristian Nicolas [ARG]  
    Frias, Felipe[11]
Frias, Felipe[11] [BRA] 61 63 
Barrezueta, Galo [ECU]  
    Barrezueta, Galo
Regente, Alejandro [PER] 62 75 
Albarici, Alexandre (Q) [BRA]  
    Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3]
Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3] [ARG] 63 63 
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio [CHI]  
    Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio
Ulloa, Edmundo [PER] 64 61 
Cachin, Pedro [ARG]  
    Schnur, Brayden[10]
Schnur, Brayden[10] [CAN] 62 62 
Sanchez, Sebastian [COL]  
    Descotte, Matias Franco
Descotte, Matias Franco [ARG] 63 76(7) 
Vives, Diego [CHI]  
    Santos, Daniel[2]
Santos, Daniel[2] [PER] 46 61 75 
Panta, Jorge[1] [PER]  
    Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15]
Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15] [BRA] 76(7) 16 64 
Osterling, Nicholas (WC) [PER]  
    Di Feo, Hugo[7]
Di Feo, Hugo[7] [CAN] 64 46 62 
Medinilla, Ricardo[4] [MEX]  
    Medinilla, Ricardo[4]
Senattore, Rodrigo[16] [URU] 63 64 
Castillo Gamarra, Alejandro Daniel (WC) [PER]  
    Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC)
Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC) [PER] 61 62 
Gomez, Lucas[8] [MEX]  
    Gomez, Lucas[8]
Frias, Felipe[11] [BRA] 26 64 64 
Barrezueta, Galo [ECU]  
    Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3]
Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3] [ARG] 63 64 
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio [CHI]  
    Schnur, Brayden[10]
Schnur, Brayden[10] [CAN] 64 64 
Descotte, Matias Franco [ARG]  
    Descotte, Matias Franco
Santos, Daniel[2] [PER] 06 64 64 
Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15] [BRA]  
    Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15]
Di Feo, Hugo[7] [CAN] 26 61 76(3) 
Medinilla, Ricardo[4] [MEX]  
    Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC)
Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC) [PER] 75 76(5) 
Gomez, Lucas[8] [MEX]  
    Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3]
Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3] [ARG] 61 76(5) 
Schnur, Brayden[10] [CAN]  
    Schnur, Brayden[10]
Descotte, Matias Franco [ARG] 61 63 
Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15] [BRA]  
    Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15]
Varillas, Juan Pablo (WC) [PER] 64 63 
Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3] [ARG]  
    Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3]
Schnur, Brayden[10] [CAN] 63 75 
Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15] [BRA]  
    Dojas, Hugo Cesar[15]
Galarza, Juan Ignacio[3] [ARG] 63 64 
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