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Tournament Rounds

USTA International Spring Championships, 2012, Boys 16

The Home Depot Center

De Bruges, Ruadhan[1] [AUS]  
    De Bruges, Ruadhan[1]
O'jon, Ian [USA] 63 61 
Lee, Anthony [USA]  
    Tsao, Brian
Tsao, Brian [USA] 63 63 
Brosnan, Riley [USA]  
    Mackenzie, Darius
Mackenzie, Darius [USA] 64 63 
Hance, Connor (Q) [USA]  
    Hance, Connor (Q)
Dardis, Alec (Q) [USA] 62 62 
Smith, Logan[10] [USA]  
    Smith, Logan[10]
Marker, Ryan [USA] 60 61 
Fisher, Carsten [USA]  
    Fisher, Carsten
Rapp, Austin [USA] 36 76(2) 76(3) 
Paul, Tommy [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy
Madonia, Stephen [USA] 62 61 
Turchetta, Sam (WC) [USA]  
    Rybakov, Alex[5]
Rybakov, Alex[5] [USA] 60 62 
Pierce, Aron[3] [USA]  
    Devine, Jake
Devine, Jake [USA] 63 62 
Habib, Hady (Q) [LBN]  
    Ramadan, Nikolas
Ramadan, Nikolas [USA] 63 61 
Douglas, Jake [USA]  
    Douglas, Jake
Ono, Masayoshi [JPN] 75 67(0) 63 
Dennis, Yancy [USA]  
    Dennis, Yancy
Chen, Steven [USA] 62 62 
Pham, Victor [USA]  
    Safiullin, Roman (Q)
Safiullin, Roman (Q) [RUS] 76(2) 46 63 
Kodali, Anudeep (WC) [USA]  
    Kodali, Anudeep (WC)
Ge, Augustus [USA] 62 76(8) 
Zhu, Evan (WC) [USA]  
    Tabrizi, Keivon
Tabrizi, Keivon [SUI] 64 63 
Blumberg, William (WC) [USA]  
    Blumberg, William (WC)
Samardzic, Nikola[8] [USA] 46 63 76(5) 
Amari, Artemie[7] [USA]  
    Doehler, Stefan
Doehler, Stefan [USA] 62 63 
Kumar, Sameer [USA]  
    Kumar, Sameer
Ponwith, Nathan [USA] 64 63 
Klinger, Cameron (WC) [USA]  
    Klinger, Cameron (WC)
Lenhard, Rafael B. (Q) [USA] 61 63 
Yeoh, Brandon [USA]  
    Thirouin, Jean
Thirouin, Jean [FRA] 67(4) 55 Ret'd 
Schaefer, Fabian [USA]  
    Levine, Robert (WC)
Levine, Robert (WC) [USA] 61 62 
Janglin, Oscar (LL) [SWE]  
    Janglin, Oscar (LL)
Bondar, Kevin [USA] 64 64 
Shen, Ryan [USA]  
    Shen, Ryan
Gomes, Gui (LL) [USA] 63 62 
Lam, Kevin [USA]  
    Gozun, Alexandru[4]
Gozun, Alexandru[4] [MDA] 64 60 
Langmo, Christian[6] [USA]  
    Langmo, Christian[6]
Vincent, Garret (Q) [USA] 61 63 
Loh, Alexander (LL) [USA]  
    Kaiser, Kial
Kaiser, Kial [USA] 63 61 
Cheng, Ryan (Q) [USA]  
    Opelka, Reilly
Opelka, Reilly [USA] 64 63 
Mak, Garrett D. [USA]  
    Jiang, Pengxuan[9]
Jiang, Pengxuan[9] [CHN] 63 64 
Barrere, Kimo S. [USA]  
    Nguyen, Michael
Nguyen, Michael [USA] 62 62 
Wolfe, Kyle [USA]  
    Aragon, German
Aragon, German [MEX] 64 64 
Smith, Riley (Q) [USA]  
    Genender, Michael
Genender, Michael [USA] 67(4) 63 61 
Tiafoe, Frances [USA]  
    Tiafoe, Frances
Matsuya, Toshiki[2] [JPN] 60 62 
De Bruges, Ruadhan[1] [AUS]  
    De Bruges, Ruadhan[1]
Tsao, Brian [USA] 61 63 
Mackenzie, Darius [USA]  
    Hance, Connor (Q)
Hance, Connor (Q) [USA] 61 62 
Smith, Logan[10] [USA]  
    Smith, Logan[10]
Fisher, Carsten [USA] 63 62 
Paul, Tommy [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy
Rybakov, Alex[5] [USA] 64 62 
Devine, Jake [USA]  
    Devine, Jake
Ramadan, Nikolas [USA] 46 63 63 
Douglas, Jake [USA]  
    Dennis, Yancy
Dennis, Yancy [USA] 76(1) 76(5) 
Safiullin, Roman (Q) [RUS]  
    Safiullin, Roman (Q)
Kodali, Anudeep (WC) [USA] 63 60 
Tabrizi, Keivon [SUI]  
    Blumberg, William (WC)
Blumberg, William (WC) [USA] 61 75 
Doehler, Stefan [USA]  
    Kumar, Sameer
Kumar, Sameer [USA] 63 62 
Klinger, Cameron (WC) [USA]  
    Thirouin, Jean
Thirouin, Jean [FRA] 62 62 
Levine, Robert (WC) [USA]  
    Levine, Robert (WC)
Janglin, Oscar (LL) [SWE] 60 62 
Shen, Ryan [USA]  
    Gozun, Alexandru[4]
Gozun, Alexandru[4] [MDA] 63 62 
Langmo, Christian[6] [USA]  
    Langmo, Christian[6]
Kaiser, Kial [USA] 64 16 64 
Opelka, Reilly [USA]  
    Jiang, Pengxuan[9]
Jiang, Pengxuan[9] [CHN] 63 63 
Nguyen, Michael [USA]  
    Aragon, German
Aragon, German [MEX] 76(7) 36 75 
Genender, Michael [USA]  
    Tiafoe, Frances
Tiafoe, Frances [USA] 61 63 
De Bruges, Ruadhan[1] [AUS]  
    Hance, Connor (Q)
Hance, Connor (Q) [USA] 46 62 63 
Smith, Logan[10] [USA]  
    Smith, Logan[10]
Paul, Tommy [USA] 63 63 
Devine, Jake [USA]  
    Devine, Jake
Dennis, Yancy [USA] 60 62 
Safiullin, Roman (Q) [RUS]  
    Safiullin, Roman (Q)
Blumberg, William (WC) [USA] 64 61 
Kumar, Sameer [USA]  
    Kumar, Sameer
Thirouin, Jean [FRA] 63 62 
Levine, Robert (WC) [USA]  
    Levine, Robert (WC)
Gozun, Alexandru[4] [MDA] 67(5) 64 62 
Langmo, Christian[6] [USA]  
    Jiang, Pengxuan[9]
Jiang, Pengxuan[9] [CHN] 76(3) 64 
Aragon, German [MEX]  
    Tiafoe, Frances
Tiafoe, Frances [USA] 62 46 60 
Hance, Connor (Q) [USA]  
    Smith, Logan[10]
Smith, Logan[10] [USA] 62 61 
Devine, Jake [USA]  
    Safiullin, Roman (Q)
Safiullin, Roman (Q) [RUS] 64 36 60 
Kumar, Sameer [USA]  
    Kumar, Sameer
Levine, Robert (WC) [USA] 60 63 
Jiang, Pengxuan[9] [CHN]  
    Tiafoe, Frances
Tiafoe, Frances [USA] 62 60 
Smith, Logan[10] [USA]  
    Safiullin, Roman (Q)
Safiullin, Roman (Q) [RUS] 61 63 
Kumar, Sameer [USA]  
    Tiafoe, Frances
Tiafoe, Frances [USA] 46 75 63 
Safiullin, Roman (Q) [RUS]  
    Safiullin, Roman (Q)
Tiafoe, Frances [USA] 67(6) 63 61 
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