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Tournament Rounds

Novotech Trophy, 2012, Boys 12

Teniscentrum Cafex Rakovnik

Jedlicka, Dominik [CZE]  
    Jedlicka, Dominik
Miksovsky, Patrick [GER]  
    Meinertz, Andre Biciusca
Meinertz, Andre Biciusca [DEN] 62 26 62 
Gojayev, Rasul [AZE]  
    Kovarik, David
Kovarik, David [CZE] 61 61 
Cizek, Gabriel (WC) [CZE]  
    Tkemaladze, Zura
Tkemaladze, Zura [GEO] 60 62 
Henri, Llapa [ALB]  
    Lars, Johann
Lars, Johann [GER] 61 61 
Styler, Ondrej [CZE]  
    Styler, Ondrej
Vazquez, Javier [ESP] 62 60 
Ibragimov, Rail [RUS]  
    Ibragimov, Rail
Brezina, Jakub [CZE] 46 61 62 
    Frantzen, Christopher
Frantzen, Christopher [GER]   
Cyprich, Lucas [CZE]  
    Cyprich, Lucas
Sigurdsson, Robert [ISL]  
    Nazaretyan, Davit
Nazaretyan, Davit [ARM] 60 60 
Barnatan, Lucas [ARG]  
    Schoder, Nico
Schoder, Nico [GER] 64 62 
Almansur, Danil [RUS]  
    Artemisio, Gabriele
Artemisio, Gabriele [ITA] 61 61 
Dontu, Vasilii [MDA]  
    Dontu, Vasilii
Pshavlishvili, Giorgi [GEO] 62 61 
Kroupa, Vaclav [CZE]  
    Kroupa, Vaclav
Floer, Yannick [GER] 62 63 
Bencic, Brian [SUI]  
    Bencic, Brian
Trunecka, Stepan [CZE] 63 63 
    Sedlar, David
Sedlar, David [CZE]   
Stuchlik, Oskar Oliver [CZE]  
    Stuchlik, Oskar Oliver
Cyprich, Radek [CZE]  
    Temelkovski, Slavco
Temelkovski, Slavco [MKD] 62 60 
Gorbushin, Ivan [CZE]  
    Gorbushin, Ivan
Nechanicky, Michal [CZE] 26 61 62 
Stevovic, Bogdan [MNE]  
    Stevovic, Bogdan
Muller, Ben Tito [GER] 61 75 
Pavlista, Jonas [CZE]  
    Lemstra, Sven
Lemstra, Sven [GER] 63 75 
Olsson, Philip Nikolas [SWE]  
    Olsson, Philip Nikolas
Marcolla, Jakub [CZE] 64 46 61 
Avraam, Antonis [CYP]  
    Machac, Tomas (WC)
Machac, Tomas (WC) [CZE] 62 63 
    Mariani, Matteo
Mariani, Matteo [ITA]   
Doubek, Lukas [CZE]  
    Doubek, Lukas
Timirov, Denis [RUS]  
    Panik, Matej
Panik, Matej [CZE] 62 36 61 
Rosengren, Christopher [DEN]  
    Rosengren, Christopher
Mrlina, Jakub [CZE] 75 63 
Fekete, Richard [SVK]  
    Fekete, Richard
Erpel, Moritz [GER] 16 61 64 
Adomavicius, Julius [LTU]  
    Adomavicius, Julius
Arendar, Roman [CUB] 64 16 63 
Santic, Hamza [BIH]  
    Santic, Hamza
Pecak, Stepan [CZE] 20 Ret'd 
Tsurtsumia, Irakli [GEO]  
    Tsurtsumia, Irakli
Meister, Carlo [GER] 64 76(3) 
    Jezek, Matyas (WC)
Jezek, Matyas (WC) [CZE]   
Jedlicka, Dominik [CZE]  
    Jedlicka, Dominik
Meinertz, Andre Biciusca [DEN] 62 64 
Kovarik, David [CZE]  
    Kovarik, David
Tkemaladze, Zura [GEO] w/o 
Lars, Johann [GER]  
    Styler, Ondrej
Styler, Ondrej [CZE] 62 62 
Ibragimov, Rail [RUS]  
    Frantzen, Christopher
Frantzen, Christopher [GER] 62 63 
Cyprich, Lucas [CZE]  
    Nazaretyan, Davit
Nazaretyan, Davit [ARM] 62 46 60 
Schoder, Nico [GER]  
    Schoder, Nico
Artemisio, Gabriele [ITA] 36 63 61 
Dontu, Vasilii [MDA]  
    Dontu, Vasilii
Kroupa, Vaclav [CZE] 62 61 
Bencic, Brian [SUI]  
    Sedlar, David
Sedlar, David [CZE] 60 61 
Stuchlik, Oskar Oliver [CZE]  
    Temelkovski, Slavco
Temelkovski, Slavco [MKD] 60 60 
Gorbushin, Ivan [CZE]  
    Gorbushin, Ivan
Stevovic, Bogdan [MNE] 63 36 22 Ret'd 
Lemstra, Sven [GER]  
    Lemstra, Sven
Olsson, Philip Nikolas [SWE] 63 63 
Machac, Tomas (WC) [CZE]  
    Machac, Tomas (WC)
Mariani, Matteo [ITA] 61 60 
Doubek, Lukas [CZE]  
    Panik, Matej
Panik, Matej [CZE] 76(3) 64 
Rosengren, Christopher [DEN]  
    Rosengren, Christopher
Fekete, Richard [SVK] 64 75 
Adomavicius, Julius [LTU]  
    Adomavicius, Julius
Santic, Hamza [BIH] w/o 
Tsurtsumia, Irakli [GEO]  
    Jezek, Matyas (WC)
Jezek, Matyas (WC) [CZE] 61 63 
Jedlicka, Dominik [CZE]  
    Jedlicka, Dominik
Kovarik, David [CZE] 76(2) 76(4) 
Styler, Ondrej [CZE]  
    Styler, Ondrej
Frantzen, Christopher [GER] 75 62 
Nazaretyan, Davit [ARM]  
    Schoder, Nico
Schoder, Nico [GER] 62 63 
Dontu, Vasilii [MDA]  
    Sedlar, David
Sedlar, David [CZE] 62 62 
Temelkovski, Slavco [MKD]  
    Temelkovski, Slavco
Gorbushin, Ivan [CZE] 60 61 
Lemstra, Sven [GER]  
    Machac, Tomas (WC)
Machac, Tomas (WC) [CZE] 61 60 
Panik, Matej [CZE]  
    Panik, Matej
Rosengren, Christopher [DEN] 62 60 
Adomavicius, Julius [LTU]  
    Jezek, Matyas (WC)
Jezek, Matyas (WC) [CZE] 61 62 
Jedlicka, Dominik [CZE]  
    Styler, Ondrej
Styler, Ondrej [CZE] 64 61 
Schoder, Nico [GER]  
    Sedlar, David
Sedlar, David [CZE] 60 60 
Temelkovski, Slavco [MKD]  
    Machac, Tomas (WC)
Machac, Tomas (WC) [CZE] 60 64 
Panik, Matej [CZE]  
    Jezek, Matyas (WC)
Jezek, Matyas (WC) [CZE] 16 64 63 
Styler, Ondrej [CZE]  
    Sedlar, David
Sedlar, David [CZE] 60 75 
Machac, Tomas (WC) [CZE]  
    Machac, Tomas (WC)
Jezek, Matyas (WC) [CZE] 61 62 
Sedlar, David [CZE]  
    Machac, Tomas (WC)
Machac, Tomas (WC) [CZE] 16 62 64 
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