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Tournament Rounds

M15 Lima 02 [Q], 2012, M25

Club Tennis Las Terrazas-Miraflores

Torres, Cesar (WC) [PER]  
    Torres, Cesar (WC)
Ceppo, Andres[1] [ARG] 62 60 
Barros, Manuel [ARG]  
    Aita, Rafael
Aita, Rafael [PER] 63 60 
Cavero, Enrique [PER]  
    Rodriguez, Jesus
Rodriguez, Jesus [VEN] 63 60 
Abella, Lucas [BRA]  
    Abella, Lucas
Andrade, Yuri[15] [BRA] 75 62 
Siggia, Ricardo[2] [BRA]  
    Siggia, Ricardo[2]
Gennaro, Dante [ITA] 62 60 
Gimenez Pilutik, Inaki [ARG]  
    Gimenez Pilutik, Inaki
Menna Barreto, Pedro [BRA] 63 63 
Ameal, Juan Ignacio [ARG]  
    Ameal, Juan Ignacio
Iamachkine, Petr [PER] 61 64 
Merino, Alexander [PER]  
    Maynard, Victor[12]
Maynard, Victor[12] [BRA] 60 61 
Dellien, Hugo[3] [BOL]  
    Dellien, Hugo[3]
Clarke, Edwin [PER] 60 60 
Sanchez, Sebastian [COL]  
    Sanchez, Sebastian
Rodriguez Diaz, Victor Javier [COL] 63 62 
Delevante, James [USA]  
    Zivnicek, Tomas
Zivnicek, Tomas [GER] 61 61 
Carrizo, Jose Angel [ARG]  
    Carrizo, Jose Angel
Mendoza, Alejandro[9] [BOL] 62 62 
Buchhass, Tomas[4] [ARG]  
    Buchhass, Tomas[4]
Pimentel, Wilder [PER] 62 60 
Maccio, Santiago [ARG]  
    Maccio, Santiago
Gomez Estrada, Alejandro Jose [ECU] 61 63 
Guazzone, Juan Manuel [ARG]  
    Huertas, Bruno
Huertas, Bruno [PER] 36 64 64 
Doria-Medina, Mauricio [BOL]  
    Doria-Medina, Mauricio
Arias, Boris[11] [BOL] 64 76(6) 
Brandao, Filipe[5] [BRA]  
    Brandao, Filipe[5]
Vallebuona, Duilio [PER] 64 63 
Tonani, Alessandro [PER]  
    Daciek, Patrick
Daciek, Patrick [USA] 60 61 
Piridjian, Claudio [ARG]  
    Merath, Robert
Merath, Robert [PER] 61 61 
Brand Perez, Jefferson Steven [COL]  
    Paz, Gaston[10]
Paz, Gaston[10] [ARG] 60 60 
Urli, Mariano[6] [ARG]  
    Urli, Mariano[6]
Reid, Adrian (WC) [PER] 62 62 
Chamba Gomez, Jose (WC) [ECU]  
    Varillas, Juan Pablo
Varillas, Juan Pablo [PER] 36 64 41 Ret'd 
Monges, Sergio (WC) [PER]  
    Monges, Sergio (WC)
Cavero, Jorge [PER] 63 30 Ret'd 
Castro Ortiz, Victor [PER]  
    Kurdyla, Andres[14]
Kurdyla, Andres[14] [ARG] 60 64 
Racz, Christopher[7] [USA]  
    Racz, Christopher[7]
Angulo, Christopher (WC) [PER] 63 61 
Alessandrini, Giorgio [PER]  
    Alessandrini, Giorgio
Brendmoe, Sander [NOR] 60 61 
Straznicky, Joseph (WC) [PER]  
    Razzeto, Eduardo (WC)
Razzeto, Eduardo (WC) [PER] 60 60 
Urquiaga, Rodrigo [PER]  
    Kpulun, Sahr Timothy[13]
Kpulun, Sahr Timothy[13] [SLE] 61 62 
Zornosa, Steffen[8] [COL]  
    Zornosa, Steffen[8]
Soto, Eulogio [ARG] 62 60 
Trapero, Martin [ECU]  
    Massonneau, Marcos
Massonneau, Marcos [ARG] 67(5) 62 60 
Gherson Pino Quijano, Wilfredo [PER]  
    Gherson Pino Quijano, Wilfredo
Lituma, Jorge [PER] 67(5) 62 62 
Ku Meza, Andre (WC) [PER]  
    Barrezueta, Galo[16]
Barrezueta, Galo[16] [ECU] 60 61 
Torres, Cesar (WC) [PER]  
    Aita, Rafael
Aita, Rafael [PER] 60 62 
Rodriguez, Jesus [VEN]  
    Abella, Lucas
Abella, Lucas [BRA] 63 67(5) 60 
Siggia, Ricardo[2] [BRA]  
    Siggia, Ricardo[2]
Gimenez Pilutik, Inaki [ARG] 63 64 
Ameal, Juan Ignacio [ARG]  
    Ameal, Juan Ignacio
Maynard, Victor[12] [BRA] 64 64 
Dellien, Hugo[3] [BOL]  
    Dellien, Hugo[3]
Sanchez, Sebastian [COL] 62 62 
Zivnicek, Tomas [GER]  
    Zivnicek, Tomas
Carrizo, Jose Angel [ARG] 64 61 
Buchhass, Tomas[4] [ARG]  
    Buchhass, Tomas[4]
Maccio, Santiago [ARG] 63 63 
Huertas, Bruno [PER]  
    Doria-Medina, Mauricio
Doria-Medina, Mauricio [BOL] 64 62 
Brandao, Filipe[5] [BRA]  
    Brandao, Filipe[5]
Daciek, Patrick [USA] 61 62 
Merath, Robert [PER]  
    Paz, Gaston[10]
Paz, Gaston[10] [ARG] 61 60 
Urli, Mariano[6] [ARG]  
    Urli, Mariano[6]
Varillas, Juan Pablo [PER] 64 61 
Monges, Sergio (WC) [PER]  
    Monges, Sergio (WC)
Kurdyla, Andres[14] [ARG] 61 64 
Racz, Christopher[7] [USA]  
    Racz, Christopher[7]
Alessandrini, Giorgio [PER] 62 61 
Razzeto, Eduardo (WC) [PER]  
    Kpulun, Sahr Timothy[13]
Kpulun, Sahr Timothy[13] [SLE] 63 61 
Zornosa, Steffen[8] [COL]  
    Zornosa, Steffen[8]
Massonneau, Marcos [ARG] 63 63 
Gherson Pino Quijano, Wilfredo [PER]  
    Barrezueta, Galo[16]
Barrezueta, Galo[16] [ECU] 62 57 40 Ret'd 
Aita, Rafael [PER]  
    Aita, Rafael
Abella, Lucas [BRA] 63 76(5) 
Siggia, Ricardo[2] [BRA]  
    Siggia, Ricardo[2]
Ameal, Juan Ignacio [ARG] 76(3) 63 
Dellien, Hugo[3] [BOL]  
    Dellien, Hugo[3]
Zivnicek, Tomas [GER] 64 64 
Buchhass, Tomas[4] [ARG]  
    Buchhass, Tomas[4]
Doria-Medina, Mauricio [BOL] 62 62 
Brandao, Filipe[5] [BRA]  
    Brandao, Filipe[5]
Paz, Gaston[10] [ARG] 64 61 
Urli, Mariano[6] [ARG]  
    Urli, Mariano[6]
Monges, Sergio (WC) [PER] 64 63 
Racz, Christopher[7] [USA]  
    Kpulun, Sahr Timothy[13]
Kpulun, Sahr Timothy[13] [SLE] 64 63 
Zornosa, Steffen[8] [COL]  
    Zornosa, Steffen[8]
Barrezueta, Galo[16] [ECU] 62 64 
Aita, Rafael [PER]  
Siggia, Ricardo[2] [BRA]   
Dellien, Hugo[3] [BOL]  
Buchhass, Tomas[4] [ARG]   
Brandao, Filipe[5] [BRA]  
Urli, Mariano[6] [ARG]   
Kpulun, Sahr Timothy[13] [SLE]  
Zornosa, Steffen[8] [COL]   
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