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Tournament Rounds

Spain F26 Futures [Q], 2012, M25

Real Sociedad de Tenis de Magdalena

Roca Batalla, Oriol[1] [ESP]  
    Roca Batalla, Oriol[1]
Nerushenko, Aleksei [ESP]  
    Oliveira, Gonzalo
Oliveira, Gonzalo [VEN] 61 64 
Colas Sanchez, Aaron [ESP]  
    Colas Sanchez, Aaron
Martinez Fernandez, Juan Jose [ESP] 76(5) 61 
    Camba Sanz, Eduardo
Camba Sanz, Eduardo [ESP]   
Garcia-Roman, Marc[2] [ESP]  
    Garcia-Roman, Marc[2]
Mendieta, Jorge [ESP]  
    Cuesta Alvarez, Jagoba
Cuesta Alvarez, Jagoba [ESP] 64 61 
Alvarez, Bruno [BEL]  
    Alvarez, Bruno
Zhaunerchyk, Dzianis [BLR] 62 62 
    Holz, Gustavo
Holz, Gustavo [BRA]   
Rodriguez Manzano, Borja[3] [ESP]  
    Rodriguez Manzano, Borja[3]
Santos-Fernandez, Inigo [ESP]  
    Santos-Fernandez, Inigo
Blasco Torres, Pablo [ESP] 60 60 
Jover Maestre, Javier [ESP]  
    Jover Maestre, Javier
Dorozhkin, Sergey [RUS] 61 63 
    Toledo Bague, Pol[11]
Toledo Bague, Pol[11] [ESP]   
Mazon-Hernandez, Rafael[4] [ESP]  
    Mazon-Hernandez, Rafael[4]
Martinez Martinez, Jorge [ESP]  
    Martinez Martinez, Jorge
De La Osa, Alvaro [ESP] 63 62 
Lima-Perez, Jeremias [ESP]  
    Lima-Perez, Jeremias
Martell Beuzit, Yannick [ESP] 62 75 
    Vega Hernandez, David[9]
Vega Hernandez, David[9] [ESP]   
Lizariturry, Juan[5] [ESP]  
    Lizariturry, Juan[5]
Jorda Sanchis, David [ESP]  
    Jorda Sanchis, David
Luis Lamelas, Manuel [ESP] 64 61 
Chavez Villalpando, Luis Diego [BOL]  
    Kunhen, Philip
Kunhen, Philip [GER] 76(4) 57 62 
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard[10]
Esteve Lobato, Eduard[10] [ESP]   
Jayaprakash, Mohit Mayur[6] [IND]  
    Jayaprakash, Mohit Mayur[6]
Del Olmo Diaz, Ramon [ESP]  
    Del Olmo Diaz, Ramon
Collado Castells, Marc [ESP] 76(5) 63 
    Platero, Gerard
Platero, Gerard [ESP]   
    Garcia Crespo, Eric[12]
Garcia Crespo, Eric[12] [ESP]   
Pastor, Hasier[7] [ESP]  
    Pastor, Hasier[7]
Sidbon, David [FRA]  
    Sidbon, David
Biosca Girvent, David [ESP] 75 20 Ret'd 
Shaikh, Nazeeb [IND]  
    Garcia, Luis-Onrubia
Garcia, Luis-Onrubia [ESP] 61 62 
    Collado-Castells, Guillem[14]
Collado-Castells, Guillem[14] [ESP]   
Martos Gornes, Sergio[8] [ESP]  
    Martos Gornes, Sergio[8]
Ventura Perez, Ricky [ESP]  
    Ventura Perez, Ricky
Cadona, Vincent [AUS] 62 61 
Voinea, Cristian Florentin [ROU]  
    Voinea, Cristian Florentin
Perez Jane, Roger [ESP] 64 61 
    Montanes-Roca, Francesc[13]
Montanes-Roca, Francesc[13] [ESP]   
Roca Batalla, Oriol[1] [ESP]  
    Roca Batalla, Oriol[1]
Oliveira, Gonzalo [VEN] 76(3) 62 
Colas Sanchez, Aaron [ESP]  
    Colas Sanchez, Aaron
Camba Sanz, Eduardo [ESP] 64 60 
Garcia-Roman, Marc[2] [ESP]  
    Garcia-Roman, Marc[2]
Cuesta Alvarez, Jagoba [ESP] 60 60 
Alvarez, Bruno [BEL]  
    Alvarez, Bruno
Holz, Gustavo [BRA] 75 76(3) 
Rodriguez Manzano, Borja[3] [ESP]  
    Rodriguez Manzano, Borja[3]
Santos-Fernandez, Inigo [ESP] 62 67(6) 75 
Jover Maestre, Javier [ESP]  
    Toledo Bague, Pol[11]
Toledo Bague, Pol[11] [ESP] 61 63 
Mazon-Hernandez, Rafael[4] [ESP]  
    Mazon-Hernandez, Rafael[4]
Martinez Martinez, Jorge [ESP] 76(3) 30 Ret'd 
Lima-Perez, Jeremias [ESP]  
    Vega Hernandez, David[9]
Vega Hernandez, David[9] [ESP] 61 62 
Lizariturry, Juan[5] [ESP]  
    Lizariturry, Juan[5]
Jorda Sanchis, David [ESP] 62 62 
Kunhen, Philip [GER]  
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard[10]
Esteve Lobato, Eduard[10] [ESP] 60 61 
Jayaprakash, Mohit Mayur[6] [IND]  
    Jayaprakash, Mohit Mayur[6]
Del Olmo Diaz, Ramon [ESP] 61 61 
Platero, Gerard [ESP]  
    Garcia Crespo, Eric[12]
Garcia Crespo, Eric[12] [ESP] 63 76(4) 
Pastor, Hasier[7] [ESP]  
    Pastor, Hasier[7]
Sidbon, David [FRA] 61 60 
Garcia, Luis-Onrubia [ESP]  
    Collado-Castells, Guillem[14]
Collado-Castells, Guillem[14] [ESP] 61 61 
Martos Gornes, Sergio[8] [ESP]  
    Martos Gornes, Sergio[8]
Ventura Perez, Ricky [ESP] 63 63 
Voinea, Cristian Florentin [ROU]  
    Montanes-Roca, Francesc[13]
Montanes-Roca, Francesc[13] [ESP] 64 16 64 
Roca Batalla, Oriol[1] [ESP]  
    Roca Batalla, Oriol[1]
Colas Sanchez, Aaron [ESP] 67(3) 64 63 
Garcia-Roman, Marc[2] [ESP]  
    Garcia-Roman, Marc[2]
Alvarez, Bruno [BEL] 62 67(2) 76(6) 
Rodriguez Manzano, Borja[3] [ESP]  
    Toledo Bague, Pol[11]
Toledo Bague, Pol[11] [ESP] 62 26 62 
Mazon-Hernandez, Rafael[4] [ESP]  
    Vega Hernandez, David[9]
Vega Hernandez, David[9] [ESP] 60 63 
Lizariturry, Juan[5] [ESP]  
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard[10]
Esteve Lobato, Eduard[10] [ESP] 63 64 
Jayaprakash, Mohit Mayur[6] [IND]  
    Jayaprakash, Mohit Mayur[6]
Garcia Crespo, Eric[12] [ESP] 61 57 64 
Pastor, Hasier[7] [ESP]  
    Pastor, Hasier[7]
Collado-Castells, Guillem[14] [ESP] 64 62 
Martos Gornes, Sergio[8] [ESP]  
    Martos Gornes, Sergio[8]
Montanes-Roca, Francesc[13] [ESP] 16 64 61 
Roca Batalla, Oriol[1] [ESP]  
Garcia-Roman, Marc[2] [ESP]   
Toledo Bague, Pol[11] [ESP]  
Vega Hernandez, David[9] [ESP]   
Esteve Lobato, Eduard[10] [ESP]  
Jayaprakash, Mohit Mayur[6] [IND]   
Pastor, Hasier[7] [ESP]  
Martos Gornes, Sergio[8] [ESP]   
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