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Tournament Rounds

Open Junior Chirimoya Bowl V Region, 2012, J60 Boys

Nunez, Guillermo[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Guillermo[1]
Rodriguez, Vicente [CHI] 60 60 
Molina, Diego [CHI]  
    Molina, Diego
Chain, Matheus [BRA] 64 62 
Pimentel, Wilder (Q) [PER]  
    Pimentel, Wilder (Q)
Elgueta Bobadilla, Claudio Ignacio [CHI] 62 64 
Recabal Valdebenito, Jose Ignacio [CHI]  
    Recabal Valdebenito, Jose Ignacio
Santibanez, Sebastian[16] [CHI] 64 64 
Sama, Yasin[12] [ARG]  
    Sama, Yasin[12]
Fuentes, Felipe [CHI] 62 62 
Moreno, Lucas (WC) [CHI]  
    Moreno, Lucas (WC)
Garrido, Cristian [CHI] 61 63 
Lacalle, Felipe [CHI]  
    Zatar, Ayed
Zatar, Ayed [PAR] 63 63 
Banzer, Rodrigo (Q) [BOL]  
    Vives, Diego[8]
Vives, Diego[8] [CHI] 64 64 
Galleguillos, Jaime Ignacio[4] [CHI]  
    Galleguillos, Jaime Ignacio[4]
Gomez, Rodrigo Julio [ARG] 63 64 
Kohl, Cristopher (WC) [CHI]  
    Kohl, Cristopher (WC)
Garces, Felipe (WC) [CHI] 75 60 
Hanayama, Renan (Q) [BRA]  
    Hanayama, Renan (Q)
Igor Riesco, Fabian Erien [CHI] 61 62 
Ahumada, Camilo [CHI]  
    Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13]
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13] [CHI] 63 61 
Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles[10] [BRA]  
    Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles[10]
Saffirio, Sebastian [CHI] 62 61 
Toro, Jordan Adriano [CHI]  
    Masuda, Hirotaka (Q)
Masuda, Hirotaka (Q) [JPN] 62 63 
Iamachkine, Petr (LL) [PER]  
    Iamachkine, Petr (LL)
Lira Diaz, Maximiliano [CHI] 62 61 
Silva Chalumeau, Tomas Ignacio (LL) [CHI]  
    Silva Chalumeau, Tomas Ignacio (LL)
Ugarte, Romai[7] [VEN] 64 61 
Gonzalez, Kevin [CHI]  
    Gonzalez, Kevin
Yevenes, Matias [CHI] 63 64 
Olmedo, Serjen [CHI]  
    Menezes, Joao
Menezes, Joao [BRA] 63 75 
Lee Farias, Lucas Giulliano (LL) [CHI]  
    Reyes, Bastian
Reyes, Bastian [CHI] 62 63 
Aguilera, Joaquin [CHI]  
    Alvarez, Nicolas[9]
Alvarez, Nicolas[9] [PER] 75 63 
Bruna, Esteban[15] [CHI]  
    Bruna, Esteban[15]
Guardia, Fernando (WC) [BOL] 64 62 
Galarza, Enrico [PAR]  
    Galarza, Enrico
Zuniga Cantillana, Fernando Andres (Q) [CHI] 76(1) 61 
Maruri Picon, Diego Alejandro [CHI]  
    Maruri Picon, Diego Alejandro
Lacalle, Eduardo [CHI] 63 76(3) 
Araoz, Juan Ignacio (Q) [ARG]  
    Penaloza, Sebastian
Penaloza, Sebastian [CHI] 62 61 
Malla, Bastian[5] [CHI]  
    Malla, Bastian[5]
Tapia, Benjamin [CHI] 64 62 
Bruno, Tadeo [ARG]  
    Yunge Parot, Jorge (WC)
Yunge Parot, Jorge (WC) [CHI] 64 63 
Bernardo, Lucas (Q) [BRA]  
    Bernardo, Lucas (Q)
Gregorio De Las Heras, Simon [CHI] 76(5) 64 
Leiva Biason, Oscar Matias [CHI]  
    Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11]
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11] [CHI] 62 60 
Iturra, Jordan[14] [CHI]  
    Iturra, Jordan[14]
Acevedo Olmos, Eduardo Bastian [CHI] 62 60 
Nunez, Ignacio [URU]  
    Nunez, Ignacio
Martinez, Carlos [CHI] 62 64 
Rivera Lazo, Gonzalo Felipe [CHI]  
    Rivera Lazo, Gonzalo Felipe
Marioni, Marcelo [CHI] 16 64 63 
Moral, Franco [CHI]  
    Walendowsky, Joao[2]
Walendowsky, Joao[2] [BRA] 64 62 
Nunez, Guillermo[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Guillermo[1]
Molina, Diego [CHI] 60 61 
Pimentel, Wilder (Q) [PER]  
    Pimentel, Wilder (Q)
Recabal Valdebenito, Jose Ignacio [CHI] 63 63 
Sama, Yasin[12] [ARG]  
    Sama, Yasin[12]
Moreno, Lucas (WC) [CHI] 60 62 
Zatar, Ayed [PAR]  
    Vives, Diego[8]
Vives, Diego[8] [CHI] 63 64 
Galleguillos, Jaime Ignacio[4] [CHI]  
    Galleguillos, Jaime Ignacio[4]
Kohl, Cristopher (WC) [CHI] 61 75 
Hanayama, Renan (Q) [BRA]  
    Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13]
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13] [CHI] 60 60 
Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles[10] [BRA]  
    Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles[10]
Masuda, Hirotaka (Q) [JPN] 62 62 
Iamachkine, Petr (LL) [PER]  
    Iamachkine, Petr (LL)
Silva Chalumeau, Tomas Ignacio (LL) [CHI] 63 63 
Gonzalez, Kevin [CHI]  
    Menezes, Joao
Menezes, Joao [BRA] 75 64 
Reyes, Bastian [CHI]  
    Alvarez, Nicolas[9]
Alvarez, Nicolas[9] [PER] 64 75 
Bruna, Esteban[15] [CHI]  
    Galarza, Enrico
Galarza, Enrico [PAR] 64 76(4) 
Maruri Picon, Diego Alejandro [CHI]  
    Penaloza, Sebastian
Penaloza, Sebastian [CHI] 61 64 
Malla, Bastian[5] [CHI]  
    Malla, Bastian[5]
Yunge Parot, Jorge (WC) [CHI] 62 60 
Bernardo, Lucas (Q) [BRA]  
    Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11]
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11] [CHI] 60 61 
Iturra, Jordan[14] [CHI]  
    Iturra, Jordan[14]
Nunez, Ignacio [URU] 63 75 
Rivera Lazo, Gonzalo Felipe [CHI]  
    Walendowsky, Joao[2]
Walendowsky, Joao[2] [BRA] 60 61 
Nunez, Guillermo[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Guillermo[1]
Pimentel, Wilder (Q) [PER] 75 76(4) 
Sama, Yasin[12] [ARG]  
    Sama, Yasin[12]
Vives, Diego[8] [CHI] 61 62 
Galleguillos, Jaime Ignacio[4] [CHI]  
    Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13]
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13] [CHI] 61 62 
Guitarrari, Lucas Meirelles[10] [BRA]  
    Iamachkine, Petr (LL)
Iamachkine, Petr (LL) [PER] 63 62 
Menezes, Joao [BRA]  
    Menezes, Joao
Alvarez, Nicolas[9] [PER] 64 61 
Galarza, Enrico [PAR]  
    Penaloza, Sebastian
Penaloza, Sebastian [CHI] 62 63 
Malla, Bastian[5] [CHI]  
    Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11]
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11] [CHI] 61 62 
Iturra, Jordan[14] [CHI]  
    Walendowsky, Joao[2]
Walendowsky, Joao[2] [BRA] 64 60 
Nunez, Guillermo[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Guillermo[1]
Sama, Yasin[12] [ARG] 64 75 
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13] [CHI]  
    Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13]
Iamachkine, Petr (LL) [PER] 61 60 
Menezes, Joao [BRA]  
    Menezes, Joao
Penaloza, Sebastian [CHI] 75 61 
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11] [CHI]  
    Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11]
Walendowsky, Joao[2] [BRA] 63 36 75 
Nunez, Guillermo[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Guillermo[1]
Bueno Tapia, Jaime Ignacio[13] [CHI] 75 61 
Menezes, Joao [BRA]  
    Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11]
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11] [CHI] 63 61 
Nunez, Guillermo[1] [CHI]  
    Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11]
Gonzalez Carrasco, Juan Matias[11] [CHI] 75 64 
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