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Tournament Rounds

U18 ITF World Ranking Event 2, 2012, J30 Boys

Cedar Springs Health, Racquet & Sports Club

Laaribi, Aws[1] [TUN]  
    Laaribi, Aws[1]
Lemay-Pouliot, Alek (LL) [CAN] 62 61 
Olave, Andres [CAN]  
    Olave, Andres
Galli, Sterling [USA] 62 63 
Rahier, Nathan [CAN]  
    Pezzoli, Filippo
Pezzoli, Filippo [ITA] 64 62 
Krok, Mateusz (WC) [CAM]  
    Binet, Penfield[14]
Binet, Penfield[14] [CAN] 64 60 
Van Slyke, Jack W[11] [CAN]  
    Van Slyke, Jack W[11]
Strom, Axel (Q) [CAN] 60 61 
Beran, Martin [SVK]  
    Beran, Martin
Liu, Minzhe (Q) [CHN] 60 62 
Donarski, Sid [CAN]  
    Donarski, Sid
Ogilvy, Elijah (Q) [CAN] 60 62 
Brockman, Griffin [CAN]  
    Brockman, Griffin
Janglin, Oscar[5] [SWE] 63 64 
Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3] [MEX]  
    Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3]
Milosevic, Milan (Q) [CAN] 63 61 
Siyyid, Asad [CAN]  
    Cyrenne, Charles (WC)
Cyrenne, Charles (WC) [USA] 64 64 
Luchak, Alec [USA]  
    De Quant, William Alexander
De Quant, William Alexander [NED] 64 16 63 
Faucher, Mickael (LL) [CAN]  
    Flores, Jesse[16]
Flores, Jesse[16] [CRC] 62 61 
Racanelli Sessa, Francesco G.[12] [VEN]  
    Racanelli Sessa, Francesco G.[12]
Nadeau, Francis (WC) [CAN] 46 62 61 
Zeng, Xian Zhuo [CAN]  
    Ball, Graham
Ball, Graham [CAN] 63 63 
Shapovalov, Denis [CAN]  
    Wilson, Nicholas Myron
Wilson, Nicholas Myron [USA] 57 62 64 
Houle, Tristan (Q) [CAN]  
    Courteau, Philippe[7]
Courteau, Philippe[7] [CAN] 63 61 
Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[8] [MEX]  
    Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[8]
Champagne, Colin (WC) [CAN] 62 62 
Mahatme, Ryan (WC) [USA]  
    Philp, Sam
Philp, Sam [CAN] 62 62 
Bednarczyk, Dylan [CAN]  
    Hall, Patrick
Hall, Patrick [CAN] 75 61 
Gervais, Alexis [CAN]  
    Chetty, Joshua[9]
Chetty, Joshua[9] [RSA] 36 63 64 
Maginley, Jody[15] [ANT]  
    Hoang, Daniel
Hoang, Daniel [CAN] 76(0) 61 
Hoover, Luke W. (WC) [CAN]  
    Ghavami, Justin
Ghavami, Justin [CAN] 75 63 
D'alfonso, Simon [USA]  
    Hara, Tegbir Singh
Hara, Tegbir Singh [CAN] 62 60 
Phaterpekar, Tejas [CAN]  
    Erdman, Matthew[4]
Erdman, Matthew[4] [CAN] 63 62 
Quenard, Jonathan[6] [SUI]  
    Quenard, Jonathan[6]
Winser, Phillip (Q) [CAN] 64 63 
Marusic, Stefan [CAN]  
    Marusic, Stefan
Dunlap, Dane [CAN] 63 36 64 
Mboko, Kevin [CAN]  
    Zuart, Jose Carlos (Q)
Zuart, Jose Carlos (Q) [MEX] 62 63 
Baron, Charles [CAN]  
    Tabilo, Alejandro[10]
Tabilo, Alejandro[10] [CHI] 63 64 
Manji, Raheel[13] [CAN]  
    Manji, Raheel[13]
Mailloux, Laurent [CAN] 61 61 
Silverstein, Josh [USA]  
    Silverstein, Josh
French, Aidan (Q) [CAN] 61 61 
Peress, Joshua [CAN]  
    Peress, Joshua
Cote, Simon [CAN] 76(3) 36 64 
Hamel, Louis-Philippe [CAN]  
    Santomenna, Ugo[2]
Santomenna, Ugo[2] [FRA] 76(3) 76(2) 
Laaribi, Aws[1] [TUN]  
    Laaribi, Aws[1]
Olave, Andres [CAN] 60 76(10) 
Pezzoli, Filippo [ITA]  
    Binet, Penfield[14]
Binet, Penfield[14] [CAN] 62 60 
Van Slyke, Jack W[11] [CAN]  
    Beran, Martin
Beran, Martin [SVK] 62 75 
Donarski, Sid [CAN]  
    Donarski, Sid
Brockman, Griffin [CAN] 63 63 
Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3] [MEX]  
    Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3]
Cyrenne, Charles (WC) [USA] 64 62 
De Quant, William Alexander [NED]  
    De Quant, William Alexander
Flores, Jesse[16] [CRC] 75 76(7) 
Racanelli Sessa, Francesco G.[12] [VEN]  
    Ball, Graham
Ball, Graham [CAN] 63 63 
Wilson, Nicholas Myron [USA]  
    Courteau, Philippe[7]
Courteau, Philippe[7] [CAN] 62 62 
Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[8] [MEX]  
    Philp, Sam
Philp, Sam [CAN] 63 46 64 
Hall, Patrick [CAN]  
    Hall, Patrick
Chetty, Joshua[9] [RSA] 63 60 
Hoang, Daniel [CAN]  
    Hoang, Daniel
Ghavami, Justin [CAN] 75 62 
Hara, Tegbir Singh [CAN]  
    Erdman, Matthew[4]
Erdman, Matthew[4] [CAN] 60 75 
Quenard, Jonathan[6] [SUI]  
    Quenard, Jonathan[6]
Marusic, Stefan [CAN] 60 16 60 
Zuart, Jose Carlos (Q) [MEX]  
    Tabilo, Alejandro[10]
Tabilo, Alejandro[10] [CHI] 60 62 
Manji, Raheel[13] [CAN]  
    Silverstein, Josh
Silverstein, Josh [USA] 61 64 
Peress, Joshua [CAN]  
    Santomenna, Ugo[2]
Santomenna, Ugo[2] [FRA] 60 62 
Laaribi, Aws[1] [TUN]  
    Laaribi, Aws[1]
Binet, Penfield[14] [CAN] 63 60 
Beran, Martin [SVK]  
    Beran, Martin
Donarski, Sid [CAN] 62 62 
Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3] [MEX]  
    Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3]
De Quant, William Alexander [NED] 75 60 
Ball, Graham [CAN]  
    Courteau, Philippe[7]
Courteau, Philippe[7] [CAN] 64 62 
Philp, Sam [CAN]  
    Philp, Sam
Hall, Patrick [CAN] 62 64 
Hoang, Daniel [CAN]  
    Erdman, Matthew[4]
Erdman, Matthew[4] [CAN] 76(1) 75 
Quenard, Jonathan[6] [SUI]  
    Tabilo, Alejandro[10]
Tabilo, Alejandro[10] [CHI] 64 46 64 
Silverstein, Josh [USA]  
    Silverstein, Josh
Santomenna, Ugo[2] [FRA] 64 62 
Laaribi, Aws[1] [TUN]  
    Laaribi, Aws[1]
Beran, Martin [SVK] 63 63 
Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3] [MEX]  
    Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3]
Courteau, Philippe[7] [CAN] 16 63 62 
Philp, Sam [CAN]  
    Erdman, Matthew[4]
Erdman, Matthew[4] [CAN] 76(5) 46 75 
Tabilo, Alejandro[10] [CHI]  
    Tabilo, Alejandro[10]
Silverstein, Josh [USA] 61 62 
Laaribi, Aws[1] [TUN]  
    Laaribi, Aws[1]
Espindola Mancera, Gabriel Inaki[3] [MEX] 61 63 
Erdman, Matthew[4] [CAN]  
    Tabilo, Alejandro[10]
Tabilo, Alejandro[10] [CHI] 63 62 
Laaribi, Aws[1] [TUN]  
    Laaribi, Aws[1]
Tabilo, Alejandro[10] [CHI] 46 62 64 
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