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Tournament Rounds

Brunei ITF Junior Circuit, 2012, J30 Girls

National Tennis Centre

Doshi, Rheeya[1] [SGP]  
    Doshi, Rheeya[1]
Husodo, Monika [INA]  
    Balce, Maia Bernadette
Balce, Maia Bernadette [PHI] 60 61 
Lo, Yan Yin [HKG]  
    Usui, Saya
Usui, Saya [JPN] 60 61 
Johal, Rehmat [SGP]  
    Boey, Alyssa[6]
Boey, Alyssa[6] [MAS] 61 60 
Chua An Ping, Aslina[4] [MAS]  
    Chua An Ping, Aslina[4]
Ang, Geraldine [SGP]  
    Ang, Geraldine
Febriani, Christina (WC) [INA] 60 60 
Resma, Roxanne May [PHI]  
    Kahfiani, Rifanty
Kahfiani, Rifanty [INA] 16 75 62 
Yusri, Yus Syazlin Nabila Binti [MAS]  
    Umoquit, Gabriella[8]
Umoquit, Gabriella[8] [USA] 61 61 
Vaidya, Ria[5] [SGP]  
    Vaidya, Ria[5]
Ti, Jia Wei [MAS] 75 60 
Harti, Setia Indri (WC) [INA]  
    Harti, Setia Indri (WC)
Lau, Melanie Shu Ping [BRU] 60 60 
Katano, Yuri [JPN]  
    Katano, Yuri
Azzahra, Shamira [INA] 62 61 
    Choo, Lyn Yuen[3]
Choo, Lyn Yuen[3] [MAS]   
Win, Nilar[7] [MYA]  
    Win, Nilar[7]
Lim, Angela [SGP] 63 62 
Iglupas, Khim [PHI]  
    Iglupas, Khim
Roslan, Nurin Nabilah [MAS] 16 75 61 
Lin, Wing Man [HKG]  
    Lin, Wing Man
Loo, Shi Pei [MAS] 63 62 
    Herlina, Efriliya[2]
Herlina, Efriliya[2] [INA]   
Doshi, Rheeya[1] [SGP]  
    Doshi, Rheeya[1]
Balce, Maia Bernadette [PHI] 60 63 
Usui, Saya [JPN]  
    Usui, Saya
Boey, Alyssa[6] [MAS] 63 61 
Chua An Ping, Aslina[4] [MAS]  
    Ang, Geraldine
Ang, Geraldine [SGP] 64 76(3) 
Kahfiani, Rifanty [INA]  
    Umoquit, Gabriella[8]
Umoquit, Gabriella[8] [USA] 62 61 
Vaidya, Ria[5] [SGP]  
    Vaidya, Ria[5]
Harti, Setia Indri (WC) [INA] 62 62 
Katano, Yuri [JPN]  
    Choo, Lyn Yuen[3]
Choo, Lyn Yuen[3] [MAS] 61 61 
Win, Nilar[7] [MYA]  
    Win, Nilar[7]
Iglupas, Khim [PHI] 60 61 
Lin, Wing Man [HKG]  
    Lin, Wing Man
Herlina, Efriliya[2] [INA] 26 60 30 Ret'd 
Doshi, Rheeya[1] [SGP]  
    Usui, Saya
Usui, Saya [JPN] 75 46 63 
Ang, Geraldine [SGP]  
    Umoquit, Gabriella[8]
Umoquit, Gabriella[8] [USA] 61 61 
Vaidya, Ria[5] [SGP]  
    Choo, Lyn Yuen[3]
Choo, Lyn Yuen[3] [MAS] 61 62 
Win, Nilar[7] [MYA]  
    Win, Nilar[7]
Lin, Wing Man [HKG] 64 06 62 
Usui, Saya [JPN]  
    Umoquit, Gabriella[8]
Umoquit, Gabriella[8] [USA] 60 60 
Choo, Lyn Yuen[3] [MAS]  
    Choo, Lyn Yuen[3]
Win, Nilar[7] [MYA] 62 63 
Umoquit, Gabriella[8] [USA]  
    Choo, Lyn Yuen[3]
Choo, Lyn Yuen[3] [MAS] 75 63 
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