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Tournament Rounds

Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Championships, 2012, Boys 12

IMG / Bollettieri Sports Academy

Oliel, Yshai[1] [ISR]  
    Oliel, Yshai[1]
De Souza Fonseca, Arthur [BRA] 60 60 
Orashev, Arslan [TKM]  
    Fernandez Paredes, Miguel
Fernandez Paredes, Miguel [MEX] 60 61 
Baumann, Mikkel S [USA]  
    Han, Seong Yong
Han, Seong Yong [KOR] 60 60 
Redelijk, Jordi [USA]  
    Redelijk, Jordi
Quiros, Alejandro[15] [USA] 64 60 
Fenty, Andrew[9] [USA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[9]
Aoki, Kazuma [USA] 63 62 
Gima, Alexander [ROU]  
    Khan, Zane
Khan, Zane [USA] 46 62 64 
Draxl, Liam [CAN]  
    Draxl, Liam
Yakauleu, Maksimilian [USA] 60 60 
Shi, Brian [USA]  
    Shi, Brian
Dohyun, Kim[8] [USA] 63 46 76(0) 
Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3] [RUS]  
    Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3]
Herrera, Christopher [GUA] 61 61 
Zink, Tyler [USA]  
    Paluch, Karol
Paluch, Karol [POL] 46 60 60 
Cronje, Lleyton [RSA]  
    Cronje, Lleyton
Saleme, Vinicius [BRA] 60 61 
Carroll, John E [USA]  
    Mejia, Nicolas[14]
Mejia, Nicolas[14] [COL] 62 62 
Machac, Tomas[12] [CZE]  
    Machac, Tomas[12]
Castaneda, Guillermo [MEX] 62 60 
Garcia, Nicholas [USA]  
    Ahumada, Marcelo Alejandro
Ahumada, Marcelo Alejandro [CHI] 63 61 
Nakaurai, Chanasorn [THA]  
    Grovas, Rafael E
Grovas, Rafael E [PUR] 64 61 
Vannemreddy, Abhimanyu [IND]  
    Mayo, Keenan[6]
Mayo, Keenan[6] [USA] 61 63 
Park, Uisung[5] [KOR]  
    Park, Uisung[5]
Fresen, Rj [USA] 64 62 
Hammond, Robert [USA]  
    Hammond, Robert
Lejarza, Joaquin [ARG] 63 46 76(2) 
Brooksby, Jenson [USA]  
    Brooksby, Jenson
Fujiwara, Joao [USA] 61 60 
Neff, Adam [USA]  
    Suevich, Karlo[11]
Suevich, Karlo[11] [CRO] 36 62 75 
Sridhar, Sangeet[13] [USA]  
    Avidzba, Alen
Avidzba, Alen [RUS] 63 76(4) 
Sun, Steven [USA]  
    Hardt, Nick
Hardt, Nick [DOM] 61 64 
Popyrin, Anthony [AUS]  
    Johns, Garrett
Johns, Garrett [USA] 75 61 
Tajima, Naoki [JPN]  
    Tajima, Naoki
Nefve, Axel[4] [USA] 64 26 62 
Rodriguez Sanchez, Sebastian Guillermo[7] [PER]  
    Fenty, Matthew
Fenty, Matthew [USA] 63 64 
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR]  
    Jeong, Yeong-Seok
Phunsawat, Chanon [THA] 60 61 
Calleros, Jaycer [USA]  
    Calleros, Jaycer
Kalyanpur, Adil [IND] 64 75 
Doubek, Lukas [CZE]  
    Kozlov, Boris[10]
Kozlov, Boris[10] [USA] 62 64 
Molleker, Rudolf[16] [GER]  
    Molleker, Rudolf[16]
Pottipati, Subhash R [USA] 62 64 
Sanchez, Juan P [COL]  
    Fainblum, Daniel
Fainblum, Daniel [CAN] 76(3) 64 
Yatsuk, Ivan [USA]  
    Yatsuk, Ivan
Fridman, Davyd [UKR] 62 61 
Garmendia, Jose [CHI]  
    Bellamy, Roscoe[2]
Bellamy, Roscoe[2] [USA] 60 60 
Oliel, Yshai[1] [ISR]  
    Oliel, Yshai[1]
Fernandez Paredes, Miguel [MEX] 60 62 
Han, Seong Yong [KOR]  
    Han, Seong Yong
Redelijk, Jordi [USA] 64 63 
Fenty, Andrew[9] [USA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[9]
Khan, Zane [USA] 61 61 
Draxl, Liam [CAN]  
    Shi, Brian
Shi, Brian [USA] 61 61 
Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3] [RUS]  
    Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3]
Paluch, Karol [POL] 76(4) 62 
Cronje, Lleyton [RSA]  
    Mejia, Nicolas[14]
Mejia, Nicolas[14] [COL] 63 62 
Machac, Tomas[12] [CZE]  
    Machac, Tomas[12]
Ahumada, Marcelo Alejandro [CHI] 62 61 
Grovas, Rafael E [PUR]  
    Mayo, Keenan[6]
Mayo, Keenan[6] [USA] 62 63 
Park, Uisung[5] [KOR]  
    Hammond, Robert
Hammond, Robert [USA] 76(2) 26 64 
Brooksby, Jenson [USA]  
    Brooksby, Jenson
Suevich, Karlo[11] [CRO] 46 75 76(3) 
Avidzba, Alen [RUS]  
    Avidzba, Alen
Hardt, Nick [DOM] 64 60 
Johns, Garrett [USA]  
    Johns, Garrett
Tajima, Naoki [JPN] 64 26 62 
Fenty, Matthew [USA]  
    Fenty, Matthew
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR] 63 64 
Calleros, Jaycer [USA]  
    Kozlov, Boris[10]
Kozlov, Boris[10] [USA] 63 63 
Molleker, Rudolf[16] [GER]  
    Molleker, Rudolf[16]
Fainblum, Daniel [CAN] 60 62 
Yatsuk, Ivan [USA]  
    Bellamy, Roscoe[2]
Bellamy, Roscoe[2] [USA] 63 63 
Oliel, Yshai[1] [ISR]  
    Oliel, Yshai[1]
Han, Seong Yong [KOR] 63 62 
Fenty, Andrew[9] [USA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[9]
Shi, Brian [USA] 76(2) 75 
Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3] [RUS]  
    Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3]
Mejia, Nicolas[14] [COL] 63 76(1) 
Machac, Tomas[12] [CZE]  
    Mayo, Keenan[6]
Mayo, Keenan[6] [USA] 64 63 
Hammond, Robert [USA]  
    Brooksby, Jenson
Brooksby, Jenson [USA] 67(6) 75 61 
Avidzba, Alen [RUS]  
    Avidzba, Alen
Johns, Garrett [USA] 61 60 
Fenty, Matthew [USA]  
    Kozlov, Boris[10]
Kozlov, Boris[10] [USA] 63 63 
Molleker, Rudolf[16] [GER]  
    Molleker, Rudolf[16]
Bellamy, Roscoe[2] [USA] 64 62 
Oliel, Yshai[1] [ISR]  
    Oliel, Yshai[1]
Fenty, Andrew[9] [USA] 63 60 
Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3] [RUS]  
    Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3]
Mayo, Keenan[6] [USA] 57 64 64 
Brooksby, Jenson [USA]  
    Avidzba, Alen
Avidzba, Alen [RUS] 60 63 
Kozlov, Boris[10] [USA]  
    Molleker, Rudolf[16]
Molleker, Rudolf[16] [GER] 67(7) 62 64 
Oliel, Yshai[1] [ISR]  
    Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3]
Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3] [RUS] 76(4) 76(2) 
Avidzba, Alen [RUS]  
    Avidzba, Alen
Molleker, Rudolf[16] [GER] 26 64 63 
Vylegzhanin, Nikolay[3] [RUS]  
    Avidzba, Alen
Avidzba, Alen [RUS] 61 62 
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