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Spain F3 Futures [Q], 2013, M25

Santonocito, Edoardo (ALT) [ITA]  
    Lombe, Harrison
Lombe, Harrison [AUS] 63 75 
Hidalgo Salgado, Jose Maria [ESP]  
    Hidalgo Salgado, Jose Maria
Alcala Llinares, Joan Carles [ESP] 75 64 
Ribeiro Navarrete, Samuel [ESP]  
    Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.
Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco. [ESP] 26 75 76(9) 
Toledo Bague, Pol [ESP]  
    Toledo Bague, Pol
Roca Batalla, Oriol[9] [ESP] 75 64 
Naqvi, Mehdi (ALT) [GBR]  
    Perez Castillo, Victor Manuel (WC)
Perez Castillo, Victor Manuel (WC) [ESP] 26 62 75 
Almudever, Enrique [ESP]  
    Almudever, Enrique
Gonzalbez Lloria, Ignacio [ESP] 63 61 
Galiano-Hernandez, Alberto [ESP]  
    Martinez, Rafael
Martinez, Rafael [VEN] 76(4) 63 
Orenes Moreno, Daniel (WC) [ESP]  
    Ojeda Lara, Ricardo[11]
Ojeda Lara, Ricardo[11] [ESP] 60 60 
Lopez Jaen, Miguel Angel[3] [ESP]  
    Lopez Jaen, Miguel Angel[3]
Perret, Loic [SUI] 63 62 
Corraliza-Moreno, Samuel [ESP]  
    Corraliza-Moreno, Samuel
Gorovyts, Oleksandr [UKR] 67(12) 64 75 
Daciek, Patrick [USA]  
    Kovalev, Egor
Kovalev, Egor [RUS] 64 16 62 
Viaene Pieras, Sandro [ESP]  
    Halys, Quentin[16]
Halys, Quentin[16] [FRA] 63 64 
Clar-Rossello, Pedro[4] [ESP]  
    Clar-Rossello, Pedro[4]
Portaluri, Giorgio [ITA] 21 Ret'd 
Bonet-De Gispert, Edualdo (WC) [ESP]  
    Bonet-De Gispert, Edualdo (WC)
Esquerdo, Ivan [ESP] 64 62 
Castellon Guasch, Sergio [ESP]  
    Castellon Guasch, Sergio
Reda, Mohammed [KUW] 62 64 
Plattes, Christian [GER]  
    Plattes, Christian
Zweili, Lucas[14] [SUI] 63 63 
Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni[5] [ESP]  
    Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni[5]
Nikulchikov, Stanislav [KAZ] 61 61 
Frutos Calatayud, Antonio (WC) [ESP]  
    Collado-Castells, Guillem
Collado-Castells, Guillem [ESP] 60 60 
Lopez-Parra, Javier [ESP]  
    Garcia-Roman, Marc
Garcia-Roman, Marc [ESP] 64 64 
Gianfilippi, Leonardo [ITA]  
    Bortolotti, Marco[10]
Bortolotti, Marco[10] [ITA] 60 62 
Alcaraz Ivorra, Albert[6] [ESP]  
    Alcaraz Ivorra, Albert[6]
Soriano Gallo, Guillermo (WC) [ESP] 60 60 
Alexeev, Antoine-Michel [SUI]  
    Martell Beuzit, Yannick
Martell Beuzit, Yannick [ESP] 64 60 
Cattaneo, Daniele [ITA]  
    Cattaneo, Daniele
Davanzo, Killian [SUI] 64 62 
Martos Gornes, Sergio [ESP]  
    Boluda-Purkiss, Carlos[12]
Boluda-Purkiss, Carlos[12] [ESP] 57 62 64 
Micolani, Giammarco[7] [ITA]  
    Micolani, Giammarco[7]
Vilella Martinez, Mario [ESP] 75 62 
Madzhar, Artur (WC) [RUS]  
    Madzhar, Artur (WC)
Echaide Sarabia, Jaime (WC) [ESP] 26 63 76(4) 
Tatlot, Johan [FRA]  
    Tatlot, Johan
Mccone, Lucas [BEL] 61 61 
Torregrosa Velilla, Arturo [ESP]  
    Pastor, Hasier[15]
Pastor, Hasier[15] [ESP] 60 63 
Picco, Francesco[8] [ITA]  
    Picco, Francesco[8]
Chavez Villalpando, Luis Diego [BOL] 60 61 
Benito Hergueta, Carlos [ESP]  
    Mesquida Berg, Oscar
Mesquida Berg, Oscar [ESP] 16 75 63 
Basso, Andrea [ITA]  
    Basso, Andrea
Cortes Alcaraz, Aaron [ESP] 60 64 
Verdu, Alvaro [ESP]  
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard[13]
Esteve Lobato, Eduard[13] [ESP] 63 60 
Lombe, Harrison [AUS]  
    Hidalgo Salgado, Jose Maria
Hidalgo Salgado, Jose Maria [ESP] 76(5) 63 
Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco. [ESP]  
    Toledo Bague, Pol
Toledo Bague, Pol [ESP] 63 63 
Perez Castillo, Victor Manuel (WC) [ESP]  
    Almudever, Enrique
Almudever, Enrique [ESP] 64 63 
Martinez, Rafael [VEN]  
    Ojeda Lara, Ricardo[11]
Ojeda Lara, Ricardo[11] [ESP] 26 62 64 
Lopez Jaen, Miguel Angel[3] [ESP]  
    Lopez Jaen, Miguel Angel[3]
Corraliza-Moreno, Samuel [ESP] 60 60 
Kovalev, Egor [RUS]  
    Halys, Quentin[16]
Halys, Quentin[16] [FRA] 76(1) 63 
Clar-Rossello, Pedro[4] [ESP]  
    Bonet-De Gispert, Edualdo (WC)
Bonet-De Gispert, Edualdo (WC) [ESP] 62 63 
Castellon Guasch, Sergio [ESP]  
    Plattes, Christian
Plattes, Christian [GER] 61 63 
Vivanco-Guzman, Andoni[5] [ESP]  
    Collado-Castells, Guillem
Collado-Castells, Guillem [ESP] 67(5) 75 76(3) 
Garcia-Roman, Marc [ESP]  
    Bortolotti, Marco[10]
Bortolotti, Marco[10] [ITA] 62 63 
Alcaraz Ivorra, Albert[6] [ESP]  
    Alcaraz Ivorra, Albert[6]
Martell Beuzit, Yannick [ESP] 60 62 
Cattaneo, Daniele [ITA]  
    Boluda-Purkiss, Carlos[12]
Boluda-Purkiss, Carlos[12] [ESP] 61 63 
Micolani, Giammarco[7] [ITA]  
    Micolani, Giammarco[7]
Madzhar, Artur (WC) [RUS] 60 60 
Tatlot, Johan [FRA]  
    Tatlot, Johan
Pastor, Hasier[15] [ESP] 64 63 
Picco, Francesco[8] [ITA]  
    Picco, Francesco[8]
Mesquida Berg, Oscar [ESP] 60 64 
Basso, Andrea [ITA]  
    Esteve Lobato, Eduard[13]
Esteve Lobato, Eduard[13] [ESP] 63 64 
Hidalgo Salgado, Jose Maria [ESP]  
    Toledo Bague, Pol
Toledo Bague, Pol [ESP] 62 60 
Almudever, Enrique [ESP]  
    Ojeda Lara, Ricardo[11]
Ojeda Lara, Ricardo[11] [ESP] 63 63 
Lopez Jaen, Miguel Angel[3] [ESP]  
    Halys, Quentin[16]
Halys, Quentin[16] [FRA] 63 61 
Bonet-De Gispert, Edualdo (WC) [ESP]  
    Bonet-De Gispert, Edualdo (WC)
Plattes, Christian [GER] 16 63 62 
Collado-Castells, Guillem [ESP]  
    Collado-Castells, Guillem
Bortolotti, Marco[10] [ITA] 64 61 
Alcaraz Ivorra, Albert[6] [ESP]  
    Alcaraz Ivorra, Albert[6]
Boluda-Purkiss, Carlos[12] [ESP] 63 61 
Micolani, Giammarco[7] [ITA]  
    Tatlot, Johan
Tatlot, Johan [FRA] 62 64 
Picco, Francesco[8] [ITA]  
    Picco, Francesco[8]
Esteve Lobato, Eduard[13] [ESP] 61 62 
Toledo Bague, Pol [ESP]  
Ojeda Lara, Ricardo[11] [ESP]   
Halys, Quentin[16] [FRA]  
Bonet-De Gispert, Edualdo (WC) [ESP]   
Collado-Castells, Guillem [ESP]  
Alcaraz Ivorra, Albert[6] [ESP]   
Tatlot, Johan [FRA]  
Picco, Francesco[8] [ITA]   
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