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Tournament Rounds

The American Cup, 2012, Boys 14

Patricio Apey's Tennis Academy

Raisma, Kenneth[1] [EST]  
    Raisma, Kenneth[1]
Horie, Toru [JPN] 61 60 
Mironov, Alexander [CAN]  
    Mironov, Alexander
Marshall, Robbie [GBR] 61 62 
Skalet, Jordan[12] [USA]  
    Skalet, Jordan[12]
Sabaj Arzani, Constantino [CHI] 63 62 
Kawashima, Hayato [JPN]  
    Tamm, Kristjan
Tamm, Kristjan [EST] 76(3) 75 
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[5] [ARG]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[5]
Giraldo, Miguel [COL] 60 61 
Epple, Juan [ARG]  
    Epple, Juan
Petrovic, Marco [USA] 64 61 
Garramone, Max[16] [USA]  
    Peck, Joshua
Peck, Joshua [CAN] 64 62 
Kubota, Masaaki [JPN]  
    Kubota, Masaaki
Ortegon, Jorge [MEX] 64 16 108 
Rikl, Patrik[3] [CZE]  
    Noda, Tatsuriki
Noda, Tatsuriki [JPN] 46 63 106 
Uribe, Santiago [USA]  
    Hernandez, Kevin
Hernandez, Kevin [CUB] 76(6) 62 
Zilbershtein, Maxim[14] [BLR]  
    Petrovic, Aleksandar
Petrovic, Aleksandar [CAN] 61 60 
Bigott Galeano, Cristian Camilo [COL]  
    Bigott Galeano, Cristian Camilo
Jurist, Ryan D. [USA] 76(4) 36 108 
Mendez, Ignacio[7] [ARG]  
    Mendez, Ignacio[7]
Torres, Alex [USA] 61 62 
Arnold, Joshua [TTO]  
    Pasini, Giovani
Pasini, Giovani [BRA] 61 60 
Tomic, Lukas[10] [BIH]  
    Tomic, Lukas[10]
Glinka, Daniil [EST] 62 62 
Disotuar, Josue [CUB]  
    Prieto, Nicolas
Prieto, Nicolas [USA] 64 64 
Jenicek, Jiri [CZE]  
    Jenicek, Jiri
Sertner, Austin [USA] 60 60 
Mora, Antonio D. [USA]  
    Santantonio, Tomas[9]
Santantonio, Tomas[9] [ARG] 62 60 
Alenkar, De [USA]  
    Segura, Juan
Segura, Juan [COL] 61 61 
Magoewaki, Namuri [JPN]  
    Patyk, Jakub[6]
Patyk, Jakub[6] [CZE] 60 60 
Sanghera, Tiran [GBR]  
    Blanch, Ulises
Blanch, Ulises [USA] 60 60 
Saldivias, Bruno [ECU]  
    Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[13]
Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[13] [BRA] 60 62 
Mora, Nicholas [USA]  
    Misuki, Ll
Misuki, Ll [USA] 64 62 
Romo, Diego [USA]  
    Aleshchev, Alexey[4]
Aleshchev, Alexey[4] [RUS] 63 61 
Andrade, Marco [ARG]  
    Andrade, Marco
Malinauskas, Nicolgas [USA] 63 61 
Rodriguez Sanchez, Sebastian Guillermo [PER]  
    Polikhronidi, Dionis[11]
Polikhronidi, Dionis[11] [RUS] 64 62 
Selekhetdinov, Kamil [USA]  
    Selekhetdinov, Kamil
Davidson, Jelani [TTO] 64 26 108 
Stoneman, Hunter L. [USA]  
    Olivarez, Eric Jr[8]
Olivarez, Eric Jr[8] [PHI] 64 64 
Bogatin, David [RUS]  
    Bogatin, David
Sazankov, Alexander [RUS] 46 63 108 
Chavarria, Diego [CRC]  
    Morfin, Luis[15]
Morfin, Luis[15] [MEX] 61 61 
Rodriguez, Igor [USA]  
    Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato [PER] 63 62 
Ramirez Luna, Felipe [COL]  
    Anderson, Oliver[2]
Anderson, Oliver[2] [AUS] 61 64 
Raisma, Kenneth[1] [EST]  
    Raisma, Kenneth[1]
Mironov, Alexander [CAN] 63 64 
Skalet, Jordan[12] [USA]  
    Tamm, Kristjan
Tamm, Kristjan [EST] 64 75 
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[5] [ARG]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[5]
Epple, Juan [ARG] 61 62 
Peck, Joshua [CAN]  
    Kubota, Masaaki
Kubota, Masaaki [JPN] 26 62 1412 
Noda, Tatsuriki [JPN]  
    Noda, Tatsuriki
Hernandez, Kevin [CUB] 64 64 
Petrovic, Aleksandar [CAN]  
    Petrovic, Aleksandar
Bigott Galeano, Cristian Camilo [COL] 61 60 
Mendez, Ignacio[7] [ARG]  
    Pasini, Giovani
Pasini, Giovani [BRA] 64 60 
Tomic, Lukas[10] [BIH]  
    Prieto, Nicolas
Prieto, Nicolas [USA] 63 60 
Jenicek, Jiri [CZE]  
    Santantonio, Tomas[9]
Santantonio, Tomas[9] [ARG] 61 61 
Segura, Juan [COL]  
    Patyk, Jakub[6]
Patyk, Jakub[6] [CZE] 62 63 
Blanch, Ulises [USA]  
    Blanch, Ulises
Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[13] [BRA] 62 61 
Misuki, Ll [USA]  
    Aleshchev, Alexey[4]
Aleshchev, Alexey[4] [RUS] 61 61 
Andrade, Marco [ARG]  
    Andrade, Marco
Polikhronidi, Dionis[11] [RUS] 62 61 
Selekhetdinov, Kamil [USA]  
    Olivarez, Eric Jr[8]
Olivarez, Eric Jr[8] [PHI] 63 57 106 
Bogatin, David [RUS]  
    Morfin, Luis[15]
Morfin, Luis[15] [MEX] 60 63 
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato [PER]  
    Anderson, Oliver[2]
Anderson, Oliver[2] [AUS] 60 60 
Raisma, Kenneth[1] [EST]  
    Raisma, Kenneth[1]
Tamm, Kristjan [EST] 60 61 
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[5] [ARG]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[5]
Kubota, Masaaki [JPN] 62 63 
Noda, Tatsuriki [JPN]  
    Petrovic, Aleksandar
Petrovic, Aleksandar [CAN] 63 62 
Pasini, Giovani [BRA]  
    Pasini, Giovani
Prieto, Nicolas [USA] 36 61 105 
Santantonio, Tomas[9] [ARG]  
    Santantonio, Tomas[9]
Patyk, Jakub[6] [CZE] 64 62 
Blanch, Ulises [USA]  
    Blanch, Ulises
Aleshchev, Alexey[4] [RUS] 57 75 2018 
Andrade, Marco [ARG]  
    Olivarez, Eric Jr[8]
Olivarez, Eric Jr[8] [PHI] 62 63 
Morfin, Luis[15] [MEX]  
    Anderson, Oliver[2]
Anderson, Oliver[2] [AUS] 61 62 
Raisma, Kenneth[1] [EST]  
    Raisma, Kenneth[1]
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[5] [ARG] 63 62 
Petrovic, Aleksandar [CAN]  
    Petrovic, Aleksandar
Pasini, Giovani [BRA] 46 63 108 
Santantonio, Tomas[9] [ARG]  
    Blanch, Ulises
Blanch, Ulises [USA] 64 60 
Olivarez, Eric Jr[8] [PHI]  
    Anderson, Oliver[2]
Anderson, Oliver[2] [AUS] 62 76(8) 
Raisma, Kenneth[1] [EST]  
    Raisma, Kenneth[1]
Petrovic, Aleksandar [CAN] 60 60 
Blanch, Ulises [USA]  
    Anderson, Oliver[2]
Anderson, Oliver[2] [AUS] 63 62 
Raisma, Kenneth[1] [EST]  
    Anderson, Oliver[2]
Anderson, Oliver[2] [AUS] 61 62 
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