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Tournament Rounds

$10,000 Buffalo, NY [Q], 2013, W10

Miller Tennis Center

Murdock, Ashley[1] [USA]  
    Blajkevitch, Khristina
Blajkevitch, Khristina [CAN] 61 60 
Williford, Kelly [DOM]  
    Capra, Beatrice
Capra, Beatrice [USA] 62 61 
Davis, Dewonder [USA]  
    Toporowski, Natalie (WC)
Toporowski, Natalie (WC) [CAN] 61 63 
Perper, Alexandra [MDA]  
    Perper, Alexandra
Morin Kougoucheff, Edmee [FRA] 61 75 
Harman, Emily J.[2] [USA]  
    Harman, Emily J.[2]
Mcqueen, Melissa [CAN] 75 62 
Gibbs, Brianna M (WC) [USA]  
    Latycheva, Sonya
Latycheva, Sonya [CAN] 63 60 
Baloescu, Nicole [CAN]  
    Baloescu, Nicole
Roldan, Daniella [USA] 63 61 
Zhu, Amy [USA]  
    Zhu, Amy
Zuzu, Bianca [CAN] 61 64 
Rodgers, Amanda[3] [USA]  
    Rodgers, Amanda[3]
Avgerinos, Maria [USA] 63 64 
Yergina, Kateryna [UKR]  
    Morozova, Alexandra
Morozova, Alexandra [USA] 63 75 
Smilansky, Rachel S. [USA]  
    Dimuzio, Victoria
Dimuzio, Victoria [CAN] 61 61 
Rodriguez, Ariana [USA]  
    Rodriguez, Ariana
Guttormsen, Karyn [USA] 62 62 
Muresan, Denise[4] [USA]  
    Muresan, Denise[4]
Sigaki, Ana Carolina [BRA] 61 61 
Chypyha, Devin [CAN]  
    Chypyha, Devin
Riley, Ashley [USA] 60 60 
Kissell, Stacia (WC) [USA]  
    Kissell, Joelle
Kissell, Joelle [USA] 61 60 
Suarez, Deborah [USA]  
    Suarez, Deborah
Messineo, Olivia S. [USA] 60 60 
Crawford, Jacqueline[5] [USA]  
    Crawford, Jacqueline[5]
Ghajar, Nasha (ALT) [USA] 60 60 
Carruthers, Steffi [SAM]  
    Carruthers, Steffi
Vlachakis, Elizabeth [USA] 61 60 
Bolender, Brooke [USA]  
    Bolender, Brooke
Kopinski, Melissa [USA] 62 64 
Chypyha, Lauren [CAN]  
    Laurente, Kelsey
Laurente, Kelsey [USA] 75 46 63 
Danzini, Marina[6] [BRA]  
    Kostirko, Iryna
Kostirko, Iryna [CAN] 63 75 
Baloescu, Nancy [CAN]  
    Leonchuk, Olena
Leonchuk, Olena [UKR] 62 62 
Januskova, Petra [CAN]  
    Januskova, Petra
Kobelt, Madeleine [USA] 64 61 
Golovin, Jessica [USA]  
    Golovin, Jessica
Dubins, Brittany [USA] 62 67(4) 76(4) 
Petrick, Charlotte[7] [CAN]  
    Petrick, Charlotte[7]
Kissell, Michaela [USA] 64 75 
Wu, Jacqueline [USA]  
    Wu, Jacqueline
Beenk, Nyla [USA] 26 60 76(4) 
Smith, Anna [USA]  
    Smith, Anna
Wacnik, Jessica [USA] 63 36 63 
Patrascu, Maria [CAN]  
    Patrascu, Maria
Azeez, Tracy [GUY] 60 60 
Rischbieth, Brooke[8] [AUS]  
    Rischbieth, Brooke[8]
Vujic, Maja [CAN] 64 76(3) 
Dewar, Tristen Z. [USA]  
    Dewar, Tristen Z.
Zecevic, Sofija [CAN] 76(1) 63 
Dynka, Sandra [CAN]  
    Foster, Ryann
Foster, Ryann [USA] 76(5) 26 64 
Smith, Stephanie J. [USA]  
    Zhang, Wendy Qi-Wen[9]
Zhang, Wendy Qi-Wen[9] [CAN] 62 63 
Blajkevitch, Khristina [CAN]  
    Capra, Beatrice
Capra, Beatrice [USA] 60 61 
Toporowski, Natalie (WC) [CAN]  
    Perper, Alexandra
Perper, Alexandra [MDA] 63 60 
Harman, Emily J.[2] [USA]  
    Harman, Emily J.[2]
Latycheva, Sonya [CAN] 75 36 62 
Baloescu, Nicole [CAN]  
    Zhu, Amy
Zhu, Amy [USA] 62 62 
Rodgers, Amanda[3] [USA]  
    Rodgers, Amanda[3]
Morozova, Alexandra [USA] 06 64 64 
Dimuzio, Victoria [CAN]  
    Rodriguez, Ariana
Rodriguez, Ariana [USA] 60 62 
Muresan, Denise[4] [USA]  
    Muresan, Denise[4]
Chypyha, Devin [CAN] 61 61 
Kissell, Joelle [USA]  
    Kissell, Joelle
Suarez, Deborah [USA] 06 63 61 
Crawford, Jacqueline[5] [USA]  
    Crawford, Jacqueline[5]
Carruthers, Steffi [SAM] 62 62 
Bolender, Brooke [USA]  
    Laurente, Kelsey
Laurente, Kelsey [USA] 63 61 
Kostirko, Iryna [CAN]  
    Leonchuk, Olena
Leonchuk, Olena [UKR] 75 26 64 
Januskova, Petra [CAN]  
    Januskova, Petra
Golovin, Jessica [USA] 61 63 
Petrick, Charlotte[7] [CAN]  
    Petrick, Charlotte[7]
Wu, Jacqueline [USA] 64 06 75 
Smith, Anna [USA]  
    Patrascu, Maria
Patrascu, Maria [CAN] 60 64 
Rischbieth, Brooke[8] [AUS]  
    Dewar, Tristen Z.
Dewar, Tristen Z. [USA] 64 63 
Foster, Ryann [USA]  
    Foster, Ryann
Zhang, Wendy Qi-Wen[9] [CAN] 62 75 
Capra, Beatrice [USA]  
    Capra, Beatrice
Perper, Alexandra [MDA] 62 62 
Harman, Emily J.[2] [USA]  
    Harman, Emily J.[2]
Zhu, Amy [USA] 63 64 
Rodgers, Amanda[3] [USA]  
    Rodriguez, Ariana
Rodriguez, Ariana [USA] 61 63 
Muresan, Denise[4] [USA]  
    Muresan, Denise[4]
Kissell, Joelle [USA] 64 26 64 
Crawford, Jacqueline[5] [USA]  
    Crawford, Jacqueline[5]
Laurente, Kelsey [USA] 63 06 62 
Leonchuk, Olena [UKR]  
    Januskova, Petra
Januskova, Petra [CAN] 62 40 Ret'd 
Petrick, Charlotte[7] [CAN]  
    Petrick, Charlotte[7]
Patrascu, Maria [CAN] 26 76(1) 61 
Dewar, Tristen Z. [USA]  
    Foster, Ryann
Foster, Ryann [USA] 62 46 60 
Capra, Beatrice [USA]  
Harman, Emily J.[2] [USA]   
Rodriguez, Ariana [USA]  
Muresan, Denise[4] [USA]   
Crawford, Jacqueline[5] [USA]  
Januskova, Petra [CAN]   
Petrick, Charlotte[7] [CAN]  
Foster, Ryann [USA]   
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