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Tournament Rounds

International Championships of Baden, 2013, Boys 12

TC Grotzingen

Huck, Leon [GER]  
    Huck, Leon
Hutterer, Dominik [GER] 63 61 
Rall, Julius (WC) [GER]  
    Martens, Noah
Martens, Noah [BEL] 61 62 
Gesslein, Niklas [GER]  
    Gesslein, Niklas
Sasamori, Jinta [USA] 60 60 
Huettner, Simon [GER]  
    Lemstra, Sven
Lemstra, Sven [GER] 62 62 
Cueppers, Robin [GER]  
    Cueppers, Robin
Favero, Lorenzo [ITA] 61 61 
Yakincam, Arsen Sasha [TUR]  
    Hoffmann, Moritz
Hoffmann, Moritz [GER] 61 60 
Lange, Sean Lennart [GER]  
    Lange, Sean Lennart
Roth, Jonathan [GER] 63 61 
Krolo, Filip [GER]  
    Krolo, Filip
Vasilyev, Dmitry [RUS] 63 57 62 
Wuest, Florian [GER]  
    Wuest, Florian
Henke, Noel (WC) [GER] 61 60 
Zappoli, Marco [ITA]  
    Ennen, Timo (WC)
Ennen, Timo (WC) [GER] 62 60 
Plueer, Jan Hendrik [GER]  
    Plueer, Jan Hendrik
Janis, Jason [GER] 64 63 
Ohl, Henri [GER]  
    Ohl, Henri
Normand, Patrice [FRA] 75 62 
Yahiro, Kousuke [JPN]  
    Kurz, Benedict
Kurz, Benedict [GER] 60 60 
Schoen, Paul Philipp (WC) [GER]  
    Borsan, Doru Junior
Borsan, Doru Junior [ROU] 63 63 
Andreev, Adrian [BUL]  
    Andreev, Adrian
Zimmer, Claudius [GER] 60 61 
Uhde, Philipp (WC) [GER]  
    Uhde, Philipp (WC)
Turtl, Nicolas [GER] 46 60 60 
Akay, Cihan [AUS]  
    Akay, Cihan
Schlossmann, Frederic [GER] 63 61 
Kroeger, Laurin [GER]  
    Hartenstein, Max
Hartenstein, Max [GER] 60 62 
Bonnet Flores, Raphael [FRA]  
    Bonnet Flores, Raphael
Frantzen, Christopher [GER] 75 46 64 
Trunov, Igor [RUS]  
    Trunov, Igor
Schaber, Marvin [GER] 64 36 64 
Bonivento, Antonio [ITA]  
    Bonivento, Antonio
Hell, Julius (WC) [GER] 63 75 
Johann, Lars [GER]  
    Johann, Lars
Fleck, Linus [GER] 64 36 75 
Dreher, Tobias [GER]  
    Dreher, Tobias
Janosik, Boris [SVK] 62 60 
Amling, Max [GER]  
    Wiedenhorn, Nic
Wiedenhorn, Nic [GER] 60 61 
Prokot, Lukas [GER]  
    Schlageter, Justin (WC)
Schlageter, Justin (WC) [GER] 63 61 
Armin, Salehi [GBR]  
    Armin, Salehi
Grant, Rory [GBR] 75 64 
Veyhle, Felix (WC) [GER]  
    Arapi, Andre
Arapi, Andre [GER] 64 60 
Gelbke, Ricardo [GER]  
    Wouters, Axel
Wouters, Axel [BEL] 62 60 
Torski, Osman [GER]  
    Torski, Osman
Biscardini, Alessandro [ITA] 62 61 
Engelmann, Frederik [USA]  
    Kracht, Jannis
Kracht, Jannis [GER] 75 62 
Vasilenko, Maksims [LAT]  
    Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas
Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas [GER] 61 61 
Walser, Michael [GER]  
    Krusemark, Frederic
Krusemark, Frederic [GER] 64 62 
Huck, Leon [GER]  
    Martens, Noah
Martens, Noah [BEL] 26 62 63 
Gesslein, Niklas [GER]  
    Lemstra, Sven
Lemstra, Sven [GER] 62 63 
Cueppers, Robin [GER]  
    Hoffmann, Moritz
Hoffmann, Moritz [GER] 62 61 
Lange, Sean Lennart [GER]  
    Krolo, Filip
Krolo, Filip [GER] 46 64 60 
Wuest, Florian [GER]  
    Wuest, Florian
Ennen, Timo (WC) [GER] 75 62 
Plueer, Jan Hendrik [GER]  
    Plueer, Jan Hendrik
Ohl, Henri [GER] 75 60 
Kurz, Benedict [GER]  
    Borsan, Doru Junior
Borsan, Doru Junior [ROU] 64 41 Ret'd 
Andreev, Adrian [BUL]  
    Andreev, Adrian
Uhde, Philipp (WC) [GER] 60 60 
Akay, Cihan [AUS]  
    Akay, Cihan
Hartenstein, Max [GER] 63 63 
Bonnet Flores, Raphael [FRA]  
    Trunov, Igor
Trunov, Igor [RUS] 64 36 75 
Bonivento, Antonio [ITA]  
    Johann, Lars
Johann, Lars [GER] 64 75 
Dreher, Tobias [GER]  
    Wiedenhorn, Nic
Wiedenhorn, Nic [GER] 61 61 
Schlageter, Justin (WC) [GER]  
    Schlageter, Justin (WC)
Armin, Salehi [GBR] 60 26 62 
Arapi, Andre [GER]  
    Wouters, Axel
Wouters, Axel [BEL] 75 60 
Torski, Osman [GER]  
    Torski, Osman
Kracht, Jannis [GER] 62 61 
Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas [GER]  
    Krusemark, Frederic
Krusemark, Frederic [GER] 06 64 61 
Martens, Noah [BEL]  
    Lemstra, Sven
Lemstra, Sven [GER] 16 64 61 
Hoffmann, Moritz [GER]  
    Krolo, Filip
Krolo, Filip [GER] 62 46 60 
Wuest, Florian [GER]  
    Wuest, Florian
Plueer, Jan Hendrik [GER] 63 62 
Borsan, Doru Junior [ROU]  
    Andreev, Adrian
Andreev, Adrian [BUL] 63 62 
Akay, Cihan [AUS]  
    Trunov, Igor
Trunov, Igor [RUS] 67(4) 62 61 
Johann, Lars [GER]  
    Wiedenhorn, Nic
Wiedenhorn, Nic [GER] 62 61 
Schlageter, Justin (WC) [GER]  
    Schlageter, Justin (WC)
Wouters, Axel [BEL] 75 75 
Torski, Osman [GER]  
    Torski, Osman
Krusemark, Frederic [GER] 60 60 
Lemstra, Sven [GER]  
    Lemstra, Sven
Krolo, Filip [GER] 06 60 75 
Wuest, Florian [GER]  
    Andreev, Adrian
Andreev, Adrian [BUL] 62 63 
Trunov, Igor [RUS]  
    Trunov, Igor
Wiedenhorn, Nic [GER] 75 36 30 Ret'd 
Schlageter, Justin (WC) [GER]  
    Torski, Osman
Torski, Osman [GER] 62 62 
Lemstra, Sven [GER]  
    Andreev, Adrian
Andreev, Adrian [BUL] 60 61 
Trunov, Igor [RUS]  
    Torski, Osman
Torski, Osman [GER] 46 62 63 
Andreev, Adrian [BUL]  
    Andreev, Adrian
Torski, Osman [GER] 61 64 
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