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Copa Maya ITF Junior, 2013, J30 Boys

Illescas Maury, Jose Andres[1] [MEX]  
    Illescas Maury, Jose Andres[1]
Guirola, Marco [ESA]  
    Guirola, Marco
Block, Stewart (LL) [CAN] 61 62 
Ponsa, Jose (Q) [GUA]  
    Ponsa, Jose (Q)
Quiros, Sebastian [ESA] 64 63 
    Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16]
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16] [COL]   
Luna Lavidalie, Franz[9] [GUA]  
    Luna Lavidalie, Franz[9]
Avila, John Paul (Q) [MEX]  
    Avila, John Paul (Q)
Rodriguez, Nelson (WC) [ESA] 60 60 
Bendana, Francisco [NCA]  
    Bendana, Francisco
Cabrales, Galileo [ESA] 63 57 63 
    Gutierrez, Daniel[7]
Gutierrez, Daniel[7] [CRC]   
Oshima, Riki[3] [JPN]  
    Oshima, Riki[3]
Telles, Juan Diego [ESA]  
    Telles, Juan Diego
De Mendiola, Alberto [CRC] 63 53 Ret'd 
Siman, Gabriel [ESA]  
    Amezcua Virues, Jesus (Q)
Amezcua Virues, Jesus (Q) [MEX] 63 64 
    Lenhard, Rafael[15]
Lenhard, Rafael[15] [BRA]   
Moreno, Lucas[10] [CHI]  
    Moreno, Lucas[10]
Osorio, Camilo [COL]  
    Osorio, Camilo
Alfaro Ferracuti, Andres [ESA] 61 60 
Amaya Lopez, Ian Isaac [GUA]  
    Amaya Lopez, Ian Isaac
Lam, Henry (WC) [ESA] 63 60 
    Dunlap, Dane[8]
Dunlap, Dane[8] [CAN]   
Gonzalez Aramburu, Jorge Enrique[6] [MEX]  
    Gonzalez Aramburu, Jorge Enrique[6]
Mendoza Monge, Diego Alejandro [ESA]  
    Zapata Sepulveda, Sergio Alberto
Zapata Sepulveda, Sergio Alberto [CHI] 62 61 
Flores, Atilio Jose [ESA]  
    Borcuti, Maxim
Borcuti, Maxim [CAN] 64 62 
    Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11]
Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11] [COL]   
Telles Schmidt, Ernesto[14] [ESA]  
    Telles Schmidt, Ernesto[14]
Ho, Ray [TPE]  
    Ho, Ray
Dominguez, Josue (SE) [GUA] 63 60 
Mendoza Valverde, Rodrigo [MEX]  
    Nguyen, Minh Tuan (WC)
Nguyen, Minh Tuan (WC) [USA] 64 64 
    Altmann, Josef[4]
Altmann, Josef[4] [CRC]   
Velazquez Duran, Alejandro[5] [MEX]  
    Velazquez Duran, Alejandro[5]
Bolanos, Salvador Andres (WC) [ESA]  
    Bolanos, Salvador Andres (WC)
Soemarno, Fabian Ariesto (WC) [INA] 76(9) 63 
Argenal Matheu, Andres [HON]  
    Argenal Matheu, Andres
Miranda, Marco [ESA] 60 62 
    Castellanos, Manuel[12]
Castellanos, Manuel[12] [DOM]   
Mueller, Ryan Alexander[13] [GUA]  
    Mueller, Ryan Alexander[13]
Colmenares, Daniel [COL]  
    Colmenares, Daniel
Quiros, Andrew (WC) [ESA] 76(4) 36 63 
Igue, Marcos Andre (Q) [CRC]  
    Porras Diaz, Juan Andres
Porras Diaz, Juan Andres [ESA] 64 36 75 
    Cote, Simon[2]
Cote, Simon[2] [CAN]   
Illescas Maury, Jose Andres[1] [MEX]  
    Illescas Maury, Jose Andres[1]
Guirola, Marco [ESA] 64 62 
Ponsa, Jose (Q) [GUA]  
    Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16]
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16] [COL] 60 61 
Luna Lavidalie, Franz[9] [GUA]  
    Avila, John Paul (Q)
Avila, John Paul (Q) [MEX] 64 76(4) 
Bendana, Francisco [NCA]  
    Bendana, Francisco
Gutierrez, Daniel[7] [CRC] 63 67(3) 62 
Oshima, Riki[3] [JPN]  
    Oshima, Riki[3]
Telles, Juan Diego [ESA] 61 60 
Amezcua Virues, Jesus (Q) [MEX]  
    Lenhard, Rafael[15]
Lenhard, Rafael[15] [BRA] 64 75 
Moreno, Lucas[10] [CHI]  
    Moreno, Lucas[10]
Osorio, Camilo [COL] 64 63 
Amaya Lopez, Ian Isaac [GUA]  
    Dunlap, Dane[8]
Dunlap, Dane[8] [CAN] 36 61 64 
Gonzalez Aramburu, Jorge Enrique[6] [MEX]  
    Gonzalez Aramburu, Jorge Enrique[6]
Zapata Sepulveda, Sergio Alberto [CHI] 76(6) 63 
Borcuti, Maxim [CAN]  
    Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11]
Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11] [COL] 76(2) 61 
Telles Schmidt, Ernesto[14] [ESA]  
    Ho, Ray
Ho, Ray [TPE] 60 60 
Nguyen, Minh Tuan (WC) [USA]  
    Altmann, Josef[4]
Altmann, Josef[4] [CRC] 61 63 
Velazquez Duran, Alejandro[5] [MEX]  
    Velazquez Duran, Alejandro[5]
Bolanos, Salvador Andres (WC) [ESA] 61 64 
Argenal Matheu, Andres [HON]  
    Castellanos, Manuel[12]
Castellanos, Manuel[12] [DOM] 76(4) 75 
Mueller, Ryan Alexander[13] [GUA]  
    Mueller, Ryan Alexander[13]
Colmenares, Daniel [COL] 76(4) 62 
Porras Diaz, Juan Andres [ESA]  
    Cote, Simon[2]
Cote, Simon[2] [CAN] 61 60 
Illescas Maury, Jose Andres[1] [MEX]  
    Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16]
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16] [COL] 62 61 
Avila, John Paul (Q) [MEX]  
    Bendana, Francisco
Bendana, Francisco [NCA] 61 62 
Oshima, Riki[3] [JPN]  
    Oshima, Riki[3]
Lenhard, Rafael[15] [BRA] 62 64 
Moreno, Lucas[10] [CHI]  
    Moreno, Lucas[10]
Dunlap, Dane[8] [CAN] 64 60 
Gonzalez Aramburu, Jorge Enrique[6] [MEX]  
    Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11]
Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11] [COL] 60 76(3) 
Ho, Ray [TPE]  
    Ho, Ray
Altmann, Josef[4] [CRC] 61 63 
Velazquez Duran, Alejandro[5] [MEX]  
    Velazquez Duran, Alejandro[5]
Castellanos, Manuel[12] [DOM] 67(5) 63 64 
Mueller, Ryan Alexander[13] [GUA]  
    Cote, Simon[2]
Cote, Simon[2] [CAN] 63 64 
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16] [COL]  
    Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16]
Bendana, Francisco [NCA] 62 64 
Oshima, Riki[3] [JPN]  
    Moreno, Lucas[10]
Moreno, Lucas[10] [CHI] 63 61 
Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11] [COL]  
    Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11]
Ho, Ray [TPE] 63 62 
Velazquez Duran, Alejandro[5] [MEX]  
    Cote, Simon[2]
Cote, Simon[2] [CAN] 76(3) 36 64 
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[16] [COL]  
    Moreno, Lucas[10]
Moreno, Lucas[10] [CHI] 63 76(3) 
Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11] [COL]  
    Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11]
Cote, Simon[2] [CAN] 36 63 64 
Moreno, Lucas[10] [CHI]  
    Moreno, Lucas[10]
Carvajal Torres, Jose Fernando[11] [COL] 63 67(8) 64 
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