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Turkey F2 Futures [Q], 2014, M25

Gorcic, Ismar[1] [BIH]  
    Gorcic, Ismar[1]
Biffi, Leonardo [ITA]  
    Kozyukov, Vitaly
Kozyukov, Vitaly [RUS] 76(4) 75 
Huni, Shadrik [ZIM]  
    Di Prima, Marco
Di Prima, Marco [ITA] 62 60 
Shevkedov, Ferdun [BUL]  
    Semmler, Miguel[15]
Semmler, Miguel[15] [ESP] 62 75 
Fatic, Nerman[2] [BIH]  
    Fatic, Nerman[2]
Manafli, Aykhan [AZE]  
    Koshelev, Ilya
Koshelev, Ilya [RUS] 61 63 
Petrov, Vilian [BUL]  
    Petrov, Vilian
Kanaris, Alexandros [GRE] 63 60 
Miocic, Franko [CRO]  
    Miocic, Franko
Maccari, Federico[14] [ITA] 62 75 
Galkin, Anton[3] [RUS]  
    Galkin, Anton[3]
Majchrowicz, Adam [POL] 57 64 63 
Okcun, Bora [TUR]  
    Garcia Oliveda, Hector
Garcia Oliveda, Hector [ESP] 60 60 
Affonso, Roberto [BRA]  
    Staschen, Yannick
Staschen, Yannick [GER] 64 63 
Panak, Yvo [CZE]  
    Elistratov, Evgueny[9]
Elistratov, Evgueny[9] [RUS] 62 64 
Mcmorrow, Kyle[4] [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle[4]
Aganoglu, Ata Selim [TUR] 60 60 
Durmus, Durukan [TUR]  
    Adanali, Mert
Adanali, Mert [TUR] 60 60 
Suluoglu, Sefa [TUR]  
    Suluoglu, Sefa
Carpen, Alexandru-Daniel [ROU] 36 64 61 
Kolleritsch, Maximilian [GER]  
    Apostol, Andrei Stefan[16]
Apostol, Andrei Stefan[16] [ROU] 61 60 
Licciardi, Pietro[5] [ITA]  
    Licciardi, Pietro[5]
Filip, Vladimir [ROU] 62 61 
Torge, Dragos Iarmil [ROU]  
    Grigorescu, Alexandru
Grigorescu, Alexandru [ROU] 60 22 Ret'd 
Schutt, Leon [GER]  
    Schutt, Leon
Stan, Alex Cristian [ROU] 60 60 
Komakhidze, Beka [RUS]  
    Komakhidze, Beka
Simon, Tobias[10] [GER] 21 Ret'd 
Bar, Dekel[6] [ISR]  
    Bar, Dekel[6]
Jhun, Alexander [GBR] 61 46 61 
Miccini, Giacomo [ITA]  
    Miccini, Giacomo
Ghidetti, Filippo [ITA] 76(2) 76(4) 
Baldi, Leonardo [ITA]  
    Khassanov, Roman
Khassanov, Roman [KAZ] 63 62 
Deniz, Ogulcan [TUR]  
    Alekseenko, Gleb[12]
Alekseenko, Gleb[12] [UKR] 61 63 
Sanjurjo Hermida, Adam[7] [ESP]  
    Sanjurjo Hermida, Adam[7]
Basri Beyazit, Mehmet [TUR] 62 62 
Metin, Rasim [CYP]  
    Lebedev, Ilya
Lebedev, Ilya [RUS] 60 60 
Korkmaz, Syrry Can [TUR]  
    Juksa, Deivids
Juksa, Deivids [LAT] 60 61 
Ruppli, Andrew [SUI]  
    Ruppli, Andrew
Wagner, Sebastian[13] [GER] 36 63 62 
Chervyakov, Fedor[8] [RUS]  
    Chervyakov, Fedor[8]
Donnini, Matteo [ITA] 64 75 
Chetty, Joshua [RSA]  
    Pancaldi, Luca
Pancaldi, Luca [ITA] 60 60 
Chanakira, Tinotenda [ZIM]  
    Mozgovoy, Alexander
Mozgovoy, Alexander [RUS] 62 76(2) 
Platania, Danilo [ITA]  
    Matthews, Oscar Fabian[11]
Matthews, Oscar Fabian[11] [USA] 61 62 
Gorcic, Ismar[1] [BIH]  
    Kozyukov, Vitaly
Kozyukov, Vitaly [RUS] 63 63 
Di Prima, Marco [ITA]  
    Semmler, Miguel[15]
Semmler, Miguel[15] [ESP] 63 60 
Fatic, Nerman[2] [BIH]  
    Fatic, Nerman[2]
Koshelev, Ilya [RUS] 75 62 
Petrov, Vilian [BUL]  
    Miocic, Franko
Miocic, Franko [CRO] 63 63 
Galkin, Anton[3] [RUS]  
    Garcia Oliveda, Hector
Garcia Oliveda, Hector [ESP] 75 61 
Staschen, Yannick [GER]  
    Staschen, Yannick
Elistratov, Evgueny[9] [RUS] 16 76(1) 60 
Mcmorrow, Kyle[4] [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle[4]
Adanali, Mert [TUR] 64 61 
Suluoglu, Sefa [TUR]  
    Apostol, Andrei Stefan[16]
Apostol, Andrei Stefan[16] [ROU] 60 60 
Licciardi, Pietro[5] [ITA]  
    Licciardi, Pietro[5]
Grigorescu, Alexandru [ROU] 60 60 
Schutt, Leon [GER]  
    Schutt, Leon
Komakhidze, Beka [RUS] 57 61 62 
Bar, Dekel[6] [ISR]  
    Bar, Dekel[6]
Miccini, Giacomo [ITA] 64 36 61 
Khassanov, Roman [KAZ]  
    Alekseenko, Gleb[12]
Alekseenko, Gleb[12] [UKR] 76(1) 46 62 
Sanjurjo Hermida, Adam[7] [ESP]  
    Sanjurjo Hermida, Adam[7]
Lebedev, Ilya [RUS] 76(10) 63 
Juksa, Deivids [LAT]  
    Juksa, Deivids
Ruppli, Andrew [SUI] 36 64 62 
Chervyakov, Fedor[8] [RUS]  
    Chervyakov, Fedor[8]
Pancaldi, Luca [ITA] 76(3) 62 
Mozgovoy, Alexander [RUS]  
    Matthews, Oscar Fabian[11]
Matthews, Oscar Fabian[11] [USA] 61 61 
Kozyukov, Vitaly [RUS]  
    Semmler, Miguel[15]
Semmler, Miguel[15] [ESP] 63 63 
Fatic, Nerman[2] [BIH]  
    Fatic, Nerman[2]
Miocic, Franko [CRO] 60 60 
Garcia Oliveda, Hector [ESP]  
    Garcia Oliveda, Hector
Staschen, Yannick [GER] 62 75 
Mcmorrow, Kyle[4] [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle[4]
Apostol, Andrei Stefan[16] [ROU] 63 61 
Licciardi, Pietro[5] [ITA]  
    Licciardi, Pietro[5]
Schutt, Leon [GER] 64 62 
Bar, Dekel[6] [ISR]  
    Bar, Dekel[6]
Alekseenko, Gleb[12] [UKR] 61 63 
Sanjurjo Hermida, Adam[7] [ESP]  
    Sanjurjo Hermida, Adam[7]
Juksa, Deivids [LAT] 64 62 
Chervyakov, Fedor[8] [RUS]  
    Matthews, Oscar Fabian[11]
Matthews, Oscar Fabian[11] [USA] 63 63 
Semmler, Miguel[15] [ESP]  
Fatic, Nerman[2] [BIH]   
Garcia Oliveda, Hector [ESP]  
Mcmorrow, Kyle[4] [USA]   
Licciardi, Pietro[5] [ITA]  
Bar, Dekel[6] [ISR]   
Sanjurjo Hermida, Adam[7] [ESP]  
Matthews, Oscar Fabian[11] [USA]   
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