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Tournament Rounds

USA F25 Futures [Q], 2014, M25

Novikov, Dennis[1] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[1]
Nguyen Hoang, Thien [VIE] 63 61 
Strode, Isaiah [USA]  
    Strode, Isaiah
Grossman, Jamie [USA] 62 61 
Ouvrard, Victor [FRA]  
    Ouvrard, Victor
Zhu, Evan [USA] 61 63 
Butts, Skyler [HKG]  
    Butts, Skyler
Jebens, Hendrik [GER] 76(1) 64 
Guillin, Simon [FRA]  
    Guillin, Simon
Raley, Kevin [USA] 62 60 
Huang, Andy [USA]  
    Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, Jacob [USA] 63 64 
Tachi, Ryoto [JPN]  
    Tachi, Ryoto
Ianakiev, Milen [GER] 62 75 
Willems, Cedric [NED]  
    Willems, Cedric
Bakalov, Boris Nicola[12] [BUL] 36 63 75 
Baughman, Deiton[2] [USA]  
    Baughman, Deiton[2]
Fortunati, Anthony [USA] 60 60 
Gonzalez, Keith [USA]  
    Le, Kevin
Le, Kevin [USA] 62 62 
Shamma, Nicholas [USA]  
    Nicholas, Jeremy Hunter
Nicholas, Jeremy Hunter [USA] 60 62 
Blanco, Randy [CUB]  
    Blanco, Randy
Doehring, David (WC) [USA] 61 62 
Rumeau, Maxime [FRA]  
    Gueganic, Alexandre
Gueganic, Alexandre [FRA] 60 63 
Amos, Jayson [USA]  
    Amos, Jayson
Hindle, Zeke [USA] 64 63 
Arney, Galen [USA]  
    Mendes, Vitor
Mendes, Vitor [BRA] 61 62 
Barbosa, Brunno [BRA]  
    Massara, Antonio[11]
Massara, Antonio[11] [ITA] 60 62 
Matthews, Oscar Fabian[3] [USA]  
    Matthews, Oscar Fabian[3]
Vukajlovic, Tibor [SUI] 62 62 
Eshmade, Nathan [AUS]  
    Eshmade, Nathan
Peredo, Angel [MEX] 61 63 
Seemann, Miles [USA]  
    Seemann, Miles
Mikrovas, Chris [GRE] 16 64 63 
Boyce, Charles (WC) [USA]  
    Mkrtchian, Dennis
Mkrtchian, Dennis [USA] 75 42 Ret'd 
Ore, Junior A. [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.
Borchenko, Nicholas [USA] 63 76(4) 
Lazarov, Konstantin [USA]  
    Lazarov, Konstantin
Milliken, Daniel [USA] 61 64 
Helliar, Christopher [GBR]  
    Helliar, Christopher
Marinescu, Andrei [ROU] 62 61 
Vance, Jamie G. [USA]  
    Hamza, Slim[15]
Hamza, Slim[15] [TUN] 61 60 
Manlow, Daniel[4] [GBR]  
    Manlow, Daniel[4]
Holiday, Jacob [USA] 60 60 
Hardt, Bo [USA]  
    Lynch, Kevin
Lynch, Kevin [USA] 64 62 
Garner, Zachary [USA]  
    Garner, Zachary
Guerrero, Robert [ECU] 61 42 Ret'd 
Poon, Jonathan (WC) [USA]  
    Ross, Jesse
Ross, Jesse [USA] 62 62 
Battistone, Brian [USA]  
    Battistone, Brian
Kim, Kelvin [USA] 57 62 62 
Maisuradze, Kakha [GEO]  
    Rapp, Austin
Rapp, Austin [USA] 63 60 
Mondry, Elliott J [USA]  
    Ruder-Hook, Jesse
Ruder-Hook, Jesse [USA] 63 61 
Gavoty, Stanislas [FRA]  
    Davidson, Patrick[14]
Davidson, Patrick[14] [USA] 61 60 
Dome, Andre[5] [USA]  
    Dome, Andre[5]
Pulliam, Jack [USA] 61 61 
Dowell, Nicholas [USA]  
    Cowley, Matthew
Cowley, Matthew [USA] 60 60 
Genender, Michael [USA]  
    Genender, Michael
Patrombon, Jeson [PHI] 64 62 
Husin, Bryan [INA]  
    Sutter, Brandon
Sutter, Brandon [USA] 62 46 62 
Johnsson, Erik [SWE]  
    Silva, Victor
Silva, Victor [BRA] 64 62 
Adamson, Alec [USA]  
    Adamson, Alec
Kaster, Kaptan [USA] 62 60 
Sultan, Ziad [KUW]  
    Sultan, Ziad
Florea, Stefan [GER] 76(3) 63 
Pelletier, Beau [USA]  
    Hovhannisyan, Mousheg[9]
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg[9] [USA] 62 75 
Puget, Adrien[6] [FRA]  
    Galskov, Tobias
Galskov, Tobias [DEN] 16 63 62 
Nesterenko, Kostya [UKR]  
    Sell, Karue
Sell, Karue [BRA] 61 62 
Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano [BRA]  
    Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano
Hogen, Rand [USA] 61 60 
Smith, Errol (WC) [USA]  
    Smith, Errol (WC)
Bellamy, Roscoe [USA] 60 76(3) 
Smith, Logan [USA]  
    Smith, Logan
Aaron, Trent [USA] 61 60 
Paige, Nolan [USA]  
    Paige, Nolan
Buehning, Saxon [USA] 61 62 
Hamilton, Teague [USA]  
    Hamilton, Teague
Powell, Logan [USA] 60 63 
Muchynski, Eugene (WC) [USA]  
    Digiulio, Joseph[13]
Digiulio, Joseph[13] [USA] 60 62 
Bazrganian, Sahak[7] [USA]  
    Bazrganian, Sahak[7]
Gasawneh, Jonathan [USA] 61 61 
Saba, Frederick [USA]  
    Thompson, Clay (WC)
Thompson, Clay (WC) [USA] 63 57 64 
Mays, Morgan [USA]  
    Mays, Morgan
Ucelay Pueyo, Guillermo [ESP] 62 63 
Bekkers, Gregory [BEL]  
    Bekkers, Gregory
Ghazaryan, Arshak [ARM] 60 62 
Huang, Jun Wei [CHN]  
    Huang, Jun Wei
Christopher, Brandon [USA] 63 60 
Goles Babic, Marko [CRO]  
    Goles Babic, Marko
Gong, Andrew D. [USA] 63 63 
Agbayani, Justin (WC) [USA]  
    Agbayani, Justin (WC)
Simonyan, Oleg [ARM] 61 60 
Ramadan, Nikolas [USA]  
    Elliott, Erik[10]
Elliott, Erik[10] [USA] 62 62 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy[8]
Abiyev, Kuatbek [KAZ] 60 62 
Ezerins, Cordell [USA]  
    Storrie, Ryan James
Storrie, Ryan James [GBR] 61 63 
Shulman, Robert [CAN]  
    Aboulkassem, Mohamed
Aboulkassem, Mohamed [EGY] 64 63 
Li, Yuanfeng [CHN]  
    Khaledan, Shahin
Khaledan, Shahin [IRI] 64 64 
Poustie, Andrew (WC) [USA]  
    Poustie, Andrew (WC)
Bellow, Kahree [USA] 60 60 
Riminton, Andrew [AUS]  
    Riminton, Andrew
Hull, Glenn [USA] 61 63 
Masciorini, Chase [USA]  
    Masciorini, Chase
Mayo, Keenan [USA] 62 64 
Mcguiness, Parker [USA]  
    Dembek, Michal[16]
Dembek, Michal[16] [POL] 62 64 
Novikov, Dennis[1] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[1]
Strode, Isaiah [USA] 76(1) 63 
Ouvrard, Victor [FRA]  
    Ouvrard, Victor
Butts, Skyler [HKG] 76(5) 63 
Guillin, Simon [FRA]  
    Guillin, Simon
Johnson, Jacob [USA] 64 61 
Tachi, Ryoto [JPN]  
    Tachi, Ryoto
Willems, Cedric [NED] 62 26 62 
Baughman, Deiton[2] [USA]  
    Baughman, Deiton[2]
Le, Kevin [USA] 62 63 
Nicholas, Jeremy Hunter [USA]  
    Blanco, Randy
Blanco, Randy [CUB] 64 61 
Gueganic, Alexandre [FRA]  
    Amos, Jayson
Amos, Jayson [USA] 61 75 
Mendes, Vitor [BRA]  
    Massara, Antonio[11]
Massara, Antonio[11] [ITA] 62 63 
Matthews, Oscar Fabian[3] [USA]  
    Eshmade, Nathan
Eshmade, Nathan [AUS] 76(6) 10 Ret'd 
Seemann, Miles [USA]  
    Seemann, Miles
Mkrtchian, Dennis [USA] 76(6) 46 61 
Ore, Junior A. [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.
Lazarov, Konstantin [USA] 64 63 
Helliar, Christopher [GBR]  
    Helliar, Christopher
Hamza, Slim[15] [TUN] 76(4) 62 
Manlow, Daniel[4] [GBR]  
    Manlow, Daniel[4]
Lynch, Kevin [USA] 60 62 
Garner, Zachary [USA]  
    Ross, Jesse
Ross, Jesse [USA] 63 62 
Battistone, Brian [USA]  
    Battistone, Brian
Rapp, Austin [USA] 63 64 
Ruder-Hook, Jesse [USA]  
    Davidson, Patrick[14]
Davidson, Patrick[14] [USA] 62 61 
Dome, Andre[5] [USA]  
    Dome, Andre[5]
Cowley, Matthew [USA] 64 63 
Genender, Michael [USA]  
    Genender, Michael
Sutter, Brandon [USA] 64 75 
Silva, Victor [BRA]  
    Adamson, Alec
Adamson, Alec [USA] 60 62 
Sultan, Ziad [KUW]  
    Hovhannisyan, Mousheg[9]
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg[9] [USA] 46 75 61 
Galskov, Tobias [DEN]  
    Galskov, Tobias
Sell, Karue [BRA] 75 63 
Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano [BRA]  
    Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano
Smith, Errol (WC) [USA] 62 75 
Smith, Logan [USA]  
    Smith, Logan
Paige, Nolan [USA] 63 67(5) 64 
Hamilton, Teague [USA]  
    Digiulio, Joseph[13]
Digiulio, Joseph[13] [USA] 36 64 63 
Bazrganian, Sahak[7] [USA]  
    Thompson, Clay (WC)
Thompson, Clay (WC) [USA] 62 63 
Mays, Morgan [USA]  
    Mays, Morgan
Bekkers, Gregory [BEL] 63 62 
Huang, Jun Wei [CHN]  
    Goles Babic, Marko
Goles Babic, Marko [CRO] 64 61 
Agbayani, Justin (WC) [USA]  
    Elliott, Erik[10]
Elliott, Erik[10] [USA] 62 62 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy[8]
Storrie, Ryan James [GBR] 75 60 
Aboulkassem, Mohamed [EGY]  
    Khaledan, Shahin
Khaledan, Shahin [IRI] 60 63 
Poustie, Andrew (WC) [USA]  
    Poustie, Andrew (WC)
Riminton, Andrew [AUS] 36 62 75 
Masciorini, Chase [USA]  
    Dembek, Michal[16]
Dembek, Michal[16] [POL] 62 26 62 
Novikov, Dennis[1] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[1]
Ouvrard, Victor [FRA] 62 62 
Guillin, Simon [FRA]  
    Tachi, Ryoto
Tachi, Ryoto [JPN] 61 62 
Baughman, Deiton[2] [USA]  
    Baughman, Deiton[2]
Blanco, Randy [CUB] 62 60 
Amos, Jayson [USA]  
    Massara, Antonio[11]
Massara, Antonio[11] [ITA] 61 60 
Eshmade, Nathan [AUS]  
    Eshmade, Nathan
Seemann, Miles [USA] 57 60 60 
Ore, Junior A. [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.
Helliar, Christopher [GBR] 63 64 
Manlow, Daniel[4] [GBR]  
    Manlow, Daniel[4]
Ross, Jesse [USA] 61 64 
Battistone, Brian [USA]  
    Battistone, Brian
Davidson, Patrick[14] [USA] 57 64 60 
Dome, Andre[5] [USA]  
    Dome, Andre[5]
Genender, Michael [USA] 63 63 
Adamson, Alec [USA]  
    Hovhannisyan, Mousheg[9]
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg[9] [USA] 61 36 63 
Galskov, Tobias [DEN]  
    Galskov, Tobias
Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano [BRA] 75 46 75 
Smith, Logan [USA]  
    Smith, Logan
Digiulio, Joseph[13] [USA] 46 76(2) 64 
Thompson, Clay (WC) [USA]  
    Thompson, Clay (WC)
Mays, Morgan [USA] 75 75 
Goles Babic, Marko [CRO]  
    Goles Babic, Marko
Elliott, Erik[10] [USA] 46 61 10 Ret'd 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy[8]
Khaledan, Shahin [IRI] 61 75 
Poustie, Andrew (WC) [USA]  
    Poustie, Andrew (WC)
Dembek, Michal[16] [POL] 42 Ret'd 
Novikov, Dennis[1] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis[1]
Tachi, Ryoto [JPN] 64 62 
Baughman, Deiton[2] [USA]  
    Baughman, Deiton[2]
Massara, Antonio[11] [ITA] 62 61 
Eshmade, Nathan [AUS]  
    Ore, Junior A.
Ore, Junior A. [USA] 61 60 
Manlow, Daniel[4] [GBR]  
    Manlow, Daniel[4]
Battistone, Brian [USA] 64 76(3) 
Dome, Andre[5] [USA]  
    Dome, Andre[5]
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg[9] [USA] 60 64 
Galskov, Tobias [DEN]  
    Galskov, Tobias
Smith, Logan [USA] 46 62 63 
Thompson, Clay (WC) [USA]  
    Thompson, Clay (WC)
Goles Babic, Marko [CRO] 63 75 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy[8]
Poustie, Andrew (WC) [USA] 46 61 75 
Novikov, Dennis[1] [USA]  
Baughman, Deiton[2] [USA]   
Ore, Junior A. [USA]  
Manlow, Daniel[4] [GBR]   
Dome, Andre[5] [USA]  
Galskov, Tobias [DEN]   
Thompson, Clay (WC) [USA]  
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]   
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