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Tournament Rounds

J60 Atlanta \ Atlanta ITF [Q], 2014, J60 Boys

Sandy Springs Tennis Center

Afanasev, Dennis[1] [USA]  
    Afanasev, Dennis[1]
Krapivin, Maxim [RUS] 60 60 
Terry, Matthew [USA]  
    Ryan, Landon H
Ryan, Landon H [USA] 64 75 
Phunsawat, Chanon [THA]  
    Brown, Alexander
Brown, Alexander [USA] 61 64 
Strother, Caleb [USA]  
    Gunbie, Tristan
Gunbie, Tristan [USA] 62 61 
Mermersky, Sebastian[2] [USA]  
    Mermersky, Sebastian[2]
Sorel, Jack [USA] 64 64 
Roldan, Eduardo [MEX]  
    Crawford, Oliver
Crawford, Oliver [GBR] 61 61 
Segraves, Gavin W. [USA]  
    Segraves, Gavin W.
Vollmer, Joseph [USA] 60 60 
Ciuccio, Gaston [ARG]  
    Ciuccio, Gaston
Crawford, John [USA] 63 62 
Diaz, Alex[3] [PUR]  
    Diaz, Alex[3]
Angradi, Alec J. [USA] 61 61 
Rapsik, Michal [SVK]  
    Roberts, Davey
Roberts, Davey [USA] 61 60 
Gangoli, Nikhil [USA]  
    Johnson, Magnus
Johnson, Magnus [USA] 46 62 60 
Partington, Andrew T. [USA]  
    Serrano, Samuel
Serrano, Samuel [COL] 60 62 
Rey Alloi, Mariano[4] [ARG]  
    Tsorotiotis, Stefano E
Tsorotiotis, Stefano E [USA] 62 16 62 
Verma, Curran [USA]  
    Ignatowich, James
Ignatowich, James [USA] 75 62 
Kirkwood, Cameron [USA]  
    Shkrob, William
Shkrob, William [USA] 61 63 
Munoz Veras, Pedro [DOM]  
    Johns, Garrett
Johns, Garrett [USA] 61 75 
Landgraf, Andrey[5] [RUS]  
    Lee, Galen
Lee, Galen [USA] 64 61 
Pelletier, Beau [USA]  
    Pelletier, Beau
Al Zeyara, Jassem [QAT] 61 60 
Brown, Adam R. [USA]  
    Bauer, Zummy
Bauer, Zummy [USA] w/o 
Tiffany, John [USA]  
    Meuris, Brock[11]
Meuris, Brock[11] [AUS] 75 36 63 
Fortin, Michel-Alexandre[6] [CAN]  
    Stone, Morgan
Stone, Morgan [USA] 60 61 
Croyder, Trevor [USA]  
    Lohrbach, Peter
Lohrbach, Peter [USA] 76(6) 62 
Yepez, Juan Jo [ECU]  
    Yousif, Majed
Yousif, Majed [USA] 57 60 63 
Carvalho, Davis [USA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[10]
Fenty, Andrew[10] [USA] 46 61 61 
Hoek, Christopher-Robin[7] [GER]  
    Hammond, Robert
Hammond, Robert [USA] 16 76(4) 75 
Parodi, Nikolai [USA]  
    Parodi, Nikolai
Steinour, Tate [USA] 63 62 
Muhammad, Gaston [USA]  
    Depiaggio, Tomas
Depiaggio, Tomas [ARG] 62 63 
Woodall, William [USA]  
    Wilson, Cotter[12]
Wilson, Cotter[12] [USA] 63 76(1) 
Cernoch, Brian[8] [USA]  
    Cernoch, Brian[8]
Boulais, Justin [CAN] 60 61 
Melnik, Ian M. [USA]  
    Melnik, Ian M.
Zheng, Yili [CHN] 64 64 
Yun, Christopher [USA]  
    Yun, Christopher
Caracappa, Vincent C. [USA] 60 61 
Jones, Alexander M. [USA]  
    Jones, Alexander M.
Vanezis, Alexander[9] [GER] 61 62 
Afanasev, Dennis[1] [USA]  
    Afanasev, Dennis[1]
Ryan, Landon H [USA] 63 75 
Brown, Alexander [USA]  
    Brown, Alexander
Gunbie, Tristan [USA] 61 62 
Mermersky, Sebastian[2] [USA]  
    Mermersky, Sebastian[2]
Crawford, Oliver [GBR] 75 46 62 
Segraves, Gavin W. [USA]  
    Ciuccio, Gaston
Ciuccio, Gaston [ARG] 75 61 63 
Diaz, Alex[3] [PUR]  
    Roberts, Davey
Roberts, Davey [USA] 64 46 62 
Johnson, Magnus [USA]  
    Serrano, Samuel
Serrano, Samuel [COL] 75 63 
Tsorotiotis, Stefano E [USA]  
    Tsorotiotis, Stefano E
Ignatowich, James [USA] 61 60 
Shkrob, William [USA]  
    Johns, Garrett
Johns, Garrett [USA] 16 62 64 
Lee, Galen [USA]  
    Lee, Galen
Pelletier, Beau [USA] 76(3) 64 
Bauer, Zummy [USA]  
    Bauer, Zummy
Meuris, Brock[11] [AUS] 63 62 
Stone, Morgan [USA]  
    Stone, Morgan
Lohrbach, Peter [USA] 62 63 
Yousif, Majed [USA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[10]
Fenty, Andrew[10] [USA] 75 63 
Hammond, Robert [USA]  
    Hammond, Robert
Parodi, Nikolai [USA] 62 63 
Depiaggio, Tomas [ARG]  
    Wilson, Cotter[12]
Wilson, Cotter[12] [USA] 64 62 
Cernoch, Brian[8] [USA]  
    Cernoch, Brian[8]
Melnik, Ian M. [USA] 64 64 
Yun, Christopher [USA]  
    Yun, Christopher
Jones, Alexander M. [USA] 75 64 
Afanasev, Dennis[1] [USA]  
    Brown, Alexander
Brown, Alexander [USA] 75 75 
Mermersky, Sebastian[2] [USA]  
    Mermersky, Sebastian[2]
Ciuccio, Gaston [ARG] 60 62 
Roberts, Davey [USA]  
    Serrano, Samuel
Serrano, Samuel [COL] 63 60 
Tsorotiotis, Stefano E [USA]  
    Johns, Garrett
Johns, Garrett [USA] 75 64 
Lee, Galen [USA]  
    Bauer, Zummy
Bauer, Zummy [USA] 67(6) 62 62 
Stone, Morgan [USA]  
    Stone, Morgan
Fenty, Andrew[10] [USA] 75 62 
Hammond, Robert [USA]  
    Wilson, Cotter[12]
Wilson, Cotter[12] [USA] 62 62 
Cernoch, Brian[8] [USA]  
    Yun, Christopher
Yun, Christopher [USA] 60 60 
Brown, Alexander [USA]  
Mermersky, Sebastian[2] [USA]   
Serrano, Samuel [COL]  
Johns, Garrett [USA]   
Bauer, Zummy [USA]  
Stone, Morgan [USA]   
Wilson, Cotter[12] [USA]  
Yun, Christopher [USA]   
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