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Tournament Rounds

M25 Weston, FL 05 [Q], 2015, M25

Cerrini, Ezequiel (ALT) [USA]  
    Strode, Isaiah
Strode, Isaiah [USA] 63 76(1) 
Dunlap, Dane [CAN]  
    Dunlap, Dane
Blair, Britton [USA] 62 63 
Pearlman, Jonathan [USA]  
    Pearlman, Jonathan
Westmoreland, Matthew [USA] 63 60 
Gentil, Rafael [BRA]  
    Gentil, Rafael
Chepurnoy, Mark [RUS] 75 60 
Paolucci Oliveira, Lucca [BRA]  
    Rosensteel, Christopher
Rosensteel, Christopher [USA] 61 76(2) 
Silva, Charles [BRA]  
    Silva, Charles
Wilson, Christopher [USA] 61 63 
Uspensky, Dennis [USA]  
    Uspensky, Dennis
Goldenberg, Dustin [USA] 60 62 
Zabot Pasini, Giovani [BRA]  
    Liu, Siyu[9]
Liu, Siyu[9] [CHN] 61 62 
Dadamo, Jeff[2] [USA]  
    Dadamo, Jeff[2]
Donaldson, Brandon [USA] 64 62 
Dobek, Mitchell [USA]  
    Santomenna, Ugo
Santomenna, Ugo [FRA] 61 60 
Sarkisov, David [RUS]  
    Sarkisov, David
Gomes Monteiro Muniz, Mauricio [BRA] 63 61 
Bhakthavachalam, Gandhi [USA]  
    Rotsaert, Alexandre (WC)
Rotsaert, Alexandre (WC) [USA] 62 64 
Schalet, Myles [USA]  
    Schalet, Myles
Mora, Nicholas [USA] 61 64 
Van Orderlain, Drew [USA]  
    Ontica, Cosmin
Ontica, Cosmin [ROU] 62 63 
Hideki Yamakawa, Guilherme [BRA]  
    Hideki Yamakawa, Guilherme
Alrutz, Graham C. [USA] 64 63 
Moreno Figueroa, Alejandro [MEX]  
    Tanuma, Ryota[12]
Tanuma, Ryota[12] [JPN] 61 61 
Diep, Florent[3] [FRA]  
    Diep, Florent[3]
Breault, Joshua [USA] 60 60 
Moreno, Carlos (WC) [VEN]  
    Moreno, Carlos (WC)
Breault, Zachary [USA] 60 63 
Delgado, Alonso Alejandro [MEX]  
    Cernoch, Brian (WC)
Cernoch, Brian (WC) [USA] 60 63 
Garner, Zachary [USA]  
    Herrera, Justin
Herrera, Justin [USA] 76(2) 63 
Rengifo, Nelson (WC) [VEN]  
    Smith, Raleigh
Smith, Raleigh [USA] 60 60 
Gasca-Silva, Alexandru [ROU]  
    Gasca-Silva, Alexandru
Yu, Marcus [USA] 64 36 61 
Samardzic, Ognjen [USA]  
    Samardzic, Ognjen
Shulman, Robert [CAN] 42 Ret'd 
Parsons, Jimmi [USA]  
    Polonskiy, Ilya[11]
Polonskiy, Ilya[11] [RUS] 62 63 
Goldsteiner, Peter[4] [AUT]  
    Goldsteiner, Peter[4]
Silverman, Cameron [USA] 75 36 20 Ret'd 
Fachin Da Cunha, Guilherme [BRA]  
    Tanuma, Jumpei
Tanuma, Jumpei [JPN] 63 62 
Cristofani Neto, Rubens [BRA]  
    Cristofani Neto, Rubens
Gad, Michael A. (WC) [USA] 61 63 
Vasilyev, Ilya [RUS]  
    Vasilyev, Ilya
Burton, Chase [USA] 61 61 
Catarina, Lucas [MON]  
    Catarina, Lucas
Kaster, Kaptan [USA] 63 60 
Samardzic, Nikola [USA]  
    Samardzic, Nikola
Gushterov, Kiril [MKD] 60 60 
Pagon, Dominic [JAM]  
    Pagon, Dominic
Yarkov, Alexander [RUS] 61 61 
Epshteyn-Losev, Mark [USA]  
    Crowley, Keith-Patrick[14]
Crowley, Keith-Patrick[14] [RSA] 63 64 
Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5] [ESP]  
    Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5]
Cadogan, Solomon [USA] 61 60 
Mejia, Nicolas (WC) [COL]  
    Mejia, Nicolas (WC)
Balampanidis, Alexandros [GRE] 63 60 
Kozlov, Boris [USA]  
    Kozlov, Boris
Mcgee, Tayjhon [USA] 57 60 63 
Reed, Anderson [USA]  
    Reed, Anderson
Crisovan, David [USA] 26 64 62 
Tabares, Alessandro [ESP]  
    Canelas, Richard (WC)
Canelas, Richard (WC) [USA] 36 63 64 
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA]  
    Tikhomirov, Maksim
Jezovita, Tomislav [CRO] 60 62 
Cohen, Lance [RSA]  
    Cohen, Lance
Mahatme, Ryan [USA] 62 64 
Burgess, Daniel (WC) [USA]  
    Zheng, Wei Qiang[10]
Zheng, Wei Qiang[10] [CHN] 64 60 
Spencer, Wil[6] [USA]  
    Spencer, Wil[6]
Carneiro Goncalvez, Gabriel [BRA] 60 60 
Kandath, Matthew [USA]  
    Kandath, Matthew
Mcguirt, Mitchell [USA] 60 61 
Ku Meza, Andre [PER]  
    Ku Meza, Andre
Solymosi, Nandor [HUN] 64 62 
Eischen, Kevin [FRA]  
    Chanakira, Tinotenda
Chanakira, Tinotenda [ZIM] 63 40 Ret'd 
Taco, Kevin [PER]  
    Sun, Fajing
Sun, Fajing [CHN] 60 62 
Li, Yuanfeng [CHN]  
    Li, Yuanfeng
Zanko, Nikita [BLR] 61 62 
Zieba, Konrad [USA]  
    Zieba, Konrad
Grollman, Jericho [USA] 60 60 
Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel [BRA]  
    Opelka, Reilly[15]
Opelka, Reilly[15] [USA] 61 60 
Krainik, Pavel[7] [CAN]  
    Krainik, Pavel[7]
Kehyayan, Jean Daniel [BRA] 61 61 
Chase, Sumner [USA]  
    Uryson, Nicolas
Uryson, Nicolas [ARG] 63 61 
Ramirez Luna, Felipe [COL]  
    Morin Kougoucheff, Christopher
Morin Kougoucheff, Christopher [FRA] 62 06 63 
Lawrence, Erroll [USA]  
    Lawrence, Erroll
Subramanyan, Vignesh [USA] 76(3) 64 
Bazula, Geza [HUN]  
    Bazula, Geza
Mondry, Elliott J [USA] 60 61 
Ramirez Utermann, Carlos [MEX]  
    Ramirez Utermann, Carlos
Mohns, Bryant [USA] 75 46 75 
Krivokuca, Neven [CRO]  
    Krivokuca, Neven
Mbithi, Mwendwa [USA] 63 63 
Kenney, Mark-Anthony [USA]  
    Gooch, Damon[13]
Gooch, Damon[13] [RSA] 61 61 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy[8]
Trizzino, Christopher [USA] 61 60 
Kurita, Kenta [JPN]  
    Mylnikov, Tommy
Mylnikov, Tommy [CAN] 62 62 
Bendeck, Jaime [HON]  
    Bendeck, Jaime
Kuskunov, Tomas [USA] 61 60 
Le, Kevin [USA]  
    Le, Kevin
Kopczynski, Tomas [USA] 64 63 
Link, Joel Vincent [GER]  
    Link, Joel Vincent
Jevtic, Slobodan [SRB] 63 16 75 
Rocha, Juan [ARG]  
    Rocha, Juan
Lawrence, Kohlman W. [USA] 64 60 
Kovacevic, Aleksandar [USA]  
    Kovacevic, Aleksandar
Mrose, Oliver [SUI] 62 61 
Martynenko, Aleksei [RUS]  
    Short, Matthew[16]
Short, Matthew[16] [GBR] 62 62 
Strode, Isaiah [USA]  
    Strode, Isaiah
Dunlap, Dane [CAN] 61 60 
Pearlman, Jonathan [USA]  
    Gentil, Rafael
Gentil, Rafael [BRA] 63 76(4) 
Rosensteel, Christopher [USA]  
    Silva, Charles
Silva, Charles [BRA] 36 60 75 
Uspensky, Dennis [USA]  
    Uspensky, Dennis
Liu, Siyu[9] [CHN] 60 62 
Dadamo, Jeff[2] [USA]  
    Dadamo, Jeff[2]
Santomenna, Ugo [FRA] 63 61 
Sarkisov, David [RUS]  
    Rotsaert, Alexandre (WC)
Rotsaert, Alexandre (WC) [USA] 60 62 
Schalet, Myles [USA]  
    Schalet, Myles
Ontica, Cosmin [ROU] 63 64 
Hideki Yamakawa, Guilherme [BRA]  
    Tanuma, Ryota[12]
Tanuma, Ryota[12] [JPN] 60 60 
Diep, Florent[3] [FRA]  
    Diep, Florent[3]
Moreno, Carlos (WC) [VEN] 60 61 
Cernoch, Brian (WC) [USA]  
    Cernoch, Brian (WC)
Herrera, Justin [USA] 62 61 
Smith, Raleigh [USA]  
    Smith, Raleigh
Gasca-Silva, Alexandru [ROU] 60 61 
Samardzic, Ognjen [USA]  
    Polonskiy, Ilya[11]
Polonskiy, Ilya[11] [RUS] 61 60 
Goldsteiner, Peter[4] [AUT]  
    Goldsteiner, Peter[4]
Tanuma, Jumpei [JPN] 60 60 
Cristofani Neto, Rubens [BRA]  
    Vasilyev, Ilya
Vasilyev, Ilya [RUS] 60 60 
Catarina, Lucas [MON]  
    Catarina, Lucas
Samardzic, Nikola [USA] 64 64 
Pagon, Dominic [JAM]  
    Crowley, Keith-Patrick[14]
Crowley, Keith-Patrick[14] [RSA] 64 61 
Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5] [ESP]  
    Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5]
Mejia, Nicolas (WC) [COL] 60 61 
Kozlov, Boris [USA]  
    Reed, Anderson
Reed, Anderson [USA] 60 63 
Canelas, Richard (WC) [USA]  
    Tikhomirov, Maksim
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA] 62 60 
Cohen, Lance [RSA]  
    Zheng, Wei Qiang[10]
Zheng, Wei Qiang[10] [CHN] 62 63 
Spencer, Wil[6] [USA]  
    Spencer, Wil[6]
Kandath, Matthew [USA] 61 62 
Ku Meza, Andre [PER]  
    Ku Meza, Andre
Chanakira, Tinotenda [ZIM] 62 61 
Sun, Fajing [CHN]  
    Sun, Fajing
Li, Yuanfeng [CHN] 63 64 
Zieba, Konrad [USA]  
    Opelka, Reilly[15]
Opelka, Reilly[15] [USA] 57 64 63 
Krainik, Pavel[7] [CAN]  
    Krainik, Pavel[7]
Uryson, Nicolas [ARG] 64 61 
Morin Kougoucheff, Christopher [FRA]  
    Morin Kougoucheff, Christopher
Lawrence, Erroll [USA] 63 64 
Bazula, Geza [HUN]  
    Ramirez Utermann, Carlos
Ramirez Utermann, Carlos [MEX] 61 36 60 
Krivokuca, Neven [CRO]  
    Gooch, Damon[13]
Gooch, Damon[13] [RSA] w/o 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy[8]
Mylnikov, Tommy [CAN] 46 63 62 
Bendeck, Jaime [HON]  
    Bendeck, Jaime
Le, Kevin [USA] 64 76(5) 
Link, Joel Vincent [GER]  
    Link, Joel Vincent
Rocha, Juan [ARG] 61 36 76(5) 
Kovacevic, Aleksandar [USA]  
    Short, Matthew[16]
Short, Matthew[16] [GBR] 76(5) 76(2) 
Strode, Isaiah [USA]  
    Strode, Isaiah
Gentil, Rafael [BRA] 61 61 
Silva, Charles [BRA]  
    Uspensky, Dennis
Uspensky, Dennis [USA] 61 60 
Dadamo, Jeff[2] [USA]  
    Dadamo, Jeff[2]
Rotsaert, Alexandre (WC) [USA] 60 61 
Schalet, Myles [USA]  
    Tanuma, Ryota[12]
Tanuma, Ryota[12] [JPN] 64 61 
Diep, Florent[3] [FRA]  
    Diep, Florent[3]
Cernoch, Brian (WC) [USA] 61 61 
Smith, Raleigh [USA]  
    Smith, Raleigh
Polonskiy, Ilya[11] [RUS] 61 60 
Goldsteiner, Peter[4] [AUT]  
    Goldsteiner, Peter[4]
Vasilyev, Ilya [RUS] 36 63 64 
Catarina, Lucas [MON]  
    Catarina, Lucas
Crowley, Keith-Patrick[14] [RSA] 61 62 
Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5] [ESP]  
    Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5]
Reed, Anderson [USA] 76(3) 62 
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA]  
    Zheng, Wei Qiang[10]
Zheng, Wei Qiang[10] [CHN] 67(4) 33 Ret'd 
Spencer, Wil[6] [USA]  
    Spencer, Wil[6]
Ku Meza, Andre [PER] 61 61 
Sun, Fajing [CHN]  
    Opelka, Reilly[15]
Opelka, Reilly[15] [USA] 76(4) 67(2) 64 
Krainik, Pavel[7] [CAN]  
    Krainik, Pavel[7]
Morin Kougoucheff, Christopher [FRA] 75 75 
Ramirez Utermann, Carlos [MEX]  
    Gooch, Damon[13]
Gooch, Damon[13] [RSA] 63 62 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Paul, Tommy[8]
Bendeck, Jaime [HON] 61 60 
Link, Joel Vincent [GER]  
    Short, Matthew[16]
Short, Matthew[16] [GBR] 61 62 
Strode, Isaiah [USA]  
    Uspensky, Dennis
Uspensky, Dennis [USA] 62 64 
Dadamo, Jeff[2] [USA]  
    Tanuma, Ryota[12]
Tanuma, Ryota[12] [JPN] 63 76(2) 
Diep, Florent[3] [FRA]  
    Diep, Florent[3]
Smith, Raleigh [USA] 75 62 
Goldsteiner, Peter[4] [AUT]  
    Goldsteiner, Peter[4]
Catarina, Lucas [MON] 75 63 
Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5] [ESP]  
    Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5]
Zheng, Wei Qiang[10] [CHN] 67(0) 64 62 
Spencer, Wil[6] [USA]  
    Opelka, Reilly[15]
Opelka, Reilly[15] [USA] 62 63 
Krainik, Pavel[7] [CAN]  
    Gooch, Damon[13]
Gooch, Damon[13] [RSA] 76(5) 75 
Paul, Tommy[8] [USA]  
    Short, Matthew[16]
Short, Matthew[16] [GBR] 76(5) 76(5) 
Uspensky, Dennis [USA]  
Tanuma, Ryota[12] [JPN]   
Diep, Florent[3] [FRA]  
Goldsteiner, Peter[4] [AUT]   
Pla Malfeito, Jaume[5] [ESP]  
Opelka, Reilly[15] [USA]   
Gooch, Damon[13] [RSA]  
Short, Matthew[16] [GBR]   
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