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Tournament Rounds

USTA ITF Claremont [Q], 2015, J60 Boys

Biszantz Family Tennis Center

Harris, Daunte [USA]  
    Harris, Daunte
Gibson, Alex [USA]  
    Gajardo, Benjamin
Gajardo, Benjamin [USA] 61 60 
Fedor, Alex [USA]  
    Mcguire, Michael
Mcguire, Michael [USA] 64 75 
    Abbott, Kent
Abbott, Kent [USA]   
Star, Jonathan R. [USA]  
    Star, Jonathan R.
Vincent, Garret [USA]  
    Vincent, Garret
Menezes, Arthur [BRA] 61 62 
Green, Max [USA]  
    Yepez, Juan Jo
Yepez, Juan Jo [ECU] 62 62 
    Thornes, Allen
Thornes, Allen [USA]   
Kumar, Omni [USA]  
    Kumar, Omni
Kenawi, Alhassan [USA]  
    Reyes, Andres
Reyes, Andres [MEX] 62 16 61 
Wilson, Jonah [USA]  
    Levine, Christopher
Levine, Christopher [USA] 60 60 
Freestone, Brandon [USA]  
    Freestone, Brandon
Gupta, Max [CAN] 76(4) 61 
Mashhadi, Andrew [USA]  
    Mashhadi, Andrew
Saleh, Andre [USA]  
    Saleh, Andre
Zirkelbach, Alec J [USA] 63 64 
Lasoya, Henry [USA]  
    Lasoya, Henry
Muniz, Jean Mendes [BRA] 60 61 
Watat Njanga, Lloyd Sergio [CMR]  
    Li, Michael
Li, Michael [USA] 62 61 
Nuno, Ryan [USA]  
    Nuno, Ryan
Lam, Brandon [USA]  
    Lam, Brandon
Khamis, Yusuf [EGY] 64 75 
Di Giulio, Austin [USA]  
    Di Giulio, Austin
Kenneth, Eric [CAN] 63 16 60 
Vergara, Michael [USA]  
    Tsolakyan, Matthew
Tsolakyan, Matthew [USA] 61 61 
Ishihara, Brett [USA]  
    Ishihara, Brett
Milic, Danilo [USA]  
    Grasel, Christoph
Grasel, Christoph [BRA] 61 60 
Chung, Jeremy [USA]  
    Brown, Harrison
Brown, Harrison [AUS] 62 64 
Pereira, Bryce [USA]  
    Pereira, Bryce
Iwahiro, Mitchell K. [USA] 36 76(4) 61 
Mccormick, Tristan [USA]  
    Mccormick, Tristan
Singh, Vikash [IND]  
    Singh, Vikash
Moores, Kiev [USA] 63 62 
Lau, Quentin [HKG]  
    Vardanyan, Karapet
Vardanyan, Karapet [USA] 62 60 
Nguyen, Danny [USA]  
    Nguyen, Danny
Girao, Gustavo [BRA] 60 62 
Young-Smith, Ethan [USA]  
    Young-Smith, Ethan
Cheng, Po Hung [TPE]  
    Cheng, Victor
Cheng, Victor [USA] 63 61 
Perera, Kento [USA]  
    La Plante, Jack
La Plante, Jack [USA] 64 76(4) 
M. Moraes, Bernardo Rocha De [BRA]  
    Shumway, Reid
Shumway, Reid [USA] 60 63 
Harris, Daunte [USA]  
    Harris, Daunte
Gajardo, Benjamin [USA] 60 62 
Mcguire, Michael [USA]  
    Mcguire, Michael
Abbott, Kent [USA] 61 60 
Star, Jonathan R. [USA]  
    Vincent, Garret
Vincent, Garret [USA] 26 60 30 Ret'd 
Yepez, Juan Jo [ECU]  
    Thornes, Allen
Thornes, Allen [USA] 61 64 
Kumar, Omni [USA]  
    Reyes, Andres
Reyes, Andres [MEX] 62 61 
Levine, Christopher [USA]  
    Freestone, Brandon
Freestone, Brandon [USA] 63 60 
Mashhadi, Andrew [USA]  
    Mashhadi, Andrew
Saleh, Andre [USA] 64 62 
Lasoya, Henry [USA]  
    Lasoya, Henry
Li, Michael [USA] 62 61 
Nuno, Ryan [USA]  
    Lam, Brandon
Lam, Brandon [USA] 61 63 
Di Giulio, Austin [USA]  
    Tsolakyan, Matthew
Tsolakyan, Matthew [USA] 61 63 
Ishihara, Brett [USA]  
    Grasel, Christoph
Grasel, Christoph [BRA] 60 62 
Brown, Harrison [AUS]  
    Pereira, Bryce
Pereira, Bryce [USA] 61 61 
Mccormick, Tristan [USA]  
    Singh, Vikash
Singh, Vikash [IND] 62 62 
Vardanyan, Karapet [USA]  
    Vardanyan, Karapet
Nguyen, Danny [USA] 61 62 
Young-Smith, Ethan [USA]  
    Young-Smith, Ethan
Cheng, Victor [USA] 64 64 
La Plante, Jack [USA]  
    La Plante, Jack
Shumway, Reid [USA] 75 61 
Harris, Daunte [USA]  
    Harris, Daunte
Mcguire, Michael [USA] 62 62 
Vincent, Garret [USA]  
    Vincent, Garret
Thornes, Allen [USA] 60 60 
Reyes, Andres [MEX]  
    Freestone, Brandon
Freestone, Brandon [USA] 62 64 
Mashhadi, Andrew [USA]  
    Lasoya, Henry
Lasoya, Henry [USA] 64 75 
Lam, Brandon [USA]  
    Lam, Brandon
Tsolakyan, Matthew [USA] 36 64 63 
Grasel, Christoph [BRA]  
    Grasel, Christoph
Pereira, Bryce [USA] 62 64 
Singh, Vikash [IND]  
    Singh, Vikash
Vardanyan, Karapet [USA] 62 62 
Young-Smith, Ethan [USA]  
    Young-Smith, Ethan
La Plante, Jack [USA] 61 60 
Harris, Daunte [USA]  
Vincent, Garret [USA]   
Freestone, Brandon [USA]  
Lasoya, Henry [USA]   
Lam, Brandon [USA]  
Grasel, Christoph [BRA]   
Singh, Vikash [IND]  
Young-Smith, Ethan [USA]   
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