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J4 Itajai \ Copa Santa Catarina, 2015, J60 Boys

Itamirim Clube Campo

Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1] [BRA]  
    Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1]
Vallejo, Joaquin [PAR]  
    Gimenez, Igor
Gimenez, Igor [BRA] 75 61 
Figueiredo Abreu, Bernardo (SE) [BRA]  
    Figueiredo Balestero, Gabriel
Figueiredo Balestero, Gabriel [BRA] 46 62 60 
    Jalif, Juan Martin[14]
Jalif, Juan Martin[14] [ARG]   
Wagner, Rafael[9] [BRA]  
    Wagner, Rafael[9]
Ribeiro, Eduardo (WC) [BRA]  
    Oliveira, Christian
Oliveira, Christian [BRA] 76(3) 62 
Souza Plentz, Breno [BRA]  
    Finkelstein, Diego
Finkelstein, Diego [BRA] 61 64 
    Ponce, Camilo[5]
Ponce, Camilo[5] [ECU]   
Scarpelli, Guilherme[4] [BRA]  
    Scarpelli, Guilherme[4]
Pruner Neto, Antonio (Q) [BRA]  
    Cruz, Lucas (Q)
Cruz, Lucas (Q) [BRA] 63 76(3) 
Tersigni Alvarez, Hector Enrique [BRA]  
    Tersigni Alvarez, Hector Enrique
Feijao Nogueira, Vinicius (WC) [BRA] 61 Ret'd 
    Otegui, Juan Bautista[16]
Otegui, Juan Bautista[16] [ARG]   
Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[12] [BRA]  
    Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[12]
Santos, Luiz Eduardo [BRA]  
    Santos, Luiz Eduardo
Lobo Colicchio Ferreira, Armando Augusto (SE) [BRA] 62 62 
Lucchesi Borges, Breno [BRA]  
    Takeda Baptista, Lucca (Q)
Takeda Baptista, Lucca (Q) [BRA] 63 64 
    Vittar, Francisco[8]
Vittar, Francisco[8] [ARG]   
Soto, Matias[6] [CHI]  
    Soto, Matias[6]
Santos, Gabriel (WC) [BRA]  
    Machado E Bernardes, Fernando (WC)
Machado E Bernardes, Fernando (WC) [BRA] 62 63 
Amaral Neves, Bernardo [BRA]  
    Amaral Neves, Bernardo
Farji, Ariel [ARG] 64 75 
    Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[11]
Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[11] [BRA]   
Costa Neto, Francisco[13] [BRA]  
    Costa Neto, Francisco[13]
Escurra Isnardi, Hernando Jose (Q) [PAR]  
    Klier Junior, Gilbert (Q)
Klier Junior, Gilbert (Q) [BRA] 61 62 
Anunciacao, Victor Hugo Zanardi [BRA]  
    Zabot Pasini, Giovani (WC)
Zabot Pasini, Giovani (WC) [BRA] 60 63 
    Bacella, Nicolas[3]
Bacella, Nicolas[3] [ARG]   
Barbosa De Menezes, Leonardo[7] [BRA]  
    Barbosa De Menezes, Leonardo[7]
Silva, Vinicius [BRA]  
    Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA] 62 63 
De Alencar, Manoel Felipe [BRA]  
    De Freitas Coco, Guilherme (WC)
De Freitas Coco, Guilherme (WC) [BRA] 76(4) 62 
    Ribero, Franco[10]
Ribero, Franco[10] [ARG]   
Baez, Sebastian[15] [ARG]  
    Baez, Sebastian[15]
Sao Thiago, Igor [BRA]  
    Sao Thiago, Igor
Nery, Gabriel [BRA] 76(4) 76(3) 
Bartra Quispe, Jorge Adair [PER]  
    Goncalves Ceolin, Joao Vitor (Q)
Goncalves Ceolin, Joao Vitor (Q) [BRA] 63 16 61 
    Koelle, Lucas[2]
Koelle, Lucas[2] [BRA]   
Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1] [BRA]  
    Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1]
Gimenez, Igor [BRA] 62 46 63 
Figueiredo Balestero, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Jalif, Juan Martin[14]
Jalif, Juan Martin[14] [ARG] 60 60 
Wagner, Rafael[9] [BRA]  
    Wagner, Rafael[9]
Oliveira, Christian [BRA] 61 16 63 
Finkelstein, Diego [BRA]  
    Ponce, Camilo[5]
Ponce, Camilo[5] [ECU] 60 63 
Scarpelli, Guilherme[4] [BRA]  
    Cruz, Lucas (Q)
Cruz, Lucas (Q) [BRA] 64 64 
Tersigni Alvarez, Hector Enrique [BRA]  
    Otegui, Juan Bautista[16]
Otegui, Juan Bautista[16] [ARG] 26 61 61 
Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[12] [BRA]  
    Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[12]
Santos, Luiz Eduardo [BRA] 57 60 76(5) 
Takeda Baptista, Lucca (Q) [BRA]  
    Vittar, Francisco[8]
Vittar, Francisco[8] [ARG] 62 36 64 
Soto, Matias[6] [CHI]  
    Soto, Matias[6]
Machado E Bernardes, Fernando (WC) [BRA] 62 64 
Amaral Neves, Bernardo [BRA]  
    Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[11]
Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[11] [BRA] 26 76(5) 60 
Costa Neto, Francisco[13] [BRA]  
    Klier Junior, Gilbert (Q)
Klier Junior, Gilbert (Q) [BRA] 62 36 63 
Zabot Pasini, Giovani (WC) [BRA]  
    Bacella, Nicolas[3]
Bacella, Nicolas[3] [ARG] 61 61 
Barbosa De Menezes, Leonardo[7] [BRA]  
    Barbosa De Menezes, Leonardo[7]
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA] 64 64 
De Freitas Coco, Guilherme (WC) [BRA]  
    De Freitas Coco, Guilherme (WC)
Ribero, Franco[10] [ARG] 75 64 
Baez, Sebastian[15] [ARG]  
    Baez, Sebastian[15]
Sao Thiago, Igor [BRA] 60 61 
Goncalves Ceolin, Joao Vitor (Q) [BRA]  
    Koelle, Lucas[2]
Koelle, Lucas[2] [BRA] 63 64 
Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1] [BRA]  
    Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1]
Jalif, Juan Martin[14] [ARG] 75 75 
Wagner, Rafael[9] [BRA]  
    Wagner, Rafael[9]
Ponce, Camilo[5] [ECU] 60 62 
Cruz, Lucas (Q) [BRA]  
    Otegui, Juan Bautista[16]
Otegui, Juan Bautista[16] [ARG] 64 64 
Boscardin Dias, Gabriel[12] [BRA]  
    Vittar, Francisco[8]
Vittar, Francisco[8] [ARG] 64 61 
Soto, Matias[6] [CHI]  
    Soto, Matias[6]
Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[11] [BRA] 62 57 63 
Klier Junior, Gilbert (Q) [BRA]  
    Bacella, Nicolas[3]
Bacella, Nicolas[3] [ARG] 63 62 
Barbosa De Menezes, Leonardo[7] [BRA]  
    De Freitas Coco, Guilherme (WC)
De Freitas Coco, Guilherme (WC) [BRA] 75 62 
Baez, Sebastian[15] [ARG]  
    Koelle, Lucas[2]
Koelle, Lucas[2] [BRA] 67(4) 76(9) 64 
Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1] [BRA]  
    Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1]
Wagner, Rafael[9] [BRA] 64 36 62 
Otegui, Juan Bautista[16] [ARG]  
    Otegui, Juan Bautista[16]
Vittar, Francisco[8] [ARG] 76(3) 36 64 
Soto, Matias[6] [CHI]  
    Soto, Matias[6]
Bacella, Nicolas[3] [ARG] 64 62 
De Freitas Coco, Guilherme (WC) [BRA]  
    Koelle, Lucas[2]
Koelle, Lucas[2] [BRA] 62 64 
Meligeni Alves, Felipe[1] [BRA]  
    Otegui, Juan Bautista[16]
Otegui, Juan Bautista[16] [ARG] 61 16 64 
Soto, Matias[6] [CHI]  
    Koelle, Lucas[2]
Koelle, Lucas[2] [BRA] 63 61 
Otegui, Juan Bautista[16] [ARG]  
    Koelle, Lucas[2]
Koelle, Lucas[2] [BRA] 64 36 62 
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