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Tournament Rounds

J1 Sarawak \ Chief Ministers Cup ITF Malaysian International I, 2015, J100 Boys

Sarawak Lawn Tennis Association Centre

Kesaris, Damon[1] [RSA]  
    Kesaris, Damon[1]
Borhan Janang, Rohizat Achop [MAS]  
    Kristensen, Patrick
Kristensen, Patrick [DEN] 61 61 
Azman, Azrul Ekhsan [MAS]  
    Koistila Larsson, Kenzo (WC)
Koistila Larsson, Kenzo (WC) [SWE] 62 06 62 
    Mu, Tao[13]
Mu, Tao[13] [CHN]   
Sae-Oui, Suphawit[10] [THA]  
    Sae-Oui, Suphawit[10]
Wong, Tin Long Hugo [HKG]  
    Mohd Safian, Muhamad Asyraff (Q)
Mohd Safian, Muhamad Asyraff (Q) [MAS] 60 64 
Mekhtiev, Akshin [RUS]  
    Mekhtiev, Akshin
Ganesan, Yugantaarshwar (Q) [MAS] 60 46 63 
    Gray, Alastair[6]
Gray, Alastair[6] [GBR]   
Holmgren, August[3] [DEN]  
    Holmgren, August[3]
Holm, Valdemar [SWE]  
    Holm, Valdemar
Teng, Alvin Wee Jie [MAS] 64 64 
Sadler, Lee [CAN]  
    Koay, Hao Ci (WC)
Koay, Hao Ci (WC) [MAS] 63 62 
    Linge, Christian[16]
Linge, Christian[16] [NOR]   
Kerdlaphee, Phongsapak[9] [THA]  
    Kerdlaphee, Phongsapak[9]
Doyle, Aiman (WC) [MAS]  
    Han, Seon Yong
Han, Seon Yong [KOR] 60 60 
Lee, Ryan (Q) [MAS]  
    Lindqvist Nilsson, William (WC)
Lindqvist Nilsson, William (WC) [SWE] 63 75 
    Tang, Anthony Jackie[8]
Tang, Anthony Jackie[8] [HKG]   
Bass, Finn[5] [GBR]  
    Bass, Finn[5]
Rankloo Rasmusson, Zacharias [SWE]  
    Low, Zhe Han
Low, Zhe Han [MAS] 61 63 
Irzad Shazurin Sulaini, Mohamad (LL) [MAS]  
    Jeong, Yeong-Seok
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR] 60 60 
    Alam, Shaheed[12]
Alam, Shaheed[12] [SGP]   
Roberts, Charles[14] [THA]  
    Roberts, Charles[14]
Mohd Adam Das, Shamirul Shahril (Q) [MAS]  
    Mohd Adam Das, Shamirul Shahril (Q)
Antony Prabhakar, Arnold Inigo (Q) [IND] 62 61 
Shikh Ahmad Alias, Sheikh Ameer Abdullah [MAS]  
    Johnsson, Oskar
Johnsson, Oskar [SWE] 63 57 62 
    Wong, Hong Kit[4]
Wong, Hong Kit[4] [HKG]   
Kerdlapee, Kittirat[7] [THA]  
    Kerdlapee, Kittirat[7]
Choo, Alika Kah Poh [MAS]  
    Retallick, Liu Hui (WC)
Retallick, Liu Hui (WC) [GBR] 60 61 
Reddiyar, Sri Aakash [MAS]  
    Reddiyar, Sri Aakash
Ho, Denton [HKG] 64 63 
    Atlevi, Henrik[11]
Atlevi, Henrik[11] [SWE]   
Hjorth, Philip[15] [DEN]  
    Hjorth, Philip[15]
Badenhorst, Hubert [RSA]  
    Badenhorst, Hubert
Chin, Christian Didier [MAS] 75 64 
Lindberget, Tobias [SWE]  
    Lindberget, Tobias
Hamdan, Muhammad Aiman (WC) [MAS] 61 60 
    Lyu, Chengze[2]
Lyu, Chengze[2] [CHN]   
Kesaris, Damon[1] [RSA]  
    Kesaris, Damon[1]
Kristensen, Patrick [DEN] 62 62 
Koistila Larsson, Kenzo (WC) [SWE]  
    Mu, Tao[13]
Mu, Tao[13] [CHN] 61 60 
Sae-Oui, Suphawit[10] [THA]  
    Sae-Oui, Suphawit[10]
Mohd Safian, Muhamad Asyraff (Q) [MAS] 64 62 
Mekhtiev, Akshin [RUS]  
    Gray, Alastair[6]
Gray, Alastair[6] [GBR] 60 60 
Holmgren, August[3] [DEN]  
    Holmgren, August[3]
Holm, Valdemar [SWE] 63 64 
Koay, Hao Ci (WC) [MAS]  
    Koay, Hao Ci (WC)
Linge, Christian[16] [NOR] 61 62 
Kerdlaphee, Phongsapak[9] [THA]  
    Han, Seon Yong
Han, Seon Yong [KOR] 61 63 
Lindqvist Nilsson, William (WC) [SWE]  
    Tang, Anthony Jackie[8]
Tang, Anthony Jackie[8] [HKG] 61 62 
Bass, Finn[5] [GBR]  
    Bass, Finn[5]
Low, Zhe Han [MAS] 62 62 
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR]  
    Jeong, Yeong-Seok
Alam, Shaheed[12] [SGP] 61 62 
Roberts, Charles[14] [THA]  
    Roberts, Charles[14]
Mohd Adam Das, Shamirul Shahril (Q) [MAS] 76(6) 61 
Johnsson, Oskar [SWE]  
    Wong, Hong Kit[4]
Wong, Hong Kit[4] [HKG] 76(4) 63 
Kerdlapee, Kittirat[7] [THA]  
    Kerdlapee, Kittirat[7]
Retallick, Liu Hui (WC) [GBR] 61 62 
Reddiyar, Sri Aakash [MAS]  
    Reddiyar, Sri Aakash
Atlevi, Henrik[11] [SWE] 26 76(5) 63 
Hjorth, Philip[15] [DEN]  
    Hjorth, Philip[15]
Badenhorst, Hubert [RSA] 64 61 
Lindberget, Tobias [SWE]  
    Lyu, Chengze[2]
Lyu, Chengze[2] [CHN] 46 64 62 
Kesaris, Damon[1] [RSA]  
    Mu, Tao[13]
Mu, Tao[13] [CHN] 62 64 
Sae-Oui, Suphawit[10] [THA]  
    Gray, Alastair[6]
Gray, Alastair[6] [GBR] 61 63 
Holmgren, August[3] [DEN]  
    Holmgren, August[3]
Koay, Hao Ci (WC) [MAS] 63 60 
Han, Seon Yong [KOR]  
    Tang, Anthony Jackie[8]
Tang, Anthony Jackie[8] [HKG] 62 61 
Bass, Finn[5] [GBR]  
    Jeong, Yeong-Seok
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR] 64 62 
Roberts, Charles[14] [THA]  
    Wong, Hong Kit[4]
Wong, Hong Kit[4] [HKG] 63 60 
Kerdlapee, Kittirat[7] [THA]  
    Kerdlapee, Kittirat[7]
Reddiyar, Sri Aakash [MAS] 64 36 61 
Hjorth, Philip[15] [DEN]  
    Hjorth, Philip[15]
Lyu, Chengze[2] [CHN] 75 61 
Mu, Tao[13] [CHN]  
    Gray, Alastair[6]
Gray, Alastair[6] [GBR] 36 75 61 
Holmgren, August[3] [DEN]  
    Tang, Anthony Jackie[8]
Tang, Anthony Jackie[8] [HKG] 46 63 61 
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR]  
    Jeong, Yeong-Seok
Wong, Hong Kit[4] [HKG] 63 60 
Kerdlapee, Kittirat[7] [THA]  
    Hjorth, Philip[15]
Hjorth, Philip[15] [DEN] 75 63 
Gray, Alastair[6] [GBR]  
    Tang, Anthony Jackie[8]
Tang, Anthony Jackie[8] [HKG] 46 60 76(5) 
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR]  
    Jeong, Yeong-Seok
Hjorth, Philip[15] [DEN] 63 64 
Tang, Anthony Jackie[8] [HKG]  
    Tang, Anthony Jackie[8]
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR] 64 62 
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