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Tournament Rounds

$10,000 Austin, TX [Q], 2015, W10

Polo Tennis & Fitness Club

Wasserson, Jane [USA]  
    Facey, Alexandra
Facey, Alexandra [USA] 62 61 
Landmann, Margo (WC) [RSA]  
    Coppoc, Morgan
Coppoc, Morgan [USA] 76(4) 60 
Czarniak Rego, Samantha [BRA]  
    Mackey, Ashley
Mackey, Ashley [USA] 64 62 
Wicker, Kennedy [USA]  
    Foster, Ryann
Foster, Ryann [USA] 60 62 
Kiro, Lynn [RSA]  
    Kiro, Lynn
Winton, Haley M. [USA] 60 62 
Butler, Crystel [USA]  
    Holton, Iesha N.
Holton, Iesha N. [USA] 64 61 
Newborn, Rhiann [USA]  
    Boone, Jerricka
Boone, Jerricka [USA] 62 60 
Wacnik, Jessica [USA]  
    Wacnik, Jessica
Nowland, Janie L. [USA] 61 61 
Gruber, Taylor [USA]  
    Gruber, Taylor
Okuda, Akiko [USA] 64 64 
Pierson, Rachel May [USA]  
    Pierson, Rachel May
Guilarte, Gabriela [VEN] 75 67(5) 62 
Zhu, Ashley Zi Yin [CAN]  
    Dewar, Tristen Z.
Dewar, Tristen Z. [USA] 63 63 
Micevski, Natasha [AUS]  
    Micevski, Natasha
Mcdonald, Christiana [USA] 64 64 
Altick, Frances [USA]  
    Altick, Frances
Ouellet-Pizer, Chloe Michele [USA] 62 61 
Kwong, Louise [CAN]  
    Kwong, Louise
Kirihata, Waka [JPN] 75 75 
Luk, Stephanie [USA]  
    Fahey, Katharine
Fahey, Katharine [USA] 61 60 
Karaklis, Nicole [USA]  
    Kadzhaya, Sofiko
Kadzhaya, Sofiko [UKR] 61 63 
Champion, Alexandra [USA]  
    Champion, Alexandra
Stadfelt, Sarah [USA] 62 64 
Hitt, Morocco [USA]  
    Kopinski, Melissa
Kopinski, Melissa [USA] 61 60 
Davis, Dewonder [USA]  
    Pathumanun Hearn, Kirstie
Pathumanun Hearn, Kirstie [THA] 61 62 
Janssen, Rachel [USA]  
    Janssen, Rachel
Roland, Taylor [USA] 60 60 
Thoma, Alexis M. [USA]  
    Thoma, Alexis M.
Johns, Charity [USA] 61 60 
Fieldsend, Liza [USA]  
    Fieldsend, Liza
Graves, Zina A. (WC) [USA] 76(4) 61 
Closs, Mary [USA]  
    Closs, Mary
Stephens, Erin Carol [USA] 62 60 
Pollner, Gabriella [USA]  
    Dvorak, Sarah
Dvorak, Sarah [USA] 46 63 62 
Vlakic, Ivana [AUS]  
    Stokes, Katelyn B.
Stokes, Katelyn B. [USA] 63 60 
Facey, Kat N. [USA]  
    Facey, Kat N.
Chong, Rachel [USA] 64 16 63 
Bortles, Alexa [USA]  
    Aubuchon, Micheline
Aubuchon, Micheline [USA] 64 16 63 
Westby, Madison [USA]  
    Westby, Madison
Robinson, Jada [USA] 61 62 
Chatt, Alexandria [USA]  
    Chatt, Alexandria
Amen, Idia [USA] 60 62 
Hine, Kelli [USA]  
    Noi, Yukako (WC)
Noi, Yukako (WC) [JPN] 62 62 
Vias, Ines Karmen [USA]  
    Vias, Ines Karmen
Ottsen, Emily [USA] 60 60 
Maltby, Felicity [USA]  
    Smith, Gabrielle
Smith, Gabrielle [USA] 57 62 64 
Facey, Alexandra [USA]  
    Coppoc, Morgan
Coppoc, Morgan [USA] 60 63 
Mackey, Ashley [USA]  
    Foster, Ryann
Foster, Ryann [USA] 61 61 
Kiro, Lynn [RSA]  
    Kiro, Lynn
Holton, Iesha N. [USA] 60 61 
Boone, Jerricka [USA]  
    Boone, Jerricka
Wacnik, Jessica [USA] 63 57 62 
Gruber, Taylor [USA]  
    Pierson, Rachel May
Pierson, Rachel May [USA] 61 62 
Dewar, Tristen Z. [USA]  
    Dewar, Tristen Z.
Micevski, Natasha [AUS] 60 60 
Altick, Frances [USA]  
    Altick, Frances
Kwong, Louise [CAN] 64 16 61 
Fahey, Katharine [USA]  
    Fahey, Katharine
Kadzhaya, Sofiko [UKR] 75 64 
Champion, Alexandra [USA]  
    Kopinski, Melissa
Kopinski, Melissa [USA] 64 62 
Pathumanun Hearn, Kirstie [THA]  
    Janssen, Rachel
Janssen, Rachel [USA] 62 61 
Thoma, Alexis M. [USA]  
    Fieldsend, Liza
Fieldsend, Liza [USA] 57 64 76(3) 
Closs, Mary [USA]  
    Closs, Mary
Dvorak, Sarah [USA] 75 63 
Stokes, Katelyn B. [USA]  
    Stokes, Katelyn B.
Facey, Kat N. [USA] 64 64 
Aubuchon, Micheline [USA]  
    Westby, Madison
Westby, Madison [USA] 60 16 64 
Chatt, Alexandria [USA]  
    Noi, Yukako (WC)
Noi, Yukako (WC) [JPN] 63 64 
Vias, Ines Karmen [USA]  
    Smith, Gabrielle
Smith, Gabrielle [USA] 62 62 
Coppoc, Morgan [USA]  
    Coppoc, Morgan
Foster, Ryann [USA] 75 61 
Kiro, Lynn [RSA]  
    Boone, Jerricka
Boone, Jerricka [USA] 26 63 76(4) 
Pierson, Rachel May [USA]  
    Pierson, Rachel May
Dewar, Tristen Z. [USA] 64 61 
Altick, Frances [USA]  
    Altick, Frances
Fahey, Katharine [USA] w/o 
Kopinski, Melissa [USA]  
    Kopinski, Melissa
Janssen, Rachel [USA] 63 60 
Fieldsend, Liza [USA]  
    Closs, Mary
Closs, Mary [USA] 64 63 
Stokes, Katelyn B. [USA]  
    Stokes, Katelyn B.
Westby, Madison [USA] 75 60 
Noi, Yukako (WC) [JPN]  
    Noi, Yukako (WC)
Smith, Gabrielle [USA] 63 64 
Coppoc, Morgan [USA]  
Boone, Jerricka [USA]   
Pierson, Rachel May [USA]  
Altick, Frances [USA]   
Kopinski, Melissa [USA]  
Closs, Mary [USA]   
Stokes, Katelyn B. [USA]  
Noi, Yukako (WC) [JPN]   
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