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Tournament Rounds

Abierto Juvenil Mexicano, 2015, J500 Boys

Club Deportivo Chapultepec

Valkusz, Mate[1] [HUN]  
    Valkusz, Mate[1]
Etcheverry, Tomas Martin [ARG] 67(7) 62 64 
Benchetrit, Elliot [MAR]  
    Benchetrit, Elliot
Loeb, Robert (Q) [USA] 64 64 
Flores, Luis (Q) [MEX]  
    Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel [BOL] 62 64 
Arcila, Sebastian [PUR]  
    Arcila, Sebastian
Aleshchev, Alexey[14] [RUS] 64 46 75 
Sigouin, Benjamin[12] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[12]
Martinez, Mirko [SUI] 63 61 
Clark, Ezekiel [USA]  
    Clark, Ezekiel
Alcantara Rangel, Orlando (WC) [MEX] 64 61 
Meligeni Alves, Felipe [BRA]  
    Ugo Carabelli, Camilo (Q)
Ugo Carabelli, Camilo (Q) [ARG] 61 75 
Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo [MEX]  
    Clarke, Jay[6]
Clarke, Jay[6] [GBR] 62 61 
Karimov, Jurabek[4] [UZB]  
    Karimov, Jurabek[4]
Ortiz Tovar, Edson David (WC) [MEX] 62 75 
Mbithi, Mwendwa [USA]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto [ARG] 64 64 
Decamps, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Decamps, Gabriel
Andrade, Andres [ECU] 76(2) 75 
Kam, Arturo (WC) [MEX]  
    Popyrin, Alexei[16]
Popyrin, Alexei[16] [AUS] 61 62 
Blancaneaux, Geoffrey[10] [FRA]  
    Blancaneaux, Geoffrey[10]
Perrone, Nathan [USA] 26 63 64 
Hernandez, Alex (WC) [MEX]  
    Hernandez, Alex (WC)
Donski, Alexander (Q) [BUL] 46 75 76(4) 
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin [COL]  
    Ruehl, Tim
Ruehl, Tim [GER] 62 63 
Kotorman, Akos [HUN]  
    Blanch Medina, Ulises[8]
Blanch Medina, Ulises[8] [ARG] 64 76(4) 
Humbert, Ugo[7] [FRA]  
    Kirkin, Ergi
Kirkin, Ergi [TUR] 57 63 63 
Lah, Sven [SLO]  
    Molleker, Rudolf
Molleker, Rudolf [GER] 64 64 
Caratini, Valentino Raul [ARG]  
    Caratini, Valentino Raul
Fenty, Andrew (Q) [USA] 61 60 
Morfin Friebel, Luis Eduardo [MEX]  
    Morfin Friebel, Luis Eduardo
Klok, Denis[9] [RUS] 63 64 
Hossam, Youssef[13] [EGY]  
    Hossam, Youssef[13]
Mejia, Nicolas (Q) [COL] 75 64 
Galarneau, Alexis [CAN]  
    Galarneau, Alexis
Vargas, Francisco (WC) [MEX] 63 64 
Vale, Duarte [POR]  
    Vale, Duarte
Bryde, Trent [USA] 64 36 64 
Ramirez Lascurain, Fernando (WC) [MEX]  
    Lim, Alberto[3]
Lim, Alberto[3] [PHI] 75 63 
Kecmanovic, Miomir[5] [SRB]  
    Kecmanovic, Miomir[5]
Legall, Jason (Q) [USA] 64 62 
Suarez Rivas, Jesus Santiago (WC) [MEX]  
    Storrie, Ryan James
Storrie, Ryan James [GBR] 64 63 
Piros, Zsombor [HUN]  
    Piros, Zsombor
Van Emburgh, Jake [USA] 62 61 
Van Slyke, Jack W [CAN]  
    Van Slyke, Jack W
Wessels, Louis[11] [GER] 61 75 
Lin, Jack Mingjie[15] [CAN]  
    Lin, Jack Mingjie[15]
Chakravarthi, Caleb (Q) [USA] 62 62 
Koelle, Lucas [BRA]  
    Koelle, Lucas
Andres, Jose Pablo (WC) [MEX] 61 64 
Holmgren, August [DEN]  
    Holmgren, August
Paz, Eduardo [BOL] 63 36 61 
Oliel, Yshai [ISR]  
    Oliel, Yshai
Pena Lopez, Manuel[2] [ARG] 76(4) 63 
Valkusz, Mate[1] [HUN]  
    Valkusz, Mate[1]
Benchetrit, Elliot [MAR] 63 63 
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel [BOL]  
    Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel
Arcila, Sebastian [PUR] 62 57 61 
Sigouin, Benjamin[12] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[12]
Clark, Ezekiel [USA] 64 62 
Ugo Carabelli, Camilo (Q) [ARG]  
    Clarke, Jay[6]
Clarke, Jay[6] [GBR] 62 67(5) 76(2) 
Karimov, Jurabek[4] [UZB]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto [ARG] 61 36 75 
Decamps, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Decamps, Gabriel
Popyrin, Alexei[16] [AUS] 76(7) 60 
Blancaneaux, Geoffrey[10] [FRA]  
    Blancaneaux, Geoffrey[10]
Hernandez, Alex (WC) [MEX] 76(1) 63 
Ruehl, Tim [GER]  
    Blanch Medina, Ulises[8]
Blanch Medina, Ulises[8] [ARG] 76(3) 60 
Kirkin, Ergi [TUR]  
    Kirkin, Ergi
Molleker, Rudolf [GER] 62 36 62 
Caratini, Valentino Raul [ARG]  
    Caratini, Valentino Raul
Morfin Friebel, Luis Eduardo [MEX] 64 64 
Hossam, Youssef[13] [EGY]  
    Hossam, Youssef[13]
Galarneau, Alexis [CAN] 76(2) 63 
Vale, Duarte [POR]  
    Vale, Duarte
Lim, Alberto[3] [PHI] 46 63 76(5) 
Kecmanovic, Miomir[5] [SRB]  
    Kecmanovic, Miomir[5]
Storrie, Ryan James [GBR] 63 75 
Piros, Zsombor [HUN]  
    Piros, Zsombor
Van Slyke, Jack W [CAN] 76(2) 75 
Lin, Jack Mingjie[15] [CAN]  
    Koelle, Lucas
Koelle, Lucas [BRA] 62 62 
Holmgren, August [DEN]  
    Oliel, Yshai
Oliel, Yshai [ISR] 63 64 
Valkusz, Mate[1] [HUN]  
    Valkusz, Mate[1]
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel [BOL] 61 63 
Sigouin, Benjamin[12] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[12]
Clarke, Jay[6] [GBR] 36 61 63 
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto [ARG]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto
Decamps, Gabriel [BRA] 76(7) 76(5) 
Blancaneaux, Geoffrey[10] [FRA]  
    Blanch Medina, Ulises[8]
Blanch Medina, Ulises[8] [ARG] 63 63 
Kirkin, Ergi [TUR]  
    Caratini, Valentino Raul
Caratini, Valentino Raul [ARG] 76(2) 16 61 
Hossam, Youssef[13] [EGY]  
    Hossam, Youssef[13]
Vale, Duarte [POR] 67(4) 63 62 
Kecmanovic, Miomir[5] [SRB]  
    Piros, Zsombor
Piros, Zsombor [HUN] 75 57 63 
Koelle, Lucas [BRA]  
    Koelle, Lucas
Oliel, Yshai [ISR] 63 75 
Valkusz, Mate[1] [HUN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[12]
Sigouin, Benjamin[12] [CAN] 36 61 62 
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto [ARG]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto
Blanch Medina, Ulises[8] [ARG] 26 63 64 
Caratini, Valentino Raul [ARG]  
    Hossam, Youssef[13]
Hossam, Youssef[13] [EGY] 46 76(5) 61 
Piros, Zsombor [HUN]  
    Piros, Zsombor
Koelle, Lucas [BRA] 61 Ret'd 
Sigouin, Benjamin[12] [CAN]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto [ARG] 64 63 
Hossam, Youssef[13] [EGY]  
    Hossam, Youssef[13]
Piros, Zsombor [HUN] 64 63 
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto [ARG]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto
Hossam, Youssef[13] [EGY] 63 64 
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