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Tournament Rounds

Gogo Open, 2015, J30 Boys

Anexo Guayaquil Tenis Club

Macias Torres, Carlos Alejandro[1] [ECU]  
    Macias Torres, Carlos Alejandro[1]
Avendano Suarez Jhoan, Stefano [ECU]  
    Avendano Suarez Jhoan, Stefano
Paredes, Juan Manuel (Q) [COL] 64 64 
Wurth Mac-Leay, Karl William [CHI]  
    Wurth Mac-Leay, Karl William
Cevallos Mieles, Luis Geovanny [ECU] 61 64 
    Bianco, Natan[14]
Bianco, Natan[14] [ARG]   
Savelev, Daniil[11] [RUS]  
    Savelev, Daniil[11]
Montufar, Santiago Jose [ECU]  
    Montufar, Santiago Jose
Bagon, Tommaso (LL) [ITA] 62 63 
Rojas Mora, Jorge Luis (WC) [ECU]  
    Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q)
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q) [BRA] 60 61 
    Pena Silva, Alejandro[8]
Pena Silva, Alejandro[8] [COL]   
Baca Guzman, Julian Nicolas[4] [ECU]  
    Baca Guzman, Julian Nicolas[4]
Borrero Ruiz, Daniel [COL]  
    Borrero Ruiz, Daniel
Rodriguez Rojas, Israel David [ECU] 64 64 
Palacio Rivero, Nicolas (WC) [ECU]  
    Palacio Rivero, Nicolas (WC)
Rodriguez, Mikael (WC) [ECU] 63 63 
    Santos, Luiz Eduardo[16]
Santos, Luiz Eduardo[16] [BRA]   
Andrades, Vicente[12] [CHI]  
    Andrades, Vicente[12]
Viteri Garcia, Juan [ECU]  
    Uscocovich Amador, Gustavo
Uscocovich Amador, Gustavo [ECU] 63 64 
Saenz Delfini, Emilio (WC) [ECU]  
    Yoshio Hasegawa, Rodolfo (Q)
Yoshio Hasegawa, Rodolfo (Q) [BRA] 75 64 
    Sanchez, Juan Manuel[6]
Sanchez, Juan Manuel[6] [COL]   
Buitrago, Nicolas[5] [COL]  
    Buitrago, Nicolas[5]
Andreolli, Luiz Leonardo [BRA]  
    March, Cayetano (WC)
March, Cayetano (WC) [ECU] 61 63 
Bustos Prado, Juan Francisco [ECU]  
    Bustos Prado, Juan Francisco
Sadler, Lee [CAN] 62 64 
    Nunez Mendoza, Victor Hugo[10]
Nunez Mendoza, Victor Hugo[10] [ECU]   
Sazankov, Alexander[15] [RUS]  
    Sazankov, Alexander[15]
Pessoa, Bruno [BRA]  
    Pessoa, Bruno
Diaz Rodriguez, Nicolas [ECU] 61 61 
Yaguar Espinoza, Gabriel Andres (Q) [ECU]  
    Davis, George
Davis, George [GBR] 63 62 
    Macias Torres, Alfredo Daniel[3]
Macias Torres, Alfredo Daniel[3] [ECU]   
Gimenez, Igor[7] [BRA]  
    Gimenez, Igor[7]
Leon Massa, Nicolas [ECU]  
    Leon Garay, Diego
Leon Garay, Diego [CHI] 61 62 
Boyer, Tristan [USA]  
    Boyer, Tristan
Mendoza, Geovanny [ECU] 61 63 
    Bigott Galeano, Cristian Camilo[9]
Bigott Galeano, Cristian Camilo[9] [COL]   
Bustamante Duenas, Simon Alfredo[13] [ECU]  
    Bustamante Duenas, Simon Alfredo[13]
Uribe, Pedro (Q) [COL]  
    Riviere Padilha, Diego (Q)
Riviere Padilha, Diego (Q) [BRA] 60 61 
Izurieta, Carlo (WC) [ECU]  
    Izurieta, Carlo (WC)
Reyna, Rodrigo [MEX] 60 61 
    Pinos, Sebastian[2]
Pinos, Sebastian[2] [ECU]   
Macias Torres, Carlos Alejandro[1] [ECU]  
    Macias Torres, Carlos Alejandro[1]
Avendano Suarez Jhoan, Stefano [ECU] 76(4) 62 
Wurth Mac-Leay, Karl William [CHI]  
    Wurth Mac-Leay, Karl William
Bianco, Natan[14] [ARG] 64 46 64 
Savelev, Daniil[11] [RUS]  
    Montufar, Santiago Jose
Montufar, Santiago Jose [ECU] 62 63 
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q) [BRA]  
    Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q)
Pena Silva, Alejandro[8] [COL] 62 62 
Baca Guzman, Julian Nicolas[4] [ECU]  
    Borrero Ruiz, Daniel
Borrero Ruiz, Daniel [COL] 62 57 63 
Palacio Rivero, Nicolas (WC) [ECU]  
    Santos, Luiz Eduardo[16]
Santos, Luiz Eduardo[16] [BRA] 61 36 75 
Andrades, Vicente[12] [CHI]  
    Andrades, Vicente[12]
Uscocovich Amador, Gustavo [ECU] 63 60 
Yoshio Hasegawa, Rodolfo (Q) [BRA]  
    Sanchez, Juan Manuel[6]
Sanchez, Juan Manuel[6] [COL] 60 63 
Buitrago, Nicolas[5] [COL]  
    March, Cayetano (WC)
March, Cayetano (WC) [ECU] 64 36 62 
Bustos Prado, Juan Francisco [ECU]  
    Nunez Mendoza, Victor Hugo[10]
Nunez Mendoza, Victor Hugo[10] [ECU] 64 67(6) 61 
Sazankov, Alexander[15] [RUS]  
    Pessoa, Bruno
Pessoa, Bruno [BRA] 64 62 
Davis, George [GBR]  
    Davis, George
Macias Torres, Alfredo Daniel[3] [ECU] 76(3) 61 
Gimenez, Igor[7] [BRA]  
    Gimenez, Igor[7]
Leon Garay, Diego [CHI] 76(6) 76(3) 
Boyer, Tristan [USA]  
    Boyer, Tristan
Bigott Galeano, Cristian Camilo[9] [COL] 62 63 
Bustamante Duenas, Simon Alfredo[13] [ECU]  
    Riviere Padilha, Diego (Q)
Riviere Padilha, Diego (Q) [BRA] 46 64 63 
Izurieta, Carlo (WC) [ECU]  
    Pinos, Sebastian[2]
Pinos, Sebastian[2] [ECU] 62 62 
Macias Torres, Carlos Alejandro[1] [ECU]  
    Macias Torres, Carlos Alejandro[1]
Wurth Mac-Leay, Karl William [CHI] 62 75 
Montufar, Santiago Jose [ECU]  
    Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q)
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q) [BRA] 64 62 
Borrero Ruiz, Daniel [COL]  
    Borrero Ruiz, Daniel
Santos, Luiz Eduardo[16] [BRA] 63 75 
Andrades, Vicente[12] [CHI]  
    Andrades, Vicente[12]
Sanchez, Juan Manuel[6] [COL] 75 63 
March, Cayetano (WC) [ECU]  
    March, Cayetano (WC)
Nunez Mendoza, Victor Hugo[10] [ECU] 64 64 
Pessoa, Bruno [BRA]  
    Pessoa, Bruno
Davis, George [GBR] 16 63 76(4) 
Gimenez, Igor[7] [BRA]  
    Boyer, Tristan
Boyer, Tristan [USA] 63 75 
Riviere Padilha, Diego (Q) [BRA]  
    Pinos, Sebastian[2]
Pinos, Sebastian[2] [ECU] 61 46 63 
Macias Torres, Carlos Alejandro[1] [ECU]  
    Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q)
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q) [BRA] 61 60 
Borrero Ruiz, Daniel [COL]  
    Andrades, Vicente[12]
Andrades, Vicente[12] [CHI] 36 60 61 
March, Cayetano (WC) [ECU]  
    March, Cayetano (WC)
Pessoa, Bruno [BRA] 64 60 
Boyer, Tristan [USA]  
    Boyer, Tristan
Pinos, Sebastian[2] [ECU] 63 62 
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q) [BRA]  
    Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q)
Andrades, Vicente[12] [CHI] 64 46 64 
March, Cayetano (WC) [ECU]  
    March, Cayetano (WC)
Boyer, Tristan [USA] 64 75 
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q) [BRA]  
    Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (Q)
March, Cayetano (WC) [ECU] 75 61 
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